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My email: suningem@gmail.com
All times/Dates are PST – Pacific Standard Time zone. PST is eight hours before Greenwich England (BST). For example when it is noon PST here, it is 8 PM in England – and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”
START NOTHING: 4:26 pm to 11:14 pm Monday, 2:33 am to 12:14 pm Thursday, and after 6:37 pm Saturday.
You might have noticed that I sometimes use the letters of the alphabet as indicators of signs and planets, or at least of their influences. The source from which I learned this skill (acrophonology) listed the letter “Q” as a Sagittarian or Jupiterian indicator. However, after practice and contemplation, I have to assign “Q” to Scorpio, especially as its phonetic sound is almost identical to “K,” the only other Scorpio letter. Just thought I’d correct this. So if your name is Quentin or Queen, you probably have a Scorpio influence, pattern or Sun or Moon or rising sign, not a Sagittarian one.
We can successfully buy computers, software, machinery, cars and electronics Friday night.
The relative paucity of “Start Nothing” times thus week hints that we should all be busy as beavers — but use this time to complete projects. In December, Mercury retrograde causes a slow-down (Dec. 2 – 22). So spend the two weeks ahead wrapping up or maintaining projects rather than launching new ones.
There is an AFTERAMBLE — More Pluto Predictions.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
The first half of this week remains “sunken” in mystery, secretive depths, and power plays, but Tues. night begins a month of mellow feelings, gentle love, understanding, broad horizons, far travel, cultural involvements and intellectual pursuits. Some of this will come from past contacts, ideas and plans. You’ll be “lifted” from the depths, into sunny days. Remain diplomatic in relationships. One bond, if you’re single, could grow/remain very intense — make love, not war. Sunday starts with some deception and ill-will (or a deep problem, deep as a raspberry root) but it clears by mid-day, and then all flows splendidly, through Mon. Chase intellectual, travel, media, fame and cultural goals — which the month ahead will emphasize. Be ambitious Tues./Wed. Higher-ups are watching — and approving! But don’t lose it (your temper or another’s) late day Wed. — or you could have a regretful night. Happiness comes Thurs. noon through Saturday. Friends gather, your popularity rises, flirtations and other delights tease you, entertainment arrives — and a wish might come true! Your future looks bright. Be happy!
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Your relationships have been “open” for the last few weeks. Now, starting Sun./Mon., they veer into more quiet, hidden, secretive, committed and fertile areas. For example, a business agreement could now morph into funding. A sparkling attraction might now enter the boudoir. Marriage creates pregnancy. Many of these will involve someone or a situation from the past. (E.g., an investment you “missed” formerly might become available again.) “Open” attractions are still important, and could lead to great reward for you over 2018. But 2019 will be lucky for these other, “hidden” sides of relationships. In truth, both “open” and “hidden” phases intertwine and co-operate with each other. The month ahead gives you a preview of 2019’s depths. It starts Sun./Mon., when commitment, money, finances, investments and sexual desires arise — badly until midday Sun., then workably and with inspiration, through Monday. A mellow, intellectual mood expands your viewpoint Tues. to Thurs. noon. You’ll understand love. Far travel, cultural venues, foreign contacts, law and learning are favoured — but slow down Wed. afternoon into Thurs., when frustration or impatience throws a glitch into works. Thurs. pm through Sat is great for ambition, career, prestige, worldly status — go forth, ask, seek, start! All’s well. Buy computers, electronics, software, cars or machinery Friday night (best) or Sat. afternoon.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
At last, your drudgery ends! (Well, for awhile, and not totally.) The month ahead features exciting meetings, fresh horizons, relocation options, and relationships. Some of these will be people and openings from your past: a Sagittarius might stand out. Relationships can bring co-operation and opportunities, or challenges and enmities. Which, is largely up to you. You enjoy friends now (at least to Dec. 9) and might chase one romantically. Sunday starts bad (cruelty, a firm “no,” and possible deception) but it quickly mellows into friendly meetings and bright prospects (more emotionally than financially bright) right into Monday. Life and relationships veer into more secretive, instinctive zones Tues./Wed. Sexual, financial and lifestyle attractions draw you — good, until Wed. afternoon/night, when you should contain your enthusiasm, and temper. Make no promises, not yet. Thursday pm through Sat. brings one of your favourite phases: intellectual, travel-prone, media-studded, culturally adventurous. Gentle love taps you on the shoulder. You feel a lot of optimism around love these days, and will until Dec. 9. Perhaps that means you should hurry and make a decision, or make an approach. Someone might be waiting for you to make the first move — or respond to theirs.
CANCER: June 21-July 22
Although you face bountiful romantic opportunities over the year ahead, the month ahead brings more work and a few minor health issues. Eat and dress sensibly; protect against heart burn or other gastric upsets. If you have outstanding chores or obligations, tackle them now, as confusion and delays will enter in December. Wrap up rather than launch. Sunday starts with a problem, but soon lifts into an effective work-oriented day, continuing through Mon. You can get a lot done, especially in career, electric and computer zones. Relationships arrive Tues./Wed. — most are good, but Wed. afternoon into early Thurs. could cause some friction, followed by disruptions — step softly. Earlier, opportunities and co-operation prevail. Life’s depths, mysteries, and your subconscious rise to the surface Thurs. noon (PST) through Saturday. Sexual desires and financial urges come — and both are productive, have a good result. You can also impress a higher-up, especially Fri. A good few days to change your life(style) and improve your health.
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
You’ve had a rest. Now adventure begins. The month ahead features romance, sports, gambles and risks, self-expression, creative and speculative urges. These fill Sun./Mon., but it might be a little early to start something (a project or an amorous affair). Sunday morning is problematical, even cruel (cruel words? health upset?) but this pm and Mon. bring a smooth, happy mood. Beauty impresses you. An old flame is likely to re-appear in December. Tackle chores Tues./Wed. — you’ll get a lot done, but quit Wed. afternoon when you detect irritation or suffer a small cut. Avoid angry words Wed. — they could lead to a philosophically-based break-up. Relationships slated Thurs. noon through Sat. — an exciting meeting is guaranteed; love is possible, especially Fri. night, Sat. morning. Relocation ideas, business and other opportunities, and chances to “join up” occur, but realize this isn’t a good time to begin new projects, as a slow-down looms in two weeks.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Wrap up any home-related chores this week and next, Virgo, as a few weeks of delays and mistakes enters this zone in December. The four weeks ahead give you a temporary respite from the busy travel and errands of late. Settle down to earth, enjoy a restful few weeks, re-acquaint yourself with family, garden, repair, contemplate, upgrade nutrition. You can let go of some wasteful, stale situations/bonds now, and nurture new or growing ones. The focus lies on home and communications/travel Sun./Mon. Sunday morning’s dicey, might contain a money disappointment, but the rest of this day and Mon. treat you well. Monday’s great for buying home-based audio-video, electronics, computers, etc. (Friday, too — even better.) Romantic notions carry you away Tues./Wed. — but don’t push romance into sexual demands, especially not Wed. afternoon to pre-dawn Thurs. Rejection certain if you do. Chores arise Thurs. noon through Saturday — you’ll accomplish much, as a smooth luck and productivity ride with you. Remember: don’t overspend.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Sunday begins a month of light chores and errands, paperwork and travel, communications and casual contacts. Try to get many of these accomplished this week and next, as mistakes, delays, lost mail, missed meetings, etc., will prevail in December. (A former friend might re-appear in December, too, or you might return to old stomping grounds.) Be curious; ask questions, peruse the media. Sunday starts with a problem, perhaps affecting home and spouse (or lack thereof). But the fullness of the day, and Mon., aid you to cross many things off your to-do list. Be swift, be light. But slow down Tues./Wed. — steer toward home, family and garden, update recipes, be in nature, repair the stairs, etc. Contemplate how you got here, and where you’re going. Above all, get some deep rest. Avoid argument, pushing a relationship, Wed. afternoon, night. Romance, beauty, pleasure, charming kids nudge you Thurs. pm through Saturday. Dive in, chase love or pleasure, express yourself, be creative, take a chance. You could (stranger things have happened) meet true love, or a sparkling friend.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
You’re the star of the show all the way to Nov. 2018, Scorpio. But now, for weeks ahead, your charisma and energy subside just a little, as money, possessions and sex become more important than receiving attention. If you have things to do here — protect possessions, buy/sell anything, chase a sensual partner, memorize items, start a part-time school course — do them soon, as December will bring delays and mistakes. Sunday/Mon. doubly emphasizes these trends. Sun. morning holds a deep problem, so act this afternoon and Monday. Errands, communications, short trips and paperwork fill Tues./Wed. — successfully until Wed. afternoon. This eve into pre-dawn Thurs., be diplomatic and careful with secrets — especially your own. Your home, family, property, call you Thurs. noon through Sat. Embrace spouse and kids, garden, revamp your recipe box, repair, walk in nature, and rest your mind. Contemplate. This is a mildly lucky, smooth few days — you’ll be satisfied. Buy computers, software, electronics, machinery, games and vehicles late Fri., pre-dawn Sat. (PST). All’s well. But DO NOT start any large or involved home or real estate projects. (This advice holds until mid-Nov., 2018.)
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
A grey cloud lifts — Sunday/Mon. boost your energy, charisma and effectiveness — and these will stay high for four weeks. Sunday starts with a problem, perhaps that your money won’t support your wishes. But by noon, and through Mon., you’ll succeed. Make contacts, ask favours, and start things — but only things you can complete in a week, as a mistake-prone slowdown looms (all December). Chase money, buy/sell, memorize things (like clients’ names?) Tues./Wed. All goes well here until Wed. pm, when a romantic or social wish might be denied — or your temper flares. Be patient, long-suffering… within a year or two, you’ll win. Errands, paperwork, trips and visits, communications and information fill Thurs. noon through Sat. You’ll state your case, but wait until Fri. pm to do so, as an earlier “this is what I think” stance might raise some opposition. Friday night offers superb events, purchases, or performance involving computers, machinery, electronics — and love. An old flame might have you in his/her sights — you’ll know by Dec.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 19
The past month has raised your hopes and happiness, Cap. And this buoyancy will continue for almost 12 more months. But the immediate month ahead will nudge you to rest, contemplate, and seek solitude. You’re going to chase very optimistic horizons in the year ahead, so you need to plan now, and to recharge your batteries for lots of action. Planning is a bit complicated, though, as plans made in December will tend to be unworkable due to shifting circumstances. So envisioning (a good result, a golden achievement) will be more effective than actually forming concrete schemes. Sunday begins with a problem — perhaps anger about or from a boss or parent. But by noon, and through Mon., blissful weariness and quietude flows over you. Civil servants or admin. workers will aid you Monday. Your energy and pizzazz rise somewhat Tues./Wed. — a good time to start things — but only start what you can finish in a week, as a mistake-prone slowdown looms by Dec. Step back Wed. afternoon, night, as bosses, parents, and authorities grow impatient, even angry. Chase money, buy/sell, schmooze with clients, Thurs. afternoon to Sat. You’ll succeed. Solutions are available Friday night, especially involving computers, electronics, cash, home/family, and taxes or other gov’t “demands.”
AQUARIUS: Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Soon — by December — a former friend, social group or lover will return, and an old wish might come true. Dive in when it happens, Aquarius, as you need people this year ahead. Avoid legal hassles until Dec. 9. Sunday/Mon. begin a month of heightened popularity, optimism, social joys and entertainment, flirtations and — simple happiness. Early Sunday is no picnic — an ethical or legal (or health) problem might annoy you. But later this day and Mon. bring joy! Make and accept invitations. Retreat, rest, think and meditate Tues./Wed. — recharge your batteries. Be doubly quiet, unobtrusive Wed. afternoon/night, as friction, disruption might occur. Your energy, charisma and clout surge upward Thurs. noon to Saturday — charge ahead, ask favours, see and be seen. Start projects, but only ones you can finish quickly as slowdowns and mistakes fill December.
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
Wrap up any projects now to month’s end, rather than starting — especially in career and business zones. Delays and mistakes will fill most of December, in these zones and others. An agreement might be broken. (Your career will soar in 2019 — making 2018 a great time to study, upgrade your qualifications.) Sunday kicks off a whole month of focus on career, status, prestige relations and community reputation. A former job/career role might return soon. Take care Sun. morning, when money and friendship do not mix — cruel words or rebuffs might occur. But this pm and Mon. open the door to good progress — you can impress a VIP, boss or parent with your skills and/or reliability. Happiness, optimism and social delights enter Tues./Wed. Your popularity rises, a flirtation sparks feelings. But cool your jets Wed. afternoon, eve, when a disagreement or a money loss is possible. Lie low, rest Thurs. noon through Sat. Contact the government or your company’s admin. See solitude, contemplate — but don’t plan. (Circumstances will make present plans obsolete.) Connect with your spirit. A brilliant money idea could occur to you Fri./Sat. — if so, jot it down for later. (Or pounce with it, if there’s an immediate reward, opportunity.)
The End.
Here, after a long pause, is the third Pluto-return article. In Part One I showed how Pluto’s entry into the sign Scorpio, which occurs approximately every 250 years, coincided with notable seminal events, small things which later changed human history. (I call these Pluto entries into the sign Scorpio “Pluto returns.”) The most remarkable of these were Christ’s birth/teaching, and Columbus’ discovery of the Americas. (An earlier Pluto entry coincided with the Vikings’ discovery of N.A. 500 years earlier.) But others were also significant: Watts, who invented the steam engine, which led to the Industrial Revolution, was born in the year of a Pluto return. English king Henry the 8th, who was obsessed with birth, pregnancy and sex (all Pluto dominions) was born during a Pluto return. Besides killing a bunch of wives (again, a Pluto action) Henry took England away from the Pope, a key action in breaking the Church’s iron grip on all Europe.
In Part Two, I tried to show that the actual “birth charts” of the Pluto returns (charts drawn for the minute, hour, day, month, year and century when Pluto enters the sign Scorpio) indicated/described the seminal events and their effects. For instance, the Christopher Columbus chart showed Isabella, the Queen who financed his journey, and the Christ return indicated wide-spread “broadcasting” of philosophical/religious themes.
So, if we can find indications of the 250 years that follow Pluto’s return to Scorpio in the chart of the return, why can’t we look forward, and use Pluto return charts to predict future trends/ events? I have already used the November, 1983 return to forecast many things: AIDS, unisex, women raping men (a phenomenon still denied by most women, but born out by crime stats, notably the FBI’s) huge technological advances, Chernobyl, the “peaceful” break-up of the U.S.S.R., the huge decline in interest rates, major death events (Rwanda) and a coalescing of power (the rise of the elites and billionaires). This 1983 return, which indicates events/trends until 2229 AD, also hints strongly at a sort of unending stagnation, of things not “moving”, combined with sudden dislocations. The “credit freeze” financial crisis of 2006-09 was an example of this; it caused the Dow Jones Index to be cut in half (from 14,000 to 6,600). The spate of sexual misconduct “revelations” that have bedevilled Clinton, Trump, Roy Moore, and the entire Hollywood cesspool, is a very “Plutonic” trend.
I’ve reproduced the last (1983 AD) Pluto return below:
The unending stagnation mentioned above (for example, notice how Trump cannot get a piece of legislation passed — another prediction by me, in this column back in January ’17) is indicated by the unusual placement of both the Sun and Moon in Scorpio at the return time — as well as three planets.
Now, I’m not a good long-range forecaster. I do best with a few weeks to a few years ahead. But that said, let’s see if the 1983 return chart yields some predictions:
Many of these forecasts (for the 1983-2229 period) will seem “obvious” because these trends have already started. But if we examine the years before 1983, many of these trends did not exist. Also, to brag, I’ve already made many of these forecasts in the 1980’s. But I’ll let those old columns speak for themselves.
The first thing we notice (in this 1983 return chart) is that ALL the planets, and the Sun and Moon, are on the left (east) side of the chart — and almost all of these are in Scorpio — an extremely rare event, that hints at a world, of stagnation and fertility, like an algae-filled pond pregnant with expectation.
We can be lured into an accepting, dream-like stupor by drugs, or arguments, or lack of will, by the inertia of age, or a simple weariness of success and its sacrifices. By doing this we secede control over certain areas — areas which then tend to drift away from our thoughts. Bush’s extremely late response to Hurricane Katrina, the relative paralysis of every U.S. president from Bush Junior through Obama and Trump, and the “sleepwalking” of European nations, is symptomatic of this weariness. The divide between rich and poor, between elites and the masses, will only grow. But such “stagnant” ponds are also beds of creativity, fertility, and inevitable genius. Many sciences and technologies will grow deeper and deeper, exploring unknown realms. As with the Middle Ages, we might historically be seen as a Dark Time. High finance, computers and all related things, optics and science itself, will have a great era from 1983 to 2229. Something major and massive will happen with/to nuclear bombs. This era will begin things, and end them. Sexuality will increase, be everywhere. Note the recent spate of pols, actors, pundits and film-makers charged with, essentially, multiple rapes. (Cosby, Spacey, Weinstein, Bill O’Reilly, Ailes, Moore.) Women will equal men, and men will be raped with the same frequency as women. (See FBI stats for proof.)
But what is stagnant will sometimes hide a deep fault, and within it, building pressure. Sometimes this pressure will burst or jerk suddenly, and anything from an earthquake to a financial crisis, a massive death event, a nuclear explosion, even a short but powerful, devastating war, perhaps nuclear. From these dislocations good can, and often does, emerge.
Our present era will hold a powerful bureaucracy, but one which is constantly undergoing change/revisions. (Witness Trump’s upheaval of Obama’s regulations — and of his regulatory staff.)
When I first began using the Pluto return in the 1980’s and 1990’s, I predicted communism and democracy would be replaced by a third system, between 2009 and 2025. I think this new system is “communist” China, where a mostly-benign dictatorship of aristocrats melds with an openly capitalist society. More on this later.
The 250 years from 1983 to 2229 will feature a gathering of power into “centers.” Greed will be a major force. Art will be morally poor. Universities will be very morally poor, breeding grounds of plagiarism, extreme political positions, greed and internal rot. In politics and the justice system, might makes right. The “admiration” of professors will tarnish to a universal, mild repulsion. Lawyers (and the law) will suffer much of the same: greed leads to eventual destruction — but very eventual.
Overall, we will see much caution, prudence, wisdom and foresight, especially in politicians and economists. This will be combined with slyness, cunning and devious selfishness. These words can describe Obama and the Clintons, as well as Trump. However, Trump runs against the grain here. He is a disruptor, and, as a Gemini, is actually the “antidote” or “conqueror” of this Plutonic trend toward cunning, deceptive and power-gathering politics. The Democrats, whose war cry is “Trump’s A Liar,” are refusing to see the “big lie” of their own party — a lie Donna Brazille and others have begun to expose.
The technology of communications and of transportation will soar. (The first cell phone — the granddaddy of present day mobile phones — came out in 1984, I think — within one year of Pluto’s entry into Scorpio.) This “soaring” will, oddly enough, be step-by-step. Progress will seem slow, but, in hindsight, will be tremendously large or fast. Much of this will be government-controlled, or arise in government agencies or come from very large companies. There exists a “Chinese puzzle” surrounding a treasure chest, which, if solved, will bring a huge step forward in these areas. This might involve artificial intelligence and/or the algorithmic diagnosis of human health, replacing most doctors. I won’t say we’ll get to teleportation (we might) but perhaps to such things as mind-to-mind communications (which will lead, in the 2229 AD Pluto return, to huge “psychic” advances). This puzzle yielded some information in 1988 and 1990, 1994 and 2000. I know this astrologically, but I don’t know what the information is/was. It yielded even more in 2013, and will advance again in approximately 2033. A last, massive advance will occur around 2202. Seven years later, 2209, we (scientists) will open the door to huge secrets and benevolent forces involving transport and communications, but also, more importantly, death and birth, economics and physics. This 2202 “advance” or “cure” will work to obviate or overcome the bad events begun in 2029, when perhaps the rich elites will attempt to severely dominate the poor. Also, a new trend of studies, philosophies, religion, will emerge from universities at this time (2029) which are completely wrong-headed and exist mainly to justify injustices; these will be proved wrong by 2202. (This moral disintegration of universities has already begun: note the bias displayed since the U.S. Primaries in 2016.)
There will be saints and heroes. Mostly, these will be Scorpio and Gemini natives. Some of them will belong to secret sects or religious groups. Many forces will attempt to lead these “saints” astray, and sometimes will succeed. Those born June 6/7/8 and November 8/9/10 (or who have a rising degree or moon in 16 Gemini or 16 Scorpio) will form the more notable of these heroes.
True equality will be achieved between men and women, and love, romance, friendship and young hearts will also operate on an equal playing field. Homosexuality will thrive. Androgynous models will dominate advertising. We will see youth as fun, age as limiting. (So what’s new, eh?)
SOME SMALL STUFF: (plus or minus 1 or 2 years in each instance) :
2017 — major agreements, sexual research/discoveries, big change to bureaucracies, some hostilities end by death, or by agreement. major sexual revelations.
2021 — war, or a massive death incident.
2024 — new kind of transport or communications established. (E.g., Elon Musk’s “Loop” could come into commercial/public operation.) Good, strong, stabilizing agreement.
2028 — bad economic news, slavery, exploitation, perhaps war; homicides and incidents of cruelty rise. Work/employment rules/regs established that bind workers in bad ways.
(Combine these 2020 decade events with the disruption of the banking system and of currencies, which Uranus — not Pluto — foretells.)
I’ll have more “years” soon, just bored with them now.