~ Desiderata

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START NOTHING:  2:25 am to 4:28 pm Sun., 3:42 pm Tues. to 3:54 am Wed., and 7:52 pm Thurs. to 12:51 pm Fri.


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     ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Remember, start nothing important before Aug. 19. A former friend, friendly amour, or social group might re-enter your life.  (A former job/career role is on the horizon, too, coming closer in the second half of August. None of these are “new starts,” so go ahead with them.) Co-workers remain affectionate. Sunday’s friendly, happy, but nothing of note occurs. This eve (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. advises you to take a quiet, restful and thoughtful path. Success is slated with civil servants, institutions, very large corporations, agents, therapists and counsellors, health actions, and “head office.”  Don’t make plans — circumstances will change.

Monday’s luckiest — a gas/oil or pharmaceutical, video or medical investment made this day might reward you for a long time. Your energy and charisma soar Wed. to Fri. noon. DON’T start new projects, but do chase love, romance, beauty, pleasure, and self-expression. Many obstacles these few days — some of these you can solve simply by working hard/ambitiously (Thursday).

Disruptions affect your social contacts and cherished hopes for the future: get ready to change these over the 7 years ahead. (During this long period, your friends will likely be connected to your earnings and possessions. And you might start a lazy, sensual affair with “a friend.”) Friday pm through Sat., chase money, collect and pay old debts, but make only routine purchases (e.g., groceries). Avoid an argument, traffic Friday afternoon.

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

You’re basically in a domestic, hibernation, recuperation phase until late August, but this week a thread of romance and beauty will lighten your heart. Remember, start no new ventures, projects or relationships before Aug. 19 — and avoid important new purchases. Bosses, higher-ups remain temperamental, impatient, but that will fade by Aug. 13. Sunday accents your career and community reputation, but yields few results. This eve (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. lights your heart with optimism, happy friends, entertainment, flirtations… and a possible commitment, or break-away. (You choose.)

Monday is particularly fortunate for relationships and agreements. (But remember, promises made before the 19th will be hard to keep.) Retreat, rest and rejuvenate your emotional, physical batteries Wed. to noon Fri. Don’t try too much: obstacles abound, bosses are impatient, they consider you to be unpredictable (don’t prove them right) and civil servants are tough to convince. Not the best time for surgery.

Your energy and charisma come bouncing back Fri. pm through Sat. Again, Fri., you might find yourself at odds with a boss, VIP, court judge or parent… diplomacy the best stance. Hook up with friends Sat. daytime, or spend a “deep day” at home — sink into naps, other quiet joys.

     GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

The accent remains on errands, travel, communications, paperwork, friendly contacts and paperwork. DON’T start any new projects, especially in this area. Double-check addresses, appointment times/places, instructions, etc. All this to Aug. 18. Until then, protect (and double-check!) ongoing ventures, and/or reprise those from the past. You might find a forgotten letter or memento. A former friend (or friendly but not deep lover) might re-appear. This, or anything else which re-appears: judge its future by its past.

Your home remains affectionate, deeply gratifying, until Aug. 6. Sunday’s mellow, thoughtful, gentle and loving — but results are slim. This eve (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. highlights your worldly position, ambitions, and prestige relations — you can grab all sorts of luck here all three days, especially Mon. Collect money, other rewards. Display your skills, but do not start a new ambitious project. Hopes, a bright future, rising popularity, flirtations and “what if’s” — these fill Wed. to Fri. noon. Events aren’t beneficial, might even be difficult, but they won’t dent your upbeat mood.

Relax and retreat Fri. pm through Sat. You’re tired, need to catch your “second wind.” Meditate, think, examine your past progress and discern what you can do to improve your results. (However, don’t bother making firm plans — these will change.) Avoid a legal, political or religious conflict Friday. Generally, everything’s good!

     CANCER:  June 21-July 22

Train your eye on money, earnings, costs, sensual lures, possessions and memory-training during the weeks ahead. DON’T make big new purchases, nor start a sensual relationship (nor start any significant project) before Aug. 19. (If any of these return from the past, they could be worthwhile — judge them by their past effect on you.) Your sexual magnetism and drive, high since last May, remain intense to mid-August. Whether this is a plus or a negative, is still indeterminate, but leans toward the negative. (In other words, don’t automatically yield to your natural lust impulses — which are high Sunday, though without much result.) (Mid-August to early-mid-September will shunt this intensity away from sex, into all relationships. More on this later.)

A mellow, wise, loving and understanding mood comes over you Sun. eve (4:30 pm PDT) to noon Tues. This is a splendid interval — show/discuss love, soak up some culture, deal with international affairs, insurance, media and intellectual concerns. It isn’t the best time for a marriage proposal, or to set a firm date, because one party might change their mind; however, it’s a great time to discuss such a move. Be ambitious, work hard and show your skills, Wed. to noon Fri. Obstacles exist, so pick your way through them.

Someone doesn’t agree with your ambitions, hasn’t since 2009, won’t before 2025. Someone else will give you an opening and a boost up, same period. Don’t invest, nor let friends, anyone, into your confidence, esp. where investments, finances or your intimate life is concerned. Happiness, a popularity boost, social benefits and beautiful optimism visit you Fri. pm, Saturday. Careful Fri. daytime (PDT) — avoid arguments, finances and sexual advances.  Otherwise, all’s well.

Leo icon, Luck Forecast     LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

Your high energy, charisma and clout continue, Leo. However, “effectiveness” might be missing, as mistakes, misunderstandings and indecision hover around you. Worse, you aren’t even sure of your long-term goals now. All to Aug. 18. Strictly avoid starting new projects or relationships — but you can reprise past “situations” — e.g., a former money source might return, or a past light-hearted lover, or a group you used to belong to. Keep a cautious eye on addresses, appointments, instructions, etc.

Early Sunday, relationships and vast opportunities might keep you fascinated, but without result. From 4:30 pm Sun. (PDT) through Tues., financial and intimate sirens will call you — but in this, the sirens are doing you a favour. Sex, investments, debt reduction, lifestyle changes, medical emergencies, health procedures, research and investigation — plunge into these, esp. Monday, when Lady Luck holds your hand! (Remember, nothing brand new.) A mellow, wise, intellectual influence wafts over you Wed. to noon Fri. You might need that mellow wisdom, as various obstacles litter your path (mostly involving work or health).

Also, a midweek disagreement could break out between you and someone (e,g., your spouse) perhaps over your different ambitions. (Or between your ambitions and his/her need for security.) There is still a chance for love and harmony, but it’s small — 8 pm to 11 pm Wed. Be ambitious, show your skills, impress higher-ups Fri. pm and Sat. (But start no new projects, nor propose them.) Avoid a Friday afternoon argument; otherwise this small interval passes easily.

     VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Remain quietly in the background, Virgo. Your energy and charisma are low, because Nature wants you to “hibernate,” to re-charge your emotional, physical and mental batteries. (You’ll need this extra energy from Aug. 22 onward, so rest deeply now.) Continue to interface with civil servants, institutions, large companies — and to perform management, committee, and delegating functions. But in this, and in everything until Aug. 19, strictly avoid new starts (they’d be false starts) — stick with ongoing projects and relationships, and avoid large purchases. There’s one exception: if anything returns from the past, it could be “workable.” Examine it first — chances are 60-80 per cent that it is favourable, workable.

Sunday starts with chores, but don’t tackle them too quickly. Results will be limited. By 4:30 pm PDT Sunday, through Tues., relationships arise. Be co-operative, diplomatic, and eager to help. This interval sparkles with good luck, so (without starting new projects) deal happily with others — one or two might advance your interests or open a fortunate door for you. Life’s depths and mysteries face you Wed. to noon Fri. These contain many challenges, so this is NOT a good few days to invest, seek sexual congress, make lifestyle changes, or institute health procedures.

You might face a work crisis which will require examining your ethics and principles (probably Wed.) — but this influence might also merely point to accident potential, so handle cars and machines with caution. A wise, intellectual, understanding mood flows into you Fri. pm and Saturday. Avoid arguments (and finances, and work machines) Fri. daytime. Otherwise, all’s good — and gentle love “embraces” you.

     LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Joy — that’s the atmosphere for the next few weeks. Optimism, social and amorous delights, rising popularity and entertainment will buoy your heart. A former amour or special friend might re-appear before Aug. 19 — judge this relationship’s future by its past. It could be a good one! During the same period (to Aug. 19) avoid making big purchases or starting new ventures, relationships. Instead, protect ongoing (social?) ventures from misunderstandings, mistakes, delays, indecision, etc. You can reprise the past, perhaps by joining a group you once wanted, or accepting an invitation you refused before. A missive might come from a foreign country or a university/college.

Sunday’s romantic and creative, but without appreciable result. Plunge into work and health matters from 4:30 pm PDT Sun. through Tues. — lucrative success awaits you!  Relationships, fresh horizons, opportunities and relocation themes confront you Wed. to midday Fri. This interval isn’t easy, despite this week’s overall atmosphere of social joy. Domestic, monetary and “sexual mistrust” problems can interfere with good relations or “opportunities.”  So step cautiously, and be diplomatic.

Life’s deeper mysteries swirl around you midday Friday through Sat. A romantic or social event might have to be cancelled Fri. daytime. Refuse to argue with partners. You might be drawn to financial actions or intimate forays — neither good nor bad luck prevails, but you might be better off studying the options than acting. Research, dig deep — but stop short of commitment. A happy week!

     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The general accent lies on career, prestige relations, worldly standing/reputation, and passing “pressure tests.”  DON’T push quickly forward with these, as mistakes, misunderstandings, supply shortages, delays and false starts lie in wait to kibosh anything new, before Aug. 19. So, to keep your good standing, anticipate problems and fix them before they break. (Example, order extra more “temp” workers than you will need, as more than usual will be “no shows.”)

A former job or career role might return — jump on it if you need it. (It might be a role you have since regretted leaving — or in some way it can be a positive step, even if temporary.) Friends remain flirty and witty. Sunday’s filled with family, home, security issues: relax, soak up Nature. This afternoon (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. supports, nay, boosts romance, creative urges, sports/games, pleasure and raising kids to a great level. Speak up, express yourself — love’s good fortune walks with you.

Tackle chores, daily health concerns and machinery issues Wed. to midday Fri. Go slow, expect problems and disruptions — the first of these occurs Wed., and somehow, perhaps indirectly, involves a conflict between home and relationships. Speaking of relationships, midday Friday through Sat. brings many face-to-face situations, most of them benign — but take care Friday afternoon, when anger could erupt (esp. with spouse). Be diplomatic, co-operative, and grab an opportunity, if it has returned from the past.

  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The general — and beneficial — accent lies on intellect, far travel, media, law, profound thoughts, the “big picture,” culture and gentle love. Still, don’t begin new projects in these (or any) areas before Aug. 19. Also avoid starting new relationships, and making important purchases. Ideas, destinations and loves from the past can now swell up and re-appear. You likely will benefit from grasping these. Higher-ups continue to favour you, at least until Aug. 6.

Sunday nudges you into errands, calls, visits and paperwork — but results will be nil. Sunday afternoon (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. steers you toward home, family, Mother Nature, real estate, security, garden, nutrition and rejuvenation. These go very well, so plunge into them. (But remember, nothing new — e.g., don’t start landscaping your yard.) Midweek, Wed. to noon Fri., emphasizes romance, creative surges and gambling urges, beauty, pleasure and charming kids. Good — but obstacles proliferate, esp. those involving money. A sudden disruption can affect work communications, or the workplace.

If you want to approach romance, do it 8 pm to 11 pm Wed., or, better (because it carries hints of marriage) 6 pm to 8 pm Thurs. (All PDT.) Tackle chores midday Fri. through Sat. Careful Fri. afternoon, when your famous temper can explode. Otherwise, this is a fairly easy work period. Eat, dress sensibly. (Don’t seek contracts or agreements, or chase love.) A satisfying week, Sage.

     CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Remember, Cap, no matter what I might say below, DON’T enter into any new (significant) purchases, projects or relationships before Aug. 19. The general emphasis lies on secrets, research and investigation, financial actions, mutually held money/assets, intimate urges, lifestyle changes and medical procedures. This general area is particularly prone to mistakes, false starts, delays and indecision. However, it can benefit you to “take up” anything re-appearing from the past. For instance, a prize investment you could not handle the first time around, could offer you a second chance to seize it. Or a former lust-partner might re-appear — make sure honesty is part of the mix here.

Sunday emphasizes money, earnings, purchasing power (but buy only routine items, groceries, etc.) — and possibly a former sensual partner. This afternoon (4:30 pm PDT) through Tues. brings easy chores, paperwork, communications and errands. Your luck is good, and contacts/friends will welcome you, bring you valuable information. Everything flows well, so catch up on all past due or neglected phone calls, paperwork, etc. Your attention turns toward home, family, security, real estate, sales territory, nutrition and nature Wed. to midday Fri. This interval holds some obstacles, but fairly easy ones to overcome.

However, one big “disruption” centres on Wed., but really covers the whole week, and raises issues that exist right into November — a conflict between money, earnings, possessiveness on the one hand, and risk, gambling, creativity, romance on the other. These last, romance, risk, pleasure, etc., blossom midday Fri. through Sat. Again, you might have to choose between lust and romance, investment and a “gamble.” Careful Fri. afternoon, when tempers rise. One you’re after could rear up and demand you act as he/she wants. Hmm.

     AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Remember, Aquarius, start nothing new before Aug. 19, especially in relationships, opportunities, relocation, and public dealings/fame. This sector is also the strongest influence in your life for the weeks ahead. (My long-term advice, holding until November this year: be involved, inter-twined, co-operative, rather than independent. For more on this, read the Karmic article in PLATFORMS.) So either work to uphold and protect ongoing relationships, public dealings, etc. — or (and/or) reprise a venture or bond from the past. It’s almost certain, if you’re old enough, that an ex — spouse, business partner, etc. — will reappear before Aug. 19, in your thoughts if not in actuality. (But the actuality possibility is strong.)

Finances, sexual liaisons, are favoured until Aug. 6. Your energy and charisma are high Sunday, but bring little solid result. Just enjoy the attention! About 4:30 pm PDT Sun. through Tues., chase money, pay and collect overdue bills, buy and sell. But buy only routine items, nothing significant. (You’ll tend to latch onto lemons.) These few days fly by with beneficial luck. Hint at a pay raise Mon., when your career cred sparkles, and higher-ups look on you favourably.

Communications, contacts, easy chores, visits, errands and paperwork fill mid-week (Wed. to midday Fri.) — be careful, double-check address, meeting times, etc. Don’t rush in traffic, esp. not Wed. Steer toward home Fri. pm, Sat. Caution Fri. daytime — someone wants an argument, or you’re being too forceful, making someone rebel. This night and Sat. flow fairly well — luck is mixed. Hug the family, garden, walk in nature, rest, nap — don’t bother chasing romance (yet, as next week will bring it).

     PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Remember, start nothing new before Aug. 19, Pisces. That applies strongly to work, health, machinery/tools — and to relationships (esp. partnerships) other ventures, and purchases. DO NOT buy machinery now. Possible exception: a machine/tool you wanted long ago, which now becomes available/affordable. Other “returnees” from the past might also be good — former spouses, partners or co-workers, former job roles, even projects. (Although you’re in a work phase, others treat you affectionately, even flirtatiously, until Aug. 6.)

You’re tired Sunday, but you perk up by 4:30 pm PDT, and stay energetic and charismatic through Tues. Charge ahead, be a leader. (But start nothing big, new.) Good luck walks with you, especially Wed., when legal and career/prestige concerns sail toward success. Chase money — or better, deal cautiously with money — Wed. to midday Fri. Collect and pay old debts. Buy only routine items (e.g., groceries). Don’t pursue social happenings nor sink into wishful thinking.

All week, but centring on Wed., your money faces disruptions/delays involving the mail, communications, or paperwork. If you must tackle an important job or money matter, try 8 pm to 11 pm PDT Wed. night. Errands, easy chores, calls, texts, emails, short trips, paperwork, filing, casual friends — these fill Fri. pm and Sat. Be cautious Fri. daytime, when tempers are short, and words could flail like swords. (Drive carefully, too.) Lots of friendly contacts Sat. All’s good, but don’t seek co-operation or partnerships.

The End.


Most passionate sign? I have to say SAGITTARIUS. These people run hot (some more than others) often when pursuing an ideal, or dealing with politics/religion. Astrology often points to Scorpio, but Scorpio’s passion is seldom seen. This sign hides its emotions, even with loved ones… often for innocent, even good reasons. (“It would break his heart,” etc.) But Sagittarius’ passion can be as surface as it is hot, emotionally. This sign grows intense over ideas, rights and wrongs, societies’ virtues or faults, politics… and they cool just as swiftly. Sage is often highly intellectual and brilliant; these qualities show even in the Moon, should it be in Sagittarius.

The three intellectual signs are GEMINI, LIBRA and AQUARIUS. I knew an Aquarian woman with her Moon in Sagittarius. She had the fastest mind of any Aquarian I have met. I think the intense Sage Moon (here is where the Moon is mental, a concept I could not understand for years, maybe decades) seems to  “push” or mercurial-ize Aquarius’ already quick and erratic thought. (This erratic thinking explains why Aquarius is so inventive: they often see things from new or disrupted angles. The best “think outside the box” sign, except for one thing: they are tenacious and stubborn, which can make them captive to a new, different, but unchanging idea/viewpoint. A new viewpoint that doesn’t change for 20 years won’t be new forever.)

So, passion can be hotter on the surface than deep within. ARIES and LEO are as passionate as Sage, but in different mode: Aries’s passion arises in the hunt, and dies after it, both in bed and in the world. Aries’ often discover, create or invent something, then fail to stick around to milk the maximum profit from it. Without the challenge of facing the new, Aries grows bored. Leos are passionate in love, and seek and know a hundred kinds of love — but greatest of them,  most limitless of them, is romance.
