Hi, Guys, again, I’ll just do the Luck Forecasts. The weekly messages follow these.
Sage, your luck forecast is also, in a limited way, your personal forecast. That’s because the planet I use to track luck — Jupiter — is also your ruling planet. So your area of luck will also be your area of self-development, of focus and effort. For the best luck, 1) don’t be lazy, and 2) join with another (or many others) to pursue deep goals, especially financial or family-building ones. (Buying a stock on the NYSE is “joining with many others,” — the other investors. For you, luck and action combine. During the present interval, from June 25 2013 to July 16 2014, your good fortune resides in the vast, deep and complex arena of secrets and mysteries, research and detective work, seed, conception and pregnancy, critical health matters (i.e., those which need diagnosis by an MD or specialist) large finances such as investments, retirement funds, mortgage debt, sexual urges, lifestyle changes, commitment and consequence. If you already work in one of these fields — e.g., police detctive, psychiatrist, gynecologist, investment advisor — you should have a banner year.
Most of all, this period emphasizes lucky change. (If you think about it, every item listed above is an agent of change: pregnancy, investing, committing to a mortgage — these produce a huge alteration in anyone’s life. So look to these areas, be eager to enact changes, and you’ll gather the splendid rewards offered by these 55 weeks. This is a great time to alter your lifestyle, either in small ways such as cutting out ice cream, or in big ways such as purchasing a new residence.
There is some small indication that your “lucky change” from mid-2013 to mid-2014 can involve a past love affair or a former creative project. For instance, you might meet an old flame by accident, get together, and find (a little later) that you’re now parents. That might seem a little incautious, but it will likely work out well, because these matters are beneficial to you during this phase. Even if there is no old flame, sexual intimacy is both more likely than usual, and an “agent of change.”
Your income at present seems to be tied up with a government, a large company (e.g., large corporate clients) and/or with bureaucracy, red tape, management duties, etc. This is a perfect time to boost your income by research, starting a semi-confidential project, investing in your work place or the comany that hires you, buying dividend-paying stocks, etc.
Your intuition is strong and accurate now. Your subconscious floats to the surface, letting you see people’s character and motives more accurately than usual — and giving you a good idea of how actions and events will turn out. You’ll sense when to act — do so! One thing’s for sure: your life will change. One warning: avoid the “open doors” to cheating, spying and crime that this period might contain — be good!
Capricorn, between June 25 2013 and July 16 2014, your major good fortune lies in relationships and related areas, such as business partnerships, marriage, contests, negotiations, litigation, contracts and agreements, dealings with the public, fame, opportunities, fresh new horizons, and relocation. Any partner you attract or pursue now will tend to be a forthright,, honest, cheerful (and perhaps slightly pompous) person. The great thing is, for 55 weeks you can trust people — both allies and enemies will be open and honest. You might get into a terrific shouting match with someone (especially someone, as can happen this year, who attracts and frustrates you) but you’ll realize, afterward, that he/she didn’t fight dirty, and spoke honestly.This could lead to some valuable self-examination! (Such a “fight” could siimply disguise an intense attraction, or it could be an old fight with an ex, or it could make you both reject and forgive someone at the same time. The “fight” can also be a political or religious arguement.) The odd thing is, a good fight — this time around — could make you feel both more free and emotionally stronger.
Almost all your good luck this year (mid-2013 to mid-14) will emerge from another (or others). This means you need to be more than diplomatic; for the best success, be other-oriented, eager to join, and quick to emphasize another’s desires, rather than your own. (Super salepeople do this: they find out what your desire is, then work to fill it.) For you, Lady Luck almost always carries “bigger duties” in one hand, as she hails you with the other. Don’t be afraid to take on heavier responsibilities, especially for a loved one or partner.
You are one-third of the way through a time of deep personal change, lasting to 2024. This time will bring you new, fresh goals, and a new social ciircle. You could meet some of the livelier members of that social circle this year. You could also meet a life mate. It’s not so much that you are looking for one, but that someone sets their sights on you. This person could believe you’re his/her true love — and he/she might be right. Remember this: in love and other areas, 2008-2024, you possess a great power to alter your own and others’ lives: during the present 55 weeks, though, someone else has the winning ace. If you want to advance, hold their hand.
START NOTHING TIMES: July 7-13, 2013
4:44 am Mon. to 3:48 am Tues.
12:54 pm to 3:12 pm Thurs.
After 8:26 am Sat.

The accent remains on home, domestic concerns, food/nutrition, kids/parents, real estate, security, and retirement plans. Remember, avoid any important new starts before July 20. That includes renovations and landscaping. This entire area (domesticity, real estate, kids, etc.) is bountifully laced with good fortune now to July 2014. Until the 20th, this good luck can come barrelling from the past — perhaps your home regains its value (if you’re American) or a prodigal son/daughter returns. These “home themes” are highlighted Sun./Mon. — some friction, much luck! Chase romance, be creative, and/or look after kids’ interests Tues. thru Thurs. afternoon — best Tues. eve onward. Tackle chores Thurs. eve thru Sat. — you’ll get them done.
Remember, start nothing brand new (projects or relationships) before July 20. Instead, reprise the past and/or protect ongoing projects from delays and mistakes. Your home life is sweet; family treats you affectionately. Money continues to flow to you, but also through you — bank it, reject spending. Old friends, acquaintances and contacts might reappear — one of these, at least, bears a secret or a restriction that you don’t want to face. This week and next, the accdent lies on travel and communications, but double-check anything you write before you send it — and check figures on cheques — especially Sun./Mon. Home sweet home midweek (better after Tues. afternoon). Your romantic side perks up Thursday eve thru Sat. — all’s good!
GEMINI May 21 – June 20
Continue to chase, collect and save money, especially Sun./Mon. But remember, don’t start anything nor buy anything major (a suit or dress is major) before July 20. A past money matter, perhaps connected to a former voyage, legal or lawsuit matter, or education or publishing, could arise — to your benefit. (E.g., you could find that your ex-spouse hid assets, and owes you more now. You should be so lucky!) Trips, friends, siblings and communications fill midweek. Engage these after Tues. afternoon, not before. Thursday eve begins 3 days of down-€home concerns: garden, kids, retirement, secuity, real estate, etc. Yeild to weariness; rest. All’s well.
CANCER June 21 – July 22
Your energy and charisma remain high, especially Sun./Mon. You’ll win most competitions, you’ll attract roving eyes. You’ll be pleased by how people greet you. But don’t start any new projects nor relationships before July 20. A former career-related ambition/opportunity., probably connected to a red-tape, bureaucratic or “head office” situation, might return — if you see it, grab it. Chase money Tues. thru Thurs. afternoon — though you’ll meet refusals (or bills!) daytime Tues., so act after this. Remember, old money or old sources — not the new. Thursday eve thru Sat. brings friends, siblings, short trips, errands, communications. An easy, productive week!
LEO July 23 – Aug. 22
Continue to rest, lie low, avoid the bustling crowd all week, but especially Sun./Mon. Reconnect with your spirit, be charitable,forgive (perhaps one major past “injury,” maybe a social or legal one). Contemplate, but don’t plan. Scoop up any neglected government-related or administrative chores and finish them. Don’t start any new projects nor relationships before July 20. Your energy rises nicely (but not hugely) Tues. thru Thurs. midday — ask favours, tackle chores that formerly intimidated you, AFTER 2 pm (PDT) Tues. Chase money, pay bills, buy only necessities Thurs. eve thru Sat. This is an easy, smooth week — use it for rest,
VIRGO Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
Your mood soars during this easy, happy, popular and hopeful week — especially Sun./Mon. A dream could come true, a dream from the past, probably involving career or finances…or, perhaps, an intimate desire. Get outside, mingle and make/accept invitations Sun./Mon. — happiness surrounds you, and light romance is possible — but only has a future if you and this person have a past, even the slightest one. Remember, until July 20, you should not start any new ventures nor new relationships. Retreat, rest and contemplate Tues. thru midday Thurs. Protect your health. Your energy and charisma surge upward Thurs. eve to Sat. — tackle anything (except the new) — you’ll succeed!
LIBRA Sept. 23 – Oct. 22
Be ambitious all week, Libra, especially Sun./Mon. — but remember, until July 20, don’t start any new projects or relationships, don’t make any proposals to your boss(es) or parents and DON’T buy equipment. Next week (thru late August) higher-ups will become critical and impatient. This iinflouence will also give you the opportunity to grab a career prize. Be prepared for both these by working hard this week — nothing new, just strengthen what is. Your mood rises toward happiness midweek, as optimism, social joys and light flirtation arrive. But retreat Thurs. eve thru Sat. — rest, protect health, lie low. Enjoy sweet solitude. All’s well during this smooth week.
SCORPIO Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
Far travel, legal, intellectual, cultural and love matters are highlighted for two more weeks. (The cosmos draws its highlighter pen over these zones Sun./Mon.) Pour your efforts into these zomnes during this easy, smooth week. A love possibility grows now, might emerge next week. But remember, do not start new projects nor relationships before July 20. So this “love,” if it appears, will likely be with an old flame, or simply an old acquaintance. If not, take care — it could go in unending circles in future. (The love can also be parental, forr children, or an artist’s love for her creation.) Be ambitious midweek. (But don’t approach the boss Tues. morn or afternoon.) Your popularity rises, social joys visit, optimism flows, Thurs. eve thru Sat.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Life’s mystery continues. Lust, greed and all that stuff call you from your inner depths, especially Sun./Mon. These aren’t bad things; they’re biologically necessary. But deal with them carefully, because you still have to answer to society. That said, sex, intimacy, investments, debt, commitments and consequences, research and secrets, subconscious promptings, not only fill your days now, they are also lucky — for a whole year ahead. BUT: 1) these might be connected to a former relationship or opportunity; and 2) you should NOT pursue any new situations in these (or any) areas before July 20. Midweek brings gentle love, cultural enjoyment, far travel, legal or intellectual pursuits. Be ambitious Thurs. eve thru Sat.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
Relationshiips remain the prime focus of this week and next, especially this Sun./Mon. But during both weeks, don’t start a new relationship (nor any important project). An old flame might appear — even a former spouse. (Yes, welcome this.: at the very least, you’ll learn something.) You’re working hard this week, but this intensity will quickly drop off next week onward. Tackle only routine chores or tasks already started (or long overdue). “Big money” is favoured until late August — investments, debt, mutually held assets, etc. — as well as sexual intimacy, research and health concerns. Tuesday thru Thurs. afternoon emphasizes these things — plunge into them AFTER Tues. afternoon. Gentle love, compassion, intellectual forays,, far travel, legal matters succeed Thurs. eve to Sat.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
A pile of chores still faces you, Aquarius. Might as well dig in — but, until July 20, don’t start any new, non-routine chores or projects, and do not buy any tools or machinery. It’s likely that someone will contact you about a job you once did, or left unfinished — embrace this, rather than avoid it. Others continue to treat you affectionately. Sun./Mon. really pile the work on you. Relationships meet refusal Tuesday, but excite, bless you, this eve thru Thurs. Thursday eve to Sa. bring mysteries, large financial situations, and sexual desires. All’s well here, although you should watch to make sure you’re aware of a “new trend” — if you don’t see it, you might be missinng something.
PISCES Feb. 19 – March 20
Sun./Mon. — and the week ahead — and to some degree the whole 12 months ahead — accents and favours passion, romance, beauty, pleasure, creativity, self-expression, sports/games, and speculation. Take a risk, Pisces! But aim that risk toward old or ongoing situations. (E.g., approach an old flame.) Brand new relationships and projects should be avoided before July 20. (One exception: don’t “re-tackle” an old piece of writing.) Midweek emphasizes work and health: do the necessary Tues., the “easier” this eve thru Thurs. Thursday afternoon thru Sat. brings crucial relationships, opportunities (avoid the new!) and challenges. Love is possible!