Note: this is NEXT WEEK’S forecast. To read the present week’s column, please scroll down to “RECENT POSTS” on the right margin, and click on “August 28 – September 3, 2016.”
(BTW, never purchase McAfee’s anti-virus computer protection. I did, and found last week that McAfee is just a scam. It not only doesn’t protect you; when you call support – which I did due to the problem with my emails (see above) – they told me they would correct the problem if I paid them $ 120 U.S. for “a one-time fix.” So they do not protect your computer, and when their curtain of holes fails, rather than apologizing or trying to make it right, they put out their hand for more money. McAfee’s founder was convicted of fraud. Now Intel owns McAfee, and obviously they are just as crooked.)
ALL TIMES/DATES ARE PDT (Pacific Daylight Time Zone). PDT is 8 hours “before” Greenwich (England). (As long as Britain is also on Daylight time.) For example, when it is noon PDT, it is 8 pm in England – and 4 am the next day in China.) The “World Clock” in the right margin gives you some clues. (You can also Google “time zone converter.”)
START NOTHING: 5:30 pm Sun. to 5:38 am Mon., 5:43 pm to 6:20 pm Wed., and 5:51 pm Fri. to 5:55 am Sat.
(There’s an AFTERAMBLE too, after “PISCES” Weekly Forecast.)
ALL SIGNS: Mercury “retros” through Sept. 21. Projects and relationships started now will tend to “die off” in a month or two, after a series of twists and turns. Stick with ongoing ventures, or reprise one from the past.
B.M. solved last week’s “raven puzzle.” Ravens feed on carrion, so they would be very interested in a cougar, who will leave part of every kill.
Saturn squares Neptune again, as it did just before the BREXIT vote last June. That caused a sudden drop in stock markets worldwide. Many bank stocks dropped 20 to 35 %, and are back up by now, even above their pre-Brexit levels. At the time, I predicted a stock-market disruption, but I was a week early. With planets this far away (Neptune, Saturn) everything’s a bit of an estimate. According to NASA-based ephemerides, the second square takes place at 6:10 am Pacific Time (2:10 pm in England) on September 10. While it occurs, the Moon is in Capricorn.
Commodities are (will be in September, most of autumn) anxious because they cannot find a reliable floor. Shipping remains a difficult business until May/17.
(BTW, Brexit, a result of the first Saturn-Neptune square last June, will benefit, not harm, England. A famous, dead psychic woman in Romania, I think, foretold the collapse of the European Union in 2016, accompanied by catastrophic devastation, wars, etc. I doubt this will be so apocalyptic – though the Russian bear is tangling with Ukraine again.)
Neptune rules fantasy, intuition, gas, oceans, pipelines, flowing oil, rumors, interest rates, worry and anxiety. Saturn rules big business, bricks and mortar, ambition and career climbing, government, rocks, etc. Some conflict between these two groupings is likely. The last square June 17 caused a fear (Neptune) of governmental bullying (Brussels telling Britain what it can and can’t do) (Saturn) which led to the rejection of government, hence, Brexit. However, Neptune square Saturn is also, in and of itself, an instigator of currency crises, interest rate fears/actualities, etc. These alone are enough to sink stock markets. As I write this, the North American and European markets have declined mildly for a week, ending a long, bullish run. I would expect more decline, and sharper decline the first half of September. This aspect is not an economic nor a financial one per se – it creates panic, or misgivings, uncertainty. That’s why stock markets should decline. (I’m not always right, especially in this case; I am more certain of a currency or related crisis.) On a smaller scale, we might see difficulties with pipelines, exposes or endangerment of spooks (CIA, etc.) and confusion among the hierarchy. During the last square in June, was this when the Democratic whistleblower was murdered in Washington (likely by government agents)? Was it when the first emails started to be revealed? Not sure, and I’m too lazy to research it.
Usually, when a major aspect such as this one repeats 2 or 3 times (due to retrogrades) its effect grows weaker with each repetition. But this time, with Mercury retro, the effect could be even more severe. I just don’t know. I’d be self-protective, anyway. Buy stocks after they fall, not before or while they’re falling.
This aspect takes place 26 hours after Jupiter enters Libra. The last square, June 17, was “helped” because lucky Jupiter offered everyone an “optimistic view” (it opposed Neptune, so offered the choice: worry or cheerfulness) kept hopes high, and caused a buoyant rebound. This time, Jupiter leaves Saturn and Neptune alone to fight out their problem, so the results are likely to be: 1) unlucky 2) long-lasting and deep, and 3) sober.
Such a major aspect as this Saturn-Neptune one actually remains “in force” for some months, even longer. This one has been in force since autumn 2015, and will “hang around” through this autumn (16). It is not likely to cause a recession – or not a large one, as underlying business strength grows, slowly. Inflation (or severe deflation) comes in late 2018 into 2019. However, this September 2016 square can have an effect on inflation and interest rates, as the hierarchy attempts to control/squash rates and “flation.” (As I mentioned before, this ultimately will involve a major change in currencies 2023-26.)
Remember, avoid all new starts and major purchases. Make no promises/commitments, and accept none. Tackle chores all week. Relationships fill Sunday – a flirty person could surprise, perhaps please you. Seek the depths Mon. dawn (PDT) to suppertime Wed. This entire interval is fortunate – “destiny” is on your side, especially in finances, debt, investments, health, diagnoses, lifestyle curiosity, and in seeking intimacy with someone special. A superb interval for research or detective work. Approach far travel, higher education, legal matters, media/publishing, cultural and ethical matters cautiously Wed. night through Friday – bits of love and friendship mix with sharp elbows and conflicts. Avoid lawsuits until Sept. 27. Show the boss you’re a faithful worker Sat. – without jumping too eagerly on your ambition’s horse. Friday begins 13 months of lucky, prosperous, cheerful relationships, which can lead to anything: marriage, relocation, a great business opportunity or partnership, even fame (for those deserving). But in the short run (Fri./Sat.) you could meet opposition, and a bond could even break apart. DON’T start a love affair!
Start no new projects or relationships, nor make major purchases before Sept. 22, Taurus. This week and the next couple bring romance, passion, beauty, pleasure, creative and risk-taking urges. Tackle chores Sunday – take care with machines, computers, electricity. Relationships surprise and please Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime. You could meet love and excitement! All three days are benevolent. If this is a new attraction, it will not end in marriage, and could split apart before the week ends, or by Sept. 11, 12, 13. If it’s an old flame, enjoy, it might last a deliciously long time; but eventually destiny might be against it – or you might have to choose between love and work. In other words, enjoy the moment – the future’s complex. This relationship or another one could veer into deeper intimacy Wed. night to Sat. dawn, an interval featuring sex, commitment, finances, research or investigation – and perhaps a health “reminder.” This part of relating is not so easy, as good and bad luck mingle. In addition, a slowly intensifying physical attraction could threaten to turn your social connections cold. Saturday brings wisdom and a mellow mood – you understand now what/who to let go of, what/who to belongs with you.
Remember, start nothing new before September 22. The main ascent this month lies on domesticity, family, property, garden, nutrition, resting and a state of quietude. However, a thread of romance has just begun, and will last until late September. “Simultaneously,” this Friday begins a 13-month year of the best romantic opportunities you’ve faced in over a decade. Think of the present time as preparation, or whetting your appetite – although you could be so attracted to someone sparky that you take the leap. (In general, lovers to co-workers, friends to bosses, relationships are intense, could lead to love or war, this month.) An old flame isn’t “around,” but a former home is. Nostalgia might nudge you to move back. Neglected home repairs come due. All week, you might notice a subtle unease between your ambitions or social position, and your partner or commitments. At some point, you have to choose: work/career or love/partnership. Sunday’s loving – with surprises. Dive into chores Mon. to Wed. – you’ll accomplish a great amount, easily! Guard everyday health, also. Relationships intensify Wed. night to Fri. – careful, be diplomatic! Sex, finances, lifestyle and health exigencies face you Sat. – go slow, be moderate in food, drink and discussions. If you form a new love bond this week, it can be pulled apart by week’s end. (This pulling apart is getting “things of the heart” out of the way. Your romantic outlook beyond this is huge.)
Hey, Cancer. Start nothing new, projects nor relationships, before September 22. A former friend or long-gone sibling might appear – good. Work’s hard and intense all month – but home offers an oasis of peace, beauty, affection and recuperation. This is a foreshadowing, because this Friday on (to October 2017) touches your food and shelter interests with a wand of luck, optimism and prosperity. You’ll notice this a bit this month, then it will grow stronger, be unmistakable, in October. You’ll be snug, secure – and you might buy/rent a new, better home before 13 months pass. During the present week, work and health duties might conflict with your philosophy or ethics. A hint: sometimes our view of justice can be wrong. Sunday’s for home – maintain your equilibrium, i.e., chill. Romance, beauty, pleasure and charming youngsters gladden your heart Mon. dawn to Wed. suppertime (PDT) – luck’s great, so charge ahead. You might suddenly recognize that someone from your past is good mate material; that it’s “meant to be.” Tackle chores – carefully – Wed. night to Sat. dawn. Relationships fill Saturday – you’ll sense the difference between one love and another: one won’t work.
Remember, Leo, start no new relationships nor projects before September 22. Especially, make no major purchases – lemons abound. The general accent lies on money, earnings, spending, etc. – and on sensual attractions. (Being solely sex-based, these sensual attractions usually end, within a year, in boredom.) But a sweet, adventurous romantic streak this month keeps your heart ticking. Friday begins 13 months of luck in light romance, friendship, travel, and communications. All week, concern might mount regarding your finances and your employment, or a sexual situation and your health. A smidgen of worry over these things is good, motivating; but worrying too much can be crippling. So realize your long-term “fate” is just fine. Sunday’s for errands, quick contacts, travel and communications. Your domestic scene grows important Mon. to Wed. This wee interval is so smoothly productive that I urge you to take up some old of neglected project and get it over with – e.g., finally use that paint you bought two months ago, or put in that new door your purchased last year – or visit a former ‘hood, where something valuable hovers. Your romantic, frisky half awakens Wed. night and lasts to Sat. dawn. You face a bumpy ride here, so proceed diplomatically. Tackle chores Sat.
This Mercury retrograde (until almost midnight Sept. 21) is all about you. First, it occurs while your energy and charisma are at an annual peak. Second, the “retro” is in your own sign and involves your own planet, Mercury. So it is your past, your actions that many people are “responding to.” More importantly, this retrograde reaches down deep into your past, your self, where something very valuable lies. There might be a “status opportunity” you let slip by (career promo, wedding, etc.) or some decision, some road you took at a fork – now perhaps you’ll revisit that fork, to explore the road you didn’t take. Your money luck grows all month, and enters a 13-month cornucopia of income opportunities. Best money luck in 13 years faces you. (Yes, both are 13.) This week pits your romantic urges against your marriage urges – this climaxes now, asks you for a decision, but it has been in effect almost 2 years, and will continue (more and more mildly) to the end of 2017. Sunday brings money or spending: avoid electronics. Errands, communications and travel flow successfully Mon. to Wed. Wednesday night to Sat. dawn steer you toward family, home, and Mother Nature. Your luck is mingled, so be aware, cautious. Be patient at home, with kids, all September. Saturday’s for romance, but fate could have a different idea.
Remember, Libra, don’t start new projects or relationships, nor buy anything major, before September 22. In general, you’ll feel tired. But people like you, seek you out to a mild degree. Rest, contemplate, co-operate with bureaucrats. Despite your low energy, this week and next are setting you up for a hugely fortunate, superb year ahead – one in which you can solve or “escape” a long-term domestic problem or barrier. All week, keep one eye on work communications. (Don’t worry about them: just speak/write cautiously, graciously.) Your energy and charisma rise mildly Sunday. Chase money Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime – all signals are go, so collect, pay. (But avoid big purchases.) Errands, casual friends, communications, trips, paperwork and details fill Wed. night to Sat. dawn. Luck is mixed, so be nimble, and don’t ignore wee warning nudges. Saturday is for home, children, security, nature and peace. You might be slowly brewing thoughts about how to overcome a big (perhaps subtle) domestic problem.
Avoid starting new projects or relationships, Scorpio, and reject major purchases – all until September 22. Until then, reprise old ventures/bonds, or protect ongoing ones from misunderstandings, shortages, etc. This is a very social month, filled with happy meetings, flirtations, optimism, popularity and entertainment. A former friend, flirty friend, or sexual partner might return. (It will be as it was, no better or worse.) This week (and to some degree this whole year) your romantic leanings are overshadowed by a tight money situation. (Or your possessiveness doesn’t give love room to blossom.) DON’T bet on the stock market this week – wait a week or so. Sunday’s for R&R – rest, contemplation. Deal with civil servants. Your energy and charisma – and good luck – soar Mon. to Wed. You’re the leader, everyone’s eyes turn to you – give projects or relationships a big push! (Remember, nothing/no one new.) Chase money Wed. suppertime (PDT) to Sat. dawn. Luck’s mingled, so step cautiously and nimbly. Buy nothing major – lemons abound. Romance deceptive, home welcoming. Errands, trips, calls, paperwork and casual contacts fill Saturday. Be casual, not passionate.
Start nothing new – projects, relationships or purchases – before September 22, Sage. A former career role might return. Be alert, double-check everything touching on your career – emails, proposals, dates, meetings, etc. For some years, your home has been “evolving” – and providing you with worry. This year, that worry seems to involve money – e.g., enough income to pay the mortgage, or repair that north wall? These anxieties climax Saturday – but realize the actual situation is only one-tenth as bad as your worries indicate. Your romantic courage remains high all month, and now friends and friendly groups fill your social side. This will soon – by October at the latest – translate into a whole 13 months of heightened flirtation, friendships, entertainment, popularity and wish fulfillment – Sunday’s like this. Retreat for rest and contemplation Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime. Be charitable, spiritual, and tackle neglected chores (especially those involving the gov’t). All runs smoothly, easily. Can’t say the same about Wed. eve to Sat. dawn, when your soaring energy and charisma can create as many problems as they solve. Use this energy to work on your career, social standing. Saturday’s for money, buying, gifts – be moderate, especially in your expectations.
Reject major purchases, and new ventures or relationships before September 22. A former law suit, far travel, educational, publishing or intellectual project might be revived – DON’T start anything new in these areas; it would go in expensive circles, then sigh and peter out. All month, 1) higher-ups love you; and 2) avoid belligerent people, dark alleys, etc. (A Capricorn lady emailed to say I should not mention such scary things. Okay, lady, feel free to haunt dark alleys!) All week, gossip or a personal secret can give you some discomfort. Best solution: honesty. Show ambition Sunday, whether you feel it or not. Hopes, popularity, wish fulfillment (of an old wish) social delights – and, possibly, true love – greet you and bless you Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime. All lights are green – go! But return to caution Wed. night to Sat. dawn – lie low, rest, pray, meditate, contemplate, and deal, if you have to, with civil servants. Your luck runs hot and cold, so be nimble, aware. Your energy and charisma soar Saturday – start nothing, but enjoy the attention. Don’t start a new romance.
Start nothing big, new, Aquarius. Instead, stick with ongoing projects, or reprise past ones. A former sexual partner might return, but at the same time new love, new understandings of love, and a huge, 13-month period of love’s adventure and fortune are about to begin. Now, this former sexy link, if you re-attach – might evolve into that new love, proper love, and even into a wedding. But if you think this “returnee” is not the one for a wide, big, romantic love, then don’t get involved – wait instead. Either way, things are cooking! Sunday brings a hint of all this, love and its social role. Be ambitious Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime – every aspect is benevolent, so charge ahead, talk with higher-ups, etc. You might not land a deal/position, but you’ll make a very favourable impression, especially if you bring a little research into your meeting(s). Hopes, wishes, optimism, popularity, social delights and “glances across the room” arrive Wed. eve to dawn Sat. Good and bad luck mingle, so don’t expect a lot in “solid results” column – still you’ll be smiling! Retreat, rest and contemplate Sat. Withdraw from crowds, seek your spiritual centre. All’s well – soon!
Remember, Pisces, don’t start any new ventures nor relationships, nor buy anything important before September 22. This especially applies to relationships, relocation, public dealings and litigation, opportunities and challenges. One of these might return from the past (e.g., your “ex” shows up or calls – or you call him/her). Bosses are impatient, temperamental all month, so be long-suffering and keep your sense of humor. (The good thing is, these bosses lose their temper one minute, forgive the next.) Your finances appear to be protected until late month. Your investment account probably improves (despite the possible fall in the markets the first half o-f September). You might start an intimate affair – love and beauty bless this one. Sunday brings both these – finances and intimacy – to the fore. Love of a gentle, mental kind might flow through you Mon. dawn (PDT) to Wed. suppertime. All is smooth during this small interval, so don’t hesitate. Far travel, higher learning, legal affairs, insurance and cultural affairs are also blessed. Be ambitious Wed. night to Sat. dawn, but go lightly – bad luck mixes with good. Saturday starts a weekend of happiness! (But if you meet someone Saturday, love/marriage will not result, not easily.)
The End.
1969: PART TWO
Actually, I lied. Serena’sl father did not fall off the railing – I mean through the sawed-through railing, off the porch – to splat on the sidewalk far below. And I did not end up in prison with a light sentence and a loving, faithful woman waiting for me. Everything I wrote in the last few pages was false – well, not false in a way – it was my fantasy, how I wanted everything to end – a nice peaceful prison term to end my guilt, and, eventually, a quiet, normal marriage with the miracle of a woman. What happiness that would be!
Oh no, things are much worse, and instead of prison, I entered a world where – well, I can’t discuss it without plunging into a rage – I mean a rage where I would gladly murder God, choke him to death – or fall into such depths I can hardly move, nor make myself get out of bed in the morning. (I did eventually end up in prison, where I am now, but that is not the point. An older man with a frowning face keeps coming right up to me and saying to my face, between clenched teeth, such things as: “Your faith is fantasy!” or “Watch out for the insects of doubt and the blows of fate!” That was his “statement” this morning across from my bowl of porridge. He’s kind of a Charlie Manson type, though he’s big, a foot taller than me. If a man is crazy and small, they just bum-hole him here. But if a man’s crazy and big, they leave him alone. I really believe this old man’s saying something important to me, something I need to understand, but I don’t understand. Maybe it has to do with the other side, the gods, fate, whatever, some damn thing that keeps glimmering at the edge of my sight.)
Her father did fall through the metal railing, and did catch the bottom sill of the railing before we began smashing his fingers. But instead of falling 23 stories, he swung onto the balcony below us, I think with someone’s help.
When we realized this, when we heard his boots scrabbling on the balcony below, we knew it wasn’t over. Serena looked at me with wide eyes, slowly widening like a sea anemone opening. I loved her more in that moment. I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. I left the sliding porch door open, perhaps that would help draw him off us.
“Leave!” she breathed. I didn’t respond. I was thinking.
Her eyes sank but remained wide open. Her face was pale, blue. Her eyes – her eyes widened with fear, then horror, and she screamed, “Don’t fight! He’ll kill you!” I was weirdly calm, like when I shot that policeman. So I was calm now. But that made her hysterical.
She stared at me, then her mouth slowly opened – “No, no! No! No, don’t kill him! No, please! I’ll – I’ll be your – I’ll take care of you, you’ll see. I’ll – I’ll do up your shoes and pull up your socks –. I’ll do it better than anyone else can. I’ll cook – I’ll – .” She fell to her knees and started scrabbling around my ankles. I started crying again. I’d kill any bastard that tried to touch her. I’d kill the fucking president (even though I’m in Canada) and a thousand cocksucking police. Because if they tried to touch her, what justice was there? I ran into the kitchen, yanked the drawer and grabbed the biggest, strongest knife. (You didn’t want to stab someone and have the damn blade break.)
“Please! Please!” she wept, bent over toward me.
“Grab your purse!” I yelled, then ran into the bedroom – there, the bed still rumpled from our sleep – there was her purse, on the bedside table, so I grabbed it and turned – almost bowling her over, as she’d followed me. I grabbed her around the waist and ran to the door with her. I let her go and looked out the peephole. The hall looked empty. I yanked the door open – it smashed against the hall table, glass shattered on the floor, but I hardly saw or heard it, I grabbed Serena and rushed out. A smashing, bright pain wrestled my head into unconsciousness. I tried to stab somewhere with the knife, a jerk in the dark, as I fell into blackness.
When I woke…
To be continued.