PLEASE do NOT use the old ‘shaw.ca’ email!  This hasn’t been active for 3 months.  

My new email is:  suningem@gmail.com  (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).


Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373

My new email is:  suningem@gmail.com  (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).

Note: this is next week’s forecast. To read the present week’s column, Please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “March 19, 2017.”

All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT).  For example when it is noon PDT, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.

START NOTHING: 3:19 am to 7:11 am Mon., 5:07 am to 8:48 am Wed., and 4:12 pm Thurs. to 9:40 am Fri.

Remember I told you Trump would have trouble advancing his agenda all March and April?  So far, right.

But it gets worse: after May 10, Trump won’t win legal battles for 18 months, and during this 18, he will have trouble on foreign shores. I don’t see any major wars, though a quick little action, sharp and short, might come late March, early April.

[I’m adding this, March 23:  Despite the above, Donald will experience lots of emotional or “affectionate” support now into June (within reason, of course — the Dems will continue to hate him). He might get something accomplished between late March and April 9, then the running in circles begins again for three weeks, until early May. And to qualify his difficulties with legalities and foreign shores: during the same 18 months the Donald himself will come out “a winner” overall — particularly before October/17 — and especially in terms of personal presence/value, power, interfacing with the bureaucracy, finances, etc.]

***   ***

Our ordinariness interferes with our psychic abilities. But ordinariness provides the most reliable source of life: food, shelter, the protection of the herd; and it provides emotional comfort, for all ordinariness belongs with itself and is comfortable with itself. In one sense, ordinariness is a way of embedding/immersing oneself in the species.  Mavericks would break the species’ boundaries, whether by intelligence, creation, discovery and application, or genetically. And for this, they might receive the cruelty of the ordinary, or the adulation — but never complete comfortable acceptance. This is the maverick’s fault — who else is to blame?


Aries.svg     ARIES:  March 21 – April 19
Your energy, charisma and effectiveness remain high, Aries. Best use: to impress others, pursue opportunities, relocate, negotiate — to relate. Someone you do impress now or in the weeks ahead could eventually become your mate or business partner or valued/profitable associate. One bug: the planet ruling all these great things is retrograde, hinting that delays, indecision and lack of enduring stability can also occur. Even more, this planet of partnership and opportunities is in your own sign, Aries, hinting that you are the indecisive and delaying one. Also, parents or authorities might disapprove. To “work around” this multi-faceted bug, now to April 2, focus on a person, opportunity, relocation target or negotiations which return now from the past. Don’t see it? Then look backward, even months or years, and you could find the “link” that fits into your life and desires very well, and can march forward. Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday. You might have a genius idea. Make no commitments after 1 pm PDT. Your energy and charisma soar Mon./Tues. You might start a new project, but make sure you can “solidify” or have this project securely launched well before April 9.  An excellent interval, but don’t engage in a struggle Tuesday afternoon. Buy/sell, seek a pay raise, cultivate clients, etc., Wed. morning to Fri. morning. The main problem between you and a “crucial other” reaches a peak Thurs. — see it, study it. Solutions will slowly occur.  Errands, calls, emails, trips and small chores fill Fri./Sat.  A lucky meeting late Saturday afternoon!

taurus weekly forecast     TAURUS:  April 20 – May 20
Continue to pamper yourself, Taurus — an extra hour in bed, power naps, a sensible diet. Be thoughtful, make plans (this week — don’t form new plans in April) — examine your life, how you arrived here, and where you want your future path to go. Deal with civil servants, health workers, charities and spiritual groups. Despite your weariness, your sexual magnetism radiates strongly. Either: a) you’re unsure what to do about it (chase someone? not?) or: b) a former love/sex object returns (anytime now through April) — in which case you will know what to do. Sunday’s sweet and wishful — maybe a wish comes true in intellectual or travel areas. Your energy really dives Mon. morn to Wed. morn. All’s well, except Tuesday afternoon (PDT) when a legal, social or intellectual “boundary” might block or disapprove of your “private action.”  (E.g., if you’re burying a body in the back yard, the police are sure to catch you.)  Your energy and charm return nicely (but  not hugely) Wed. morn to Fri. morn. Wednesday’s great, Thursday too, but for one glitch: a possible conflict between your work and your ethics/the law. Buy/sell, chase money, make purchases Fri./Sat. — don’t do anything based on whim or fantasy; otherwise, you’ll succeed, esp. Saturday.  (Good day to buy tools, machinery, car, etc. — after dawn.)

Gemini.svg     GEMINI:  May 21 – June 20
A big wish could come true this week or the next two, Gemini. This is an old wish, probably involving security or romance, or both. And it might “attach” to an old situation, or a former acquaintance, friend or lover. Be ambitious Sunday. Social delights, friendly romance, entertainment and optimism fill Monday morning to Wednesday morn. Again, a wish might come true around Monday noon or Tuesday night (PDT). Retreat from the bustling crowd Wed. morning to Fri. morning. Think, contemplate, plan. rest. Deal with government, charities, institutions and spiritual needs. You can discover, probably within,  an idea – how to make friendship last, how to “create” enduring relationships (Wed.).  But shortly after (Thurs., although this influence spreads over the week, month, and decade) you come across the very nub of problems with love relationships — single Geminis have found it difficult, and will for awhile, to obtain both romance and sex. You can have either, just not both. My advice: go for sex, it comes more easily, at least this day. Your energy and charisma surge upward Fri. mid-morn through Saturday.  Start new projects, but only if they can be completed well before April 9. You’ll attract many people, and could stumble upon a lively, lucky mate prospect or love.

Cancer.svg     CANCER:  June 21 – July 22
Cancer, the accent lies on ambitions, climbing the career ladder, prestige relations, neighbourhood reputation and worldly standing, for three more weeks. This is usually a good time to launch ambitious projects and/or look for employment. However, Indecision about your home/family might hold you back. In addition, a “backwardation” trend starts April 9, so make sure you can wrap up, or solidly launch a project (of any kind, including career/business) well before this date. A former employer or career role might arrive now or in late April. Sunday finds you mellow, compassionate — good day (before 1 pm PDT) to work out a solution with your spouse, or to welcome a new friend.  All that ambition and prestige stuff comes Mon. morn to Wed. morn. Be careful Tuesday to mid-afternoon, when co-operation is nowhere, but otherwise charge ahead. Happiness taps your shoulder Wednesday morning to Friday morning — expect a rise in popularity, wish fulfillment, social delights, optimism and intriguing flirtations. Retreat Fri./Sat. — rest, nap, eat sensibly, study and contemplate. You might spy a great home/realty or furniture opportunity Sat!

Leo icon, Luck Forecast     LEO:  July 23 – Aug. 22
The whole world turns slowly before you this week and the next two, Leo. You’re transiting through a zone of profound thought, far travel, higher education and intellectual pursuits, law and love, statistics and insurance, fame and science. You might be mulling over the past this week, or simply indecisive (or meeting an ex-spouse, former school friend or past lover). You might be remembering a struggle, a love triangle. Things will seem to smooth, to grow decisive, but by April 9 onward you’ll grow indecisive again. (April might also bring back a former sexual partner, or a former investment which you missed, can grab this time around.) Sunday’s sexy, financial, and brings co-operation in both areas before noon PDT. DON’T invest after this time. Mon./Tues. bring those intellectual, travel, legal and cultural leanings… and love. Be careful Tues. to 3 pm, as your ideas or your affections meet obstacles (probably your work or health concerns interfere) — but this night true love (or a plane or ship) can call! Be ambitious Wed. morn to Fri. morn. A work-love or work-travel conflict might arise, especially Thursday. For the moment, pick work. Happiness, social joys, optimism and popularity wave their magic wand Fri./Sat. Sweet flirtation, even a real arrow from Cupid, could occur — but don’t primarily seek sex, or you’ll be rebuffed.

Virgo.svg     VIRGO:  Aug. 23 – Sep. 22
Hi, Virgo. This week and the next two bring secrets, mysteries and investigations.  Your subconscious bursts to the surface; your intuition soars. Financial goals and sexual yearnings, medical diagnoses, lifestyle changes, courage, commitment and consequence fill these weeks. Until April, you’ll feel indecisive, or that life is delaying you, in these areas. Still, news or information keeps you interested, and by next week you can act on these. (Actually, you can act now, if something has returned from the past — a former investment opportunity or ex-lover, etc.) Sunday features relationships — don’t expect much (initial success might be followed by failure, or boredom). Mon./Tues. accent mysteries, research, large finances and sex — all’s good, except the first 15 hours of Tuesday (PDT) when risk, gambling or romance can spell loss. Wednesday/Thursday bring wisdom and a mellow mood, compassion, understanding, intellectual pursuits, far travel, media and legal or cultural affairs. Again, all goes well except something large, perhaps larger than this week: a conflict between money and romance, savings and gambling. Value of a home might be involved. Be ambitious Fri./Sat. — but don’t start any projects, as they will soon run into delays and roadblocks.

Libra.svg     LIBRA:  Sep.23 – Oct. 22
This week and the next two emphasize relationships. In March, a former flame might appear. And again, April 9 onward. If you’re single, this takes on significance — a marriage kind of significance.  (Doesn’t mean you will marry, just that you’re in the zone.)  Your sexual urges intensify through April 20.  (If you have to choose between two — not likely — choose the sexiest or richest one.) Tackle chores Sunday — you’ll accomplish, especially before noon PDT. Those relationship vibes blossom Mon./Tues. The same old problem, like a big pothole, returns (or never went away). It involves your domicile or children. Your home speaks louder than you do. Those met after 3:30 pm PDT Tuesday will not stumble on your domestic difficulty. Sexual and financial desires can lead you to commitments Wed./Thurs., but that “domestic problem” is still there until after noon Thursday. Despite this, you can invest profitably, or gain intimacy. You might discover a secret. If you feel pain, go to the doctor. A wise, mellow mood enters Fri./Sat. — plunge into intellectual pursuits, far travel, cultural and legal affairs, and love. Luck rides with you — but leave work duties alone.

Scorpio.svg     SCORPIO:  Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
The weeks ahead bring work, daily health concerns, machinery/tools, service people, dependants, and a bit of boredom or drudgery. That boredom won’t last long, though, as relationships heat up until late April. This can range anywhere from heated arguments with co-workers or aggressive people, to a co-worker romance. In any case, be slow to react, and diplomatic. On the plus side, your co-workers will show affection to you all March, and will again in May. Sunday’s briefly romantic — seek beauty, enjoy pleasure. Work grows Mon./Tues. Monday’s fine, but be careful Tuesday before 3:30 pm PDT — instructions might be wrong, or a verbal disagreement might arise. Relationships enter Wed./Thurs. Good luck (Wed.) mingles with bad (Thurs. before noon). The problem might involve gossip, or a paperwork snafu (especially if the gov’t is involved). Do grab opportunities, especially Wednesday morn and Thursday afternoon. Sex, secrets, financial actions, research and lifestyle choices — these arise — with splendid luck — Fri./Sat.  Sex welcomes you, romance doesn’t.

Sagittarius.svg     SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
Something brings you extra pleasure in the weeks ahead, Sage. It can be romance, or simply nature’s beauty; your charming kids’ progress/talents, or the pleasure of love; sports, games, gambling, or creating/inventing. Be reasonably self-indulgent, Sage, for this stores enthusiasm, which you’ll need to charge ahead in May/June.  A former love might be in the picture: so might a co-worker. You experience doubts about love — these will lift in early April, then return late that month, just as a new, and newly intense, person enters.  What to do?  I’d just plunge in now, and let what happens in future, happen.  Sometimes God/Karma handles our affairs better than we can. Sunday’s for sleeping, recuperating: stay close to home; indulge in easy hobbies. Romance (and beauty, pleasure, creativity, et al) soars Mon./Tues. A glitch might involve your money or possessiveness Tuesday afternoon (PDT).  Work and chores Wed./Thurs. — might as well dive in, get it done. You could realize something you’re hopeful about might never happen — it’s a money wish at base. (If so, contemplate changing direction.)  Exciting meetings occur Fri./Sat. (especially Saturday) — you can meet a wonderful new friend (or old one) — perhaps even a good prospective life-mate. Business and practical opportunities and associations are also blessed with luck (but real estate IS NOT).

Capricorn.svg     CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
The weeks ahead focus on your home, children, security, retirement themes, land and real estate, nature, gardening, nutrition, home repairs and landscaping, and, in business – premises, foundations (e.g., machines anchored to the floor) and sales territories. Don’t start any projects in these areas unless you can complete them before April 9. (And realize even now, these will not move swiftly. E.g., that carpenter could be two days late.) You might be drawn to a former house or ’hood in March, or a prodigal child/parent might appear, or nostalgia can sprinkle through your days. These themes shine strongly Mon./Tues. Charge ahead Monday, and after 3:30 pm PDT Tuesday for best success. Earlier, Sunday’s for errands and casual contacts. All’s smooth. Romance, beauty and pleasure arrive Wed./Thurs. — so do sports, games, creative and “gambling” urges. You’ll succeed Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon. But this whole week contains a difference, a choice, between pleasure and ambition — this choice stands out Thursday, and I think you’ll choose whatever gives you the most pleasure and optimistic anticipation about the future. (Yep, that could be your ambition — but can also be social joys.)  Dive into chores Fri./Sat. — luck rides with you, making this a great time (Saturday before 5 pm best) to buy machinery or tools, repair, or work to enhance your ambitions.

Aquarius.svg     AQUARIUS:  Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
Be gentle at home now to April 20. Chase money, pay bills, and do important shopping Sunday before 1 pm PDT. This week and the next two bring errands, casual friends, short trips, paperwork and details, especially this Mon./Tues. Double check details this week – an important phone call, email or letter might fall between the cracks. Former friends could appear. Exercise caution Tuesday before mid-afternoon; beware gossip, government people. Your home occupies your thoughts Wednesday/Thursday. Dig into gardening, hug the kids, do repairs, etc. Although far travel, intellectual pursuits, legal matters and cultural venues are blessed for you all year until October, this week they meet a barrier — it is likely composed of some hesitation or indecision within you, or a restriction imposed by the government or other agencies. You could fall in love Friday/Saturday. Your sense of beauty, of pleasure are heightened. Someone you meet Saturday could turn out to be a very good friend, teacher or lover (if you are single, of course).

Pisces.svg     PISCES: Feb. 19 – March 20

Focus on money, earnings, possessions, purchases – on rote learning, and sexual attractions (towards someone whose personality might bore you in the long run).  An item you coveted long ago might reappear, giving you a second chance to buy it. Forgotten debts might be paid, and/or a former employment or money source could return. Grab it if you need it. Your charisma and energy remain high Sunday — start new projects before 1 pm PDT, but only start things which you can finish within a week or 10 days. The focus on money, possessions, et al, intensifies Monday/Tuesday.  Monday daytime is fine, but take care from this suppertime to 3:30 pm PDT Tuesday — wishful thinking leads to stumbles. Errands, friends, short trips and visits, communications and paperwork fill Wednesday/Thursday. All goes well, but Thursday noon brings the peak of a long term 2017 conflict between your ambitions and your ethics, or between your social contacts and your inner, secret desires. Turn toward home Friday/Saturday. Rest, hug the kids, garden, etc. An attractive investment or sexy neighbour proves lucky for you Saturday.

The End.