Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “July 24 – 30, 2016.”

ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)

START NOTHING: 5:44 p to 6:12 p Mon., 9:13 p Wed. to 0:34 am Thurs., and 8:20 p Fri. to 9:57 a Sat.



(More in the AFTERAMBLE, after the “Weekly Forecasts”)

In, say, 50,000 years we’ll be like angels. (That’s rough – with the right astronomical resources/data, we might be able to refine it to within a quarter- millennia.) Doing a search on my NASA-derived but pretty clunky astrology program (not too accurate over a thousand years) I find that Pluto, presently bombing through Capricorn, will return to enter Scorpio, its home sign, on December 23, 2229. I call this the Pluto Return. Whenever this return occurs, as I’ve shown in the past, major historical trends are “seeded.” E.g., within several years (and often the very year) of a Pluto return (they occur every 247-250 years) we had: Christ’s birth, Columbus’ voyage to North America, the Battle of Hastings (which eventually created the modern English language, and the colonization of much of the world by Britain) Attila’s conquest of Europe, and the dissolution of the U.S.S.R., the Russian empire that collapsed in the mid-1980’s. (Pluto returned to Scorpio in Nov. 1983, just as Gorbachev freed speech and unions and territories.)

I’ve already milked that Nov. 1983 Pluto Return to death: no world war; unisex; women rape boys; a decline in crime; huge technological and medical/birth advances, police state, revolt against powerful hierarchies (hierarchies eventually win) concentration of wealth, widespread poverty, the collapse  (I predicted a “peaceful revolt”) of the U.S.S.R., the creation of a third political system, neither democracy nor communist (China’s on this path) massive ups and downs in stock markets, stagnation in bureaucracies – all these predictions were based on the Nov. 1983 return chart.

The next 250-year “era” – it begins in 2229 – gives us a glimpse into the 23rd to 25th centuries. There will be a leader who has had many loves, all failed. A philosopher king. A huge trend to sterilize young women or in some way a technological (socially-driven) alteration of young women’s reproductivity – and sexual desirability. This is somehow connected to pleasure, optimism, social joys. These young women will lack courage. The males who deal with them will be hugely jealous, yet lazy and uncommitted. Schools, bad places in our own era (1983-2229) actually go through another quarter-millennium of tawdry motives and bad karma. There will be war and violence, mostly over land. But it will be like Russia’s sneaky invasion of Ukraine – much of the violence will be hidden or disguised, yet strong. The huge upheavals of the 20th Century will stand out among millennia, for there is nothing equal or similar in the scale of conflict shown in the era (247 year) charts I’ve seen. Bureaucracies, already “ill” in the 1983-2229 era (just look at the IRS today) will be almost useless, helpless in this 2229 era – “a dark room littered with broken toys.”

But the most amazing hint in this 2229 era chart: that an angel will come, or some spiritual phenomena will occur. This might be bigger than Christ; I say this because the indicator is so large and simple. Neptune (angels, spirit, channeling, optics, oceans, gas, etc.) sits smack on the horizon in the 2229 era chart. Spirituality will be tied to domesticity, to homes. A new religion might be born, one that will endure a long time. As I’ve said before, the sphere might replace the cross. We will become much more psychic, and our psychic, intuitive traits will be our salvation, our good path. Prostitutes will be priests.




Aries.svg ARIES   March 21-April 19

If you’re single, a new romance could start this week. Probably before Thurs., perhaps someone you met secretly or in a domestic setting, July 31. It might have a rocky road or a blessed future – Saturday will tell you, give a big hint, which. For all Aries, the week ahead is romantic, loving (but more, desiring) adventurous, creative and pleasure-prone. You’ll take risks, but your good luck will win (be reasonable, of course). You almost always love August. Sunday/Monday are domestic. Apart from a bit of “isolation” Sun. afternoon, this eve and Monday bring the first of several doorways to happiness: could be through a shot of sunlight on the drapes, or a stunning stranger, a hobby or a passion. Be friendly. Romance (and creativity, et al) strikes twice as intensely Monday night through Wed. Remember a key word: love. This might end with a proposal, or a bonding. Tackle chores Thurs./Fri. (Stick to routine, easy chores Thurs. and Sat. morning; do the tougher ones Fri.) Saturday: relationships, true or false?


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS   April 20-May 20

The month ahead features your domestic scene, security and the healing beauty of nature. Take power naps, be restful. You might re-unite with siblings, other relatives. Discuss a significant home or real estate matter, especially Sunday and Monday. These two days might bring a revelation, confidential discussion, even therapy – purpose: to free you from something that is restricting you…could go as far back as childhood. Monday suppertime (PDT) through Wednesday doubles down on the domesticity. Hug your family, adjust your children’s future, garden, landscape, and rest. Somehow, the rest you get, the family solutions you achieve, will aid your career and social standing, long-term. Romance, beauty, charming kids, a sense of adventure, self-expression and risk-taking call you Thurs./Fri. – Thursday’s tough, misguided; Friday’s successful – but even this day, if you’re single, though romance thrives, it might not have an easy future. Tackle chores and protect daily health Saturday.


Gemini.svg GEMINI   May 21-June 20

You’ll be busy this week and the next few. Writing, news, conversations, paperwork, mail, travel, errands, details, siblings and casual friends fill this period – especially Monday night through Wed. Earlier, chase money and/or dive into the benefits of home, family, food, Sunday/Monday. You might meet with mild alienation Sunday suppertime, but this turns to love and friendship this night and Mon. You might meet a person who immediately pleases something in you. Tues./Wed. might extend this bright new bond into a flirty friendship, or a friendly romance. Pull back mildly Thurs./Fri., attend to home and family, rest and contemplate, undertake repairs, steep yourself in nature. Thursday’s difficult, perhaps even misleading. Measure three times before you cut that wood. Friday’s great – good day to expand the home, seek a new one, hold a garden party, etc. Saturday brings you back to “new love” (or to your kids, spouse) – without, however, giving it much of a helping hand. Go slow, show that you’re not “just lust.”


Cancer.svg CANCER   June 21-July 22

Chase money, cultivate the boss or new clients, buy/sell, memorize, and (if all’s honest) join in a sensual bond – all week, but especially Tues./Wed., when good luck accompanies you in these zones. Earlier, Sun./Mon., your energy and charisma remain very high. – it’s a great time to  chase money and show a higher-up how clever you are. But be wary Sunday afternoon (PDT) when someone might not agree with you, in an almost hidden way. These first 4 days of this week are studded with career opportunities – but get ready to digest what you grab, as Tuesday begins almost 2 months of very hard work. Errands, messaging, casual friends and siblings, trips and visits, news media, paperwork and details fill Thurs. (almost nothing works: stick to routine) and Fri. (almost everything works – but you get a bigger pile of mail, phone calls, etc., than usual). Realize a communication, or information, can conflict with your duties, or what you need to do. E.g., directions to your new job could be wrong, or a product contains misleading instructions. Drop all the little chores Sat., and head for home. Take a rest in the back yard.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO   July 23-Aug. 22

Your charisma, energy, clout and effectiveness remain at a yearly high for the next few weeks. You’re the leader, you’ll be listened to. Meet, greet, make contacts, show higher-ups what you can do, wink at the opposite sex. But take a breather Sun./Mon., when your energy’s briefly low: rest, think, plan. (Despite your weariness, a lightning bolt of love could strike you – or another, regarding you. All legal, love, and learning matters benefit. You might also solve a domestic conundrum.) Charge forth Mon. night through Wed., when you’re in top shape – and your luck – are in top shape! The first “downer” of the week comes Thurs., when restrictions (from home/family?) and deception make accomplishment difficult…be patient, and DON’T buy anything significant. Chase money, buy/sell and protect your possessions Friday. Saturday’s for errands, trips, calls, paperwork, etc. Tuesday begins almost two months of romantic courage, creative intensity, and of a “gambling mood.” You could win a lawsuit, or travel for pleasure. You can successfully apply for school, now to about Sept.. 25. Friday begins 3 weeks of mild good luck in money.


Virgo.svg VIRGO   Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Lie low, seek quietude, Virgo. Seek your spiritual center, be charitable toward all. Whittle down neglected chores, duties. Deal with shut-ins, civil servants, admin types, and health practitioners. You might buy a warehouse or assembly-line material (lucky choices Sunday to Wed.). Above all, slow your pace, rest and contemplate. These trends fill the weeks ahead, especially this Monday night through Wed. Your luck stays high for the first 4 days, especially Sun./Mon., when your popularity rises so much you’d think you weren’t in a retreat phase. But weariness comes solidly Tues./Wed. Your energy and charisma rise mildly Thurs. (difficult, obstacles and wrong goals) and Fri. (good, workable, ends with luck – but be wary of over-optimism. E.g., an investment gamble looks good this eve, especially in commercial real estate, warehousing, etc. – but a “hidden aspect” hints that conditions are cloudy, or that local economic conditions might prove tough.) Chase money Saturday – but buy only routine items, groceries, etc.


Libra.svg LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You remain in a hopeful, happy, social mood, which will last three more weeks. Your popularity rises, you attract allies and would-be lovers. Flirtations abound (from glances in a café to actual come-ons). If you’re single, enjoy it! (Someone who appears before Tues. might someday marry you, but into a very practical, ambitious union; someone who appears Tues./Wed. will probably never proceed to marriage – or will only if you sacrifice something valuable – but he/she will make a good, friendly, exciting love affair.) All this comes while you’re engaged in work/career or community status efforts Sun./Mon., or while enjoying friends and socializing Mon. night through Wed. All four days are packed with good fortune – not only in love – grab it when it walks by! Retreat from the bustling crowd Thurs./Fri. – rest, sleep, contemplate what’s happened and make plans for the lucky, social weeks ahead. However, realize Thurs. is filled with unclear goals and very clear obstacles. Friday’s better, and you end with a philosophical sigh. Your energy and charisma soar Saturday: yet, despite this good-luck month, you face problems this day and the following Sunday (Aug. 7) – make no firm decisions/commitments. Tuesday starts almost 2 months of swift action and re-action, intensified friendship that carries a bucket of marriage potential. Friday to August 28, brings an inner peace, but also a reluctance to reveal your affections. (Which probably means you haven’t made a decision yet.)


Scorpio.svg SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead feature your ambitions, your efforts, worldly status, and relations with bosses, parents, VIPs and authorities. You’ll be tested and you’ll pass with, perhaps, a victory lap! Sunday/Monday are mellow, thoughtful, and favour legal proceedings, travel, formal learning and international affairs – and love. That “ambition” kicks in Mon. night through Wed. All four days, Sun. to Wed., are packed with good luck, so don’t waste this time. (Tuesday, BTW, begins almost two months of increased income – which shows where August’s ambitious streak should end, aim for.) Higher-ups continue to favour you, but only to Friday, so don’t hesitate – plunge into career, propose, contact “big people,” etc. Thursday/Friday bring a social interval, heightened popularity, and optimism. Thursday “fights this” with closed doors, barriers – chief among them barriers to good sense, as deception swirls. But Friday welcomes you with open arms – happiness exists! This day begins almost a month of more affectionate social links, perhaps even a friendly love affair (one that has marriage potential). Retreat, rest and contemplate Sat.


Sagittarius.svg SAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

The accent remains on far travel, social rituals, cultural involvements, higher learning, publishing, media, religion, wider understanding, law, insurance and statistics. These culminate Mon. night through Wed., or more correctly, intensity and give you the green light to start a good new project in these zones. (Better Tues. pm onward.) Earlier, Sun./Mon. shine a spotlight on darker regions: power plays, collusion, finances, sexual longing, research and medical matters. All four days, Sun. to Wed., are packed with good luck, especially in emotional, romantic, child-oriented areas. You could fall in love, Sage – and attract it. Your career and “standing” are featured Thurs. (be cautious – obstacles and deceptions everywhere) and Fri. (good, charge ahead with ambitions – but don’t wait for co-operation, nor flaunt independence). Your hopes, happiness and popularity all rise Sat. – but love has a tantrum. Tuesday starts almost two months of romantic, speculative and creative courage and determination. You’ll be temperamental, impulsive – yet impulse will be your salvation. Friday begins three weeks of favour from higher-ups, judges and parents.


Capricorn.svg CAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Life’s depths, power plays, collusion, finances, sexual longing, research and medical matters, discovery and revelation fill the weeks ahead. This week splits in two: lucky through Wed., then merely okay, difficult, Thurs. onward. Sun./Mon. bring relationships – and potential conflict or alienation Sun. afternoon. Otherwise, both days bless you with sweet luck in sexual, home, real estate, partnerships, marriage, and finances. This luck continues through Tues./Wed., an interval in which life’s depths blossom, your subconscious bursts to the surface, and money, sex, research and discovery dominate your attention. What attracts Sun./Mon., grows deeper Tues./Wed. – unless you pull back and decide you aren’t ready for a big commitment. (This will be rare.) Wider vision, understanding, social and cultural rituals, far travel, international affairs, law, media and education are featured Thurs. (many problems, don’t push things) and Fri. (success, but possible long-range difficulties – e.g., legal matters succeed “technically,” but a hidden fact – something you’re hiding? – could spell defeat). Be ambitious Sat. Friday begins almost 4 weeks of affection, love, and good luck in travel, legal, and intellectual zones. Earlier, Tuesday begins almost 2 months of rare and valuable insight, but also warns against dangerous solitude – e.g., avoid dark alleys, biker clubs, etc.


 Aquarius.svgAQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Relationships, exciting meetings, dealing with the public, negotiations, contracts, litigation, possible relocation, challenges and co-operation, enmity and diplomacy – all these fill the weeks ahead. You’re in an “abundantly intimate” cycle until September, so this relationship theme could send singles into the arms of a very sexy affair. Single or married, strictly avoid extra-marital stuff. Aquarians who have had a hard time conceiving might want to give it an extra try now to late September. Your fertility (or your ability to find just the right medical assistance) is at a 13-year high. You might, especially if you’re married, meet an attractive business situation or practical partnership: yes, sign on – funding will come later. Much of this relationship stuff emerges Mon. night (PDT) through Wed. – it’s a perfect time to start a new project, venture, or relationship – any of which can reach a climax about Aug. 18. Earlier, Sun./Mon. accent chores, duties and health concerns. But all four days, Sun. to Wed., hold splendid luck – especially in relationships. Sex, finances, secrets and research fill Thurs. (bad luck, obstacles) and Fri. (smooth progress – but don’t mix friends and money, or friends and sex). Saturday’s for wisdom, mellow feelings, and love. Be patient, don’t push too hard.


Pisces.svg PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

This week, like the next two, is filled with work and minor health concerns. Both are highlighted Mon. night through Wed. – but in such a fortunate way that extra work might translate into extra dollars, a pay raise, etc. These couple of days are excellent for starting a new employment, work, dependent-related, or machinery-related project (including buying machinery/tools). Even Sun./Mon., which are essentially romantic, pleasure-prone days, bring money luck (not gambling luck, but work-related fortune). You can almost make no mistakes Sunday to Wed. Relationships fill Thurs. (uneasily, work demands and opposition stymie you) and Fri. (better – a lucky bond might start/grow). Saturday’s for finances, sexual yearnings, detective work. Don’t get yourself into trouble – commit to nothing. Tuesday starts 8 weeks during which a) bosses and authorities will be impatient, temperamental; and b) your chances of earning more, or landing a pay raise, are very high. Friday starts 25 days of sweet relationships: others will respond to your approaches with grace and affection – even, in a friendly way, in business links. For luck, pursue new links, relocation possibilities, deal with the public, and grab opportunities.

The End.


A wee apology:

One thing I thought about the police-violence thing: until we know (I include myself) we should judge ourselves rather than others. Even then, we might be mistaken.

I have promised a Sagittarian reader – and a Cancer friend – that I won’t discuss police/race etc. for two months. I hate injustice, and the police murders of innocent Blacks just lit my firecracker. A good friend told me my anger came through a little too grotty/gritty – that I seemed angry about something else, something deeper. She was right. I know. I have a spidey sense: whenever I write (or intend to write) something off the meter, my neck and back begin to tingle. They did so when I wrote about cops-Blacks killing each other indiscriminately. There was a malignant anger in there, I can almost smell it still.  My rant reminded me of those male sites for divorced men and abused fathers: the rancor there, toward women (and toward authority) is something to behold.

Well, yes, I suppose I am angry about several things: old age, God, that I’m not famous, that women don’t throw themselves at my feet, and that dental care isn’t free. I’ve been angry, I think, ever since 2010, when I read the Bible’s instructions, that fortune tellers should be stoned to death. I understand this. God doesn’t want people trying to skip around his skein of fate and karma, etc. He doesn’t want people objectifying themselves to the point that self becomes the major focus of life. But the Bible never singles out astrology in the same way. So I’ve asked God, quite sincerely, several times since then, whether astrology is the same, and should I give it up? No answer. Never an answer, nor an event I can understand.

Last summer and fall I went through months of computer hell, when Hewlett Packard’s laptop and Windows Ten started chewing every program up. This just happened again two weeks ago – my recording program, thanks to an update, suddenly blew up. Now, was that God’s answer? Making client work harder, was that the signal to quit? But obstacles and problems occur in every endeavor, even good ones. And after that first computer “season in hell,” my client income increased! So what is/was the answer? I think there was no answer because you reach a point where you can’t lay your problems at anyone’s feet – not even God’s. For the past decade, I have been laying my problems at God’s feet, and blaming Him whenever bad things happened to me.

So that’s it.

I flailed about with 5 or 10 possible approaches/actions the last two weeks to the U.S. racial situation, but none of them, from violence to passivity, seemed right, none seemed to point to an ultimate solution. Half were fantasies; the others seemed, after your mind travelled in their direction for a while, to become barren, unable to achieve their goal. The levels of emotion and fact are so intertwined in this racial situation, that it has become a Gordian Knot – untie-able. (Alexander the Great is reputed to have solved this puzzle this way: he drew out his sword and sliced it in two. When he sliced it, was he being impatient, clever, violent – after all, this was the army – or very wise? He might have recognized, in one intuitive portion of a second, that the puzzle was simply irresolvable; and that every hour a person spent absorbed in the quixotic quest for a solution, was an hour not spent earning a living or chopping wood, or hunting or making survival better and easier; therefore he destroyed it. Buddhist monks might consider his strike a moment of pure zen.

Here’s what astrology says: Whites are ruled by Virgo, Blacks by Capricorn. (Believe this if you want; I do, since I discovered it. But I would understand if you thought it too unsupportable or “intuitive.” There is evidence, but I won’t bother here.) In the long run, these two signs are first locked in a love struggle, then have the capability to merge and love each other wholly. So I remain optimistic. The lunar North Node in Virgo until May 2017 should make Whites more than usually open, reasonable, and responsive to Blacks’ point of view.  Right now, from 2008 to 2024, Pluto is going through Capricorn. Pluto means death and rebirth, or transformation, and Capricorn is the hierarchy. This will cause great changes in all hierarchies; for example, the Arab Revolt (Arab Spring) has occurred, and now the kings are beheaded, in Libya, Egypt, and wherever. So If Blacks are Capricorn, then a major transformation, and rebirth, and acquisition of power, leading to status, is slated from 2008 to 2024. We’re exactly halfway through that period. Almost on cue, a Black man was elected U.S. President the year this trend started. On the negative side, transformation often involves upheaval. Isn’t it striking — ironic? — that the electorate has never been so compassionate and dialogue-prone, moral and environmental, and yet they face a choice between two dishonest and obviously corrupt candidates? It’s as though the masses of America wanted to put in play their most angry, infected side, to exorcise it….

30 years ago I would have taken the optimistic (and surely correct) view that society will eventually cure all its ills. But in the short term (say 50-100 years) we will only improve man’s kindness to man if there is a will to do so. The great threat of tyranny or dictatorship, is the passivity caused by oppression. There is a kind of wish for death displayed by oppressed people, just the slightest breeze of it, wouldn’t even stir the kitchen curtains, or at least a wish for sleep, in that passivity.

We are a more gentle and broad-minded humanity than we were 50 years ago, and some passivity comes with this – but so does an odd ability to bond, world-wide. In a way, our kids won’t need to be assertive, because they will make friends so easily among themselves. Perhaps wars cease, at least as we know them. (The wars that have heaved through humanity for millennia, perhaps these wars were necessary in some evolutionary, biological or other unnameable way?) Perhaps as mankind “hives” wars become obsolete; for the hive is co-operative, and these kids are internationally co-operative.

(I was a hippie, and thought we were the greatest generation, peace, love, drugs and flowers; at our height, we brought down the Berlin wall. But the new generation, the 20-40 somethings (many of us bore children quite early or quite late) are a far better generation than we were. These “youngsters” are determined, kind, gracious and polite, environmental advocates with a zeal we never knew. If ever co-operation and world peace could come through a generation, it might be this one. It will be interesting to watch, if I’m alive, the “power period” when they are 50-70 years old.)

Passivity might even someday be considered a virtue. The evolution of social man/woman is almost palpable, you can feel it in the air. Our kids are ten times more ecologically conscious than we were or are. With them, it is almost an instinct. They show a similar instinct with computers, almost as if the machines, in cosmic terms, were saying, “Come on home.” Their social habits, at least for a start, a decade so far, seem oriented through the machine, rather than, as in the Industrial age, around it. This trend began in the late 1800’s; it was the era of radio and the telephone. The 1800’s also began a period of miniaturization, increased rates of innovation and computer capabilities. The mass production of things caused a sort of logistical pressure, and made manufacturer’s minds turn to “smaller” to save energy in transport and increased storage space. Assembly lines made things cheaper, resulting in factories having to make more, ship larger loads further distances and store more in bigger warehouses, so savings via size reduction became a financial choice. To date, the miniaturization trend, combined with the exact opposite, a wide-eyed love of going to ever expanded horizons in thought and deed – it is as if Silicon Valley specializes in turning thoughts into deeds: not like you might think, but as if thoughts, and the grand architecture of many inventions, combined to be stepping stones in a paradoxical world: every step forward in miniaturization, is also a step forward in expansion of capability; as one world shrinks, another expands. To date, this has allowed us to be walking computers, with I-Phones and watches; now they’ve developed a “computer shirt,” though it seems to have stalled in development. Ninety-nine per cent of people will use this technology for fun, music, or business. But one per cent will use it to innovate; and they will create the future.
