Disclaimer: Tim is not a lawyer, medical doctor nor financial advisor. Though astrology addresses all these fields, you are advised to discuss Tim’s advice with the appropriate expert before acting.
All times/dates are PST (Pacific Standard). To reference your own time, see “WORLD CLOCK” on the right of this page, or go to www.worldtimezones.com.
START NOTHING: 3:04 am to 7:40 am Sun., 9:31 am to 11:12 am Tues., 5:55 am to 6:37 pm Thurs., and after 11:53 pm Sat.
Until late July, Libra, you are packed with romantic courage, assertiveness and impatience. Usually, you like to quietly radiate your charms and see who responds. This way, you can judge a person’s suitability before the relationship develops. But from last December through this July, you’re too fiery and impatient to wait – you’ll chase someone. This is a blessing if you’re usually too shy to attract love; but it can also turn your usual kind of lover away, as the people who really appreciate you often are attracted to your calm, gracious demeanour. For once, Libra, you’re in charge in love – be a wise leader. Very ambitious Librans will wed in this phase – wed upwards. You might even turn from love until midsummer, as your career is so fortunate and consuming.
March might bring a sweet Aquarian: in any case, you feel a definite romantic leaning that wafts through your days. April sparks partnership vibes between equals – but you hold the power, so it might be an unequal struggle. May’s always sexy. From March to mid-May, you might become less sexually “passionate” if you’re a man; if you’re female, your lover might flag a bit. If you value the bond, be easy and accepting. If you first meet someone in this period, and the intimacy flags, then it will always flag – better to put this one in the platonic file. In June, someone shows their attraction; say yes.
From August onward, your popularity and social needs both swell, and you will attract a whole bevy of prospects. For best results, keep it light, flirty, play the field. Do join a special group – the benefits will go far beyond “romance.” (Especially if you join in August or October.) September can find you more alone than usual, but a series of phone calls or emails brightens your heart. In October, your charisma shines – a traveller or intellectual might respond. November brings sensual attraction, but nothing deep. December finds you talkative, restless, and primed to chase someone, perhaps an Aquarian. Pleasure will follow!
One thing: from 2011 to 2018, you will attract unusual people with strong ideas (including ideas of freedom) – as a result, love can be volatile, even impermanent. But this is still a definite true love period, Libra, so be open, accommodating, and give another freedom – you’ll be repaid with loyalty, usually. Now, no matter what I have said above, you would be better off not marrying anyone now to November 2015; and you should never marry someone met in this time frame. So have romance, love, sex, friendship (with benefits?) light romance, etc. – just don’t marry – yet.
ARIES March 21-April 19
Continue to lie low, rest and recuperate. You can safely contact (or begin projects aimed toward) the government, your own head office, or any large company or institution. Be charitable, in money and in assessing others. This is a great time to make plans for the 12 months ahead, especially for next month, when your energy will be high. Now to July is a great time to buy and/or sell a home, fix/heal your family, ensure your retirement, and enhance your children’s future. Your energy rises nicely Sunday to Tuesday morning, but you’ll run into various irritations or barriers: meet these good-naturedly, as challenges – if you do, solutions appear. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients Tuesday noon to Thursday. Communications, errands, short trips, and possibly an alluring “friend” brighten Thursday eve to Saturday. In all things, be humble and diplomatic to July: a major relationship might form.
TAURUS April 20-May 20
It’s wish fulfilment time! You’ll feel popular, optimistic, playful and flirtatious. A “long, dark night” is behind you (Sept. 2012 to Feb. 2014). Now your future brightens, now social delights await you. You’ve been “karmically cleansed” and can now go forth with a clean heart and free conscience. You’re beginning a 9-year journey toward one of the nicest peaks in your life. (More on this later.) Protect your health, until July, from cuts, scrapes, rashes, burns, head bumps and sudden temperature changes. (This influence has existed since December, so judge how serious it is – or not.) Retreat, lie low and rest, contemplate and plan Sunday to Tuesday noon. Sidestep frustrating problems, rather than tackle them head-on. Later Tuesday, through Thursday supper time, your energy soars, your charisma surges and your effectiveness climbs – a splendid time to start a new, significant project, or give a big heave to ones that might be stalling. Thursday eve to Saturday bring money luck: you can attract new clients, or buy a prized item.
GEMINI May 21-June 20
The accent lies on career, prestige relations, reputation, ambition and the “outside world.” Be forward, diligent, active and hopeful, especially Thursday night through Saturday, when you could impress someone powerful! (You might also impress a sweet Libran, Thursday eve or Saturday – perhaps someone met in the last several weeks/days.) Now to July, chase money, cultivate clients, improve your earnings, pay down debts. You could boost yourself onto a whole new income plateau! During these same months, your romantic courage and determination are powerful, too. A Libra or Aries could figure prominently. (The Libran is uncharacteristically loud, vocal, assertive.) Sunday to Tuesday brings social delights, wish fulfillment, popularity and optimism – but don’t expect a lot from this area, Gemini, now to November 2015 – happily take what comes, without assiduously pursuing it. Retreat, rest, contemplate and plan Tues. eve to Thursday.
CANCER June 21-July 22
A mellow, wise mood steals over you until late March. Circumstances will favour far travel, higher education, publishing/broadcasting, religion, culture, intellectual pursuits, legal matters, and love. A bold Pisces might pursue you: if you’re single, accept gladly! Your personal luck and “good mood” remain high and rewarding through July – but at the same time you might be dealing with a career problem (position or contract ending) or might be steamed about a domestic situation. Be gentle with children; ignore their tantrums. (Includes grown kids, too.) Be ambitious Sunday to Tuesday morning – not all is easy here, but your diligence and patience will be noticed (so will any temper tantrums of unfair acts). Hopes, wishes, optimism and social joys surround you midweek – flirt with someone. But retreat, contemplate, rest and plan Thursday night to Saturday – all’s well, your solitude will be a sweet rest.
LEO July 23-Aug. 22
The accent remains on large finances (investments, mortgages and other debts) and on sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes and health diagnoses, commitment and its consequences. Research, dig deep, ask questions. You could find a treasure – of information or other stuff. Now to November 2015, strictly avoid legal matters, especially lawsuits. What appears so just, so winnable, will not be. Solve all disagreements (in these 18 months) through diplomatic communication. Now to July, communicating will be easy – but are you being diplomatic, or assertive, impetuous? Now to July also, quietude, even solitude, is your friend: contemplate, plan something big for this summer to next summer. Governments, large companies and institutions favour you, will co-operate. It’s a good time (to July) to invest (real estate or other instruments) for security, retirement. Handle problems diplomatically and thoughtfully Sunday to Tuesday. Tuesday to Thursday brings meetings with higher-ups: show ambition. Wishes come a wee bit true, your popularity rises a bit, and you feel hopeful, flirty, Thurs. night to Saturday.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Relationships fill your horizon this month, Virgo. You could fall in love, if single. You can also form valuable friendships and group contacts, and grab opportunities, in business, in relocation, in dealings with the public. You’ll face a challenge or two, but nothing huge: smile, defuse the competition – make love, not war. You’re popular until July (and optimistic) so soak it up! Your money needs care – more of it flows to you, but your spending finger is itchy, too. Be conservative. Be wary of investments, debts and large financial actions now to November 2015 – you can also find that sexual intimacy and large lifestyle changes prove elusive; accept this, for in these zones delay is your protection. (On the plus side, income, and casual sex are rather easy to come by, same period.) These matters (finances, etc.) are highlighted Sunday to Tuesday: don’t walk into sugared traps! Wisdom, mellowness return Tuesday noon to Thursday. Be ambitious Thurs. night to Saturday – mostly smooth, some good openings here.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Work hard this month, Libra, tackle chores, wrap up tasks that have been neglected. Your career and relations with higher-ups get a once-in-a-decade boost now to July: what you accomplish in the next three weeks will play a significant role when you’re considered for promotion or a plum assignment, etc. Protect your health: eat, sleep and dress sensibly. Also until July, if in doubt, be diplomatic, soft – you will have assertiveness to spare. Relationships confront you Sunday to Tuesday noon – you might face a struggle over domestic matters, perhaps over love itself. Secrets, intimacies, investments, financial manoeuvres, commitment, consequence, deeper health matters and change of lifestyle – all faced headwinds for the last 18 months, but now can move forward to profit, solutions and bonding. Tuesday to Thursday shows how. Gentle love, understanding, a mellow mood, travel and learning bless you Friday/Saturday.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Romance, pleasure, beauty, charming kids, sports/games, creative and speculative urges – these fill your days this month. Until July, you are favored to find a marriageable love, and March can go a long way toward finding it. However, an intimate secret or health factor might hold you back, over the same time (to July). It’s probably best to be open with someone you want to keep. Health and work are on the agenda Sunday to Tuesday noon. Fix problems without agonizing over them. This whole sector (work/health) needs wisdom and a light touch now to November 2015. Relationships, which have been subtly disappointing over the last 18 months, are now free for your enjoyment, as Tuesday noon to Thursday show: all is fairly calm, supportive between you and others. (However, be cautious about marrying anyone met in the last 18 months.) Sex, secrets, large finances and a possible health problem fill Thursday eve to Saturday – a successful outcome seems likely!
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
The accent lies on home, parent/kid relations, property, security, retirement planning, garden, nourishment, cooking, and Mother Nature. This is a slow-down month, Sage, so don’t be reluctant to nap, to veg out or let non-essential time wasters go. It might be time to decide who and what stays in your life, and who/what to abandon. Until July, you’re in an excellent phase to change your life in major ways, in lifestyle and health. You might change intimate partners, and/or make a life-transforming investment. March “co-operates” with this trend in deep and supportive ways. (E.g., mix “investment” with “property” = a new home, and new lifestyle?) Your job or health has been a bit difficult the past 18 months: this passes now. But until November 2015, be wary of deep, infatuated romance: you’ll do better to play the field, or have a “light” romantic partner. If married, pay the kids less attention, and your social life more. This warning applies Sunday to Tuesday, when romance and pleasure promise but elude. To work, Tuesday to Thursday. Marriage, love, relocation, opportunities and relationships Friday/Saturday.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Until July, single Capricorns could meet a very viable, cheerful marriage prospect, but married Caps might have to decide whether they want to stay or go. For all, single or attached, the same period (to late July) brings a friction-prone influence also: so, if contemplating as life together, ask yourself: Do we argue too much? This same period needs caution and a light humor on the career front, as bosses tend to be temperamental. Despite this, your career area is filled with a sort of divine protection now to November 2015. It’s an excellent time to change careers or jobs/companies. (On the flip side, real estate, home and security matters could form a subtle trap to Nov./15. These very things fill Sunday to Tuesday, so be alert, careful.) March aids you in communicating, especially to a loved one or attractive person. Stay busy – return calls, run errands, submit paperwork. Tuesday noon to Thursday brings “friendly romance,” pleasure and beauty. Tackle chores Friday/Saturday.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
March emphasizes money, earnings and spending, which fits in well with a larger cycle of expanded work (to July). It’s quite possible you’ll receive a promotion or pay raise in the next 5 months, or that a higher-up will open the door (August onward to 2015) to an opportunity. Your career reputation is good, but home life has been a drag for over a year. This ends now: you home will fill with more light and “cleanliness,” with more simple, good feeling, now to November 2015. Same period, think profoundly, reject superficial words and associations. The latter fill Sunday to Tuesday noon, so don’t waste time in idle chatter: let others know you have things to accomplish. Your home, kids, garden, kitchen, nature fill Tuesday noon to Thursday – all goes well. Romance “wakes up” Thursday eve to Saturday – show someone you care. Kids, beauty, sports, risk and creativity succeed – plunge in, especially Saturday.
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
Your energy, charisma and effectiveness hit a yearly high this month. Start important projects, see and be seen, tackle tasks that formerly intimidated you. You’re a winner now! You’re also in a lucky romantic and creative period until July, so use your present high energy period to impress someone, to chase the person you want. One thing, Pisces: until November 2015, you’ll make good investments, but your earnings might lag. For best results, choose deep sex over casual, asset growth over earnings, and reject surface appearances: dig deep. A Libran might guide you. Sunday to Tuesday tempt you to spend or chase quick money: but the obstacles say no. Errands, communications, paperwork and short trips, casual friends fill midweek. Head toward home and family Friday/Saturday: all’s well here. Saturday, a home-related money affair (an investment?) is a good idea.
The End