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Email: suningem@gmail.com

Tim’s YouTube linksUnveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)

START NOTHING: 3:52 pm to 4:34 pm Sun., 10:54 pm Tues. to 2:38 am Wed., and 8:53 am to 9:31 am Fri.






aries icon  ARIES:  March 21-April 19

The accent remains on relationships, opportunities, public appearances (fame) and relocation ideas, Aries. You might bind yourself, intimately or financially, with good results, especially Sunday daytime (PDT). Speak up about partnerships, co-operation, love — words come easily, but they won’t flow so well after this week. Home still in choppy waters, so be diplomatic, not a dictator. Sunday suppertime (PDT) through Tuesday brings wisdom, tolerance, a mellow mood, profound ideas, far travel, legal, educational or publishing involvements. Be cautious Sunday night/Monday and very late Tuesday night, as disappointing results probable. But zero hour to afternoon Tuesday is blessed with ease and opportunity. Be ambitious Wednesday to a little past dawn Friday. Success is available. Friday morning starts a weekend of fun, flirting, social delights, optimism and entertainment. A relationship wish could come true Saturday.


taurus icon  TAURUS:  April 20-May 20

Might as well plow into chores, Taurus. This is your work month every year. You might discuss jobs, projects this week — last chance to iron out details. Relationships are affectionate, gracious. You speak quickly in Sept./Oct. — maybe too quickly. Money remains good, but delays begin, now to early February/25. Use this time to revise an income project, or to give $ a more secure foundation. Your hopes are quiet and sober, involve love, far travel or learning. Sunday daytime brings relationships, perhaps romance. Sunday suppertime (PDT) through Tuesday brings lust, temptations, secret knowledge, research, major financial action, medical or lifestyle decisions. Bad luck Monday and late Tuesday night, but good, even great results late Monday night to noonish Tues. Wednesday to Friday morning highlights tolerance, big ideas, far travel, international, legal, religious or media involvement — and gentle love. A mixed picture, but it ends well, with a “destiny” pointed toward loving and inspiring relations. Be ambitious Friday daytime and Saturday — good results!


gemini icon  GEMINI:  May 21-June 20

Romance, creative project, charming kids, games/sports, risk and reward, beauty and pleasure — these fill the days ahead, Gemini. Woo someone with words — next week will make it a little harder to speak. Money continues to rush toward you: bank it, pay debts, don’t spend recklessly. You might have been working on a big, hopeful project, perhaps overseas, perhaps involving a business agreement, publishing or learning or life-philosophy — or love and marriage. This project will slow down now to early February/25, then pick up speed to a lucky conclusion by June/25. Now to Feb., work to revise, improve, gather more resources, etc. Sunday daytime holds some difficult chores, but turns out well. Grab opportunities and handle relationships wisely Sunday suppertime through Tuesday.. Bad to Monday eve, then good this night to Tuesday noon, then bad until midnight Tuesday. (All PDT.) Wednesday to a little past dawn Friday (PDT) highlights large finances, lust/sex, secrecy, hidden treasures, medical and lifestyle decisions. Your luck is jumbled here, but all ends well Friday morning. This day and Saturday bring wisdom, profound ideas, international, legal, media involvements, higher learning and far travel — and love.


Cancer icon  CANCER:  June 21-July 22

The main accent for October lies on home, family, property, garden, food/cooking, mother nature, security, rest and contemplation, Cancer — summing up and planning. Lots of home-based discussion — good. Something sweet enhances your romantic outlook, and your parenting. You are uncharacteristically assertive — and very ambitious — this autumn (to Nov. 3) and will be again the first 4 months of 2025. However, during October, in any tug-o-war between home and outside career, let home win. Now to Feb. 3/25, take a management course. You might be groomed for management, but not given a “post” until early ’25. Sunday begins creatively and romantically (or in a search for pleasure) — some bumps, but it ends favourably, esp. in prestige or career zones. Tackle chores Sunday suppertime (PDT) through Tuesday. Caution Monday: rejections, square pegs in round holes — but late this night through Tuesday offers much progress. Relationships, opportunities and long distances colour Wednesday to about 9 am Friday (PDT). Despite Thursday’s early disruptions, this interval ends well, with agreement. Friday daytime, Saturday, bring sex/lust/temptation, big financial actions, research, hidden treasures, medical and lifestyle “reminders” — all lucky, blessed, Saturday!


Leo icon  LEO:  July 23-Aug. 22

This week and next will be filled with paper work, reports, applications, communications and short trips, Leo. Some of these will directly affect your social life and your wishes, aiding them. However, realize both these — wishes and socializing — will be mildly curtailed now through next January. You might become involved with people from your past. Until Nov. 3, remain wary of belligerent people and sketchy places/dives. Go slow with investments until June/25 — think, choose long-term stability over quick success. Be home, hug the family Sunday daytime. It might start rough, but ends mellow. This evening through Tuesday, romance tickles your heart — and creative, risky/gambles, pleasure pursuits and teaching children. But “refusal” marks most of Monday — and late Tuesday night (PDT).  Success slated late Monday night to about noonish Tuesday. Tackle chores Wednesday pre-dawn to about 9 am Friday. (Again, PDT.) Friday/Saturday brings exciting meetings, relationships, opportunities (some at a short distance) public appearances, relocation themes. Dive in Sat. — a lucky day!


virgo icon  VIRGO:  Aug. 23-Sept. 22

Money money money, Virgo. Focus on your income (and purchases) for the next two weeks. It’s a good time to learn, also for casual intimacy. Friends, messages are affectionate, enlightening. You remain interested in investments, finances, and sex, with a wishful approach. That’s okay. Your career and status are blessed with great good luck June/24 to June/25 — but now to early February, promotions might be delayed, your ambitious projects might slow — that’s okay, spend these months re-examining and adjusting plans, and building a stronger base for your future actions. Sunday daytime brings travel, errands, calls and messages, with good results. Stay near home, family Sunday eve through Tuesday. Attend to security, garden, food. Be restful, contemplative. Monday’s difficult; this night through Tuesday is much better. Romance peeks through the chaos Wednesday to about 9 am Friday (PDT) — your luck is mixed, but more good than bad, with a good ending. Tackle chores Friday daytime and Saturday. Saturday is a good time to buy tools or machinery. Don’t listen to a loved one about this.


libra icon  LIBRA:  Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Your energy, charisma, clout and effectiveness are at a yearly high, Libra. Get out, see and be seen, gather allies, state your case, and launch significant projects. However, avoid new projects in: employment, legal, media, higher learning and international affairs, real estate, finances, investments. All these areas will mildly slow down until 2024 ends. Be careful with higher-ups — they’re impulsive, assertive and temperamental, yet also willing to depend on you, even perhaps to share equity. (Applies all October, and next January to April). Your money luck is good. Sunday daytime confirms this. Sunday night through Wednesday brings errands, trips, communications and paperwork. Read, scan. Monday is difficult (health? work obstacle?) But this night through Tuesday daytime offers success. Be home, hug the family, garden, repair, decorate Wednesday to 9 am-ish Friday. Lots of satisfaction here, and things end well, but avoid conflict Thursday daytime. Friday morning, Saturday, offer romance, creativity, sports/games, a winning streak, beauty and pleasure — Saturday especially, when lovers walk in bliss.


scorpio icon  SCORPIO:  Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lie low, eat, contemplate and plan, Scorpio. It’s important to conserve and rebuild your energies now and next week. (Despite this, your charisma remains pretty solid — people like you. Continue to avoid lawsuits until Nov. 3, and again January-April 2025. You can hear secrets. You’re very fortunate in financial, sexual, medical and research areas June/24 to June/25, but progress in these will slow down now to early February. Your energy and effectiveness are high Sunday daytime, and romance or friendly interludes beckon. Chase/collect money, buy/sell, hug someone this night through Tuesday, but realize Monday is difficult until evening (8 pm PDT) then fortunate Tuesday daytime, deceptive Tuesday night. Errands, paperwork, applications, communications and casual acquaintances fill Wednesday to about 9 am Friday (PDT — about 0 am Saturday in China). Luck is jumbled, but mostly good. Avoid a confrontation Thursday daytime. Friday morning through Saturday nudges you toward home, family, garden, mother nature, security and rest. A peaceful, good time, esp. Sat.


sagittarius icon  SAGITTARIUS:  Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Wishes can come true in the next two weeks, Sage. Your popularity is high, social joys, optimism and friendly romance fill your days. A Gemini stands out. Have some fun! Your major good fortune this year (June/24-June/25) lies in marriage, partnership, opportunities, fame, and relocation themes. Two things about this: 1) now to early February the “speed” of this luck slows down, giving you an opportunity to reconsider, re-align, or grow deeper into a situation; and 2) until Nov. 3, and from January to April, a relationship can enter intimate zones in a powerful hurry. During these times (under 2)) you might want to invest in a gambling way — think, study first! Management, gov’t, treat you well this week and next — maybe time to ask a favour here. Lie low, rest and plan Sunday daytime. Your energy and clout and charisma rise this night through Tuesday. Monday’s tough, don’t expect much. But this night into Tuesday daytime offers success. Collect money, buy/sell, hug a casual friend, learn something, Wednesday to about 9 am Friday (PDT). Some nice good luck here, but avoid a showdown Thursday daytime. Friday, Saturday, bring friends, errands, calls, missives, paperwork, short trips — much success Sat!


capricorn icon  CAPRICORN:  Dec. 22-Jan. 20

Be ambitious and hard working, Cap — higher-ups are watching — and discussing. Your income source(s) is going to change now through 2044, so keep an eye on that, and be ready to act on opportunities. (This is a fortunate trend.) Relationships remain volatile until Nov. 3, so practice diplomacy. You feel nicely popular; friends improve your heart. This ambitious October ties into your great employment luck this year — which might seem to die down now to early February, but will revive then to June. Sunday daytime is happy, social, optimistic. Tell a friend something. But retreat to lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday night through Tuesday. Monday isn’t easy, but this night through daytime Tuesday brings ease and progress — good time to plan, meditate, seek spirit, and liaise w/gov’t or head office. Your energy, charisma and effectiveness rise nicely Wednesday to 9 am Friday (PDT). Start something. Collect $, buy/sell, hug someone Friday through Saturday — sweet success Sat!


Aquarius icon  AQUARIUS:  Jan. 21-Feb. 18

Your higher mind is “on deck” this week and next, Aquarius. Profound ideas, far travel, legal, higher learning, international, publishing interests and social rituals fill the air. Your greatest source of good fortune this year (June/24-June/25) lies in romance, creativity, speculation, chasing pleasure and beauty. Since one social ritual is marriage, a romance might mature into one soon. But romance (et al) is going to slow down now to early February, so be patient, willing. A former lover (or love object) might return. Higher-ups favour you until October 17, so seek their company. Work remains intense — practice safety around tools, fire and chemicals. Sunday daytime is ambitious — perhaps you want to show off your status. This evening through Tuesday brings popularity, social delights, friendly romance, optimism — and a wish might come true. But Monday’s a downer. This night through Tuesday daytime runs happily and smoothly, so approach (an)others.


Pisces icon  PISCES:  Feb. 19-March 20

Mysteries surround you for two more weeks, Pisces. Investigate, research — valuable treasure lies deep. Financial, sexual, medical and lifestyle actions are favoured. Your subconscious and intuition are heightened and accurate. Your biggest source of good luck this year (June/24-June/25) lies in home, family, real estate, agriculture, food industries, security and mother nature. However, this luck can slow down now to early February — might be a good time to re-examine, adjust plans — or to grab an opportunity here that receded previously. Your romantic nature is on fire, which can lead to “hot intimacy.” Sunday is enlightening, gently loving. Be ambitious this eve through Tuesday. Monday is difficult, but late this night through Tuesday daytime offers success and opportunity. Social joys, optimism, friendly romance — these join you Wednesday to about 9 am (PDT) Friday. Have fun, forget troubles. Collect money, buy/sell, learn, dive into casual intimacy midmorning Friday through Saturday — Saturday’s splendid, esp. in the pm!




It would be interesting to know why Kamala’s father  has rejected her. He’s an economics professor emeritus at Stanford, an ivy league school.

K.H. is, by the way, a Libra, with an Aries Moon and Gemini rising — three signs that harmonize with each other. Her Moon is almost exactly opposite her Sun, both at 27 degrees of their signs. That’s a full, full, full moon. Even her ascendant — I think it was 24 Gemini — is very close to a trine — ultimate harmony — to both moon and sun. This is a very intelligent person, but she has learned that she can skate, so she gets little done. She acts like she speaks.

Her Sun is in a degree of great strength, Carelli gives “a great eucalyptus in a garden” as a symbol. The garden is Libran beauty and ultimate calm. “A vital force spreading its wholesome influence on all…a charitable, hospitable, and fatherly nature, love of home.”

She has a strong but limited intelligence, says Carelli. “Slow witted and slowly aroused.” Capable of explosive anger.

Kamala’s ascendant at 24 Gemini is in one of the friendliest degrees of the whole zodiac. “A demonstrative and jovial individual” — hence the ever-ready laugh, the “cackle” as her enemies call it. “Few people will enjoy so many and so sincere affections.”

So far so good.

But her Moon lies in the 27th degree of Aries: Carelli’s symbol: “A high-grown tree under the blast of a hurricane.” Likely, he says, “to climb unhindered the ladder of honour and power.” But therein lies her weakness. Carelli says this easy ascent (which really does fit K.H., from her leaps upward via her bed-buddy the SF Mayor, to her overnight inheritance of Biden’s campaign) brings “lack of experience in life’s storms…not enough broken in to man’s and destiny’s dirty tricks…the tree” (note how her Libra Sun degree is symbolized by a tree) “may crash and be uprooted, the native may lose (her) brilliant position…”

(Yet Queen Victoria’s Venus was in this degree [important because it ruled her rising sign]. She was one of the most successful, and still widely remembered, queens of Britain. On the other hand, Venus is not the sun, moon, nor ascendant; she is perhaps one-tenth their strength.

But the question becomes: if Libra is the sign of peace, and Aries the sign of violence and aggression, which does Kamala dance to, her Aries Moon or Libra Sun? A clue: she married a Libra man. Since your marriage sign is the one opposite your Sun sign, Kamala, acting as Aries, married Doug, a Libran. Stories of her viciousness and bullying of staff point to Aries also. But now it turns out her husband, Doug, acts like an Aries: he screwed his wife’s nanny, and at one point, angry that his “date” was flirting with another guy, he slapped her so hard in public that she spun around.


Trump is surprisingly close in various ways to Kamala. Her ascendant lies at 24 Gemini, a degree of shining, bright friendship. Trump’s Sun lies in 22 Gemini, another very friendly degree, but a more gentle one, a “winning disposition…rather too talkative but pleasant character” (Combine “too talkative” with his attention-loving Leo ascendant, and you have one picture of Trump.) …”led by the honest desire to be in harmony with everyone and to bring peace everywhere…excessive idealism…”

I mentioned his Leo rising sign. His ascendant lies at the very end of Leo, a degree of stoicism and rare bravery, yet also of family life, which Carelli says is “the pivot. The native may have to marry more than once” (but) “happiness in marriage” should prevail.

His moon? 21 Sagittarius: symbol: David’s seal/the six-pointed star (representing the divine order). “…Uncommon energy…thirst for truth and justice…his judgement…his wisdom may make him into a guide for mankind.” But can be too sensitive.

Overall, despite Trump’s “reputation” (viewed from the left) or “character assassination” (seen from the right) astrology says he’s a bit more widely spread or balanced than Harris, and likely to leave an impression in history, whereas Kamala might create a sensation that would appear as a flash in history. Still, she’s an interesting character. She always feels that she’s living life to the max. (Trump does too. They were both born under a full moon.)


Among other things, Kamala Harris has proposed a 25 % tax on unrealized capital gains or appreciation — if this pertained in Vancouver, the average homeowner would owe between a quarter million dollars and a few million in extra taxes.


Kamela is a liar. Trump tells some whoppers, too — pretty well every day — but his are easy to see: he exaggerates everything. In 2016 he started out with “huge” — now it’s “biggest in history.”  But Kamala lies. So she picked a huge, obvious liar, Tim Waltz, as her running mate. Examples: he lied about his military service, about visiting Tianimen (sp?) Square during the uprising, etc.


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