Tim Stephens.cover.J#7B6373
Note: this is next weeks forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “October 16 – 22, 2016.”
Please note: I am no longer using the email address timstephens@shaw.ca.

Please use my temporary new email: suningem@gmail.com (stands for sun in Gemini, my sun sign).

All times/Dates are PDT–Pacific Daylight Time zone. PDT is eight hours before Greenwich England. For example when it is noon PDT it is 8 PM in England–and 4 AM the next day in China. The world clock in the right margin gives you some clues. You can also Google “time zone converter.”

If English is not your first language, you should be able to translate this blog into your own language by using Google’s translation app. Hopefully I will soon have this translation feature back on this blog.

START NOTHING: 5:21 AM to 8:16 PM Monday; 11:33 AM Wednesday to 6:51 AM Thursday; and 3:09 AM a.m. to 7:01 PM Saturday.


Sheesh, I don’t know what to write now that nine women — oops, is it now 12? — have accused Trump of sexual misbehaviour. This, coupled with his admissions of backroom romps through beauty pageants — Donald, what have you done?
(Well, we know what he’s done — what many men would do if they had bags of money, conceit and a carelessness about their future. Trump not only cultivated his playboy image, he lived its perks — but you pay for everything some day.)
So enough.
BTW, a reporter in New York who has interviewed Trump “twenty times” emailed me to say he, DT, is really what he seems — a blue collar, blunt-spoken guy.

But I’m through with it all.

Well, being the brat I am, I can’t resist one more knock on those ladies who wrote to call me a neanderthal because I wrote here that crude speech about sex and genitalia were neither new nor bad. Their criticism was deeper, though: by saying he could grab any woman’s pussy, Trump was condoning sexual assault on women. By saying women welcomed his advances because he was a star, was simply more egregious — misogyny at its worst. Trump’s boast that he could grab women’s pussies, encouraged assault by men against women.
Okay, got that?

Now, picture this: a Tom Jones concert. (For you youngsters, he was a Welsh singer who became uber-famous worldwide.) A friend of mine attended a Jones concert. He said as soon as Jones walked on stage, the largely female audience (thousands, for he drew huge crowds) erupted in crude sexual shouts, and showered the stage with a barrage of their panties and bras. On this particular night, the female underwear was so deep that a man came on stage with one of those big, four-foot wide brooms, to sweep them off.

Yes, women are so, so innocent. I am waiting to hear from the first e-mailer who says the women are excused, because Tom Jones was a sex object. Really? And who made him a sex object? Women. And who was he a sex object for? Women, lascivious , crude, sexually aggressive misandrists. (I feel horrible even saying this about women, mainly because it’s not true — but I’m making a point, because this is what women broadcasters say about Trump — and few women media types feel anything but a deep satisfaction from plastering the same epithets on Donald.)

If women pundits call Trump a misogynist — i.e., a woman hater — because he speaks and acts [perhaps; nothing’s proven] crudely and aggressively toward women — then these millions of female Tom Jones fans are misandrists — i.e., man haters — because they obviously relish the male body and its trappings, and are crude and aggressive about it.
Every one of those female audience members should be castigated for sexual assault — millions upon millions of them. They’ve obviously behaved much worse than Trump. How many times have you seen Trump (or any man) throw his underpants at anyone, in public? If during the third debate, Donald threw his socks and underpants (his Depends?) at Hillary, would he be doing anything worse than millions of women have done to poor Tom? No.
PS: Tom Jones, like Trump, is a Gemini. 🙂

I rest my losing case.



Aries.svg ARIES: March 21 –April 19
Your life shifts gears now, Aries. You move from open relationships, agreements, contacts and new opportunities, to the more private or hidden side of these. However, you will never lose (at least for 12 months ahead) the goodwill of your more open relationships. The four weeks ahead emphasized depths, secrets and mysteries; research, detective work and medical diagnoses; heightened intuition as your subconscious bursts to the surface; desires for sexual intimacy and a taste for the forbidden; large finances such as investments and debt; lifestyle changes; and commitments and their consequences. This area contains real treasure chests, both financially and emotionally – to take advantage of these, remain honest, moral/ethical, and be willing to take a calculated risk. If you yield to temptation (for instance to chase a married person or to pull a fast one financially) you will probably fail. Bosses remain testy into early November, but your peers are on your side – and one two of them might be romantically interested in you. One of those two might even be a boss. Still, watch your own behaviour. Sunday and Monday are romantic, and could bring a very workable light romance – this could even turn to a happy stable marriage some day. Beauty, pleasures, risk taking, and charming kids fill these two days. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Monday night (PDT) to predawn Thursday. Tuesday is filled with obstacles, even deception – so take all your action Wednesday morning. Love, relationships, opportunities, contracts, litigation, relocation themes and dealing with the public are highlighted Thursday morning to Saturday eve. All flows smoothly until Friday p.m. And Saturday predawn – this interval raises problems with your boss or authorities, perhaps an angry clash. Drive carefully.


taurus weekly forecast TAURUS: April 20 –May 20
Although you won’t entirely escape work for the year ahead, each four week period will bring its own flavour and interests. The four weeks ahead will emphasize relationships, associations, new horizons, contracts and agreements, dealings with the public, relocation themes – as well as competition, even enemies. To gain the most, cooperate the most. Be diplomatic and eager to please. Strictly avoid entanglements with lawyers, courts and lawsuits before November 9. Your financial and sexual situations improve, become more affectionate. (some Taurus people might marry in the year ahead, but most of your singles would be wise to wait until late 2017 or into 2018). Turn your focus to your home and family Sunday/Monday – all is well, even lucky, so start repairs, renovations, enhance your security, landscape, hug the kids and spouse. Sunday better than Monday. Romance, beauty, pleasure, sports/games, charming kids, creativity and self-expression swell your heart Monday eve to predawn Thursday. Wednesday morning is the best time of this interval. Tuesday holds deceptions and refusals, so make no romantic approaches this day. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Thursday morning to Saturday eve. You’ll get your jobs done Thursday through Friday morning – then obstacles appear Friday noon onward, (these obstacles might actually be temptations.)  Late Saturday night and leading into next Sunday, relationships glow with affection and compatibility.


Gemini.svg GEMINI: May 21 –June 20
Your romantic time, such as it was, ends now. That’s not entirely correct, as your romantic luck stands high for another 11 months. But the four weeks in front of you bring chores, minor health complaints, some boredom, and opportunities to purchase or sell tools or machinery. Take care of your children’s future now, perhaps by enrolling them in the right schools, perhaps by building an education fund for them, or simply have a heart to heart talk to point them in the right direction. Your sexual urges remain strong until November 8. Don’t let this nudge you into a relationship which is purely physical, or with a coworker. Such a relationship, while not totally satisfying, could last long enough to prevent you from finding or responding to true love – which is very likely to appear sometime before next November. Sunday/Monday are friendly and happy – dive into errands, light chores, paperwork, trips and visits, and communications. Line the important ones up Sunday, not Monday. Your domestic sphere grows in importance Monday night to predawn Thursday. Save all your important actions and new starts for midnight Tuesday to Wednesday noon (PDT). Take action to cure problems Tuesday, but don’t start any project you want to succeed. Romance, beauty, pleasure, creativity and self expression, and risk-taking return to fascinate you Tuesday dawn to Saturday eve. There is an essential, deep problem with an ongoing romance or one that starts now. For you, the problem is sexual. For the one you are attracted to, the problem is security and domesticity. Perhaps – no promises – by providing the kind of home this person wants, you might get the sex you want. If you are wooing a Libra, realize that at the moment – at least until November 8 – he/she is not thinking of you or anyone as a marriage partner – he/she sees every romantic prospect as a bad marriage prospect, and every marriage prospect as a bad romantic catch. My advice: wait for another, or forget Libra.


Cancer.svg CANCER: June 21 – July 22

Although the year ahead emphasizes domestic bliss and good real estate luck, the four weeks ahead bring a nice breeze of romance, joy, pleasure and beauty, creativity and risk taking. At least once or twice a week, indulge yourself in some immediate pleasure: spontaneously tell someone you love them, or buy that chocolate cake, or pick up that paint can and make a splash. Relationships remain intense – love or war – until November 8. This trend can also spark an ambitious partnership, but it might be volatile. Your workmates are affectionate, and a workplace romance is possible. Chase money Sunday/Monday – buy/sell, butter up clients, seek a pay raise etc. Act before Monday dawn (PDT). Errands, trips, visits, communications, paperwork and details and casual acquaintances fill Monday night to predawn Thursday. Be very cautious Tuesday, as obstacles, wrong directions, and practical machinery problems create holdups everywhere. The first half of Wednesday, though, lets you accomplish everything swiftly and profitably. Your home life returns to center stage Thursday dawn to Saturday twilight. Accomplish everything you want to in this zone Thursday and before noon Friday. After this, everything hits the blender of disaster – take care with home appliances and your fingers ,with driving, and with emotional encounters. Saturday night is splendid for romance. You might feel you have met your life mate – maybe you have!


Leo icon, Luck Forecast LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
The four weeks ahead Focus on your domestic sphere, Leo. You will remain fairly busy with the easy and unimportant chores of October, but the main emphasis for the month ahead will be on your family, pets, landscaping, decorations or renovations, security, retirement plans, ensuring your children’s future education, etc. Your workplace is fraught with intensity and ethical questions – also, keep your fingers from saws and don’t step on nails. A sweet streak of romance lightens your days. If you’re unattached, you might slide into a coworker affair. Your energy and charisma surge upward Sunday/Monday. Sunday is better – start new projects, make new contacts, and generally show off to the world.  Briefly, you’re the leader – so lead!
I should say protect your money rather than chase money Monday night to predawn Thursday. Tuesday is absolutely terrible – buy nothing, make no demands. Wednesday morning is great: buy, sell, contact clients – you could even land a new job if unemployed. Errands, easy chores, trips, visits, communications and paperwork fill Thursday morning to Saturday eve. Thursday and the first half of Friday offered easy, quick accomplishment. Friday p.m. and Saturday raise large barriers. There might be a conflict with a coworker, perhaps over an ethical matter.


Virgo.svg VIRGO: August 23 –September 22
The whole year ahead promises money luck and some sensual sex. But the immediate four weeks ahead focus on errands, trips, visits, communications, paperwork and casual acquaintances. A sexy romantic streak might continue to November 8. Your home life continues to be affectionate and supportive. Lie low, rest, contemplate and plan Sunday/Monday. This is a great interval for dealing with charitable, spiritual or governmental organizations. However, if you want to get anything accomplished, you’ll have to act before 5 am Monday (PDT). Your energy and charisma soar Monday eve to Thursday predawn. This allows you to stand up to challenges Tuesday, or to solve them. Home, relationship/marriage: these are likely to be the thorns this day. The first half of Wednesday offers true and easy success, especially with children and a romantic or creative risk. Chase money Thursday dawn to late morning Friday. Pay bills, collect bills, buy/sell. From noon Friday to Saturday eve little goes well. Problems with romance, sex, And finances make you lose your temper. Ah, well – be careful, and you’ll be safe. Saturday night brings friends – and perhaps a very tempting person!


Libra.svg LIBRA: September 23 – October 22
You shift now from highly personal interests to a month of calm, mellow pursuit of money and possessions.  Your domestic situation remains intense until November 8. Use this energy to make repairs etc. but realize, also, that this can indicate a “a break up mood” between you and a partner. (If a break-up occurs, it is probably only clearing the way for a new and shinier model – especially as this is your Lucky year.) Casual communications remain blessed by affection and friendly responses. Sunday/Monday spell happiness: your popularity, optimism about the future, entertainment, and witty double entendres fill both days – but only Sunday and predawn Monday (PDT) bring any solid results. So a Sunday flirtation could lead to friendly love affair, but a Monday flirtation will simply leave you hanging. Retreat from Monday night to predawn Thursday. Rest, contemplate, plan future actions, and deal with government, institutions, the handicapped, and head office. Be altruistic, charitable, and spiritual – especially Tuesday, when major problems afflict any enterprise. So be charitable Tues., but take care of your own interests Wednesday morning. Your energy surges upward Thursday morning to Saturday evening. Use this in productive ways Thursday through noon Friday. Afternoon Friday to 7 pm Saturday (PDT) use your extra energy and clout to tackle domestic problems that are threatening to interfere with partnership happiness. You probably know what these problems are: they can range from not having a home, to being in a home which isolates you, sorrow over your children, digestive difficulties, etc. Re-read the beginning of this message – part of the problem only lasts until November 8.


Scorpio.svg SCORPIO: October 23 –November 21
Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness rise now and for the weeks ahead. You’re the leader — get up, get out and make new contacts, start new projects. But remember two things: 1) you’ll succeed most if you focus your efforts/projects on government, charity, institutions, on research or investigation, etc. Quietly avoid situations/scenes of competitiveness or hustle-bustle. Until November 8, you will communicate, talk, write, drive, and handle machinery, with an intensity that could cause accidents or bad feelings: tone it down. Your money picture is great for the next three weeks. Be ambitious Sunday/Monday (best before 5 am Monday PDT). All lights are green, so charge forth, especially if there is an earnings, real estate, or machinery connection. Happiness, fresh air, optimism and a wee boost in your popularity — these visit you from Monday night to predawn Thurs. Only one interval is productive in all this: the first half of Wednesday, when you should charge after work, money or communications success. Before and after this, nothing works, everything goes south — but you remain happy!  (A flirtation is fun but also a trap if you go too deep.) Retreat Thurs. dawn to Saturday eve — rest, sleep, deal with civil servants, charities and spiritual themes. All flows fairly well Thursday through Friday morning, then all goes fairly bad. Avoid an argument at work, or with health providers Friday and Saturday. Saturday night, your energy and magnetism return strongly — you could meet a very sweet love prospect — one likely to become intimate if you’re single.


Sagittarius.svg SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21
A wish might have come true over the past four weeks, Sage. Even if not, this past month has been filled with popularity, social delights, optimism, entertainment and some progress with the opposite sex. These happy themes will repeat throughout the 11 months to come. However, the month ahead shunts you into retreat, rest, some solitude, studying and research, contemplation and planning sessions. Deal with the government, institutions, head office, charities and spiritual organizations until late November. Sunday/Monday bring a wise, mellow mood and a broad international or philosophical outlook – things you love. These two days have a green light, so pursue what you want. But you will succeed more if you chase such things as travel tickets, higher education, understanding, legal solutions, and love. Act before Monday dawn for best results. Your career and community standing are emphasized Monday night to predawn Thursday (PDT). You face a real battle Tuesday, as deception, unrealistic goals, and rejection greet you. The first half of Wednesday Is superb for success, especially if you can steer your career efforts toward the simple goal of making money. As if to remind you that the year ahead will be a happy one, Thursday morning to Saturday eve bring social delights, popularity, wish fulfillment, and flirtations. However, practical matters – and perhaps crucial relationships –hit a stone wall Friday afternoon through Saturday. The central conflict involves money/ possessions and romance – they fight each other. You can only have one or the other. Retreat Saturday night to a sweet solitude.


Capricorn.svg CAPRICORN: December 22–January 19
The past few weeks might have boosted your career or worldly standing, or shone the first light on an opportunity. Even if they didn’t, the year ahead will bring many more chances to climb ambition’s ladder. The focus shifts (now to late November) from ambition to the joy of living. You’re going to feel your popularity rising, a wish might come true, and your weeks will be filled with flirtations, entertainment, laughter, and optimism. Until November 8, you might continue to feel an urge to go home, or to end social contacts – this small antisocial streak means there’s actually a yearning for rest and security. Your best stance would be to engage others fully socially, and to give yourself frequent but short periods of solitude for recuperation. Sunday/Monday feature secrets, mysteries, high finance (investments, debt) sexual yearnings, heightened intuition, investigation, serious health affairs, and lifestyle changes. For success, tackle any of these Sunday or before dawn Monday (PDT). What would usually be a mellow, wise, understanding mood Monday night to Thursday predawn, turns to anger as you meet deception, rejection, and simple karmic obstacles Tuesday. The first half of Wednesday, however, offers swift success in social duties, quiet interviews, legal matters, and domestic or property affairs. Be ambitious Thursday dawn to Saturday eve – you’ll succeed Thursday through Friday morning, but Friday pm and most of Saturday offer tension, stress, accident potential, argument – and few good results. Go out Saturday night if you can – a sweet meeting could occur.


Aquarius.svg AQUARIUS: January 20–February 18
Recent weeks have boosted your world consciousness, Aquarius. This trend, which includes legal matters, higher education, intellectual pursuits, publishing and media, far travel, cultural rituals and love, will continue to be a lucky one for 11 more months. However, the month ahead brings more practical concerns: your career, your ambitions, prestige relations, and worldly or neighbourhood status demand your attention and efforts. Until November 8, continue to beware of people and violent situations. Your friendships remain on track, but one you love or are attracted to might start speaking about very practical things such as your earnings ability and prestige. This career interval (to late November) will be very communicative – lots of phone calls, emails, meetings and short trips. Sunday/Monday confront you with relationships, good ones. You can find a mutual solutions, can chase new opportunities, and might even meet a future friend or partner. Act Sunday through Monday dawn, not later. From Monday night to predawn Thursday (PDT) you will be swimming in the depths of secrets, investment opportunities, debt, sexual yearnings and temptations. Be very cautious Tuesday, as deception and ill-will lay money and sensual traps. The first half of Wednesday brings success, especially in money or earnings. Everything listed in the first two sentences of your message above is doubly emphasized Thursday dawn to Saturday eve – you possess mild good luck in all these Thursday through Friday morning. Friday noon through Saturday holds potential disasters from reckless driving, sudden action or outbursts, or gossip/ secrets revealed. Saturday is not dangerous, it’s just a dud. This night  is easy, inspirational (a new career idea might be a winner) and sweetly fantasy-prone. (E.G., good night for a movie.)

 PISCES: February 19 – March 20

You will emerge now from the depths of October into a month of knowing, wisdom and learning. The weeks ahead feature a mellow mood, gentle love, far travel, publishing and media, statistics, science, intellectual pursuits and cultural involvements. Your hopes continue to revolve around money until November 8. Until November 11, bosses and authorities (and parents) will favour you, so be sure to show them your proposals and projects. Dive into chores and health matters Sunday/Monday – Sunday is much better for action. This is a good time to buy used equipment or a used car. Your energy declines a little Monday night to Thursday dawn – this interval brings relationship confrontations, challenges – and a deep need for diplomacy, especially Tuesday. The first half of Wednesday brings solutions, agreements, and mutual efforts – a money wish might come true, Especially if you enlist friends or coworkers. Mysteries, secrets, investments, debt reduction, sexually yearnings and temptations, lifestyle changes, medical diagnoses, research and investigation, commitment and consequence – these fill Thursday dawn to Saturday eve, beneficially Thursday through Friday morning, quite negatively Friday noon to Saturday eve. This last, difficult interval can strike quickly – drive carefully and avoid electricity. The main problem though, Friday noon onward, seems to be connected to money and a friend or social group who push you in a direction you shouldn’t go, money-wise. Saturday night into next Sunday favours knowledge and love, Perhaps involving a foreign-born person. You might meet a great Life mate.
The End.