Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “April 24-30, 2016.”
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: Before 7:33 am Sun., 10:08 pm Mon. to 10:04 am Tues., 9:17 pm Wed. to 10:10 am Thurs., and 7:10 pm Fri. to 9:34 am Sat.
Well, I wrote here that Canadian Senator Mike Duffy would win most if not all of the charges against him. That he was Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s scapegoat, but would win and hurt Harper. That trial cost Harper the federal election, partly due to Duffy’s defense, which revealed the corruption of Harper’s inner circle. Today (April 20) Duffy was cleared of all 31 charges against him. A pundit called it “a resounding acquittal.” The judge soundly criticized Harper and his coterie, basically saying they should be ashamed of themselves. (Harper probably is – he dropped from public sight months ago.)
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should visit a neurologist, if he hasn’t already. If you know him, tell him. I don’t move in those circles.
My Next Invention: Bar Branch Bender. A sleeve that one can slide over, or attach to, a young, growing limb of a tree, then bend (ratchet) it to the shape you want, and leave it there for one growing season. The limb will permanently grow in the direction it was bent into with the sleeve. Great for keeping dwarf fruit trees under 6-8 feet for easy care, pruning and harvesting – no more ladders! Let’s seniors control their trees easily. Takes mere seconds to apply. Don’t like the way your new limb looks? You can change the “bend” – its degree and direction – in a moment. (Nope, no patent, and no fear I’ll ever get off the couch long enuf to apply for one .)
I received a somewhat common question from people born in the southern hemisphere (in the “Comments” from “firefish”). I thought the answer might put a few doubts to rest for readers south of the equator.
In the most simple way, the seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere — so the “spring equinox” of the north, approx. March 21, is the autumn equinox of the south, just as July is summer in the north, winter in the south. This does not, however, change the positions of the Sun, Moon or planets, as they do not change their place no matter where we stand on Earth to observe them. E.g., this May 1, 2016, Mars is in 7 degrees Sagittarius, whether we see Mars from the north pole, equator, or south pole, Moscow or Rangoon.
You might expect the rising signs in a southern birth to be the opposite of those in the north, but that’s not true. A person born at, say, noon in July, will tend to be Libra rising, whether he/she’s born in Australia or Canada, Alaska or New Zealand. (“Tend to” – the rising sign, in both these cases, will sometimes be early Scorpio or late Virgo, but mostly Libra – variations are caused by many factors, but they are minor.) The rising sign is simply the eastern horizon when you’re born. Whether you’re born north or south of the equator, the east is still the same east, the same direction. So, all else being equal (many small factors “bend” this here and there) your rising sign (even degree) will be the same, north or south of the equator. In astrology, the rising sign and other points change dramatically as you move west or east on earth, but hardly at all when you move north or south.
So in your case – Pisces, in Australia? – the only difference to the equinoxes is that you will be facing spring and a distant summer on Sept. 21, and feel the chill of autumn on March 21.
Those are the mechanics.
I suspect, since astrology has such an obvious link to the seasons, that an (astrologically identical*) Brazilian Pisces and a Canadian Pisces will have some differences; in the end, we are biological creatures who cannot escape Mother Nature, so being born on a warm day, or on a cold day, must make some difference. But it would take a giant intellect to detect it on a broad, dependable scale. (* Said for sake of convenience – in astrology, there is nothing identical, simply because nothing, no one, can be born in the same spot at the same time, twice.)
Start no new projects, chase nothing new, and form no new relationships before May 22. Instead, protect and further ongoing ventures, and/or reprise projects from the past. You’re feeling mildly sexy, mildly romantic – but mostly wise and hesitant. The main focus lies on money and sensual attractions (to people or things – e.g., you’d really like to buy that ten yards of blue velvet, or that Cadillac). Pay neglected bills, and collect outstanding debts. You’ll feel like shopping, but stick to routine or unimportant things. Clothes, cars, computers, machinery, etc. – if you buy these during the three weeks ahead you’ll later wish you hadn’t. Take the easy, restful road Sunday dawn (PDT) to mid-morn Tues. Rest, contemplate (don’t plan) be charitable and spiritual. A great machinery or related bargain might tempt you: remember my warning. (If you wanted this very item in the past but couldn’t afford it or whatever, now might be a fine time to buy – but a flaw could exist.) Your energy and charisma soar Tues. to mid-morn Thurs. Get out, mingle, impress people. If there’s someone from the past you want to call, do so. You “conquer” a situation or job Tues. VIPs, bosses or authorities are watching Wed. afternoon – carefully demonstrate your skills. Shop, pay bills, collect, butter up clients, and organize possessions Thurs. morning to Sat. morning – this last day blossoms into errands, talk, curiosity – flirting?
You’re up, buoyant, energetic, magnetic – you’re the leader now (and most of May). Remember, start nothing new, projects or relationships, before May 22. Use the interval to recap, re-examine, to make (only!) minor adjustments, to reprise past relationships or ventures, and to protect ongoing situations from mistakes, delays, shortages and misunderstandings. An old flame might appear – or you might look him/her up. No harm in this, unless you’re already attached. (You can be more than usually attracted to outside temptations all month – and might be again August/September. Take care, extra-marital affairs hurt everyone, eventually.) Happiness arrives Sunday morning to mid-morn (10 am PDT) Tues. Flirt, laugh, call good friends, join a group, seek entertainment, and do some wishful contemplation – all better after Monday morning than before. Romance, dancing, art, intimacy, joy with/in teaching children – all come so easily! But retreat, rest, avoid competition and protect your health Tues. morning to 10 am Thurs. You can handle secrets, government edicts, institutional or “head office” chores with splendid dispatch Tues. Some “inner surprises” or ethical/moral dilemma Wed. Your energy and charisma explode upward Thurs. mid-morn to Saturday morning. Everything succeeds, so charge after everything (except the brand new). People notice you. If you’re single and an old flame re-enters these few days, a major, good love could develop.
Remember, Gemini, start nothing new, projects nor relationships, before May 22. (That’s probably just as well, since you’re in a quiet, restful mode, regenerating your emotional and physical batteries, and should avoid competitive situations the whole time – or at least, until May 20, when you’ll start to feel lively again.) Be ambitious – but not overly so – Sunday dawn to 10 am Tues. (PDT). Avoid new career starts or proposals, but do show your skills and dedication. Realize that higher-ups now (to May 2017) might not have the best motives – refuse to be drawn into anything secretive, collusive or “off base” by a boss or VIP. (Also, same year ahead, avoid pushing your own ambitious agenda: head down, sticking to the status quo are the best – safest – approach these 12 months. A retreat, or something domestic, could bring luck, joy. Happiness (mild but enough to make you smile) enters Tues. morning to 10 am Thurs. – social delights, entertainment, wish fulfillment, a hint of flirtation with someone, especially Tues. night and Wed. night – these please you. Retreat for real Thurs. morning to Sat. morning – be alone, wistful, contemplative, soak up nature’s goodness, contemplate your whole life thus far. These few days are lucky and deep: you could say, “oh my gosh, that’s my soul!” You can solve government-related, institutional or “head office” problems quickly and easily. (If you’re Donald Trump, now’s the time to meet with the RNC and get the rules changed.) Research yields valuable rewards. If married, accept your mate’s comfort.
Don’t start any new projects or relationships before May 22. Instead, protect ongoing ventures from delays, supply shortages, misunderstood directions, and indecision. You not only can, but perhaps should, reprise the past. Contact an old love or long lost but cherished friend, a former social group or club, etc. Your optimism will buoy you and attract others for the weeks ahead. Entertainment, flirtations, social joys, wishes coming true, and a general air of celebration fills the days and weeks ahead. A mellow, thoughtful mood visits you Sunday morning to 10 am (PDT) Tues. Higher education, far travel, abstract truths, religion, culture, fame and media might stymie you before mid-morn Monday, but will succeed after – and the whole 3 days could bring a message, news, or a visitor (or a short trip) that pleases you very much. Be ambitious Tues. morn to 10 am Thurs. – don’t start any projects, nor even propose them now – but do show your skills, meet, discuss. Higher ups are watching, willing to favour you, especially both nights (Tues., Wed.). However, avoid a showdown Wed. midday. All that about celebration, social joys and optimism “comes true” Thurs. morn to Saturday morn. There’s not a problem is sight, just success, good feelings, and perhaps a former “tender heart” revived. If an old flame returns, welcome him/her – could be destiny at work!
Remember, Leo, start nothing new, in practical or love zones, before May 22. The main accent lies on ambition, prestige relations, your reputation and worldly status, until May 20. And a period of slowness, false starts, indecision, misunderstandings and missed appointments lasts just past that, to May 22. So at work, in career, display your skills and talents, fortitude and character, but don’t start any new projects nor propose any, even for the far future. If your boss wants to commence a project or place you in a new position before May 22, ask for more time. (Ask to start May 30, Monday.) That might be a little hard to do, as your ambition/status trend is splendidly lucky Thurs. 10 am (PDT) to Saturday morning, and the temptation to charge ahead might be strong. (And in truth anything you start this day might well succeed, after future frustrations. But former or ongoing projects can meet some beautiful luck these three days.) Earlier, Sunday morning to Tues. morn brings mysteries, subconscious promptings and desires, sexual urges, financial nudges, and heightened intuition, perhaps medical concerns. All these tend to meet barriers before 10 am (PDT) Monday, and to succeed after. The whole little interval could touch you with a magic wand of money. A wise, mellow mood floats over you mid-morn Tues. to mid-morn Thurs. Far travel, higher learning, cultural venues and social rituals, media and publishing, science and fame, and gentle love, all succeed Tues. night (with a bit of romance thrown in) and Wed. night. You might fall in love, but wait.
Remember, Virgo, don’t start anything new, from job to project to moving to relationships now to May 22. The weeks ahead emphasize indecision, delay, misunderstandings, false starts, etc. So spend this time protecting ongoing projects (e.g., order the flour early for your bakery) and/or reprising past ones. The general accent will lie on far travel, religion, life philosophy, cultural events, international affairs, fame, law, higher learning and gentle love. You’ll be happy, content – but frustrated down the road, if you start a significant new venture now. It’s better to re-examine the past than to form plans for the future. An old flame might reappear, and actively pursue you. I’d say yes, but consider this first: if you’re male, your sex drive is a bit low all May; if you’re female, his drive is low. Ask how this might affect a “renewed” love affair. Might be okay. Sunday to mid-morn Tues. brings relationships – be diplomatic, but continue to be independent, especially before Monday noon. (After’s much better – and the whole interval might bring a very lucky end to a relationship, or improve one.) Secrets, mysteries, diagnosis, investigation, heightened intuition, sexual yearnings and financial urges visit from 10 am Tues. (PDT) to 10 am Thurs. Remember, nothing new – not even a new stock. Dealing with sex or finances both Tues. and Wed. nights bring successful results. This month’s general accent on higher mind, intellectual pursuits, far travel, religion, culture and love is doubly emphasized Thurs. morning to Sat. morning – good luck accompanies you in these zones, so charge ahead with ongoing things.
Start no new projects nor relationships – nor buy anything major (clothes to sailing ships) before May 22. Until then, stick with ongoing projects, or reprise past ones. Be patient in the face of delays, indecision, missed meetings, supply shortages, etc. A person with whom you shared a sexy time might return. If so, all seems well, unless one of you is married. A former research project, investment or debt-reduction scheme might return – if so, it also is fine. Tackle chores and protect your health Sunday morning to Tues. 10 am (PDT) – you’ll succeed more easily after Monday morning than before. A sudden stroke of luck might boost a government, institutional or corporate “red tape” situation. (E.g., gov’t forgives your taxes?) Relationships confront and lure you Tues. morning to 10 am Thurs. Both nights (Tues., Wed.) promote partnership, love, co-operation. Thurs. morning to Sat. morn opens the door to sexual and financial secrets, intimacy, research, medical diagnosis, and lifestyle decisions. Remember, this isn’t the best time to start anything new. That said, the aspects are so lucky these two days that something has to go well! For instance, investments will please, if you wanted them in the past, but couldn’t, now can. Saturday is mellow, wise, but not lucky – be diplomatic.
It’s an easy, benevolent week, Scorpio. Start nothing new before May 22, Scorpio, neither relationships nor ventures. That said, an association, opportunity, or ex-lover, ex-spouse might return, especially this Thurs./Fri., or anytime in the three weeks ahead. This “return from the past” could be an excellent opportunity, so dive in. But be wary of brand new “openings” or ventures, and of large purchases, until May 22. Meanwhile, do your best to navigate past a plethora of delays, indecisions, false starts, missed meetings and unclear directions. Sunday morning to 10 am Tues. (PDT) tickles your romantic fancy, and imbues with urges to create, to take a chance, and to express yourself. These areas need restraint until May 2017. Dawdling with an old flame or present squeeze is fine, but don’t sacrifice a good personal situation for a “side adventure.” A wish could come true, perhaps about money or a coveted possession. Better after Mon. morning than before. Tackle chores and protect your “everyday health” Tues. morning to 10 am Thurs. Eat, dress sensibly; take the sunblock. Relationships reign Thurs. morn to Sat. morn. Your luck is very high, as long as you don’t push anyone. Old love, even someone new perhaps – or a former business associate/plan – destiny seems to play a helpful role in these. Saturday, mysteries, but not valuable ones. Discretion best stance.
Remember, Sage, buy nothing new nor start a new project or relationship before May 22. Until then, almost every week focuses on the pile of work facing you. Guard your daily health: use sun block, eat well, etc. Be alert, anticipate “no shows,” equipment breakdowns and supply shortages (have back-up supplies, etc.) misunderstood directions, false starts, delays and indecision. (If you don’t know what to do in a certain circumstance, do what you’d earlier planned.) A job or employer might appear from the past. If you need work, canvass former bosses. Overall, this week is easy and smooth. Be restful, embrace your home and family, garden and soak up Mother Nature’s goodness Sunday morning to 10 am Tues. (PDT). You’ll succeed more after 10 am Monday than before. Paradoxically, though the accent these days is on home and humility, you might receive a career boost or ambition’s boon before midweek. Romance, beauty, pleasure, a risk-taking urge and creative impulses fill Tues. morn to 10 am Thurs. (Yes, 10 am’s stud this week.) Remember, no one new. This month’s focus on work and health becomes a lucky, benevolent reality Thurs. morning to Sat. morning – you’ll get lots accomplished, might find one job is already done, might receive a bonus for your work. If machinery needs repair, do it now. Saturday brings exciting meetings late day – be diplomatic, contain that temper.
Remember, Cap, start no new projects nor relationships – and make no major purchases – before May 22. (That includes clothes.) Be alert, watch for mistakes in addresses, schedules, on cheques, for delays and supply shortages, missing personnel, etc. You might fortunately reprise something from the past – especially in romance (and old flame is very likely for single Caps) beauty, pleasure (visit a former vacation spot) speculation and games. Creative surges are also possible, but unfruitful, confused. Don’t try to edit your opus or repaint your artwork. Errands, light travel, communications, paperwork and casual friends fill Sunday morn to 10 am Tues. (PDT). These go better after mid-morn Monday, than before this. You might receive a parcel from far away, or finally understand a major concept. Be domestic from Tues. morn to 10 am Thurs. Embrace family, repair, garden, walk in nature, and firm up security. (But don’t start new retirement programs nor sign the kids up for new schools or teams, etc.) Good work Tues. night; happy surprise Wed. night. This month’s main theme – romance, beauty, pleasure, risk-taking, sports and games, charming kids – fill Thurs/Fri., and receive an appreciable, lucky boost. Be brave, take a chance! Saturday’s for work.
The general emphasis lies on your domestic sphere, Aquarius – home, kid/parent relations, garden, security, retirement, etc. Basically, this is an easy, sweet and restful time, especially this week. You’ll probably not feel the Mercury retrograde as much as others – but you will, strongly and regretfully – if you start major renovations, repairs, landscaping; if you buy or rent a new home, or sign the kids up for a new school, camp or sports program. (This last, signing the kids up, might be fine: go with your instincts.) In every area, you shouldn’t start a new project or relationship before May 22. You can beneficially reprise a past venture or relation – a long-lost relative might return to some; an old flame to others – though this latter is tenuous, might not occur. In any case, he/she will not be a “keeper.” Expect delays, mistaken addresses, etc. Chase money, buy/sell (buy only routine items) pay old bills and collect debts, Sunday morning to 10 am Tues. (PDT). Monday pm is the best interval. You might inherit, or a past investment pays off. (An old sexual urge or extra-marital flame might return. If so, if you really want it, this is a ticket out of your marriage.) Errands, casual acquaintances, siblings, paperwork, short trips and “easy” tasks fill Tues. morn to 10 am Thurs. All’s well – and productive. But circle away from a confrontation, dark alley or unsavory situation Wed. afternoon. The whole trend of this month – domestic affairs – is doubly emphasized Thurs./Fri. All is lucky, so jump in (to activities listed earlier). Your children, your garden, your mate, will fill your heart with gratitude. Saturday’s for romance, beauty and pleasure – sip from these.
Don’t start new projects nor relationships before May 22, Pisces. Don’t buy anything major (clothes to ocean liners). Instead, remain alert to mistakes, false starts and delays, missed appointments, shortages, etc. If you feel indecisive about something, put it on the back burner until late May onward. Your energy and charisma soar Sunday morning to 10 am Tues. (PDT). You’ll attract others – good, among them you might find allies and advisors. But don’t try to form solid, permanent bonds yet. Don’t raise your boss’ eyebrows Monday morning: dress conservatively, speak softly. A relationship, or a looming opportunity or relocation, one that has been in the works for some time, could come crashing through now. Suddenly, someone’s done enough thinking, and might be ready to say, “I want/love you.” Tues. morning to 10 am Thurs. emphasizes money and possessions. Butter up clients, spend (only on routine items) and organize your possessions. Pay neglected bills and collect what’s due you. Tues. night’s lucky money-wise. This month’s main focus – errands, communications, short trips, casual friends, paperwork – comes into crystal-clear view Thurs./Fri. Your luck is high both days: you could meet a favorite person by accident, you might receive mail that lights your heart, land a cheap travel ticket, etc. Life’s great! Saturday’s domestic – be home, in the neighbourhood.
The End.
Poor Bernie Sanders. Although he draws crowds ten times larger than Hillary Clinton’s, this is really not a popularity contest. In actuality, Bernie is assaulting a fortress, one built over decades. Hillary is a Scorpio; she is loyal, and in return has developed a long string, or a big hall, of those loyal to her. In some ways, this loyalty is almost dictated by the purposefully non-democratic rules of the Democratic Party. For instance, Bernie lost in New York not because he lost his contact with his large base but because his massive following, having gathered around him since, oh, last autumn, was not allowed to vote. In New York, only people who had registered – not sure of the date – about a year earlier – were allowed to vote. At that time, Hillary was considered an unassailable shoe-in, her campaign merely a coronation. Hence, people who registered as Democrats at that time, would have been almost entirely Hillary supporters. The fact that Bernie garnered about 40 % of the vote, and Hillary 60 % or so, could mean that Bernie actually stole or converted 40 per cent of Hillary’s followers – an incredible feat.
But this is only one aspect of Hillary’s fortress. African Americans in the deep south form another wall of this castle. They stick with Hillary despite the fact that she mocks them (the ‘C.P.’ joke) and her husband shouts and scolds them (the “Black Lives” fiasco). Bill Clinton’s argument against the “Black Lives Matter” crew, though seductive, and shared by millions of whites, was wrong – and racist. To grab a man from Africa, enslave him in America, then ghettoize him, condemn him to poverty, then call him a “super-predator” [Hillary’s term, though she disavows it now because she’s trying to be elected] – that is racist. Pure, simple. Both Hillary and Bill are racist in the same “unconscious” way that oh, 100 million Americans are. It’s disgusting.
No one seems to have drawn the connection between Bill Clinton’s presidency and the massive frauds and Ponzi schemes of the 1990’s, including Enron, Authur Anderson, etc. These frauds were the beginning of the destruction of the middle class. Clinton, in essence, while in office, “gave permission” in the 1990’s, for businessmen to cheat – to cheat on a grand scale, which caused/triggered the “rolling collapses” of the U.S. stock market in 2000/01, 2007/8, and (later this year) 2016. Basically, Clinton said to all big business leaders: “I can get sex, any kind, any woman, in the highest office in this land – whooee, isn’t that great? – so you guys just do whatever you want. There are no moral boundaries anymore – I’ve just demonstrated that.” Thus, we have the “1 %” of today, and the widespread anger of the citizens because, working or not, they have no future, and no wealth. Enron stole it. This is exactly what Bernie Sanders is fighting against, and what Hillary Clinton is upholding and protecting – the fortress of the damned.
My opinion? I think both Sanders and Trump should run as independents, giving America, essentially, four political parties. Or, hopefully, destroying the Republican and Democratic parties.