在手機上,添加的功能(平臺,短篇小說,提前一年等) 可以從左上角訪問(堆疊線)。

*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 2:00 pm to 3:50 pm Mon., 9:47 pm to 10:24 pm Wed., and 1:04 am to 8:47 am Sat.



Taurus people are slow thinkers. Slow like Shakespeare, who wrote the greatest plays of human kind. Or slow like Karl Marx, who invented a new kind of government, communism, that blossomed to cover half the earth. Joe Biden has a Taurus Moon — that’s why, until recently, he has had such smooth charm and a winning smile.




aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

Confidential talks open valuable doors, Aries. In legal, travel, learning, philosophical and love zones, you’re blessed until mid-November. But at home, with family, you might be too harsh or domineering (until Nov. 3) — be generous and gentle. Tuesday starts a month of medical, lifestyle, sexual and financial decisions/actions. Mostly, these are favoured, but march ahead with alert forethought. Significant messages (such as “go ahead”) might be delayed now until early February. This shows Sunday to Monday afternoon, when communications and paperwork fill your time. Sunday morning (PDT) holds a “no,” but this pm can luckily expand your contacts, or your appeals — so write, call, fill out applications, etc. Monday’s mixed —possible deception, possible success, esp. between sexes. Monday afternoon through Wednesday nudges you toward home, family, nature, security, contemplation and planning — with a big (but hardly noticeable) decision at the end. A great interval, with doors opening and fortunate actions, but “listen to destiny” (or I might say, “listen to quiet facts” around dawn Tuesday (PDT). Romance calls Thursday to about dawn Saturday — mildly, as you’re now in “intimacy land.” Thursday best. Saturday? Chores!


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Tuesday afternoon (PDT) starts a whole month of exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities, “fame,” and relocation themes, Taurus. Before that, get work done, finish chores to free yourself for brighter, fresh horizons. Others engage you in talks, texts. (These might be intense, quick, this week and next.) Until Nov. 11, you will experience good luck in intimate/sexual, research, medical and lifestyle, and financial zones. Might be a good time to invest, or for young couples to seek pregnancy. You face great income luck until next June, but delays might occur here through January. Sunday to about 4 pm Monday (PDT) “engages” this luck — but NOT Sunday am. Talks, communications, trips, paperwork and easy, swift chores fill Monday afternoon through Wednesday. Great stuff here, success, but don’t “fight destiny” Tuesday morn. Head for home, family, nature, outdoors, garden, security (negotiate leases, land purchases, furniture, etc.) Thursday to Saturday morning. Thursday’s good, Fri./Sat. not so much. Saturday late morning onward — romance, pleasure, beauty and creative surges!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

You’ve already begun to talk about and semi-plan work, Gemini. Tuesday makes it real — begins a whole month of chores, employment issues, minor health concerns (eat well, avoid colds, etc.) machinery repairs/purchases, and duties to dependents. Best days to buy machinery: Oct. 22, 28, 31 afternoon through Nov. 1, Nov. 6. Others treat you graciously now, perhaps because your affection shines in your face. Careful with money — lots has come, more will (esp. Jan. to April, 2025) — but dial down the spending. Your energy and charisma shine Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT, but be cautious Sunday morning, especially with bosses or authorities. This afternoon, good luck arrives. Monday eve through Wednesday brings $, possessions, casual sex, and rote learning — a great, successful phase, but don’t fight destiny (if you can find it) Tuesday morning. Errands, notes, paperwork, communications fill Thursday to a little past dawn Saturday. Thursday flows well; Fri./Sat. are a bit more difficult. Head for home, family, rest Saturday late morning onward.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 20

Tuesday starts a month of romance, creativity, risk-taking, beauty, pleasure, games/sports, and charming, smart children, Cancer. You’re still strongly ambitious or assertive, so be gentle when you should. (Believe it or not, until January you’re wiser to focus on your career/other ambitions, than on your home/family.) Lots of communications about romance, creative projects. Co-workers support, befriend you. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday. Sunday morning’s a throw-away, but after this your luck starts to improve. Your energy and charisma soar Monday afternoon through Wednesday — get out, see and be seen, gather allies, start significant projects (EXCEPT in management or gov’t spheres). Good luck rides with you, but don’t “squirm away from destiny” Tuesday am (PDT). Collect $, buy/sell, learn something by reading or rote, and perhaps squeeze a favourite friend in “suggestion” Thursday to Saturday morning. Thursday’s benevolent, but Fri./Sat. Can be a bit difficult. Saturday night, casual friends, a short trip, errands.


Leo icon  LEO:  July 21-Aug. 22

Tuesday starts a month of domestic activities, Leo — rest, contemplation, planning, home repairs or furnishing — hug the kids, garden, build a swimming pool, whatever. It’s a time to slow down and restore your energy and emotional batteries for late Nov. into December, when romance looks strong! (Or creativity, etc.) Lots of discussions on the home front. Already, into mid-November, affections are triggered. Remain wary of the gov’t, belligerent individuals and dark places (e.g., biker clubs) for two more weeks. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday brings popularity, joy, social delights, optimism and flirts — step around Sunday morning, tho, when rejection or unfortunate combinations likely. Retreat to rest and contemplate, to plan and soak up spirit, Monday pm through Wednesday. Liaise with gov’t, head office, volunteer, perform good deeds, seek advice. A lovely, easy interval, BUT avoid “wrestling with destiny” Tuesday dawn (PDT). Your energy and charm return Thursday to Saturday morning (9 am PDT). Thursday’s best — you’ll have to push through a few minor glitches Fri./Sat. Saturday starts a weekend of money, possessions and possibly casual sex (only possibly).


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

A mellow month passes Tuesday, Virgo, as a more restless one begins — it brings errands, swift messaging, paperwork, and short trips. (This trend already started in a slim way last week.) Your home and family will form a “sweet retreat” for the next few weeks. Right now, you prefer male friends over female. You’re very optimistic about investments, research, sex or a lifestyle change. Better to focus on these than on “earned monthly money.” Be ambitious Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) — social status, prestige, career are highlighted. It’s difficult Sunday morning, good after that. (But don’t argue with your partner Mon.) Monday afternoon through Wednesday brings popularity, flirtations, optimism and happiness. Enjoy! (But don’t fight destiny Tuesday morn — might not be apparent.) Retreat Thursday to Saturday morning — lie low, rest, contemplate, plan, liaise w/gov’t or head office, improve your karma with good deeds. Thursday’s best, easiest, most harmonious. Your energy and pizzaz return strongly Saturday daytime into the weekend — plan a date, or invite yourself to something.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Tuesday starts a month of $, buying/selling, learning, and casual sex, Libra. Lots of talk about these — a Gemini might play a key role. You slowly switch from high energy to a more laid-back stance. Communications will be affectionate now to mid-November. Remember, higher-ups are not in a good mood, so step lightly this week and next. Now to January, it’s better to join up, or seek a partner, than to be stolidly independent. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday, you float on a cloud of contemplation, big ideas, and far vision. Two glitches: Sunday morning, realistic things kibosh love, elevated thinking; and Monday noonish, (self?) deception exists. These aside, a fortunate interval! Be ambitious Monday eve through Wednesday, when you can impress the boss, or make strides with an ambitious project. (Family might not agree, so make your choice.) Happiness visits Thursday to Saturday morning — your popularity rises, so does your optimism. Flirtations occur, social delights and entertainment call you! Thursday’s best. Saturday morning (about 9 am PDT) offers quietude, rest. Contemplate, plan, meditate.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Tuesday ends a month of weariness, Scorpio, and begins four weeks of heightened energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness. (Which will almost coincide, by late November, with your ruling planet [Pluto] moving into your 4th sign, bringing two decades of focus on home, family, birth, food and growing food — the basics of life. This will be an excellent research period. You have the gift of gab now to early November, so state your case, in love, money, social or ambition zones. Your $ outlook is favourable until mid-Nov. Secrets, finances, sexual attraction, medical and lifestyle concerns fill Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday. Act after, not before, noon PDT Sunday — good results! Romance, creative urges, inventive and risk-taking impulses, pleasure and beauty fill Monday suppertime through Wednesday. Good fortune oozes all over this interval, BUT avoid “fighting destiny” Tuesday morning. Be ambitious Thursday to Saturday morning. Prestige relations, worldly status, hard work toward a practical goal — these succeed best Thursday, need “steady application” Fri./Sat. Saturday, gather friends — social joys, flirting, optimism lead the way!


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

You’ve had your fun, Sage. Tuesday starts four weeks of quietude, rest, contemplation, planning, liaising w/gov’t or head office, and general healing, replenishing your emotional, mental and physical reserves. (Important, because December will bring one of the more significant “openings’ or opportunities of your life, demanding lots of energy and confidence. About 6 to 10 such openings occur in 80 years. BTW, the “openings” in December might/will connect to the recent past. If seeking brand new opportunities, wait for February ’25.) Despite your low energy going forward, you’ll remain happily hopeful, and others will like being with you. Exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities and opposition face you Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT). Act after noon Sunday (after supper in Europe), and avoid deception around noon Monday. Secrets, hidden treasure, medical and lifestyle decisions, big finances, sexual temptations fill Monday suppertime through Wednesday. Good luck rides with you, but don’t fight destiny Tuesday morning. A mellow, tolerant and loving mood steals over you Thursday to Saturday morning. Far travel, law, philosophy, higher learning, social rituals — all favoured Thursday, a wee bit difficult Fri./Sat. Be ambitious Saturday, strut your stuff, work toward a goal.


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Tuesday dims your ambitions slightly, Cap, and starts a month of optimism, social delights, popularity, flirting, entertainment and happiness. You’ve already received a hint of this future joy last week; now it becomes full and fine. Until mid-November, head office, institutions and civil servants favour you. Tackle chores Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday. Sunday morning’s tough, but then you hit your stride and get things done with dispatch. Monday pm through Wednesday brings relationships, opportunities and competition, relocation themes. This is a fortunate interval, but don’t “fight destiny” Tuesday. Wednesday holds the clue that until early Nov., others react to you assertively, even aggressively. It might be time to end a bond. Life dives deeper Thursday to Saturday morning. So dive yourself, into research, finances, lust/intimacy, medical and lifestyle issues. Thursday’s best, Fri./Sat. Are okay. A wise, mellow mood steals over you Saturday. Gravitate toward profound ideas, international developments, law, learning and media.


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Tuesday begins a month of high ambition, career, prestige relations and worldly status, Aquarius. Lots of communications about these last week and the two ahead.  Work remains intense, but your load lightens after Nov. 3. You’re growing more optimistic about your future, your home, love and learning, travel. Your popularity will rise until mid-Nov. Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday (PDT) continues a romantic trend, but it runs into a financial or sexual glitch Sunday morning, better later. Tackle chores and employment issues Monday pm through Wednesday. Some pretty good luck here, but don’t “fight destiny” Tuesday. Relationships, opportunities, opposition, public appearances and relocation ideas fill Thursday to Saturday morning. Thursday’s best, but Fri./Sat. are “okay.” Saturday pm is for mysteries, research, lust and large finances.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Tuesday begins four weeks of intellectual, profound, legal, learning, far travel, international and media publishing — and gentle love, Pisces. There’s discussion about this, perhaps a chance to work on something here with a partner/associate. Your romantic self is still on fire with intense, impulsive courage. (Until Nov. 3.) Higher-ups favour you until mid-Nov. And you’re very lucky in real estate until next June — though action, decisions could be delayed until February onward. Realty, and home, family, gardening, renovations/repairs are highlighted Sunday to mid-afternoon Monday. Avoid any commitments Sunday morning (PDT). Monday’s great. You lean into romantic, creative and “play” areas Monday afternoon through Wednesday — a beautiful, fortunate interval, but don’t “fight destiny” Tuesday (relates to a hope, or a social group). Tackle chores and employment issues — but deal with tools/machines cautiously, especially if purchasing — Thursday to Saturday morning. Thursday’s best. Saturday morning sparks a weekend of relationships, general opportunities, and some opposition (so be diplomatic).






I’m not sure what the fuss is all about. China, with its 1.4 billion people, wants to control/own Taiwan, with 23 million pop. I don’t care about the past, history and cultural demands. They don’t want to be with you China, so give it up. You’re like an old man crying because his wife left him — after he shot, bombed and murderously pursued her. There’s one simple solution: the U.S. should install a number of nuclear-armed missiles in Taiwan, with an automatic “trigger” setting them off if China invades. All are aimed at Beijing. So if China does invade, they lose their government (based in Beijing) and their capitol and most prized city, wiped out and toxic with radiation for the next 100 years. China must be informed of this “doomsday” array, and told what will happen if they invade. I’ll bet they would never invade, unless technological advances let them neutralize Taiwan’s nuclear array.

This whole thing is based on pride. There is no other reason for Ji to keep rattling his fat little sabre.


What is really happening in the U.S. election is a power struggle between the lower classes allied with the primitive side of the middle class and the wealthy (e.g. farmers, fishers, tradespeople on the lower end, wealthy ranchers, farmers, lumber owners, and corporation owners in construction, forestry, mining, machinery, fishing, agriculture, etc., on the top end) — these, versus the intellectual, management, literate, wealthy and sophisticated classes, who nurture the deep state like a hen sits its egg..


I actually like Kamala Harris, with qualifications. She is not heartless, it’s just that her sympathies are abstract, intellectual, her actual emotions are abstract. The air and fire signs will like her. If only she didn’t lie. She does it deliberately and with Machiavellian intent. That, along with her communist goals, repel me. Like a true communist leader, her attitude is “that stuff” for all the common, identical, faceless people, and “this stuff” for me. E.g., she rails against guns, but owns a Glock. One expert says a Glock can “blow your entire chest away.”



在手機上,添加的功能(平臺,短篇小說,提前一年等) 可以從左上角訪問(堆疊線)。

*** All times / dates: Please remember that all time references (e.g., “dawn”) are PDTPacific Daylight Time zone. You can refer to the World Clock in the sidebar for more listings or Google ‘time zone converter’.

Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)


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