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My email: suningem@gmail.com
All times/Dates are PDT – Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England (BDT). For example when it is noon PDT here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. You can Google ‘time zone converter’ for your own zone.
START NOTHING: 10:25 am to 3:29 pm Mon., 11:26 pm Tues. to 2:26 am Thurs., and 8:37 pm Fri. to 3:06 pm Sat.
PREAMBLE: Nothing, but there is an AFTERAMBLE, with recent predictions. (The Afteramble’s always after the Weekly Forecasts.)
ARIES: March 21-April 19
The accent remains on easy chores, paperwork, errands and conversations. Now to November, your mind is on your social life, wish fulfillment, popularity, optimism, social delights, possible friendly romance (which, if it grows deeply sexual, could result in a wedding by 2019). But these delicious wishes of yours also involve money. For 7 years ahead, money and friends WILL mix — or, rather, be inextricably tied together. Sun./Mon. bring mystery, sexual urges, financial opportunities, and revelations. Sunday’s “more significant” — you could learn something crucial from, or make a good agreement with, a gov’t agency or a company’s administration, or a “quiet ally.” Late Monday afternoon through Wed. heightens your mellow, understanding side. Good, because you’ll face some consequential decisions, and a bit of confusion/deception Tues. night. Be confident, learn, watch, think. Your social standing, career, general ambitions, prestige relations and interface with authority grow important Thurs. through Sat. afternoon — charge ahead, all lights are green! (If you’re a “besieged parent,” the gov’t aids, rules for you.) Drive carefully Sat. afternoon. This night sparks joy!
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Make money. Your life is slowly changing, you’re becoming more ambitious — but now to November, be diplomatic with bosses and parents; they’re impatient and temperamental. But they will also be willing to pull you up into a management or committee role. (Or more into policy-making, if you’re already management.) You have the ability, these years (to 2024) to see far down the road — use this when considering relationships, love, and academic or career decisions. Sun./Mon. feature relationships, relocation themes, negotiations, agreements, public dealings, and fresh horizons. (And enemies, if you’re not diplomatic.) All’s well here, so march ahead confidently. Someone cheerful has their eye on you. Monday eve through Wed. brings mysteries and revelations, research and treasures, financial, sexual, and informational. Unfortunately, little runs easily in this zone right now, so remain cautious. (An opportunity in these zones, pre-dawn Tues., PDT.) Gentle love, wisdom, far travel and international affairs, intellectual, cultural and media pursuits — these fill Thurs. to late afternoon Sat., and luckily so. Commit to “something higher.” Careful Sat., some disruption lurks.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
Your health, energy, charm and effectiveness soar, Gemini. Do something special with your present “winning streak” — start a new work project, a money project, a major intellectual or publishing task (in which you would operate from the background), even a new love. Now to November, you will tend to be a “warrior of ideas” — same period, be wary of legal situations, avoid lawyers and lawsuits. Romance becomes complicated: a friend might become a lover, but this lover will, over time, both support and burden you. With those last two (burden/support) which one outweighs the other? This week and two more, your earnings are mildly blessed — so are luxury/beauty purchases. Spend on love — you’ll “profit.” Errands, visits, trips, calls, texts and paperwork fill Sun./Mon. Everything’s fine — you might stumble upon a good employment or earnings opportunity. Relationships face you late Mon. afternoon (PDT) through Wed. — everyone’s agenda is quite simple and straightforward, no mysteries lurk. Don’t be too ambitious or suspicious Tues. night. Not really an opportune interval, so just roll with the status quo. Thursday to Sat. afternoon offers secrets, revelations, intimacy, power temptations, financial manoeuvres. Plunge into one of these (before Sat.) — your long-term money luck looks great if you invest now. Sensual intimacy might occur now, too — part of the thrill might come from its secrecy or verboten edge. If so, be careful and honest. A bit of tension Sat. pm.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Remain restful and self-protective, Cancer. This week and the next few are a healing, catch-your-second breath time. Nurture your emotions, your dreams, and, especially, your plans. Be charitable, because karma exists. Be spiritual, because everyone needs to “touch base” sometimes. Now to November, your sexual desires/actions will be intense, brave and action-oriented. Stay within the rails of honesty and social rules, or huge arguments could follow. Financially, you are also brave, even impetuous, to November — be cautious with investments; however, investments in your career or in equipment for your business, can work out quite well. (These last two are more favoured in the second half of June than now.) Sunday/Mon. tips you toward romance, pleasure, risk, and creativity. Go ahead, all’s well — but realize your energy and charisma are at a year low, so much might remain as a notion, rather than a bid for success. Tackle chores Mon. night (4 pm PDT) through Wed. Dress and eat sensibly. Don’t expect a lot of progress, just plod along. Reject unethical choices Tues. Relationships fill Thurs. to mid-afternoon Sat. Be diplomatic, co-operate with others. Something joyous might occur, especially if you’re already in love. A bit of stress late Saturday afternoon.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
The accent remains on wish fulfillment, popularity, optimism, social delights, possible friendly romance— and general happiness! It’s a very social time (to late June) — in addition, all relationships grow intense, now to November. This can lead to arguments and fights (esp. legal ones, or across national borders) but it can also bring a vibrant, volatile mating. (One of these might appear Thurs./Fri.) If you’re single, be astute these 5 to 6 months ahead — some new links could be aggressive, too argumentative, and some could be “just right.” Pick and choose — and realize your big romance year is Nov./18 to Dec./19. (The present year’s links are more peer-equal, or partnership oriented, slim on the romance side.) Stay near home Sun./Mon. — Sunday’s great for finding, purchasing or renting a new home. (2018 is your best year for this in a quarter-century, so you’ll get many more chances.) Romance visits Mon. eve through Wed., as do beauty, pleasure, creative surges and risk-taking urges. One thing: romance yes, but sexual intimacy looks elusive. You’ll smile and glow. Tackle chores Thurs. to mid-afternoon Sat. (PDT). You’ll accomplish things easily. You might also hear a secret (or gain info from the gov’t) that nudges you to success in real estate, finances and investments, health and/or intimacy. Be brave — now’s the time to commit. Saturday pm brings relationships, but they aren’t that good until late night and Sunday.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Your public persona rises into bas-relief. Bosses, parents, judges and neighbours watch you and your efforts, in order to 1) place you; and 2) consider promoting you. You’ll pass the tests, could be promoted. In some way, a wish will come true this week, esp. near its end — though the wish might involve seeking a mate, love, friends/contacts, or work/career. Until mid-November, work will be intense, might involve more research, confidential meetings, or a need/opportunity to invest in your job or business. (Do this last thing deliberately, not impulsively.) Take care of your health, befriend a doctor. If single, you could have a sex affair with a co-worker. (Okay short, not recommended for the long haul.) Travel, communicate, perform paperwork, do errands Sun./Mon. All’s smooth, easy. Head for home (even if only in your thoughts) Mon. eve through Wed. Take a rest from work. Be diplomatic with a mate Tues. — one of you might be confused. Not a good interval to promise, commit or start a large project. Romance, beauty, pleasure and charming kids fill Thurs. to mid-afternoon Sat. Jump in, for splendid luck accompanies you! Love, work, friendship, popularity, marriage and other partnerships, all are blessed. Careful with machines, driving, electricity late afternoon Saturday.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This week and the next few expand your mental horizons, boost your intuition, help you experience love for all humanity, help you understand big themes. You might delve into higher education, media/publishing, a legal affair, a cultural or social ritual (e.g., bar mitzvah). Far travel or contacts with foreign-born people could occur — and benefit you. This month also favours love. You and another understand each other. Now to November, if you’re single, a hot romance could arrive — one that might lead to marriage. (Might break apart, perhaps temporarily, Aug./Sept.) Your courage surges, so aim for who you want. Throw away shyness, not decorum. If you’re married, be gentle with the kids until November — you’ll tend to push them into adventures, sports, whatever, before they’re ready. Chase money, ask for a pay raise, seek bargains, memorize things Sun./Mon. (Sunday better.) Errands, easy chores, casual contacts, short trips and communications fill Mon. eve through Wed. A quiet interval, not important — but don’t risk indigestion, and don’t “force” a chore or task Tues. pm. Your domestic situation comes into sharp focus Thurs. to mid-afternoon Sat. This is a splendid interval, in which you can tackle ongoing domestic problems. (You’ve been aware of them for awhile.) You can speak/hear words of love, grab a pay raise or promotion, share affection (or merely a laugh) with a co-worker. (BTW, bosses like you until mid-June. Ditto judges, police, bosses and parents.) In general, your home problems, existing since 2009 but growing more definite, clear-cut since last Dec., and into 2020, are at last going to receive an exit or solution influence. It builds slowly, this solution, and takes time — in extreme cases, 7 years — but “help” is already quietly on its way. You can see the decisions: do you make them? The core solution, btw, is love, romance, beautification, and joy in children.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Until late June, Scorpio, you’ll be in a “place” you actually love — immersed in secrets and mysteries, investigating (or researching) with gusto, and toying with commitment, to either a financial opportunity, or to an intimate boudoir situation. All of these, this year, are neither very lucky nor significant, nor unlucky. But in one area — home, real estate, having/raising children, conception, security and Mother Nature — what you research or commit to this month is significant and can have almost a decade-long effect. Speaking of home, be gentle with spouse and kids until mid-November. Your home can be a bit fractious. Channel this fiery home energy into renovations, landscaping, etc. You might establish a home office. Your energy and charisma pump strongly Sun./Mon. Start something significant — love or a creative “risk” are good choices Sun. Chase money, buy/sell, memorize a list, Mon. eve through Wed. This interval isn’t grandly fortunate, so just plod along in a restful way. Romance won’t work Tues. pm. Errands, paperwork, easy chores, talking, writing, travelling fill Thurs. to mid-afternoon Sat. Though life’s surface is easy, a bit rushed, and inconsequential, under the surface or in a “sidebar of life,” significant and lucky things are possible this late week: success and ease in love, romance, sex, property interests, wisdom, learning, far travel, a legal, publishing, cultural or societal matter…accept luck where you find it! Home (and practise safety there) Saturday pm.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Now to November, you will be running around, juggling paperwork and projects, communicating, meeting many people, texting, calling, flying off on errands. Some of the new people you meet will be valid romantic prospects, and you could start one or two friendly love affairs. But realize that 2019 we’ll be your great break-out year, a year of splendid luck, adventure and self-fulfillment — a better year for finding your true mate. The few weeks ahead emphasize relationships, and provide affectionate, satisfying intimacy. Be sure that everything is honest and moral. In all relationships, practical and otherwise, practice diplomacy and cooperation – other people hold the winning cards now, but they are quite willing to welcome you. Stay in the background Sun./Mon. Rest, contemplate and plan. Sunday holds happy surprises, quiet ones that bring great insight, spiritual progress, and lovely home– family vibes. Your energy and charisma rise nicely Monday eve through Wednesday. Use this energy to attract and help others. Take care of a plumbing problem Tues. (if you have one). Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate new clients, purchase significant items, angle for a raise in pay, etc. You’ll make progress! Life’s fortunes also favour you, these few days and to some degree all week, in communicating with a partner, spouse or lover, in research, detective work, a financial action and/or a boudoir urge, and investment in your home. Saturday afternoon grows a bit unpredictable, so be alert while driving and around machinery.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
It’s a good thing you like work, or you would hate these weeks ahead. Just lower your shoulder and push through tasks — you’ll get a satisfying amount cleared away. Work and daily health are neither lucky nor unlucky, with a slight leaning towards mild good luck, especially Thursday. Friday, you could earn extra money from extra effort. From now to November (with a month-long break in late summer) money will flow to you very swiftly and easily, but will also flow from you. You will have an almost subconscious need to spend. Save, and you’ll be happy by November. Happiness visits you Sunday/Monday. Friends gather round, your optimism soars (especially about a somewhat private concern) and friendly flirtation lifts your heart. But retreat Monday eve through Wednesday. Rest, contemplate, plan. Be charitable and spiritual, but back away from these Tues. if your efforts start to look like a Laurel and Hardy comedy. Your energy returns Thursday to Saturday afternoon. You are beautifully favored, so charge ahead, be the leader, start significant projects, Chase love and practical opportunities. You will get your way! Relationships become affectionate, smooth and harmonious. You can make a lasting impression on someone you’re attracted to. Be romantic, show off a little. Be a tiny bit cautious Saturday afternoon — don’t buy anything important, including computers and electronics.
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
You will love the 25 days ahead, Aquarius. Romance, beauty, creative and speculative urges, charming children, all will conspire to keep you in a buoyant, adventurous mood. Mars is in your sign now to November (with a break mid August to mid September) – this will make you more assertive than usual, especially in talking, writing, and driving. Be vigilant to prevent assertiveness from becoming aggressiveness. You are still tempted by tawdry things, wrong motives, also to November. This, combined with your new aggressiveness, can lead you into some dicey situations or dead ends. (Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing porn star Stormy Daniels, is an Aquarian. Watch him on television to see what you like and don’t like about the way he’s acting.) On the plus side, now to November, your sex appeal will be top shelf, your determination and courage will stand staunchly beside you. You’ll have enough courage to change your life if you want to. The best changes will probably involve one of the following: relocation, a gathering of new friends, and a new attitude toward home and children.
Be ambitious Sun./Mon. Sunday’s better, opens the door to more recognition or career advancement, and to money solutions. Your popularity rises Monday eve through Wednesday. Optimism visits, social joys lift your heart. This is not the best interval for making big strides or acting in the practical world, so just enjoy. (Some will fall madly in love around Tuesday morning PDT.) Retreat from the bustling crowd Thursday to Saturday afternoon. Spiritual, charitable, management, institutional and government related chores flow easily and bring solid results. Despite your tiredness, a romantic communication or meeting goes well. Your career and earnings potential start to walk a lucky road. Your energy and charisma return midday Saturday to start a satisfying weekend!
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
The general accent lies on home, security, stomach and soul now to late June. The present week is an easy, comfortable one, with some great late week luck. There will be many discussions at home or involving the home/family, most likely with your spouse. This can end in a good agreement/plan by late week, or in some extra cuddles. You might find that this discussion involves your income and a “large entity” (such as the gov’t). Could be insurance, property taxes, or some other outlay designed to bring you peace and security. This trend of your income being involved with large companies or the government will last until November. And the months ahead will tend to draw you into management or the civil service. However, this whole area (earnings and gov’t/management) is not necessarily a benevolent one now to Nov., as you have some karmic puzzles/obstacles to deal with here. (E.g., the civil service department/job you enter could prove later to be a dead end.) In 20 % of cases, the results in this “management” zone will be good, even very good. But if delays keep occurring, you’re not in that 20 %, and should turn away. Be aware, look far ahead, and ask: “will I be happy here?” Your mellow, compassionate and wise side emerges Sunday/Monday — love, far travel, legal, cultural and intellectual pursuits are favoured (mostly Sunday). Show ambition Mon. eve through Wednesday, whether you actually tackle a project/task or not. This isn’t an important time for career. Happiness, popularity, optimism, entertainment, and general joy in life arrives Thurs. to Sat. afternoon. A significant wish could come true, likely involves love/romance, far travel, education, publishing, or correcting a long-time flaw or “break” in your home or family. Affection and love fill this week, even tho’ it’s a down-home time. Retreat midday Sat. onward — don’t say anything you’ll regret later (e.g., letting one of your secrets be known).
The End.
I forecast two weeks ago that various disruptions could occur May 14 – 16, and the couple of weeks surrounding. Here’s one:
“Also this week, Kim Jong-un might suddenly revolt, or prove skittish, like a spooked horse.” (Afteramble, May 13/18)
On cue, May 15, Jong-un suddenly cancelled his summit with South Korea and said he would cancel the meeting with Trump. (Because the U.S. and S. Korea held war games, same week — and Bolton’s remark — see below.) This might, then, set the tone for the next 7 years, with the nuclear threat remaining.
Ditto, re long-term consequences, the establishment of the American embassy in Jerusalem (May 14 and the eruption of Palestine into major revolt); the Iran-Israel missile exchange (*maybe starting 7 years of war); the Hawaii fissures; and the letter (May 15) sent to Trump from Congress, asking him to over-rule the FBI and Dept. of Justice and declassify all the corners they’re hiding in, sparking what will be a 7-year revision of their departments, structures, reporting requirements, etc. — a huge, long-term overhaul, maybe the biggest in U.S. history. (This is part of a long trend of re-structuring of hierarchies worldwide, from 2008-2024. The most essential/successful of these will be launched 2018 to 2020.)
* — The Arab Spring is over: conflicts during the next 7 years will tend to be between established nations, not between rebels and repressive states.
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Remember how I wrote a month or two ago that people whose first name began with J (or “U”) were Trump’s Achilles heel, and tended to delay or get in his way? Evidently NoKo’s Kim suddenly pulled out of the de-nuke talks when he heard John Bolton say that North Korea would be like Libya. (Libya’s leader dismantled his nuclear program at U.S. urging. Two years later, the U.S. supported a revolt/civil war against him and let him be killed by his people.) I’d say Kim’s the rational actor here! What a blunder by another of Trump’s J’s! To tell your enemy, during a major peace agreement, that you’re going to cheat him!
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“This week also (May 15) Trump’s enemy, Special Counsel Mueller, an Aries, is finally freed from bad motives, which he has been operating under since at least May last year (2017).” (Preamble, May 13 column.)
Lo and behold, on May 15 comes the news that Mueller admits his can’t subpoena nor indict Trump (‘cuz he’s the prez).
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Even a blade of grass is a miracle beyond my comprehension. Astrology is just scratches on the surface of a huge miraculous puzzle. When the great Einstein painted a picture of time and space, even that was just a design drawn on this huge unknown creature.
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Communications are growing shorter. We used to write and mail letters; a typical letter would be 2 – 4 pages long. Then came the telephone and radio — communications became more “current time” and more direct. And shorter. Now Twitter and phone texts shorten our communications even more. A much shorter communication style awaits us… we might become like computers, sharing information with instantaneous bleeps and blips. (Tongue in cheek, but there’s a grain of truth in it.)