Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “March 13-19, 2016.”

ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)

START NOTHING: Before 10:39 am Sun., 8:54 pm Mon. to 10:23 pm Tues., and 1:55 pm Thurs. to 11:09 am Fri.


ALL SIGNS: Both Jupiter and Venus “square” Saturn this week. Saturn is a restrictive influence; it indicates “reality” in the form of obstacles, work needed, the practical landscape in general, and where “solid ground” lies. Jupiter and Venus are the opposite: they rule luck, cheerfulness, affection, beauty, etc. The square means “will not mix.”

But the result is different in this particular “square”: Jupiter, ruling luck, expansion, travel and prosperity, “overrules” Saturn, and gives us a swift escape from limiting (economic) conditions. Venus, however, is overruled by, Saturn, so love, affection, beauty and gracious relationships are suffocated by a wet blanket.

So some of our practical projects can benefit now from a “breakaway” from limiting conditions. But we’re still risking major disappointment if we start a practical project now. And any/all of us, if we begin a new love now, or try to nudge an attraction to another level, are almost destined to fail, long-term. (This influence is most potent if you first see/meet a person now – this relationship will never work, long-run.) This influence lasts until midday Friday.


WHY are Christie, Carson and Trump coalescing? All 3 are intuitives. Why Carly Fiorina and Cruz? Both are logicians.




Aries.svg ARIES   March 21-April 19

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness soar upward now to late April. Aries. You’re the leader, so lead, propose, start significant ventures/projects. Get out, mingle, make important contacts. You might travel afar, sidle into a cultural position, teach, write, publish or broadcast. Your intellectual side is strong and evident to all. People will want to know what you think. Tell them something shocking yet friendly. Tackle chores Sunday mid-morn to late Tues. night. (Stick to routine chores Tues.) You’ll meet a gauntlet of obstacles; then solutions, success come Monday night. Relationships confront you Wed. through 11 am Fri. DO NOT start a new relationship in any area (especially love) before Saturday. If you meet anyone for the first time late Tues. night through 10 am Fri., don’t ever let him/her into your heart – or wallet. Last Thursday’s disruptions occur again, in a new guise, this Thursday before mid-afternoon – opposition, unpredictable reactions, status problems. Friday noon through Saturday brings secrets, investigation, financial or sexual urges, a deepening sense of consequence. At last, you receive a wee run of good luck. You could make a lucky investment, embrace someone sweet, and/or succeed in law, travel, intellectual or cultural pursuits.


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS   April 20-May 20

Quietly retreat, Taurus. The weeks ahead will find you a bit weary. So rest, protect your health, contemplate your past, those around you, and your future – make deep, careful plans. You’ll interface with government, large corporations, institutions and charities. (If you’re seeking employment, try these areas, as well as warehousing and assembly lines or mass-production companies.) Sunday brings romantic notions, poetic feelings that last until Tues. night. This only rewards you early Sunday and “after seven” (PDT) Monday night. Otherwise, irritations interfere. Tackle chores and protect your health (eat, dress sensibly) Wed. to noon Fri. This interval is tough, at least until mid-afternoon Thurs. Take a wee gamble, but don’t invest. Elevate romance above sex. (Regarding this, DON’T fall in love now, nor approach someone new. Romantic notions are fine, but social romance, or playing the field, or romance as a path to sex, will fail.) Friday noon through Saturday brings relationships, opportunities, fresh horizons – seek to join, embrace another’s goals/desires. Be diplomatic. The week ends with optimism and prospects!


Gemini.svg GEMINI   May 21-June 20

Whew. After a month of career, reputation and business pressures, you finally receive a pass to easier, happier times (at least for a few weeks). Your optimism and popularity grow. Entertainment, light (friendly) romance, social delights and wish fulfillment buoy the weeks ahead. “Friendly romance” might seem a bit of a misnomer, especially if you’re single, as others react to you with fierce intensity – let me reframe that. You might be fiddling with two “beaus” now, one reluctant, faithful but slow to accept you (and toward whom you keep feeling a quiet sexual urge) and one more social, talkative, friendly, one who somehow makes your hopes or hopeful plans stir – this one can react with impulsive, temperamental passion, even angry explosions (and he/she won’t be pleased about your other “beau”). If you are not attached, many opportunities will arise in the weeks ahead, most coming from your group associations. However, DO NOT approach anyone new this week up to and including Friday. (A love or attraction that develops now will end “tragically.”) Be domestic, seek security, embrace kids Sun. to Tues. Don’t invest, esp. not in real estate. Wait a bit. Romance, beauty, charming kids, creative and speculative urges fill Wed./Thurs. You could fall madly in love – a major mistake! A good friend, witty, sharp, might appear Thurs. night. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Fri. pm and Sat.


Cancer.svg CANCER   June 21-July 22

The weeks ahead emphasize ambition, your reputation, status, prestige relations, and dealings with authorities. As in the last few years, your career is unpredictable and under change – and you will benefit, especially if younger (20-45?) from a) investing in your own career or starting an independent business, and b) from humanitarian, group, electrical or computer involvements. Whether you’re ambitious or not, you work will be intense and arduous until late May – so you might as well be ambitious, too. Sunday to Tues. night brings errands, communications, travel, visits, paperwork, details and casual acquaintances. Proceed carefully, don’t speak/write on impulse, before 7:15 pm (PDT) Monday. Steer your thoughts toward home late Tues. night to Friday morning. You will get along well in communicating with others, spouse, partners, the public, but almost nothing else succeeds. Perhaps the worst time of the year to invest. BEWARE starting any new relationship. A new attraction, for instance, could turn to love – a tragic love. Chase money, buy/sell, ask for a pay raise, purchase items Fri. noon through Saturday, when luck rides with you. A sensual bond might develop – and could become more in future.


Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO   July 23-Aug. 22

The weeks ahead emphasize higher learning and all intellectual pursuits, far travel, international views/affairs, publishing and media, statistics, science, insurance, fame, cultural venues, and love. Look at reasons, not facts. If single, you might fall in love anytime now to late May, or August/September. If a love affair starts in the few weeks ahead, it could lead to a wedding march. (However, DO NOT start a love affair – ever – with anyone you meet this week, before noon Friday, PDT. It would end tragically, bitterly.) Chase money Sunday to Tues. night, but be careful, especially before 7 pm Mon. – argument, false love attraction, deception and practical barriers exist until then. (Despite this, you remain very lucky in earning money, until September – but unlucky in investments and mutual finances, so avoid these.) Errands, details, paperwork, siblings and casual friends, trips and visits, communications and busyness fill Tues. night to Friday morning. Again, caution is wise. But both afternoons (Wed. and Thurs.) offer some nice luck – and Thurs. brings a great talk or co-operation in love and intellectual, travel or legal zones. (Again, though, DO NOT fall in love with – or even date – someone new now.) Turn homeward Fri. pm and Sat. – at last, your luck is simple and good – renovate, landscape, take the family on an adventure, garden, etc.


Virgo.svg VIRGO    Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The weeks ahead hold secrets and mysteries – dipping into them can lead you to valuable insights, health cures, financial actions and unexpected intimacies. You might be drawn toward a real estate purchase, or, on a smaller scale, new furniture, renovations or decorating, landscaping, etc. – even to a revision of your children’s future through, say, starting a scholarship fund. You’re both impulsive and creative in this domestic arena – you’ll probably experience the creative as pleasure in what you’re doing. However, all week to Friday noon, DON’T invest, nor purchase beauty/art, nor begin a love relationship. At work, you might be “invited” to collude or to step down the “power path” – say No Thanks. You’re weary early Sunday, but by mid-morn, to Tues. night, your energy, effectiveness, timing and charisma surge upward. You’ll need all these to tackle the problems that rise up to impede you. Charm can solve an argument Sunday night. Everything is unprofitable to 7 pm (PDT) Mon., but half an hour later a stroke of fortune (which likely comes as an idea or inspiration) could start a lucky project or commitment. Chase money but spend skimpily Tues. night to Friday noon. Wed. daytime helps you get things done. A realty or other “security” investment seems favoured mid-afternoon Thurs., despite my earlier warning. (Safer: use this to ask questions about an investment.) Errands, trips, visits, communications and casual friends fill Fri. pm and Sat. – all’s smooth, happy! Do not move into a new domicile before May 27 (28 in Europe, Asia).


Libra.svg LIBRA   Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Relationships fill the horizon now to late April. (“Relationships” includes dealings with the public, potential fame, negotiation, contracts and agreements, litigation, relocation ideas, business and other opportunities, the choice between co-operation and fighting. Some Librans will meet their future life mate now, but most of you will fare far better late September into autumn 2017, so don’t jump into something just to “not be left out.” (This week, to Friday noon, strictly avoid starting a new relationship, especially an emotional one – it would end with broken hearts.) Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Sunday mid-morn to Tues. night. Many irritations or obstacles arise during this interval, so don’t try big things. Monday night can bring terrific ideas or understandings about relationships, earnings and friends, and a solution to domestic problems. DO NOT invest nor start a business or practical project Sunday through mid-morn (PDT) Friday. Your energy and charisma rise mildly Tues. night to Friday noon – again, luck is mixed, and some problems need attention. You can reach agreement swiftly (though perhaps only in words, on paper) Thurs. afternoon. Chase money, buy/sell, pamper clients, ask for a pay raise, etc., Fri. pm and Thurs. – no harm, all’s benevolent.


Scorpio.svg SCORPIO   Oct. 23-Nov. 21

The weeks ahead feature work, dependants/pets, service personnel, machinery/tools and daily health. Money flows to you most of March to late May – now, and in April, you’ll earn it! If you’re unemployed, the weeks ahead are a good time to job-search, especially March 26 to 28, 31, and April 8, 12, and 14 to 16. The present week, to Friday morning, I urge you to think “safety” rather than expansion, new projects, risk, etc. DO NOT invest, seek physical intimacy, nor start any kind of relationship, from business to love, before Fri. noon. Earlier, Sunday starts with a feeling of pressure, but soon yields to brightening skies, optimism, friendliness, popularity, flirtations (remember my warning!) entertainment and just irrepressible happiness – all lasting until late Tues. night. That’s your mood – but events are challenging, so don’t “forward action” until after 7:10 pm (PDT) Mon. Retreat, lie low, rest and contemplate Wed. to noon Fri. Examine past and present situations, and make future plans accordingly. Be spiritual, charitable. Again, good luck is rare this interval, so proceed cautiously in all actions. (A swift money or work opportunity appears mid-afternoon Thurs. – probably words, media, tel, email involved. Friday noon (PDT) through Sat., your energy and charisma soar – luck rides with you, so start important projects (esp. at work) buy machinery, make new contacts – you might attract love late Sat.


Sagittarius.svg SAGITTARIUS   Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Ah, sweet love – the weeks ahead bring romantic opportunities, pleasure, beauty, charming kids, creative urges and a risk-taking mood. Most of those risks will pay rewards – after this Friday noon. Before this, the entire week, DON’T start an emotional relationship. (A creative project will do well, as long as you don’t want to be paid for it.) In truth, it is you who will tend to squelch love this week, through a number of small signals from your subconscious, small gestures or hesitations you might not even notice – but the other person takes as “upcoming rejection” or that you’re just not wholly into him/her. If you don’t notice these little signals, you’ll think: why did he/she reject me? It’s not fair! Most signs will suffer some loss or meet some disappointing barriers this week, but your career seems blessed, especially Monday eve (7-9 pm PDT) and Wednesday. (This day, your own reluctance or delay or skepticism might interfere with career luck – so be cheerful, active.) Sunday to Tuesday night emphasize career, ambitions (and perhaps a romantic argument). Wed. to Fri. noon brings social joys, flirtations (don’t bite!) entertainment, optimism and all-round happiness. You might receive a very encouraging note, or a “yes” or a brilliant idea, Thurs. afternoon. Retreat Fri. noon and Saturday – all’s well, smooth, benevolent, but you need to contemplate and recharge your batteries.


Capricorn.svgCAPRICORN   Dec. 22-Jan. 19

The four weeks ahead will emphasize your domestic situation, family, security, retirement plans, education programs for the kids, nutrition, gardening, and Mother Nature generally. This is a good time to prune – plants as well as projects and associations. Cut what is stale, unworkable, to leave room for more fruitful things to grow. Until Friday noon, strictly avoid new investments and new love attractions – both would lead to loss. After a sleepy Sunday morning, your intellect wakes up, until late Tues. night. Far travel, media/publishing, international affairs, cultural venues, love and “big ideas” call you. However, the only time you’ll succeed is about 7 to 9 pm (PDT) Monday. Be mellow, rise above niggly problems. Be ambitious Wed. to noon Fri. Prestige relations, community reputation, status concerns, all arise. Wed. is good, dawn onward. Thurs. afternoon offers a solution to a domestic (or family/psychological) or security problem. This solution comes swiftly and passes swiftly, so be quick, don’t ponder. Social delights, flirtations, entertainment, optimism and wish fulfillment pack Fri. pm and Sat. Take Thursday’s solution another step, or seek some new success in home, security zones. A counselling session would not be wasted time.


Aquarius.svg AQUARIUS   Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Errands, trips, visits, siblings and casual acquaintances, letters, emails, calls, contacts, details, paperwork – the weeks ahead are filled with these. Plunge in. You’ll be busy but the stakes are not high, so you can “relax at your core.” You’re able, 2012 to 2018, to communicate your essence, your personality, very well in writing, speech. Now to May 28 (and again Aug./Sept.) this communication ability can attract new friends, can influence groups, and will somehow lead you to fulfill a wish. However, this week, despite any meetings or flirtations, DO NOT start a new love affair, nor invest or start a business, and never in future seek to be with anyone you meet Sunday to Fri. noon. Sunday to late Tues. night is mysterious; secrets abound. Research, investigate – but don’t chase financial or sexual treasures. Delay medical exams too, if you can. (The MD might give you “bad news” that is actually a mistake.) Profound thoughts, higher education, intellectual pursuits, far travel, love, cultural venues, social rituals, media and fame – these occupy you Wed. to noon Fri. Luck is mingled, but you can make progress Wed. after dawn, and Thursday afternoon (best time to communicate or travel). Be ambitious Fri. pm and Sat. – all lights are green, so accelerate!


Pisces.svg PISCES   Feb. 19-March 20

Money matters, possessions (and their protection) memory, and sensual attractions fill the weeks ahead. This is a relatively calm, easy period. However, this week, until Friday noon, DON’T begin a major practical project, invest heavily, nor fall in love (nor even start an emotional relationship). Sunday mid-morn to late Tues. night brings relationships, co-operative and confrontational ones. And fresh new horizons, relocation ideas, public dealings, negotiations and possible litigation. Watch for obstacles and disagreement – be diplomatic, sidestep rather than charge. Someone you meet between 7:15 and 9 pm might aid your career – if you sense this, ask him/her for help. Life’s secrets, subconscious promptings, sexual yearnings and financial urges arrive Wed. to noon Fri. Luck is very jumbled here, so keep your eyes open. Generally, you’ll make headway Wed. daytime and Thurs. mid-afternoon. Friday pm and Sat. steer you toward intellectual activities, far travel, higher education, media/publishing, culture – and love. All is lucky, smooth, so press ahead. At last, too, a mellow mood. Now to May 28, bosses, VIPs, parents and authorities, judges and police will be short, impatient and temperamental, yet can also provide you with a pay raise, among other goodies. Keep your sense of humor!

The End