Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “June 5 – 11, 2016.”
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: 7:47 am to 5:33 pm Sun., 0:01 am to 6:18 am Wed., and 6:52 am to 6:34 pm Fri.
TO ALL READERS: If you play the stock markets, be careful this week.
“I’m so mean I make medicine sick.” – M. Ali.
“I handcuff lightning and throw thunder in jail.” – M. Ali.
“I’m so fast I can run through a hurricane without getting wet.” – M. Ali.
Rest in peace, Muhammad. He had a Capricorn Sun (sense of timing – those perfect flurries – and unstinting self-discipline) and Leo Rising (heart, determination and “I demand your attention!”). His Moon was in Aquarius, right beside his Mercury (swift words, lightning talk). Like most heroes he was arrogant and cruel in fight, loving and compassionate in peace.
Many Taurus people seem to be running a gauntlet of problems these years. I find this puzzling, as there is no traditional astrological reason for it. But it’s striking that the earth is also under pressure and stress – global warming, the toileting of the oceans, etc. Taurus is the earthiest sign. Cancer is often connected to the concept of Gaia, the earth mother. The one who labours over her multiple brood. But Taurus is the one who slows down enough to truly feel and smell and fill his eyes with the beauty and benevolence and luxury of nature – her moods, her blessings, her beauties, laid out to the horizon. I think the prospect of global warming et al has seriously disrupted some basic life love or life hope, for this gracious, gentle human being.
Fuel is more essential to a fire than flame. A fire can burn without flame, not without fuel. But we seldom recognize this. We think red is more important, more exciting, than “wood,” mere wood. And flame is among red’s elite.
Childhood: what a concept. My 50th high school reunion will occur June 11. When I went to school in the 1950’s and 60’s, the teachers were various, as any large collection of adults would be. (My high school had 2,000 students.) But their ideals, their principle and vice-principle (read both ways) were a pathetic, almost fascist expression of frustration. For example, in Grade 12, in 1965/66, they took a friend of mine, Russell Cable, from his classes and made him spend the entire school day alone, every day, in an empty classroom, because he had grown his hair in the mop style of the Beatles. They sentenced him to this exile and lack of instruction until he agreed to cut his hair. He didn’t agree, and he stayed in that empty room every day, every week and month, until Graduation Day. In those days, you attended the graduation ceremony whether you passed or not, for most of the tests were not local, but provincial, and the results were often not available until July. I don’t remember Russell being at the grad ceremony.
These teachers were role models for my generation. They were so consciously and assiduously working to make us conform to – what? To a fashion? – that they would deprive a well-behaved youth (he was, I knew him) of his Grade 12 graduation, which virtually assured he would be locked out of any university or college, and be denied all but the most menial jobs. So they tried, at the least, to traumatize by alienation/solitude/disapproval, and to ruin a crucial year or two in a young man’s life, to set him back. They were quite assured of this. But as it happened, Russell (nickname, Lal) passed all his provincial exams, and graduated, if not in ceremony, on paper and in records. All this, Teachers, because his fashion was a slight deviation from your fashion? Of course fashion is more than fashion – it’s a declaration. Russell’s hair was a declaration that he wanted to grow in an avenue that was harmless, yet not approved by these rigid, ignorant bureaucrats masquerading as teachers. To them, anything new or different was never harmless, and deserved to be killed a.s.a.p. That WW II generation was not about to let their children grow, express themselves, nor – worst, worst of all – snag onto anything creative. First they take your soul, then they take your genius.
Of course any teacher or principle of the time, if you asked him/her, would surround their stupidity with words like “honor” and “character” and “learning to co-operate.” Villains always have their own language, and the most villainous of these, if obtuse language is an indicator, are civil servants such as teachers, civic planners, semi-governmental committee members, etc.
The sad truth is, schools teach mediocrity.
It’s apparently ironic that the freest nation on earth, the U.S.A., has the largest police force. But when you think about it, it’s entirely logical.
Sunday’s easy, nothing special, good for routine chores. This eve (5:30 pm PDT) to Wed. dawn brings relationships. Good communications Sunday eve, a slow but stable Monday, and a disruptive or adventurous Tues. until almost suppertime. Tues. night, all’s well that ends well – and it could end in love. Remember, June’s main accent lies on communications and short trips. If you’re single, travel and talk heighten relationship prospects. At work and elsewhere, forming new associations, spying fresh horizons and opportunities are also favoured – but more Tues. pm, especially late night, than earlier. Delve deeply into mysteries, secrets and “privileged data” Wed. mid-morn to Fri. suppertime. Be careful how you deal with VIPs, government, institutional workers and higher-ups, esp. Friday. Not a time to gamble, although an investment, or a risky sexual escapade sure look tempting. The whole interval flows smoothly, so you can get a lot done in research, investigation, medical diagnoses, and (careful with all the following) lifestyle changes, debt reduction, medicine, and commitments. Friday night, Saturday are for mellow processing: think broadly, deeply, seek the reasons why, contemplate other countries, other loves. Neither make nor accept promises.
Continue to chase money, buy/sell, seek clients, ask for a pay raise, etc. This week is easy and smooth, but it has a couple of minor bumps, and one very significant, almost undetectable influence lasting all week. This one hints that deep deception (or self-illusion) might underlie sexual and financial urges, investments, friendship hopes, social invitations and future plans. Try to avoid all these presently. Sunday’s easy, romantic and beauty-filled, but not productive of much. Tackle chores this eve (PDT) to Wed. dawn – you’ll get it done, you’ll achieve even more than you anticipated, but take care Tues. until early suppertime: don’t force issues (or square pegs into round holes). Not a good time to buy machinery nor to hire employees, service workers. Relationships confront you Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime – all’s good, friendly, co-operative. To succeed most, help someone. That deception danger mentioned above (re: sexual, financial venues, etc.) peaks Fri. night, Sat. – a good time to enjoy mysteries without stepping into one.
Your cred, your style, your presence and energy remain at an annual high, Gemini. You could fall in love during this easy, smooth week. But sexual intimacy, and/or mating/marrying will tend to be undermined by 1) your wonder, suspicion, worry; or 2) by an authority figure, whether outside you (e.g., a parent, boss or judge) or inside you (your anticipation that this romance could hurt your public or worldly standing). This uncertainty or “shifting ground” lasts all week, and culminates Friday night and Saturday, just as you have to make a decision about a relationship. (My advice: wait until next Thurs., June 23, to make a decision.) Earlier, Sunday’s for rest, puttering around the house or garden. Give your spouse a kiss. Suppertime Sun. to Wed. dawn (PDT) will bring romance, creative and risk-taking urges (careful with speculation) beauty, the “pleasure of the moment,” good self-expression, and charming kids. You might fall in love with someone who also fancies you. Tuesday is a bit rough pre-dawn to suppertime, but the friction it creates might spark the fire of attraction. If you’re chasing someone, persevere (without stalking, of course) – this should end well. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Wed. morning to Fri. suppertime – charge in, you’ll get piles accomplished! But shy away from chores directly related to your career or public reputation. Caution Sat. re possible deception.
This is another mostly easy, smooth week, Cancer – which helps you do what’s best: rest, contemplate, follow spiritual and charitable urges, and stay out of the limelight. Usually this would also be a good time to examine your entire situation and make plans – however, a wonky influence, lasting all week and climaxing Fri./Sat., will bring potential pitfalls, deceptions, and misty thinking – not a good atmosphere in which to form plans. (It’s like planning a road through a swamp, when if you waited a week more, you’d discover the high ground.) Be particularly careful with your health and employment: stay middle-of-the-road. You’re restless Sunday, yet nothing coalesces – best idea, perform routine errands. This night to Wed. dawn (PDT) accents your domestic scene: kid/parent relations, garden, nutrition, home repairs, real estate, etc. Here you face the biggest bump of the week, Tues. morn to suppertime – followed by success. Timing’s everything! From Wed, dawn to Fri. suppertime, romance, beauty, immediate pleasure, charming kids, creative and speculative urges sing a tempting song – a benevolent song, so dive in (gently, as your charisma’s low). Tackle chores and protect your health Fri. night, Sat.
Wishes can come true, Leo, particularly during a smooth, easy week like this one. You’re light-hearted, popular; you flirt and laugh; entertainment and friendly feelings buoy you. However, the entire week needs caution in two slightly different areas: deep, heavy romance (infatuation) sex, and large finances. Don’t spy: you’ll get caught, or misinterpret what you see/hear. In everything involving sex, finances, health issues, romance and beauty, an atmosphere of confusion and/or deception raises the risk of a fiasco – and perhaps an expensive one. This trend climaxes Fri./Sat. So all week, default to light romance, socializing, rather than intimate whispers and independent creativity. Sunday’s for shopping, but stick to routine items. Or just laze around. Errands, friends, communications, short trips, paperwork and details fill Sun. night to Wed. dawn (PDT). All’s smooth, but Tues. daytime’s hard to predict: you could meet a very charming, lively person, or you could argue to drive erratically. Be aware. Head for home, at least in your thoughts, Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime. Putter around, repair, garden, or sip mint juleps on the porch. Let kids, spouse know you love them. Single? Call your parents or long-lost siblings: results bless you. Romance comes Fri. night, all Sat. – but sex, intimacy might never come to this amorous pursuit.
An easy, smooth week, Virgo, freeing you to take giant steps in your career or other practical ambitious areas. However, a subtle, hard-to-put-your-finger-on influence drifts through the whole week, culminating Fri./Sat. This influence advises you not to pursue (and certainly not to make any commitments in) business partnerships, contracts/negotiations, romance, marriage, relocation, public appearances, teaching/raising children, creative or speculative projects, and real estate. Put another way, realism and fantasy clash, making it hard to distinguish. Your energy and charismas shine Sunday. But little gets done. Best idea: just get out and mingle, impress others. Don’t start projects. This eve to dawn Wed. brings money, shopping, possessions, and sensual attractions. Tuesday daytime might get a little disruptive, reckless or antsy, or present you with a viable investment. (But be skeptical, remember that “fantasy” –0 or deception – fills this week.) Otherwise, this period ends with a plus sign – and affection! Errands, calls, emails, short trips, siblings and paperwork fill Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime – in a peaceful, easy way. Home, family, garden, real estate, Mother Nature – these fill Fri. night and Sat., but in worrisome or deceptive ways. Best approach: rest and sink into nature (not into unknown swimming holes, though).
A broadminded mood continues, as does a mellow outlook. This is an easy, smooth week, Libra. It favours legal, travel, international, cultural, intellectual and scholastic concerns – and love. However, one subtle but important influence will prevent success, even promote failure in errands, addresses, figures, applications, travel, your domestic situation, and in dealings with co-workers or employees. Health-wise, be alert for signs of worry, calcification, or viral diseases. That said, this influence has been “going on” for a few weeks, even months – but it climaxes this week. (This sounds like a dire warning: but little will actually occur for most Librans.) Sunday’s for rest. Your energy and charisma rise Sunday night and stay high to Wed. dawn – get out, start significant projects – you’re the leader! Tues. might introduce you (perhaps suddenly) to a new love, a sweet one. Chase money Wed. dawn to suppertime Fri. – the path is smooth. (Best Tues., early Wed.) The “dire” warning above climaxes Fri. night, Sat. – be slow to speak, communicate, travel, or embrace a new person.
SCORPIO Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
The main accent lies on secrets, hidden information, research, detective work, medical diagnoses, heightened intuition and subconscious promptings. Your sexual and financial urges intensify, and can yield significant rewards. But in all this, there is a subtle distinction, and getting on the wrong side of it can lead you into confusion and loss. On the good, productive side are depths and commitment, investment or debt reduction, deep, meaningful sex, deep lifestyle changes, therapy, surgery and investigation. On the wrong side are the surface or light side of these: romance, casual sex, risk, gambling, earning (rather than investing) accepting surface appearances (they’re mostly false now) and fiddling with daily health (vitamins, etc.). To succeed, simply follow this guideline when a choice arises. Be sceptical of a plumber’s bill. Much of this will climax Fri./Sat., when money matters take center stage. Earlier, Sunday’s social and happy, but not much gets done. Retire early this night, and stay restful until Wed. dawn. Careful with tools, machines, electricity, driving, and employment Tues. daytime. Your energy and charisma surge upward Wed. dawn to Friday suppertime. You’re the leader, but not obviously. Start significant projects in the “deep” things listed above. (But shrug off any disappointments: not a good time to force matters.) Impress people. Normally I’d say chase money, buy/sell Fri. night and Saturday: but not this time. Proceed carefully; wait until next Sunday (June 19) to act.
What might be confusing or misleading to others is old hat to you – so no warning is needed for this week (which generally is easy, smooth). However, because the main accent is on relationships, you can find that your spouse, business partner or prospective mate (or good friend) is worried about his/her worldly standing and career as you are about your home and family. If the two can combine somehow, then the partnership thrives. (An example: he/she is ambitious, but you want a good home. So you convince him/her to “climb” by buying a status house.) The only impediment to success: your own self-protective, sceptical attitude and/or your insistence on money/possessions. (This attitude prevails in 2016/17, caused by Saturn in your sign.) If you can be open, eager, then exciting meetings occur – even new love can arise. You might be ambitious Sunday, but nothing comes of it. This evening through dawn Wed. brings flirtations, light romance, optimism, happiness, popularity, entertainment – a wish could come true! Retreat Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime: rest, contemplate, be charitable, spiritual, and deal with civil servants. Don’t bother making future plans, though: they’d change later. Your energy and charisma soar Fri. night, Saturday. Be careful with water, plumbing, children and home matters.
This is your last week of work, Cap. June 20 brings fresh horizons and new opportunities. But all this week, climaxing Fri./Sat., your obligations and/or unfinished work might seem huge – or you might think your duties are over, when they aren’t. The government is deceptive, and messages in general need an interpreter. That said, this week is quite easy. Sunday’s mellow, thoughtful, but contains little result. Be ambitious this night to Wed. dawn. Tuesday daytime (PDT) might bring some disruption or a family/home emergency that interrupts your ambitious actions, but this small run of days ends with success and affection. Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime brings happiness (just natural, it needs no event, it bubbles up from within you) popularity, flirtations and entertainment, and a hopeful, bright view of the future. Enjoy it all! Also, communicate with friends or the public – email, call, issue and accept invitations. Friday night and Saturday nudge you to retreat and rest. But you might also stumble upon, or remember, an important “duty” you need to handle. If so, handle it. If not, be spiritual, charitable, and contemplate the mysteries of life – but DON’T make any future plans.
One last week of romance, creative self-expression, and pleasure – if you’re still looking, Aquarius, better get busy! This week is smooth, and you’re in the winner’s chariot. However, a subtle warning exists throughout the week, culminating Fri./Sat. This influence creates a confusing, negative connection between money and possessions on one hand, and your hopes/plans, or social desires on the other. Avoid spending to impress, promising to pay for a group outing, paying the taxman without examining for exemptions, etc. Sunday’s sexy, but no one else is interested. Sign nothing, make no commitments. This night to Wed. dawn brings far travel, ideas, intellectual pursuits, cultural and social rituals, legal matters – and love. Someone is attracted to you: be alert, respond. Tuesday daytime might be disruptive, but might also spark an exciting meeting. Tues. night is made for love. Be ambitious Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime – all is smooth, mildly lucky. Listen: if you’re offered a pay raise, accept happily. But DON’T chase it, nor make your efforts dependent on “more pay” – you could be disappointed, and worse, might paint yourself into a corner. Fri. night and Sat. bring social affairs, popularity, optimism and flirtatious excitement – great! But don’t let money be part of the mix.
This is your last week of being “close to home,” Pisces. Next week, you’ll burst into a powerful romantic phase – and if you’re single, that phase can also spell marriage, prosperous, cheerful marriage. If you’re married, the next 3 months bring great business, relocation, fame or “partner” openings. This makes your last week of relative rest and recuperation important, for the more you rest now, the more energy you’ll have to pursue love and business. Use this week also to set your house in order (on all levels) so a neglected situation won’t trip you up when adventure is underway. Sunday contains a hint of those future opportunities, but the day itself yields nothing. This night through Wed. dawn brings secrets, sexual urges, investment and financial openings. You’ll fare better in the long run if you act (for example, invest) after 5:30 pm PDT Tues., than before. Far travel, intellectual pursuits, teachers, lawyers, foreign-born people, cultural and social rituals, media/publishing or something similar calls you Wed. dawn to Fri. suppertime. Charge ahead, luck accompanies you. Friday night and Saturday feature ambition, worldly standing and neighbourhood reputation – walk softly here, as aspects are negative. (All week, career and higher-ups need careful, honest, hard work – if you can’t, then stay out of this arena this week.)
The End of Weekly Forecasts.
I watched a portion of Obama’s first major speech criticizing Donald Trump. I was shocked. I’ve never seen Obama at a loss for words. He stuttered for at least 15 seconds before he could get a word out. Indications: Trump has Obama rattled. The problem is, Obama doesn’t know how to categorize Trump. He also appears surprised by and a bit afraid of something he doesn’t understand. Even this President, who supposedly worked with the poor in Chicago, cannot understand the zeitgeist Trump represents. He’s clueless. He expected the electorate, the citizenry, to always remain passive and obedient to the ruling class’s rules (deportment, political correctness, the rich get to keep their money, etc.). Obama might once have been a community organizer, but he has since joined the ruling class. One requisite of being in the ruling class is an intentional blindness to the plight(s) of the lower classes. They have a certain list of expressions of sympathy and promises to cure, for example, income inequality. But it’s all from the list, the playbook, and is never intended to become action. This is the playlist Hillary adheres to. Bernie Sanders draws ten times Clinton’s crowds because people believe that he, unlike the other politicos, will actually sincerely try to enact some of those items on the list.
The ruling class also has a way of staying in power. They know that some years the Dems will win, and some years the Republicans. The fantasy is that the citizenry actually vote for their representative – but they can only vote for one of two choices presented to them by the ruling class (who have already, behind closed doors, chosen the two presidential hopefuls). What democracy is this, where the ruling class presents you with their two choices? You can vote all you like, but you can only vote for the ruling class’s candidate(s). The same thing happens in congressional and senate elections. Trump has thrown a hammer at the shaded window of the R.C. headquarters, and the crash, the flying pieces, are scaring all the ruling class huddled within this building spun of their spider ways. Obama’s stunning stammering is simply his reaction to that shattered win – he’s frightened by something he doesn’t understand: the people.
Of course the media is prejudiced. When leftist rioters storm Trump’s rallies and try to beat up his supporters, the media repeatedly blame the victim, Trump, and call for him to “tone it down” to “not be provocative,” and to “control his supporters.” Not one media pundit has urged Bernie Sanders nor Hillary Clinton to control their thugs, nor even hinted that they might be even indirectly responsible for the violent riots their supporters engage in. Imagine the huge cry from the twittering media if Trump’s supporters surrounded a Clinton rally and began sucker-punching them.
Interesting: Hillary has not given a press conference in six months (since Dec. 2015) and refuses to talk to reporters. (This is her Sun personality: Scorpio is secretive.) Yet the media keeps promoting her. Donald talks to reporters virtually every day, and is constantly accessible. (This is his Gemini personality: Gemini loves to talk, to inform, and often speaks “from the hip.”) Yet the media hits him over the head for everything he says (not without justification, most times!)..
Both candidates despise the media (and for good reason) – but Trump says it, whereas Clinton tends to keep her anger secret.
Trump’s no angel, in fact he might be more crooked than Hillary, but he doesn’t display that special brand of uber-controlled hypocrisy that Hillary and the media wrap around themselves like robes of state. I can understand his rage toward the media. “Sleaze” (his word for an ABC reporter) was, I thought, rather mild.
At first, I watched with puzzled astonishment as the San Jose police, all in riot gear, stood passively on the sidelines as young “democratic” thugs*, five and ten at a time, attacked isolated women and men who wore Trump tee-shirts. The police rescued no one (except in one case, they waited until a man was beaten up, then pulled him out of the street). (In one short video clip, it looks like the police grabbed a Trump supporter and threw her into the rabid democratic crowd.) I thought police generally favoured Trump, yet these police acted like they hated him and his supporters. Then, the next day, the clue came: San Jose’s mayor (the de facto boss of the police) is a Hillary supporter, a democrat.
*I know it’s unfair to label these young protestors. In fact, I doubt they were either dems or republicans — they are just expressing their (violent) dissatisfaction with the entire “civilization” of America. The media called them “Bernie supporters,” but 1) the media seldom tells the whole truth without massaging it to fit their view; 2) we already know the media will go so far as to lie, cover up information and stage events (Telemundo, Spanish language TV, faking a Mexican-American riot; New York Times, manufacturing quotes and inventing rape stories to discredit Trump); and 3) Sanders just doesn’t look like an inspiration to violence. I think Sanders inspires idealism. In fact, if you look carefully, Hillary — the hawk in the room — is never blamed for any of these events/protests, although her supporters are more angry, defensive, close and wrathful than Trump’s or Sander’s. Ah, well.
The End.