~ Desiderata
ASTROLOGY Forecast: This horoscope is for the week of March 24 to 30, 2019. To read the present weeks’ forecast, scroll down to RECENT POSTS on the menu to the right and click on March 17 – 23rd.
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Email: suningem@gmail.com For further Information on obtaining a reading please go to the heading ‘READINGS’ above (under the blue picture).
NOTE: The 2019 Love forecast is now available under ‘PLATFORMS’ above, under the blue heading.
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM Daylight in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. Note: these time differences can be affected by different adoptions of Daylight — for example, until Britain switches to Daylight, their zone is only 7 hours past PDT. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.
START NOTHING: 7:24 pm to 11:06 pm Sun., 7:37 pm Tues. to 7:07 am Wed., and 5:05 pm to 6:46 pm Fri.
The Mueller Report (it was completed yesterday, March 22) will in essence yield no results, and all further action based on it will yield no further results. Why? — The Moon was void-of-course. (I.e., it was released/handed to the authorities during a “start nothing” period.) Dems take note: any attempt to dig further into the area of the report, will just entangle whoever digs. (Added March 23/19)
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ALL SIGNS: The Mercury retrograde period of delays, false starts and indecision, ends, technically, Thursday, March 28. But I recommend waiting until March 30 onward to actually start anything important.
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They say those who don’t understand history are condemned to repeat it. But history rewrites itself whether we learn or not.
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Alexandra Octavio-Cortez and her adherents are like a man in a dingy with his rudder, trying to steer the ocean instead of his boat.
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The “war activities” pinching Israel should decline now.
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Former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, whose birth time is unknown, is either a Taurus or a Gemini. Timing’s important;, it spells the difference between LL’s owning a “beautiful house, splendidly fitted out,” or being a “cowardly bully.” (Quotations are from Carelli.)
L.L. was the one who made the FBI and the DOJ abandon the criminal investigation of Hillary. There were only 3 people above her at the time, and 2 of them were private citizens: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Barrack Obama.
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Xi Jin Ping (China’s leader) was born June 15, so his Sun is either (unlikely) 23, or, (almost certainly) 24 degrees Gemini. His Moon is in Leo, and his rising is unknown. Donald Trump was born June 14. His Sun is in the 22nd degree of Gemini, and his rising sign is Leo. Two Geminis, two “twins,” both love attention, both are generous to their friends, and both are prey to flattery. Gemini always seeks its twin — perhaps these two have found theirs. But Xi’s Neptune (his and Trump’s career planet, and a planet of management/sympathy/deception/intuition) is at 21 degrees Sage, the very degree of Trump’s Moon and his karmic south lunar node. These two are joined at the hip in terms of career and standing.
BOTH were born in degrees of deep, kind friendship. So there’s hope! Xi is more important to Trump’s “legacy” than Putin or Kim Jong Un of N. Korea.
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John McCain, war hero, much-respected and much-praised senator, icon of patriotism — and vengeful promoter of false evidence. He destroyed his party’s early success potential (repealing Obamacare), undercut two years of presidential government, and weakened his party’s health, because screwing Trump in secret was more important than his country or his party. McCain’s saintly reputation was built on being a prisoner of war in Vietnam — the very thing Trump questioned.
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Millennials pay heed to no voice, no views, no ideas but their own. As a result, they might be ruled by a dictator.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
Your energy and charisma remain at a yearly high. By Thursday, my advice to start nothing new technically ends. Still, some confusion and indecision can remain, even into next week. I wouldn’t act “for the future” until Saturday (the 30th) gives you a clear road. Rather than starting too early, use this week to prepare for action — clear the decks of old or neglected chores, so you can speed ahead without hindrance Saturday into April.
A fortunate trend enters your background area Tues. through most of April — civil servants, heads office people, agents, advisors will all treat you well. Remain wary about spending — March 31 will end this “greased money” phase, and start a spring of wanderlust, restless curiosity and friend-making.
Sunday’s filled with mysteries, secrets (hence research) and quiet impulses (mostly sexual, financial and power urges). Don’t dive too deeply into this, as it will end with disagreement or non-co-operation. Prying too deeply will chase friends away.
A sweet wave of understanding and lightness pours over you Mon. to dawn Wed. (PDT). Monday’s early “spark” (before dawn) might tell you a love affair’s brewing – but secrets, hidden “disabilities” might lurk until Tues. dawn, unrevealed but acting on you both. (Love built on deception is always hollow.) DO chase love Tues. daytime/eve — a treasure awaits! Applies also to far travel, higher education, law, cultural events/social passages, fame, etc.
Ambition, career demands, authorities and higher-ups “call” Wed. dawn to Fri. supper. Sure, answer the call — but don’t chase it. Whatever you have to do will be easy, smooth, successful in the short run, not likely the long run. Don’t violate your own morals, ethics.
The future looks brighter, happy, Friday suppertime through Sat. This small interval starts with a wee $ disruption (or friend’s dislocation) Fri. night, but opens into social delights, flirtations, “wide love,” optimism, entertainment and popularity through the whole weekend! You’re going places, Aries.
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Lie low, contemplate the world and your place in it, where you are and where you’re going. Focus on neglected duties/chores, recharging your physical and mental batteries through rest, and contacting spiritual and charitable sources within you and without. Remember, don’t start anything before March 28.
Your high sexual magnetism lasts to the 30th, then will fade in April. (To be replaced with a strong money run, esp. involving gov’t, institutions, agents, schools, into May.) Favour from higher-ups fades after Tuesday, to be replaced by favour from peers, friends, social involvements. (This lifts these weeks of quietude into a mildly sweeter realm.)
Sunday begins with a memory of exciting relationship attraction(s) but might decline to disagreement or quiet withdrawal in the pm. Lust – for intimacy or money, or for facts, revelations, privileged information — arises Mon. to dawn Wed. (PDT). This starts well, runs into the subtle turbulence of deception or illusion early Tues., then leaps forward, Tues. pm, to possible great things: financial rewards, loving sex, treasure-level facts, insights.
Wednesday dawn to Friday suppertime ends recent delays and indecision with a philosophical outlook, and a “hunger” — a hunger to know, to make sense of life, to understand the world. But don’t trust your conclusions nor this hunger for knowledge too deeply — you might form ideas, beliefs that are just a bit off-kilter. Friday eve through Sat. nudges you to ambitious action, good action! Saturday night starts 6 weeks of money flows. (Could spell: Poor no longer!)
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Recent delays and false starts are whipped away by a spring wind Thursday onward. Let go of the past, let the wind of optimism, enterprise, popularity, joy and social delights snatch it from you like a hankie from your fingers, to fly away. You’re free (best Saturday the 30th onward, even better March 31 onward) to follow your hopes, to make your wishes come true.
[There are 2 ways to make wishes come true: 1) through action: e.g., if you wish you had a house, build one; and 2) by nurturing the wish with a subtle, quiet thought — then letting it go. Concentrating on a wish with clenched teeth, never works.]
Tuesday begins 25 days of favour from bosses, parents and authorities. Saturday begins 6 weeks of intense determination, courage, humour, friendship, and sex appeal — you’re going to be busy!
Sunday holds chores — tackle early, as the pm brings opposition, minor glitches. Monday through dawn Wed. brings relationships. Be diplomatic, co-operative, a team worker. Success comes early Monday, but you run into a bit of misunderstanding, perhaps deception (or status concern) midday to Tues. dawn (PDT). A momentous relationship development might arrive, or sail by as a hint of later climax, Tues. pm. You could separate, divorce, or marry, issue promises, or meet a potential future mate — or face an opportunity, fame, relocation.
Power, finances, sexual embrace, medical “emergencies” or surgery, lifestyle changes, research, investigation, commitment and consequence — these fill Wed. dawn to suppertime Fri. Almost everything flows smoothly during this interval, but is it the smoothness of a chute dumping you into a vat of future difficulties? Think, esp. about years ahead, before you act/commit. (Not clear? Then read your “Karmic Forecast” in PLATFORMS.)
A sweet mental mood enters Fri. night (with a wee disruption — drive carefully) through Saturday (even into Sun., March 31). Love, intellectual expansion, far travel, other cultures, law, publishing, all blessed.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Work hard for the next 4 weeks, Cancer. Your performance is being watched and judged by bosses, parents, perhaps authorities. All 2019, your work will expand. Now into April is your chance to “elevate” your efforts into the prestige zone. Talk to bosses, present proposals, take charge, be a leader, show what you can do. (If you’re retired, focus on grand-parenting.)
Soon, (April into mid-May) your career advancement might involve or depend heavily on an institution, administrative workers or civil servants, warehousing, agents, counsellors, nurses — that type. Recent delays and false starts, esp. in legal, intellectual, far travel or similar areas, end Thursday. (Technically. Doubts and glitches might linger for awhile, and I don’t advise starting anything before March 30, due to planetary aspects).
Sunday’s romantic, at least in your wishes/notions. The day ends with surprising hope and subtle disagreement. Throw yourself into chores Mon. to dawn Wed. Careful early Tuesday, when you might have the wrong angle or idea about a work situation (or instructions, tho’ it’s wider than that). Later Tuesday, a big opportunity or burden in the work arena — which, you decide.
Relationships, marriage (or the yearning for it), relocation themes, opportunities, fame, public relations, negotiations and contracts — and possible competition, challenge, even enemies — fill Wed. dawn (PDT) to suppertime Friday. Almost everything flows smoothly here, but make sure this is really a partnership, opportunity, relocation, etc., that will benefit you in the long run. Independence is not a bad “stance” all 2019, and half of 2020.
Sex, financial actions, delving deep to grasp secrets, meanings, facts, treasures, these draw you Fri. night (which surprises, needs discretion) and Saturday (all’s well, charge ahead!).
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
The weeks ahead emphasize learning, far travel, foreign-born people, import/export, law, intellect, cultural venues and social rituals (e.g., weddings), fame, and gentle love. In romance, you quiver and sigh; in sex, you conquer or “get down and dirty”; in love, you cherish. This last fills the weeks ahead.
(If you’re single, in April and May you’ll meet someone at a group affair — whether you form a permanent unit or not, you’ll laugh and flirt and thoroughly enjoy each other. If you’re attached, April/May will bring new friends, particularly one who enlightens you, or joins in your travel, learning, legal or cultural activities, etc.)
This week is the last in which higher-ups treat you impatiently, even temperamentally. (So smile just one week more, and you’ll be free from their judgement.) Recent delays, indecision and false starts end now, esp. in sexual, financial (assets) and investigation areas… but you haven’t discovered your last mystery or finished with those financial or intimate lures, they’ll echo into mid-April, but in a successful or forthright manner — aided with good fortune!
Sunday’s for domesticity, family, security — good early, but a bit contentious late day. Romance could grab you in its joyous, heady embrace Mon. to dawn Wed. (PDT). A bit of disappointment, perhaps, as sex doesn’t join in pre-dawn Tues., but good otherwise. You could greet huge love, a cheerful, bouncy, vibrant person, esp. Tues. afternoon. (This one won’t deny the intimate side, whereas someone first met Mon. likely will, long-term.) Don’t hesitate nor be shy!
Tackle chores Wed. morning to Friday suppertime. Eat, dress sensibly. You’ll get a lot done, but don’t expand your duties, nor ask for more work. (It would crowd better things out of your life.) Exciting meetings occur Fri. night (maybe disruptive) through Sat., even Sunday the 31st. Can be love, can be business — either way, opportunities arise!
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Delays and indecision, esp. in relationships, technically end Thursday. But a long thread of interacting, of approaching and dealing with others, stretches into mid-April. This “tail end” will answer many questions for you (well, two big questions) about marriage, partnering in love or business, relocation, agreements, and potential enemies. (These are not sneaky enemies, so if they oppose you, you’ll know it.) In general, others treat you graciously, affectionately, now to mid-April. An intense intellectual or travel or legal phase, effective since mid-February, ends Saturday.
Sunday holds errands, paperwork, communications, short trips. The pm ruffles the calm with a bit of lust, and a subtle rejection. Focus on home, family, security, Mother Nature, nutrition and real estate Mon. to dawn Wed. (Remember, you’re in a year of splendid realty results.) Early Mon. favours you here, but late night and early Tues. morning, your spouse or boss/parent might not agree with your plans. If so, just be quiet — then jump on whatever moves you Tues. pm (PDT). You might discover your future Shangri-La!
Romantic notions, creative surges and gambling urges, beauty and indulgent pleasures drift down on you like a mesh of joy Wed. dawn to suppertime Fri. Just be sure it is not a net, and you the fish.
Friday eve through Saturday (even Sunday the 31st) brings chores and health concerns. Eat, dress well. Avoid an accident (and electricity) late Fri. After this, Sat. and Sun. go well, let you accomplish a good bit.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Relationships percolate — many meetings, many opportunities, relocation themes, and some opposition and challenges. Be diplomatic, co-operative. (And remember, most new things in these zones, if arriving before March 28, might not survive long. Exercise patience.)
If single, you might meet your future life-mate in the weeks ahead. (This possibility occurs every March/April, but is a magnitude stronger this year, especially in late April, early May.) Or, you might meet someone who is very exciting, but won’t stay. Maintain your principles and boundaries. If you’re already attached, this 50 days ahead sparks contracts, partnerships, distant opportunities. (And a lawsuit, if you act heedlessly!) Your work direction will soon become clearer.
Sunday’s for money, chasing it and paying it. Buy nothing important. Late day excites with probably verboten urges, but translating them into an enduring embrace will be difficult.
Errands, easy chores, paperwork, calls, trips fill Monday to dawn Wed. All good — the only obstacle occurs before dawn (PDT) Tuesday, when mis-direction, wrong address, unreliable information muddy your view, actions. Possible “big” message Tues. night.
Home, family, property, security, nutrition, the basics of life claim your attention Wed. morning to suppertime Fri. Everything flows smoothly here (except perhaps man-woman stuff Wed.) but is this smoothness the greased path to the wrong door? Think many years ahead.
Friday night, Saturday bring romance, creativity, beauty and pleasure.
SCORPIO: OCT. 23-Nov. 21
Work, work, work! Schedule firm periods of rest, and eat/dress sensibly, so you can tackle that work. (And don’t complain — you’re going to earn more money this year — perhaps much, much more — and your work will bring it.) The month ahead won’t be all drudgery, tho — a nice thread of romance — bringing affection and clarity — starts this week, and lasts to mid-April. (And a sexy streak starts this Saturday, and lasts to mid-May — might involve someone in your work field.) Recent delays in sports, creative and speculative projects and love, will end March 28.
Your energy and charisma remain high Sunday, but the pm could hold a wee disappointment. (Even a fight — but here, realize that others are hair-trigger angry all week — maybe better to give that trigger a wide berth.)
Pursue $, buy/sell, pay bills and collect debts Mon. to dawn Wed. (PDT). (But remember, start no new money projects.) All’s well, but don’t take a chance, gamble, Mon. pm or pre-dawn Tues. A possible $ celebration Tues. pm! (DON’T overpay this day.)
Errands, quick chores, paperwork, visits and communications lay over Wed. dawn to suppertime Fri. This interval flies quickly and smoothly, but think twice not so much about your words or actions, as where they are leading. Head for home Fri. night (a wee disruption or a spouse, partner acts unpredictably) and Sat. Saturday’s smooth, loving — hug the kids, garden, rest, soak up sunlight, or putter around.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Ah, sweet love! If attached, your affection will shine into April, renewed, for your children and spouse and anything else valuable to you. Single? This month ahead can bring a real, maybe significant romantic attraction. (If a Leo pursues you, or a Gemini stands before you, the romance will take a serious turn. With a Libra or Aries, the love might be intense, but isn’t necessarily long-lasting. Much of this is up to you, as in 2019 the world will tend to wrap itself around your choices.)
Your home life grows affectionate, revitalizing, Tuesday into late April. Recent indecision and delays in this area end Thursday, and you’ll be full of ideas and snippets of information, conversations, until mid-April. (During the same period, you might break off from a stagnant bond, or a frustrating career role — if so, it’s something you have already contemplated in March.)
Lie low Sunday, rest, contemplate and research. Do a kind deed. Your energy and charm rise markedly Mon. to dawn Wed. It’s a little early to start anything major — Mon. night or Tues. morning will show this by confusing or delaying something. But you’ll find your confidence and cheerful “feet” by Tues. pm — and you’ll see a portion of the world that you can conquer — or visit.
Handle $ Wed. morn to Fri. suppertime — all goes well, but are you on the right track in a broad view? If you’re honest, unselfish — probably! Errands, talk, texts, travel, media and curiosity round out the week Fri. eve (unexpected little event), and Saturday (smooth, productive).
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The weeks ahead emphasize home, kids, nature, gardening, security, rest. You’ll “close down” things, projects, relationships, and begin planting the seeds of the new. (From peas to people, we’re all creatures of nature’s cycles.) Lots of mis-delivered mail, unanswered calls, postponed trips and unwritten texts now flow forward (after Wed., into mid-April) — and, a bonus, might garner some affection or other lucky “currency” for you. But a fortunate money/earnings phase ends this week (Tues.). You remain assertive, sexy on the love front, but only this present week.
Sunday might grant a wish early, become problematical in the pm. Retreat, rest, deal with civil servants, advisors, therapists, psychics Mon. to Wed. morning. Ponder. Not a good time to travel, contact others or write letters, etc. But a rejuvenating time.
Your energy, charm and effectiveness climb upward Wed. morn to Fri. suppertime. You’ll get your way, you’ll break through paper barriers and lead others — but if you work alone, it will be, as the Chinese say, like conquering an empty city. The best advances, 2019/20, will occur in tandem with others. Examine your motives — be saintly!
Pursue $, buy and sell, Fri. pm through Saturday. Friday night might spark a romantic disruption. Don’t gamble. Saturday’s fine, quietly productive.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
The weeks ahead bring lots of swift, easy activities: short trips/visits, errands, communications, paperwork, raking the leaves. You’ll run into many casual contacts and light friends. Be curious, ask questions. A flurry of conversations could lead to a wish coming true — could be, say, entry into a compatible social circle, or political recognition/pathways. Be light-hearted — life will be easy!
Your money picture improves, Tuesday to late April — not only does luck enter, indecision and delay exit, too. Your home/family interests remain dicey, friction-prone, but this is the last week for that — just grin and be patient.
Sunday shines the spotlight on your reputation, standing, ambitions and career. Good early, a bit of a rebuff later. Your wishes, popularity, social urges and happiness strike a bright note Mon. to Wed. morning. A “last minute” money snag, perhaps, Mon. night and Tues. pre-dawn. But it’s minor, and hardly equal to your buoyant mood. A lucky stroke, meeting or event Tues. pm — a wish could come true.
Retreat, but lightly, briefly, Wed. morning to Fri. supper. Deal with civil servants, head office, agents and advisors — but again, lightly, don’t embrace a huge burden or venture. Your energy and pizzazz roar back Fri. night (you might need to break the bonds of home), and Sat. (smooth, productive). Soon, 6 weeks of “intense loving” will commence — more on this later.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Pursue money, buy/sell, butter up clients and seek new ones, ask for a pay raise, buy important items, seek bargains now to mid-late April, Pisces. (Remember, start nothing big before March 28.)
2019 is a very fortunate career cycle for you, and this month of money fits right in — be assertive, research your worth, apply for more work or higher position. This is also a sensual month ahead — helping this, your good looks will shine from Tues. into mid-April. Personal indecision that’s bothered you almost all March, will end soon.
Sunday’s for wisdom, compassion, gentle love and a wide, tolerant view of the wide world. Lovely morning; dicey after noon. Be ambitious, impress the boss, answer the demands of authorities, Monday to Wed. morning. All goes well except relationships (esp. late Mon., early Tues.) — be positive, hopeful, for reward hovers in your ambition sphere, all year!
Wishes, popularity, optimism, social delights, entertainment — these call you Wed. morn to suppertime Fri. All goes well, smoothly in small things, but look at the big picture — is this what you want to be, a social animal? And will it crowd out more fertile things (such as career advancement)? (BTW, a Wed. night date won’t succeed, so pick another time.)
Retreat for a deep rest Fri. night and Saturday. (A disruptive message Fri. might delay that rest, but it’s a little thing.) Ponder, self-examine, be spiritual, charitable. All’s well!
I might start running some of my short stories (fiction) in the AFTERAMBLE soon.
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I’ve told you, since the phase began in 1983, that universities would be places of immorality, crime and dead-ends. (BTW, this negative trend also “inhabits” the law, lawyers, judges, publishers and international agencies.) Now comes another scandal: revelations and lawsuits showing that many universities/colleges in the U.S. — including Yale, Stanford, etc. — participated in an “admissions for money” scheme. Not ordinary application fees — these were large, bribery-scale payments to the school, in one reported case equalling $500,000. A portion of the bribe payers were film actors, the kind who preach democratic ideals and publicly denounce Trump for his blown-up “crimes”.
The worrisome thing about this trend of academic malfeasance, is its duration. This veering toward evil * (examples below) began in late 1983, 35 years ago — but it doesn’t end until 2229 — another 211 years! What will universities become, if the trend is already so dismal? How low can they go? More, what seeded this change?
We tend to think that people, especially intellectually gifted people, have grown immune to prejudice and blinkered thinking, that their vision is broad and informed, and will only admit a balanced point of view. Yet this is not the case. It is, though, Scorpionic, and we live in a Scorpionic era (1983-2229).
It seems to be a change that comes from the depths below consciousness, perhaps deeper than the subconscious, because these dreamers of false ideologies and delicious power sensations don’t even seem to be aware of their sins. (Overbearingness, for one.) Perhaps it was seeded in the developments, the child-raising, whatever, of the 1960’s. Perhaps it was destined, and part of a larger plan. I vote for this last possibility, but with the qualification that destiny is in large part karma.
* Recent (2016-18) examples, but not a complete list: “Trump derangement syndrome” promulgated by many talking-head profs. Admissions bribery. The banning of speakers who offer a divergent view. The refusal to protect student victims of violence on campus if they’re in the wrong political party. The coddling and acceptance of the fascist, violent Antifa movement. The lady professor whose (probably) false accusations against Judge Kavanaugh fell apart, etc. And on a slightly different note, the teaching of grade-school teachers, steeping them in propaganda and brain-washing techniques [now in ubiquitous use], especially in political and lifestyle areas. (Education followed a somewhat separate route, beginning earlier, in the 1970’s.)
I suspect this will happen: the essential tragedy of academic arrogance resides in the humanities, which have not seen an appreciable advance in many decades. That is, the arts in general have stagnated since about the 1960’s. This is apparent even in pop music. Perhaps the humanities have turned inward and atrophied. Just as their source, the creativity of artists, writers, consciousness advancers, has also dried up.
Having no fertile fields to absorb their energy, these academics have opted to impose their views on the world. (It should be single: “view”.) Having no creative source, they want to control the world, the political consciousness and beliefs. Creativity is its own courage and assurance; those without it turn to power, persuasion and forcing their own political views, on the public at large.
So I suspect the humanities/arts side of universities will shrivel up into semi-religious enclaves of little power but with much stubborn frowning on every idea and viewpoint but their own. The scientific, technological, engineering side of universities will survive, even thrive; but I wonder whether they will do this partly by separating from the humanities, even from their campuses. (This is already half-true. Apple and Elon Musk, bio-charm firms, etc., drive as much or more research/discovery than many/most (?) universities.) A more despairing view would see universities in general becoming medieval in nature, bastions of belief, based on and supported by “authorities.”
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We’d be forgiven if we considered the present time as a climax of tumultuous and threatening events, filled with many falls from power, like steeples rotted and blown over by the night’s stiff wind. And with politics driven by anger rather than practical goals.
The trouble with anger, besides its obvious destructive results, is that it doesn’t produce anything. It doesn’t add to the public welfare — except where the anger is launched against injustice, oppression, favouritism or other evils. So to justify their anger, the pols characterize the opposition as evil. Unfortunately, the judging (of good, evil or neutral, and the hundred shades between) becomes a subjective exercise. Who among us can say he/she knows where perfect justice lives?
But back to astrology, which indicates the peak of this hostility and ultra-partisanship is still two years away. And from that point forward, the types of hierarchies and political winds that build will lead to the new gov’t system, not democracy nor communism nor capitalism nor dictatorship — I don’t know what. But a chart for that moment (realistically, hour — and even more realistically, week or month) should yield some clues as to this unknown future political system — not party, though the parties will change in some form. So I’ll take a look at this chart, and see if I can see anything. Maybe next week.