WEEKLY FORECAST ~ JULY 22 – 28, 2018

     ~ Desiderata

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All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.

START NOTHING:   2:18 am to 3:12 am Sun., 1:22 am to 2:49 pm Tues., and 6:41 am Thurs. to 3:41 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS:  Mercury turns retrograde this Wed., July 25, until the night of August 18. None of us should buy anything important nor start new ventures or relationships until this retrograde ends. Regarding spending, It isn’t that lemons abound, but that you’ll unconsciously be drawn to them. So buy only routine items such as groceries. Love affairs started now will sooner or later wither on the vine of indecision and second thoughts. Projects begun now will die without satisfactory results, due to indecision, wrong approaches, mistakes, lack of enthusiasm, etc. (Example: the Hubble Space Telescope was launched during a Mercury retro period. It didn’t work. It had to be captured, and fitted with a new lens.)

This month ahead (the “Leo Sun” period starting Sunday, July 22) begins with the Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury’s “opportunity” and marriage sign. And Mercury’s retrograde ends with Moon in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is Leo’s romance sign, so much of this retro period will concern art, love, passion, creativity and “gambles.”
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NOTE:   Whenever I say “relationships” I also mean relocation, partnerships, dealings with the public, negotiations, litigation, possible enemies, fresh horizons and opportunities — and to some degree, your whole environment.
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BTW, you might notice that I have put a PayPal function button on the blog, in the right-hand margin. It is NOT ACTIVE yet.  I’ll let you know when it’s ready.  That doesn’t mean you need to use it for anything. I put it there because some reading clients want to pay that way. I don’t love PayPal, as they take a 20% larger “cut” than credit cards.
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     ARIES:  March 21-April 19

A month of romance, beauty and pleasure starts Sunday afternoon. At the same time, the Moon enters Sagittarius, your gentle, intellectual, cultural sign of love (and weddings). This portends a meaningful and fortunate time ahead in, what else, love. This November into 2019, such matters will be high on your agenda: weddings, love, profound thoughts, feelings and decisions. Sunday to mid-afternoon (PDT) Tues. gives you a taste of what lies ahead.

Let go of home, and realize, Mon., that you’re better off chasing a friend or co-worker, and giving someone mysterious a wide berth. This amorous trend might hold a surprise: an old flame, or former friend who’s a potential lover, could re-appear this week through August 18. Timing-wise, any romance begun before Thurs. will likely face upheavals and a final “no.” So enjoy early week excitement, but decide who to chase Fri./Sat., not before. (You might meet love both days, or you watch two friends fall in.)

Mid-week, Tues. eve through Thurs., ambition, dealings with higher-ups, parents and VIPs rise to the fore. Be ambitious, esp. Tues. eve when you have inventive money ideas (some of them too disruptive) and Wed., when co-workers support you and everyone co-operates. But don’t start new projects, any time before Aug. 19. They would fail. Protect ongoing ventures instead, or reprise something from the past. Friday/Sat. are popular, happy, optimistic — have fun! Remember, love’s in the air!

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Start no new projects nor relationships before August 19, Taurus — and avoid big purchases, as lemons abound, especially in food, furniture, clothing, real estate. (It isn’t that lemons abound, but that you’ll unconsciously be drawn to them.) Sunday begins a month of home-based activities, a sluggish month in which you should yield to rest and “nap time.”  This month replenishes your reserves of energy, just as you’ll also, physically, restock your kitchen cupboards. A prodigal child might return, or your home will be the scene of frequent calls, chatter, visits. In some way, your home will change. Realize some/most of these changes will in some way come from the past or be inspired by it.

Sunday pre-dawn to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT) bring mystery, secrets, financial and sexual lures, possible medical procedures. Research, dig deep, reject surface answers. Sunday flows well, but Mon. morning holds confusion — then the pm offers quick, effective action (especially if you’re dealing with domestic concerns). Someone’s charms get you dreaming/thinking Tues. You make sense of it all — of all the world — Tues. afternoon through Thurs. Others might say/think mid-week: why are you being so different now? (It’s because you’re infused with a new, “electric” friendly energy, more ambition and a heightened social mood, now to 2025. Only danger: stress.)

This mid-week interval can bring love, or more likely, bring reassurance you’re loved. You can make great progress in far travel, legal, media, intellectual and cultural areas. But remember, start nothing new! Strictly avoid a money fight, or any big money action, Thurs. Friday/Sat. emphasize career, outside ambitions — and a destined relationship. You might need to decide between home and career.

  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

An easy, natural month starts Sunday, Gemini — filled with stuff you like: errands, quick trips and visits, casual friends, communications and “bon mots.” You might return to a place or neighbourhood from your past, perhaps to renew old connections. Be very alert and patient with these trips, errands, et al — new projects, new contacts, communications, telephone networks, etc., will tend to a crash in flames of indecision, delays, false starts and missing crucial elements. This, to Aug. 18. So stick with the ongoing (e.g., continue talking to a big client, or researching a big action, or making sure supplies are topped up) or reprise contacts or trips from the past. (Be careful in — avoid — reprising written projects that need rewriting.)

A former friend or housemate might re-appear — no harm here. Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT) offers relationships, opportunities and fresh horizons — but remember, everything brand new will likely do a U-turn away from success, in the not-too-far future. Sunday flows well, and you’re favoured for relationship action/agreement Mon. pm. Your career and reputation wind through this short interval, almost like a warning or a temptation. Maybe home or a relative is involved. Don’t chase fantasy: it covers a bear pit. Mid-week (Tues. afternoon through Thurs.) intimacy calls, and finances offer a silent welcome — you might make a good investment, or untangle the tendrils of debt, Wed. pm.

You’re staring to experience an inner light or nervousness (to 2025) which might disrupt some casual friendships/contacts Tues./Wed. You might be attracted to a fiery person, maybe an Aquarian, Leo or Aries. If this is an old flame, decide whether he/she will up-heave your life, or enrich it. If someone new, forget it. A medical condition might need a professional diagnosis. A wide view, mellow understanding, and gentle love flow over you Fri./Sat. — charge ahead, love, discuss, travel, seek knowledge, join cultural events. You’ll be happy. You might fall in love. Or enter a lust-affair with a co-worker, or find a home — these last two, if they occur, are destined.

     CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Chase money, buy/sell, seek bargains, memorize things, hug a stranger, now to late August, Cancer. But remember, Mercury retrogrades through Aug. 18, so don’t start new ventures, relationships before the 19th — and be very careful with the very things you must address over the weeks ahead: money, buying/selling and casual intimacy. Purchases lean toward lemons, or will prove useless or unnecessary after you buy. A money opportunity (and/or a nice but casual sexual partner) might return from the past, or something you’ve wanted to buy for a long time, might become available — good, grab these. If not, be alert, prepare for delays and indecision, “no shows” and supply shortages — be conservative, protect whatever you’re responsible for.

Friends, conversations are affectionate; romance remains lucky (even speeds up). Plunge into chores Sun. dawn to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT).  Only “caution” period: Mon. morning. This interval provokes thoughts, dreams around love, ideals, meanings. Mid-week, Tues. afternoon through Thurs., relationships confront you. A new friendship, or your own delicious plans, interfere with your money interests. Be diplomatic, co-operative, and all will go well — especially Wed. night.

A tug-o-war might arise between short money (e.g., earnings, spending) and long (investments, debt). Choose short; the long is a road to barren places. Same for sex, if you’re single: casual fine; deep, not — hidden pitfalls. That advice holds for Fri./Sat., even more so: avoid major financial commitments, deep sexual plunges, and major life style changes. Surgery will succeed, but might introduce a situation you don’t really want. (All this advice applies until early November.) Despite all this, you could meet someone Fri. who is destined to be in your life. A good day, also, to talk with your mate.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast     LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Fireworks, Leo! The month ahead features you, your presence, skills, and energy. You’ll be the star, you’ll attract many. But, an added complication, you should not commit to a partnership with anyone, in love or business, before Nov. 6. (And right on schedule, two days later, Nov. 10, you’ll start a whole year of major romantic fortune. A hint here of “starting over.”)  Another complication: now to Aug. 18, delays, false starts and indecision affect everyone, but especially you. Money, earnings, purchases (though lucky for the next two weeks) are subject to delays until the 18th.  So are social groups, hopes for the future, and “justice.”  Be patient, avoid pushing matters, and avoid starting new projects or relationships before the 19th. A past money source, or a friendly, bubbly ex-flame might return. These could work, but will probably be temporary.

This week, you could be very attracted to someone sexually Mon./Tues., could encounter stress in your marriage or with practical partners Tues./Wed., and experience an intense but problematic attraction (love/hate?) Thurs./Fri. More fully, Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. is very romantic, but an attraction could run into rejection, or a labyrinthine confusion, if you press for physical intimacy. Best time: Mon. pm. (PDT).

Tackle chores mid-week. Be cautious with bosses, VIPs to Wed. dawn — unexpected actions, stances could upset habitual grooves. That aside, you’ll get lots done. (A health hint arises: watch your heart, do the right things for it, now to 2025.) Friday/Sat. bring relationships. You could meet “just the right person” and even start falling in love. But this isn’t the right person, so remain watchful, patient. A money/work situation improves, could funnel some (extra) $ your way.

     VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Lie low for the month ahead, Virgo. Find a secluded spot to hide from the bustling crowd — rest, nap, meditate, plan, examine your life, your loves and loyalties, your ambitions, etc. How did you get here, and where do you want to go? However, DON’T form firm plans about anything — you’ll have to change them later.  Now to Aug. 18, avoid starting ventures or relationships. Don’t buy anything significant: it will later prove unneeded or defective. A former teacher, guide, spiritual association/practice, or government-linked situation might return. If you owe the gov’t any paperwork (etc.) tackle it — and generally all neglected chores — now. Be charitable — If you need charity, apply now. Manage, and delegate tasks, rather than shouldering them yourself.

Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. accents your home, family, security — the ground you stand on. All flows smoothly, except Mon. morning (PDT) when you might disagree with your spouse. Now to early August, your charms affect others, despite your tiredness. This can lead to a magic sort of attraction during this interval, especially Tues. am.

Romance, creative surges, a risk-taking mood, beauty and the lure of pleasure fill Tuesday afternoon through Thurs. with sweet notions — but all “solid advances” in love, creative zones come in the intellectual or cultural side. (Which itself threatens to deal your ideas/ preconceptions a blow that leads to a refreshed outlook.) You might have difficulty deciding what work to tackle, Wed./Thurs. — but Fri./Sat. will show you what needs to be done. Good, get going — but first separate the necessary, routine work from the inventive or new work. Tackle the former: necessary, etc. You might meet a friend Fri. — this person “fits well” with your path in life, your destiny.

     LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Start no new projects or relationships, nor purchase anything important before Aug. 19, Libra. Until then, protect ongoing concerns from the delays, false starts, second thoughts and “no shows” of this period. You might drift into a former crowd of friends, or a light, flirty, friendly “ex” might reappear. If you’re single and involved already, your love affair might stall briefly, but will resume, with its hope intact. The real problem for the next few weeks? That you cannot decide on a future, which makes all you present choices unclear. Not much you can do about this except to endure it — or better, use these few weeks (to Aug. 18) to stop awhile and contemplate/examine your past and present, your own character and situation, and dig deep to find who you are and what you most deeply want.

By late August into October, your “future-affecting” choices will be clear, and your path among them even clearer. But I don’t mean lock yourself away to do all this self-examination — if fact, I advise the opposite. Get out, mingle, attend parties, be social. Your popularity will rise, and your heart will be gladdened by human contact, especially festive ones. (And how else would you meet that ex-lover who wants more?)  Mid-morn Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT) brings errands, trips, visits, calls and communications. A splendid wee interval — only Mon. morning brings problems, perhaps with work or health (digestion?). (Tues. morning might bring temptation or private fantasies.)

Be home or in touch with family — and guard/enhance your security — Tues. eve through Thurs. Again, a smooth interval, except for two somewhat major but hard-to-pin-down influences. One, strongest Tues./Wed., causes disruptions in relationships, romance, sex, finances — yet also starts a “new world” in these. The other influence, strongest Thurs., promotes love and hate — mostly love in your case, since it involves romance, friends and hopes. But true romantic feelings surge Fri./Sat. You might even fall madly in love. Be creative, seek beauty, take a small risk. “Destined” affection involves your home, family.

     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Whatever else occurs, Scorpio, the two weeks ahead fill you with hope and social joys. But the main accent lies on ambition, career, prestige relations, world standing and neighbourhood reputation, until Aug. 22. But almost all that time (through Aug. 18) you should avoid starting anything new, contacts, relationships, negotiations, projects, even purchases. (You’ll be unconsciously drawn to lemons.) New projects/relationships will be subject to defeating delays, indecision, and lack of right supplies or “no shows.” Instead, protect ongoing projects by double-checking appointments and phone numbers, ensuring supplies are on hand, re-reading instructions, etc.

This is very much a “stitch in time saves nine” period. Anticipate problems and solve them before they appear. You can also reprise the past — e.g., pick up a former promising venture, or contact a former boss for a job, reprise a past career role, etc. (This might have a sexual hope attached, but not a strong one.) Friction still exists on the home front, but will ease, even disappear temporarily, by Aug. 13. Meanwhile, midday Sun. to midday Tues. (PDT) favours money — chase it, pay old bills and collect old debts. If a purchase you could not make before, now becomes available, it might be a good buy. Caution Mon. morn, when money and love fantasies don’t mix well. (Love might strike you powerfully and enchantingly Mon. morn — but partnership levels of love face some disruption, some re-figuring, to Wed.)

Tuesday mid-afternoon through Thurs. accents errands, easy chores, communications and short trips — all flows well, except for that relationship re-figuring mentioned earlier. Double-check addresses, times, etc. Sidestep a confrontation Thurs., perhaps a tug-o-war between family and career, or just something on the street. Same career vs. home tug-o-war Fri., but milder. Friday could bring a destined friend, lover or social group entry. Be with family Fri./Sat., enhance/enjoy your home. Garden, hike in nature, repair the steps, etc. — NO renovations!

     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Start nothing new until Aug. 19, Sage. Delays, false starts and indecision will prevail, especially in legal, travel, media, cultural and intellectual zones — which are also your major interests until late August. Higher-ups continue to favour you until early August. A former teacher, lover or travel itinerary might return. You’ll be mellow, understanding, and your view, always wide, will widen more. Your energy and charisma surge upward mid-morning Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. — but use this to give ongoing projects a push, rather than starting anything. You might need to choose between a favourable work/career situation and your uncertain domestic circumstances, a choice that can leave you confused Mon. morning. Otherwise, this interval goes well, especially in relationships.

Chase money, pay and collect old debts Tues. eve through Thurs., but be careful with purchases: you’ll be unconsciously drawn to lemons, or to articles that will later prove unnecessary. A disruption might affect work, machinery, computers and health (nerves, stress) Tues./Wed, Otherwise, this midweek period flows with ease and productivity. Thursday could bring: a romantic arrow, a fight/argument, or swift action with friends, travel or mail/ communications.

Stick to routine rather than trying a new path. (That will come, splendidly, this December into 2019.) Errands, trips, easy chores, communications and paperwork fill Fri./Sat. Don’t neglect these where they tie into employment or money — you can walk through a lucky, perhaps even “destined” door in money/career areas. A good month lies ahead!

     CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Feb. 19

The month ahead emphasizes mysteries, hidden forces, revelations, research, medical exigencies, lifestyle changes, major financial actions, and intimate desires. Unfortunately, all these dive into a “backwards machine” now to Aug. 18. This period brings delays, false starts, indecision, misunderstandings, and supply shortages. So DON’T start any new projects nor make firm commitments, particularly in the “mystery” areas just listed, but generally in everything. Instead, protect ongoing ventures (e.g., anticipate shortages and order extra supplies before you need them) or reprise opportunities that return from the past. A good former investment that you couldn’t handle, might become available again — yes, grab it. A former “partner in lust” might also return. You decide here — if all is honest, no one’s already attached, then going ahead could be fine.

Retreat from the bustling crowd mid-morn Sunday to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT). Above all, rest. Examine, ponder, meditate, but don’t form any long-range plans, as circumstances will change. Deal with gov’t or management concerns. You might be confused or deceived Mon. morning, but otherwise this is a good, productive interval. (But avoid physical exertion.) Your energy and charisma return strongly Tues. eve through Thurs. Again, start nothing, but do give ongoing projects a wee extra push.

Strictly avoid gambling, and realize romance and sex are not a good combo right now. (Wed. night could open a door to sweet affection.) Chase money, buy/sell, Fri./Sat. Collect and pay old debts. Don’t buy anything important; it’s either a lemon, or will prove unnecessary. Affection, or inspiration, might be “destined” Fri.

     AQUARIUS:  Feb. 20-March 18

Relationships fill the weeks ahead, Aquarius.  Until Aug. 6, the deeper side (e.g., sex, mutual assets) is mildly lucky. However, now through Aug. 18, strictly avoid new projects, new starts, important purchases and, most crucially, new relationships. Stick with the ongoing, or reprise past opportunities, associations, etc. An “ex” or former flame, also a former opportunity in practical areas, might return.

Your assertiveness is still at a two-year high, so think before you leap. Friends, popularity, social delights, flirtations, optimism, and general happiness blow in mid-morn Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues. (PDT). Live it up, celebrate, have fun! The only “caution period” occurs Mon. morn, and is hardly a bump — it warns against spending, deceptive but alluring products/people. Retreat, lie low, find your quiet space within, Tues. eve through Thurs. It’s generally a smooth, easy period, but you might have to handle some domestic disharmony.

You face someone (Thurs., probably) who is both attracted and angry. Your own reaction could determine which emotion prevails. Your energy and pizzazz shoots upward Fri./Sat. You could slide into a sexual/lustful interlude. A relationship climaxes.

     PISCES:  March 19-April 20:

Hi, Pisces. The weeks ahead focus on work, daily health, machinery, employment, service personnel and providing for dependents such as pets. Don’t start any new projects in these areas (nor in anything, actually) before Aug. 19. Machines bought now would be lemons, or not needed. Applies to computers, especially this week ahead (Tues. to Fri.). Avoid starting new contacts or relationships, same period. Some good stuff: until Aug. 6, others appreciate you more than usual, show affection.

Until Aug. 19, an “ex” spouse or lover might re-appear from the past. (If he/she appears before Aug. 6, the outcome could bless you. If the 6th or after, the main thrust seems to be sexual rather than loving: not the best basis for future happiness.) A former job or co-worker might return also. Continue to avoid dark alleys, belligerent people, violent nations, etc. — until Aug. 12. Show your ambition mid-morn Sun. to mid-afternoon Tues., PDT— bosses, parents, other VIPs approve of your style, efforts. A smidgeon of love’s magic will keep your inner smile curving. You might feel like celebrating midweek (Tues. eve through Thurs.). Friends, social circle, popularity, optimism and a flirtation or two — these swell, put a song in your heart.

This short interval also sees two trends climax: 1) a conflict between your work duties and your tools, car, or communication skills, and 2) a “stand-off” arises: do you tackle your duties hands-on, or delegate them? I’d do them yourself. If you see others fighting or challenging, walk somewhere else. Chase money, buy/sell, collect and pay outstanding debts Fri./Sat. Buy only routine items, nothing big. “Destiny” might bring you together with someone pretty special. A good week!

The End.


There has been a lot of hand-wringing from both parties about the Trump-Putin summit July 15/16. His attempt to harmonize with Putin, rather than sock him in the mouth, as rabid U.S. politicians want, has been called treasonous, cowardly, stupid, etc. — almost universal condemnation, even from his own party leader. This outburst of fear came as the Moon opposed Neptune. Neptune is always involved when baseless fears rise. Yes, Putin can be deceptive  — he certainly bamboozled Bush and Obama. But Trump and Putin are very similar — both bullies, both “street fighters.”  (A correct yet almost laughable label, as Trump, at least, was raised in riches.)  Trump’s aggression won him the presidency, and he handles foreign relations with a similar aggression. Why soft with Putin? Either Putin has some blackmail hammer, and Trump knows it, or a wily Trump is taking the measure of his enemy, who could, like Trump, start a world-destroying war, while using flattery and soothing public words to hold him off. Sometimes a street fighter knows when to wait, retreat, or make alliances.

I think Trump did the right thing in Helsinki. It was perfectly in line with his past behaviour, so why the surprise? I believe time will show it was better to befriend an enemy than to start a war, which is really what the U.S. wants. It’s starting to look like Trump is the only grown-up in the room. The summit took place under good aspects, so should have a positive outcome on both sides.  (Although this plethora of disapproving politicians might ultimately defeat his initiative.)

His praising Putin: how many times have we seen Trump effusively praise someone on his staff, up to and including the day he kicks him out? I suspect for Trump, praise is a tool. But I think he has instinctive likes and dislikes, and he likes Putin, at least astrologically. (Gemini, Sagittarius, Leo Trump with Libra Pisces Putin. Putin’s Pisces Moon remains the mysterious wild card. How will that Moon, in bad aspect to Trump’s Gemini-Sagittarius Sun-Moon, and in mysterious waters for Trump’s Leo rising sign, affect the equation?)  I think that between Putin and Trump, it will come down to a battle of emotions. In this, Trump will probably win — he is less emotional than Putin, but far more fiery, passionate and unpredictable. In any other battlefield, Putin might hold the advantage, because he is in some ways a mystery to Trump (but in many ways not). ~~ Damn! I vowed to stay out of politics.

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I love the new TV shows — they’re a distinctly different breed, probably a result of university-level film programs in LA and elsewhere since the 1970’s.

These new films — Imposters, The Crossing, Better Call Saul (a forerunner), Good Girls, Fargo (was it called that?) etc. — are intelligent and view a complex world filled with unpredictable but real characters and quirky but apt plot developments. Most blossom with irony and dark humour. These are new stories. In printed form, they would be “literature,” some of them equal to Mark Twain, or Dickens, even rivalling the natural beauty of Tolstoy. Prior to this new wave, television shows were largely dime novels, pablum, “junk.”  (Some very good, very clever dime novels.) These are complex, caring, astute observers of our condition, natural storytellers in the classic sense, in which every story has a lesson and a puzzle.

But what will be will be; these series might prove popular, might not. Many have been cancelled after two seasons. That’s almost irrelevant, because they are serving their purpose:  to break through to new ground, to express their consciousness, which has been around for (two?) decades, but was seldom expressed until now. (David Lynch probably influenced these young filmmakers.) Soon, behemoths like ABC, NBC and CBS will copy this New TV: it will be a hard road for them, as they’ve grown used to using the same old formula, and now they will have to switch from mostly straight-forward plot lines, to the labyrinthine structures of the new television. In time, New TV will become the next reservoir of tired plots and subservient acting. But that might take a long time, for this is a revolution on a large scale. If television poured out a consistent world view from the 1960’s to the 2010’s, then this new wave should live to affect television/film for the next 50 years.

One of the most attractive features of the new television is the trueness and complexity of the women characters — even young women, girls, share this. The true female, once awakened, is not confined to any generation. These are warm, aware, caring people (unless they’re villains, as in ‘Into The Badlands’ — a series not really of this new breed (though it seems so on the surface sometimes). These women stand as tall as the men, or taller (e.g., Good Girls) and are their equal in courage, boldness, expression and duty.
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In art, the expression itself advances/develops the expressed. It’s symbiotic: the consciousness informs the art, and the art shines an illuminating mirror on the consciousness. So they advance themselves through our lives.
