My new email is: (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”
If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.
7:12 pm to 10:35 pm Sunday, 5:40 am to 8:51 am Wednesday, and 10:00 am to 4:52 pm Friday.
Soon, we’ll realize that the main thing money can buy is nature. In future this will become more obvious — but it might already be the root cause of the recent “millennial” riots in the U.S.A. We long ago (1950’s) predicted a leisure society, but received instead the current welfare or high-unemployment situation. In future, the only way the financially elite class can maintain their position is to produce goods which are numerous and cheap enough for the welfare class to purchase. (For there will be only two classes, if we ignore such minor strata as the intellectual class.) Cheap means cheap materials, which means artificial materials. The “leisurely” (i.e. the poor) will live in a paradise of plastic and concrete. Only the rich elites will be able to afford wooden houses, treed yards, flowers and nature’s scents. The rest will live in hives, and slowly, perhaps, be turned into Borgs.
This sounds pessimistic, and perhaps is. The situation might be saved by the “civil war” the Millennials are starting to wage. Might be, but the “M’s” are fighting very large trends.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
The accent remains on home, family, security, gardening, mother nature, nutrition, stomach, soul, and business territory. Still, you’re restless (in a good way) and your adventure-creative-romantic side blossoms mildly, which can trigger some good local journeys or intriguing conversations. Don’t let your romantic leanings cause friction at home, though (this week or next week). Sunday’s tough — be diplomatic with authorities (cops?) and protect your reputation. You might have to choose between home (favoured, short-term) and career/ambitions (favoured long term). This night grows social, and happiness arrives for a visit until dawn Wed. (PDT). Your popularity, social talents and optimism rise mildly. (Mildly, because the next 16 months hold barriers here.) Be prepared for a flirtation. Be cautious of your wishful side now to Nov. 2018 — wishes can impede progress by making you abandon the need for true effort. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Wed. dawn to late afternoon Friday. Avoid competitive situations. Relationship discussions and legal, travel or educational goals are obstructed, especially if you’e seeking government (or the boss’s) approval. But meditation, spirituality, charity and exploring “inner realms” go well, as do all home-related matters. Good for landscaping, pruning, sawing and banging, repairs. Your energy and charisma return Friday eve through Saturday — a successful interval, so start things, be active, even woo someone.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Errands, communications, casual meetings, short trips, news, details and paperwork fill this week and next. Be curious, follow your nose — it can lead to good things, revelations, new ideas. You might wander through a neighbourhood in which you’ll later live. (A gentle good fortune accompanies you in real estate zones until Nov. 2018.) You might also learn a secret this week or next, but consider whether you should share it. (Beware revealing a secret of your own.) Your money picture looks fortunate until month’s end. Sunday might be tough — if your attitude is combative, expect a fight. If you’re peaceful, you might see two friends fight — don’t get in the middle. Drive, speak and write carefully. Your ambitious side emerges from 11:00 this night to dawn Wed. (PDT). Charge ahead, try new methods, approaches, contact VIPs — everything is green-lighted, future advancement seems certain — but is it? Make sure your motives are squeaky-clean, and your goals (in ambition’s sphere) are reasonable. If you meet delays, shrug and accept them. This way, you’ll win. (This advice lasts to Nov. 2018.) Happiness, optimism, friends and social joys, flirtations and entertainment bless you Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. Avoid over-spending, investing, and don’t try to turn a social friend into a sexual one. Otherwise, joy! Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan your future Fri. eve through Saturday. All’s well.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Chase money this week and next, Gemini. Your attractiveness has risen, will stay high all July — you probably notice the opposite sex throwing a glance or two your way. Your communication and travel skills are good now, too. You’re restless, so follow your curiosity. Money flows easily — to you and through you. Try to stop it before it leaves. Protect yourself, your health, your money and your self-esteem Sunday — DON’T invest, nor chase sexual intimacy, nor make any commitment. Sign nothing. A wise, mellow mood steals over you late Sunday night to dawn (PDT) Wed. All goes well, especially in far travel, intellectual, media, international and religious zones, but contemplate the long-range: will you still want what you’re chasing in a few years (in these zones)? If you encounter delays here, accept them as “cosmic protection.” Your ambitions, career, prestige relations and dealings with authorities are highlighted Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. Your efforts can pay off handsomely in money terms. Ask for a pay raise, or cultivate new clients. But again, avoid investing, and work alone, don’t ask for co-operation. Happiness, social joys, popularity, optimism, a flirtation — these arrive Fri. eve through Saturday. Enjoy!
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness remain at a yearly high, Cancer. Continue to lead, to start significant projects and relationships, to tackle necessary tasks that formerly intimidated you. But beware being too rough, pushy. Your ambitions are high, strong. Your inner world stays sweet, comforting all month. Much talk about money. Be careful Sunday — someone’s aching for a fight, or alternately is determined to have their way, and for you not to have yours. Better not to engage, just let this day (and its offers) pass. Large finances, sexual congress, secrets and investigation, lifestyle changes and medical concerns arise 11 pm (PDT) Sun. night to Wed. morning. Although everything runs smoothly here, be a little wary — avoid chasing rainbows, and keep your motives clean, unadulterated. In general, this area is best avoided now to Nov. 2018. A wise, mellow mood floats into you Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. Love, intellectual, legal, media, far travel and similar pursuits go well. But avoid secret liaisons and drudgery work. Be ambitious Fri. eve through Saturday — march forth, you could make great strides! (However, don’t count on a partner — and your ambitions will probably succeed more easily if you don’t try to appeal to the public.) A good week — grab it and run with it!
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
You remain a bit sequestered this week and next, Leo. Remain spiritual, charitable, deal with the gov’t or head office, and catch up on neglected chores. Preserve your energy. Sunday’s difficult, especially in work or health zones. Don’t act illegally or impulsively. Relationships, new horizons, opportunities — and challenges, possible rejections — fill Sun. night (11 pm PDT) to Wed. dawn. Be diplomatic. This interval runs smoothly, easily, but stop short of commitment, relocating, or grabbing an opportunity. Give yourself a few days to mull it over. You might be attracted to an unreasonable person. The deeper side of relationships emerges Wed. morning to late Fri. afternoon. Sexual intimacy, large finances, lifestyle changes, medical diagnoses, commitment and consequence — one or more of these calls you, and in a fortunate, successful way. However, speak sparingly and be sceptical about romance or a gamble. A wise, mellow mood steals over you Friday eve through Sat. You’ll succeed with travel, learning, cultural and intellectual pursuits — a great day to poke through used book stores, or see a foreign film. All’s well!
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Your bright, lucky social trend continues, Virgo, for two more weeks. Until the 20th, the possibility of investing with or engaging in sex with a friend is high. You’ll have private moments, also, and could hear a significant secret, or need to communicate with/answer the gov’t or head office. Bosses, parents and higher-ups favour you now to month’s end, making this a great time to offer proposals, suggestions. Sunday’s problematical, bringing disruptions and “now or never” situations/choices. (E.g., do you choose profound love, or mere friendship?) Tackle chores 11 pm (PDT) Sun. to dawn Wed. Eat and dress sensibly. You can make substantial progress during this smooth interval. Relationships confront you Wed. morning to late afternoon Fri. — mostly great ones, but keep an eye on career demands, and home restrictions. Either could interfere with your social and romantic aims. A deep bond formed before Friday dawn will eventually suffer from coldness or boredom; one formed later this morning could be deeply satisfying, and “deliver” you from a past/ongoing but stale situation. Dig deeply, investigate, Fri. eve through Saturday. Research, lifestyle changes, medical diagnoses, financial actions and sexual attractions arise — all fortunately, but with a possible looming future obstacle — don’t gamble.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
The emphasis continues on your career, worldly status, prestige relations, dealings with authorities, and your reputation. You’re more determined or aggressive than usual in these areas, so be diplomatic if you want to win the day. Bosses, parents and authorities are impatient, temperamental, too. Friends will contact you, issue invitations, until July 25 — and a wee streak of romance can lighten your load. Legal, travel, intellectual, publishing and cultural matters are blessed until month’s end. So is true love. Sunday’s hard, so be cautious, treat your family with gentle understanding (silent understanding!) — don’t bother chasing romance, and don’t seek co-operation. Romance, and creativity, risk-taking, pleasure pursuits, beauty and charming kids fill Sunday late night (11 pm PDT) to dawn Wed. Though all runs smoothly and benevolently here, be aware that, long-term, whatever you start in these areas might not “survive.” (This advice holds until Nov. 2018.) Tackle chores and protect your health Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. You’ll accomplish, and could earn a step up the career ladder. But realize legalities, education, or communications could hold you back — sidestep these. Relationships oppose and bless you late Fri. afternoon through Saturday. The blessing comes early, the opposition might lurk in the near future and come from your family. Jump on an opportunity, especially in business, career, socially and in pursuing a fresh horizon.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Your wise, mellow mood remains, Scorpio. Continue to pursue far travel, publishing/media, cultural, educational, intellectual and religious goals — and love. These zones can grow suddenly intense at times, and/or could dovetail with your work. Strictly avoid lawsuits until July 20. Higher-ups are talkative — listen, ask questions, and learn. You might hear about a small change in your career position. Investments are favoured until month’s end. So are intimacy, research, and lifestyle “engineering.” (E.g., join a health club.) Sunday’s for errands and communications, but fights your progress with obstacles and disruptions — drive carefully, and watch your words. Home sweet home calls you late Sun. night (11 pm PDT) to dawn Wed. everything flows smoothly here, but think long-range: will you want what attracts you now? If you encounter delays, thank the cosmos — these delays are protecting you. (This advice holds to Nov. 2018.) Romance, pleasure, beauty, charming kids, creativity and risk-taking lure you Wed. morn to late afternoon Friday — mostly luckily, benevolently. Let passion have it’s way! But watch spending and earnings: they might disappoint. Tackle work and protect your daily health Fri. eve through Sat. — all’s well, you’ll get a good chunk accomplished, and could even, Saturday, have a conversation that points toward promotion. But pay attention to a mild hint of alienation.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Delve deep, investigate, be willing to commit, to sign on the dotted line. You’re in a consequential area now and next week, Sage. What you do could change your life. This could be an investment, a research project, a mortgage, debt reduction, a sexual liaison, or simply a decision to alter your lifestyle. Be judicious, not impulsive — your blood runs hot here. If a medical doctor recommends a course of action, don’t ignore it. Relationships are affectionate and gracious until month’s end. You are likely to get a “yes.” Far travel, learning and intellectual discussions lighten your days until July 25. If you do invest or commit to someone, the legal side will proceed quickly and benevolently. Sunday is not easy — be careful with your money, memory and possessions (e.g., don’t leave your passport on the restaurant table) don’t force a romantic goal, and drive carefully. You might need to choose between investing and spending, or between deep sex and a casual link. Errands, busy little tasks, paperwork, details, short trips, communications and casual acquaintances fill Sun. night (11 pm PDT) to Wed. dawn. All goes well here, but now to Nov. 2018, don’t waste all your time in this zone. Don’t start major projects here, such as a mail campaign, or a vehicle purchase. Be home, at least in your heart, Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. All flows well here, with family, property, security, retirement, kids, etc. — still, you might have moments of discouragement (wondering if a present burden will ever end/lighten? — it will, this December onward). Romance, creative and speculative urges, and a hankering for pleasure, an attraction to beauty, rise Fri. eve through Saturday. Luck rides with you, especially if a Leo, Gemini or another Sage is involved. Still, a quiet bell of possible alienation tolls…
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
You continue to face relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons, relocation possibilities, Cap — and possible opposition, challenge, even enmity. (The enmity would only arise from any smugness or ultra-independence on your part. But realize others are volatile, and aggressive.) Co-workers are affectionate, work is easy all month. You could hear secrets, now to the 25th; investigation yields results. You can learn valuable insights into financial and sexual subjects until July 25 — and might, fortunately, act on them. Your energy and charisma remain high Sunday, but disagreements and disruptions are likely, so maintain a sense of humour. Someone might become”fixated” on you. Be wise, generous. Money, earnings, buying/selling, possessions, memory and rote learning are accented fortunately late Sun. night (11 pm PDT) to dawn Wednesday. Act here, but realize this is not your best zone of accomplishment before Nov. 2018. (For instance, focus on investments rather than earnings, if you want to succeed.) Errands, communications, short trips, paperwork and casual acquaintances fill Wed. morning to late Fri. afternoon. March ahead — you’ll get lots done. However, guard against letting personal secrets “out of the bag.” Home, family call Friday eve through Sat. — answer that call, you’ll be glad/satisfied if you do. You might buy real estate Saturday pm.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
The general accent remains on work, employees, health, and machinery — and to a lesser degree on dependents, pets and service personnel. You’ll remain very energized in these until the 20th, but don’t sacrifice yourself to work to the point of self-abnegation or abandonment of friendly contacts. (Next week, July 17, will show you what I mean.) Relationships of all types grow lively and talkative now to the 25th, and these “conversations” could point you toward a good opportunity. The drudgery of work (et al) will be relieved by a sweet (and lucky!) streak of love, romance, or adventure-creativity-risk, which lasts all month. Sunday’s terrible: remain withdrawn, quiet and restful. Charging toward a goal can cause disruption, fender-benders, arguments, even loss of a job. Your energy and charisma return late Sun. (11 pm PDT) to dawn Wednesday. All lights are green so march ahead toward your goals. It’s a great little interval to buy machinery/tools, hire employees (or seek work) and/or to seek health cures. Ask favours, sort things — you’ll get co-operation (though mildly). Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients or ask for a pay raise Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. (You might not get that pay raise, but it makes an impression, puts you in line for a future one.) Two things: romance distracts rather than helps, and wishful thinking or socializing can prevent success. Be serious, earnest. Errands, casual friends, trips and communications fill Fri. eve, Saturday. Be curious! Saturday’s love interval can elate you.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
The emphasis remains on romance, passion, creative and speculative urges, sports and games, charming kids, beauty and pleasure. This week is luckier than next in these matters, so don’t procrastinate if someone/something draws you. Both weeks, intensity is the norm. You might discover a creative/speculative way to make money. Your home and family are affectionate and supportive all month, making this a fairly good time to buy real estate or move into a new home. Work grows more active, co-workers more talkative, until the 25th. You might form a working partnership for a short time. Be careful, diplomatic Sunday — friends might argue among themselves (though in an almost hidden way) or an “accident” might be costly. (You’ll be happy, though.) Retreat from the bustling crowd Sun. night (11 pm PDT) to dawn Wednesday. Rest, contemplate and plan. Be charitable, seek your spiritual centre. You’ll succeed in dealings with the gov’t or large corporations — however, accept “small victories” and realize long-term results might elude you. (Don’t “invest” too heavily in this zone before Nov. 2018.) Your energy and charisma surge upward Wed. morning to late afternoon Friday. Charge ahead, start things, seek others out. In romance, you can punch above your weight — give someone “unreachable” a try! But don’t be ambitious, career-oriented, nor chase someone for status. Chase money, buy/sell, Fri. eve through Saturday. You might be paid more for your work (which itself goes smoothly, successfully). A good week!
The End