By Tim Stephens
Logic, practical goals, love of Mother Earth, precise analysis, photographic views and records, construction, forests, mines – these dominate and bring luck in 2016. Employment gains will be a pleasant surprise. Bumper crops around the world. Big sewage infrastructure and public health projects. Scientists harness electricity in the earth. Optics (lens, movies, video games) promise big, deliver little. Beware another Jonestown. Phoney spiritualists and charlatan psychics abound. Steve Jobs’ and Einstein’s reputations are tarnished. Bad news for oceans. New nova discovered.
Nations co-operate wisely. Some very good judges are appointed, but the military and police still rule. The U.S. civil service will be revamped before 2024 – the legal side starts now. In July 2014 I advised all readers to sell stocks. At that time, the TSX was 15,500. Now it’s low 13,000’s. If investing in 2016, beware pipelines, gases, fisheries, cruise lines, international shipping, hospitals and health care companies. In general, stock markets should be down or flat.
Deflation reaches its peak (nadir?) but not its end, in mid-September. The problem is psychological, not financial – and that’s why governments can’t solve it.
I told you (2015 “Year Ahead”) Trudeau would become Canada’s PM, but I won’t predict a Hillary win – yet. Her popularity remains high to September, then dives before the November election. A Trump-Cruz (Hitler-Mussolini) ticket in 2016? Trump is the flip side of the deflationary anxiety.
Putin will have a disappointing year, lose the masses’ favour. Syria will be solved legally, not actually. Obama buys a house. His passion remains climate change.
We should all avoid starting new projects from January 5 to 25, April 28 to May 22, August 30 to September 21, and December 19 to January 8 2017.
ARIES March 21-April 19
The clouds of 2014/15 scatter: sunshine enters!
Your work load expands in 2016. Plunge in – a resultant pay raise or promotion is almost certain. Bosses favour you in Jan./Feb. Be hands-on – delegate chores as little as possible. Be strictly honest with the government, taxation authorities, and your own “head office.”
You continue to be “electric” – unpredictable, idealistic and charming. You feel social and will attract new friends, especially in February, March to May, and all autumn. Don’t invest nor take on debt impulsively in January/February and June/July. These months, your sensual advances seem pretty persuasive to some!
Legal, far travel, intellectual and cultural involvements move slowly yet importantly. (They speed up considerably this spring, and August/September. Avoid law suits during these intervals.) In September, your hard work ends. In its place come (for a whole year) exciting meetings and excellent chances to find a life-mate. Fame, public dealings, contracts and negotiations, and relocation – all are favoured. If you’re unhappily married, a “separation temptation” arrives late year. Romance is sweet in January, April, late July and September/October.
TAURUS April 20-May 20
Your love picture is huge but complex in 2016. You might wed someone whom you first plucked from another’s embrace (not totally recommended) or you could find that love flowers much more physically than you anticipated. All year, light, friendly romance goes nowhere; but deep, vulnerable passion succeeds, especially in January, May and September.
You might be involved in a long legal case, or travel to foreign shores. You could be immersed in a huge course of studies, or attend many cultural events (e.g., weddings). All are lucky until September, and all “deepen” you. Your relations with the government and other authorities (parents, judges, etc.) continue to be unpredictable. Your worldly status could rise or fall, depending on your empathy and humanity. If you’re good, you’ll be carried upward. You could enter management corridors. Your health is strong, but watch sugar levels, hips and thighs, bones, knees, teeth, gums and skin.
This is a pleasurable, creative, lucky and hauntingly beautiful year for you. But knuckle down September into 2017 – big chores face you – and big rewards.
GEMINI May 21-June 20
2016 revitalizes your heart. Solid, new, quirky and intelligent friends welcome you!
This is a superb year (less so March to June) to buy and/or sell a home, to undertake major repairs/renovations, or to find a much better rental. Emotional rewards might outweigh financial ones. A new or improved home will put a solid and bountiful “floor” under you, allowing you to expand happily in future years. It’s an excellent time for family healing and soul matters. Landscape, garden; explore your neighbourhood. A baby for young couples?
In health, protect against nervous conditions and STDs. Practice safety with tools, chemicals January to early March, and June/July.
Your affection shines toward your family until September. After mid-September, into 2017, romance swells to a decade high. You could fall madly in love – and marry. March to May and August/September bring intense relationships, in love and war. Steer confrontations toward friendship, and everyone benefits. All year, you will feel a deep sexual attraction toward the right person. Loyalty counts.
Try not to change careers nor employers before May 2017.
CANCER June 21-July 22
You will learn a lot this year, Cancer. You’ll take many short trips, hear much news (and gossip) and meet many new people. Be curious, ask questions. Avoid long international trips, law suits, higher education, publishing, and cultural venues. (All form a subtle, hard-to-see dead-end.) Stay short, light, friendly – profundity is pomposity now.
If single, you could meet your true mate any time before 2025. A co-worker might tickle your heart, and prove, eventually, to be a valuable life-mate. Co-habitation is favoured in 2016, but weddings are not. Your romantic courage soars January to early March, and June/July. November/December bring lust – and impulsive desires to invest. Be cautious with both.
Protect yourself from rashes, eczema, quick changes of temperature, and head-aches.
Your career remains changeable, unpredictable – and a source of future wealth, if you invest in it. Work intensifies March to May and August/September. Be flexible and diplomatic, as raw nerves and temperamental sensitivities bother those you work with. September begins a year of sweet domestic reward – and possibly a new baby and/or a new home!
LEO July 23-August 22
Your money luck soars, Leo, boosted by wise decisions and good karma. You’ll obtain overtime, or sell a big item. Even better, you might gain a permanent pay raise, lifting you onto a new income plateau that can last for decades. However, this is a poor year for investments – remember this when asset-growth “opportunities” appear in FebruaryMarch. Higher-ups favour you in May.
You love love. March to May and August/September imbue you with romantic and sexual magnetism, courage and a conquering attitude. A “conquest” could lead to marriage. These are energetic, innovative months for Leo artists. Make sure “hot romance” isn’t a reaction against a spousal argument or an excuse to run away from home. You could romance a co-worker, or someone markedly younger or older. Don’t seduce someone you know you won’t love. Avoid extra-marital affairs.
Your work load is slowly but deeply changing – you’ll keep up easily. Protect your bones, skin, teeth and gums, knees and lower back. Avoid hospitals, swamps, contaminated food.
September starts a year of quickly-forming friendships, exciting conversations and travel.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
This is your year of great fortune, Virgo. You’ll be more friendly, cheerful and attractive to others. Something will make you more secure – buying/selling real estate, renovating or landscaping your home, embracing your family, healing old family ghosts, preparing retirement plans, or developing a personal philosophy. Affection fills your home. (But so might friction, March to May and August/September: be gentle with kids.)
Your good luck will attract some oddball or unsavory characters. Be sceptical of suitors in business or love. Delay wedding or co-habitation plans (and business partnerships) until mid-2017 onward.
Your romantic life forms a deep yet transitory adventure – or a series of them. Love fires flare in January, October and November. You can be physically attracted to a casual friend in January/February and June/July. Wise Virgos might let romance take a back seat to travelling and researching.
For best financial results, invest in the field you work in, and/or in machinery, tools, non-prescription health aids, and industrial areas. Avoid investing April through June. Your money luck climbs strongly this autumn into 2017.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
Relationships improve, old “heart prisons” dissolve. This year, love can lead to marriage. If you bond before September 9, you’ll have a peaceful, mellow home life. If September 9 onward, you’ll enjoy deep passion, but possibly an ongoing struggle over domestic issues. (HOW many kids do you have??) If you’re married, your mate abandons gloom, embraces joy. Avoid domestic friction October/November. Romance is sweet (and saucy) April to June, September and December.
Until September, embrace solitude, peace and rest. Draw plans for a late year or 2017 launch. You’ll have fortunate dealings with civil servants, institutions and management people. Join charities, be spiritual. Take up meditation, yoga, etc. All year, avoid a hands-on role – delegate instead. You might be called to a management position or board.
In 2016/17, you’ll speak slowly, little speeches instead of spontaneous bursts – good. Until 2025, avoid viral diseases, spoiled food, marshy places, alcohol and drugs. Money rushes toward you in January-March and June/July – DON’T spend it. Your energy and personal luck shoots to a 13-year high this autumn into late 2017!
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
This is a wish-come-true year, Scorpio! Your social desires will be fulfilled; your popularity surges. Optimism, entertainment, flirtations and simple, inexplicable happiness shine on you until September. You can join two of the best clubs/groups of your life. If you’re single, this is a splendid time to meet and love someone. Friendly, light, laughing romance, especially with someone first met in a group, is powerfully favoured. But deep, heavy, blushing romance will promise much, yield little – and could even lure you into a honey trap.
Your sexual magnetism soars January to March, and June/July – as fate would have it, these will also be your most intense work periods (April, too). This pressure-filled combo, heightened attraction and intensified work, could trigger your temper or “impatient cruelty.” Love melts your heart in June, July and September.
Though money rushes to you March to May and August/September, you should be fiscally conservative all 16/17. Guard your health from stress, accidents and electricity. Combine curiosity with your restlessness. If you want to rise in the world, elocution lessons would help.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
This is the best career year in decades! Bosses, parents and VIPs favour you, are willing to listen to your proposals – including the one where you earn more. This is an excellent year to change careers or employers, but avoid doing so March through June. Bank a gush of money in October – spending will leave you poorer.
Your home continues to worry you, but treat this sector gingerly until May 2017 – buying real estate, quitting work, spending on renos, landscaping, etc., is the path to a dead end. If you must move, let your spouse find and negotiate the new home. Fix plumbing or water leaks a.s.a.p. Your health is great, but watch your digestion.
From 2012 to 2019 romance assumes a friendly, restless, unpredictable character – and might involve people you first meet casually, say at the supermarket. Friends could become lovers, but lovers might also devolve into friends. Your romantic courage, determination and magnetism surge March to May and August/September: you’ll be almost irresistible. Your creative and gambling instincts flare with fine fire, same periods.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
There is nothing overwhelmingly romantic about 2016, yet single Capricorns could meet their true love, and wed. Love now is stronger than romance. Your sexual magnetism glows October/November, and romantic notions melt your heart in May (perhaps with an old flame).
You are slowly evolving this entire decade – toward new goals and a vast new social circle. In January you can create a significant change in your life by using your imagination, increased energy and growing charisma. May and September also help you advance. Some part of you yearns to withdraw all year – value periods of solitude as times to contemplate and form plans.
Your home life has been changeable, unpredictable and a bit stressful for several years. You can improve any household “mood” by inviting people over; friends make happy rooms.
All year, avoid time-wasting chit-chat, short, restless trips, unnecessary errands, and “busy work.” This is a good time to sign contracts, travel afar, publish or advertise, attend higher learning, push a legal affair, attend court – and to love. In everything, be profound, not casual.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
This is a year of deep and beneficial change, Aquarius – until September. A major investment, a mortgage, a physical love affair, a new diet, surgery or a new drug regimen – any of these can change your life in a lucky way, especially if you “commit” before March or after June. From September onward your good luck switches to legal matters, higher education, love, cultural rituals, travel and international interests. 2016’s sexual attraction could turn to wedded love this autumn into spring ’17.
Your social life is a bit sluggish, but the friends you do make now can stick with you for life. Social joys will come in a rush March to May and August/September. Romance is sweet late February and May/June. In October your love charms shine. Your sexual courage and magnetism swell November/December.
Higher-ups are impatient and temperamental in January/February and June/July. Smile, be diplomatic. All year, reject wasteful spending – instead, potentially huge, lucky progress lies in investments and shared money/assets. Your career improves if you steer yourself toward management, government service, or institutional work.
PISCES February 19-March 20
All your benefits, opportunities and luck will come from others now, Pisces, so join, merge, praise and support. You can make great, solid friends in foreign countries, in media companies, college or university – people who share your world-view.
If single, you could meet the love of your life (August 2015 to September 2016). This person is unusually cheerful and accepting, well-travelled, well-schooled, with a love of sports or exercise. Pairing up can boost your status/career. If you’re unhappily married, separation comes. Romance excites you January/February and June/July. During these same intervals, avoid legal fights. Bosses and judges are temperamental March to May and August/September – grin and bear it. They’ll soon forget, forgive.
A major wish could come true all year, especially about marriage, relocation, dealings with the public, fame, and/or a business opportunity. (Careful with “opportunities” March through June.) Your career will fare well if you lean toward socializing, group affairs and networking, and/or higher education, law, travel or information systems. Health-wise, there’s not a cloud on the horizon, unless you have a pre-existing condition.
The End
Peacemakers will thrive in 2015. Aggressors will initially win, then later fail in some important area. Cyber wars will proliferate until late 2018, then subside. Hackers ride a white horse. Last July I advised getting out of the stock market. By November, Canada’s biggest exchange was down 1,500 points; the Venture Exchange dropped by 33 per cent. Both recovered somewhat recently. I’d stay out. World-wide, economies (and stock markets roughly) should improve to June, followed by mixed signals June to September – then down, down for a year. Strong deflation/inflation fears could throw everything awry. The U.S. initially continues the expansion I forecast in 2012. China slowly emerges from its slowdown. 2015 is an “8” year, hinting that many changes will occur, especially in financial structures and reservoirs, sexual mores, health and high tech research. Pregnancies rise. Research yields more gems than usual. A major disease will be cured. Scorpio actors will gain prominence. A great financier dies. “Mass death” somewhere. ISIS will not win; the Coalition will not win. ISIS’s territorial “luck” will cease after August. Bad karma grips countries beginning with R or A. Obama’s more popular. (If the Canadian election is held October 19, Trudeau wins.) Whereas 2014 was a time of new horizons and confrontations (Ukraine, ISIS) 2015 will bring secrecy and power plays. We’ll grow deeper, more contemplative. The struggle between hierarchies and revolutionaries continues until late 2018; after this, hierarchies prevail. Women will experience, world-wide, better earnings and shopping power in 2015. They might gain property rights in some countries. We should avoid starting any new, significant projects or relationships from January 21 to February 11, May 18 to June 11, and September 17 to October 9.
2015 begins with huge luck in romance, creativity, speculation, teaching, and pleasure pursuits. You could meet your true – and marriageable – love. Married folk rekindle flames, and delight in children. Two years of “restricted” growth in your finances or investments end. You finally pay off a burdensome debt. All year a new, sober, slow note of practicality colours your intellectual and far travel sector – plod onward. Diplomas, passports point to an upward career path. January/February bring light, friendly romance. Ignore something-for-nothing temptations. Your magnetism glows March/April. Money will flow to you like a river in April and May. Bank it or pay down debts – or weep. Your home and family draw you in July. Don’t begin co-habiting with anyone late June to August 8. August is spectacularly pleasure-filled, romantic, and creative. For success, ignore your own needs, emphasize another’s. By late summer a wave of work swells toward you. Take your chores seriously right into summer 2016 – they’re a doorway to success. November favours financial actions, investments, and sexual intimacy. December brings you and another deeply closer.
2015 OFFERS you tremendous opportunities, Taurus – the kind that lives are built on. Until mid-August, you ride a wave of good luck in real estate, nurturing and raising kids, renovating, etc. This is a splendid time to heal family wounds, to find a calm, secure center, a soul peace in yourself. Meditation, yoga, counselling or contemplation help. Take naps. It’s your best year in 13 to purchase a new home. From late August into late 2016, your romantic, creative and risk-taking side awakens. You’ll ride a winning streak! You might begin a heart-pounding affair, a good one. (Sexual intimacy, though, will come after a wait – be patient, loyal.) The last two-three years of “grey quietude” in relationships lifts now. Your dealings with government and other administrations continue to be problematical through November. The best way out of any difficulty here is passivity. Your social circle continues to expand for the entire decade ahead. Best times for romance: January/Feb. (with a social contact) April/May (when your magnetism surges) September (an old flame?) and late October, early November.
The first 8 months of 2015 keep you happily busy with errands, communications and travel. Be curious, explore. A place you visit might later become your home. A friendly, casual romance could turn to marriage. A new note enters relationships, now to 2017. You’ll harmonize with people older or younger. Relationships will be more sexual, yet develop more slowly – and loyalty will be demanded. A financial partnership looms. January/February bring a sexy and intelligent old flame. April creates social meetings, but your assertiveness ebbs – avoid a clandestine affair. Late May into June your magnetism soars; again, an old flame/friend might draw you. August brings sweet indecision. September onward (to autumn 2016) brings a splendid domestic luck – buy and/or sell a home, give birth, repair the house, plan the kids’ futures, start a retirement program, and heal any family ghosts. Don’t buy or move into a new home from late September to mid-November. December brings intense relationships: a romantic wave could carry you into a commitment. 2012-14’s heavy burden of chores has ended: the future’s lighter!
Your income swells until September (despite January to early April’s slowdown). Start new earnings projects April through mid-May. Strive to put yourself on a new wage plateau rather than accepting overtime pay. From mid-August into 2016, you grow restless, want to travel, visit, read, talk. You’ll find “treasure” if you follow your curiosity. This is a great period to re-organize your files, re-arrange office systems, buy a new phone or computer, car or travel tickets. Last year’s romantic restrictions dissolve in 2015. Through August, sensual, friendly attractions become sexual quickly; but these might later grow burdensome and boring. After August, you attract a “soul friend,” perhaps a compatible, happy lover. A precise, solid, practical person could draw you this autumn – this relationship can take off like a rocket. November lights romantic fires. Do not begin to co-habit with anyone from early November to the end of December. You might change jobs or “rebuild” a job in late 2015. All year, your home life is favoured over your career – be cautious and agreeable on the latter front.
You start 2015 with a sassy, confident, lucky streak! Self-expression, romance, gambling and creative urges visit you from January to August. Stretch your boundaries! However, 2015 also starts a 3-year “sober” influence in romance and creativity: adoration will blend with responsibilities. Loyalty’s essential. You might fall madly in love with someone who is significantly older or younger. It’s a superb year to teach or raise children. Your home life has been cold and sparse the last two years: that’s over. International travel, intellectual, cultural, legal and media interests balloon the first eight months. Beware elusive, pie-in-sky goals here. September into 2016, a money horn blows your way. Seek a pay raise, increase your clients, sell unwanted items – you’ll profit, hugely! Don’t spend that gob of money in October – big bills need paying. An old flame might return in January/February (marriage potential) mid-May to mid-June (flirty, happy romance) or mid-September to mid-October (light, talkative “love.”). DON’T wed before December – nor sign any contracts, nor start a lawsuit. A December wedding promises a happy, prosperous home, princely kids.
Through mid-August, your private life is blessed, but your luck in the outside, bustling world is a bit dim. A cheerful, healthy light shines into dark corners – dig up and dissolve old ghosts and fears. Your dealings will expand with charities, institutions and civil servants. The government has deep pockets – apply. By late August, you enter the luckiest year in a decade! – But it needs patience. Personal buoyancy will be balanced by a sober, realistic atmosphere in your domestic scene, real estate, and all food/shelter zones. Wait until December onward to invest. A home you buy this month or in 2016 will bless you – will change your life! You might change jobs, particularly in October. Your romantic prowess is strong all decade. You’re fascinated with a new type of elusive, gentle person. He/she shows in March. Avoid lust, STDs, until mid-November. In May a social or intellectual contact might trigger profound thoughts and gentle feelings. Your magnetism rises September/October – don’t let it saddle you with a relationship you don’t really want. November’s friendly. December “moves” you.
Your popularity soars for the first eight months. After this, four months of quietude ensue. All year, excepting December, make no unbreakable commitments, sign nothing, promise little, be independent. This is a poor time to marry or form business partnerships. But DO join new groups, clubs – you’ll be excited, happy, social and flirtatious January to August. Mid-August onward, retreat softly, contemplate, plan, meditate, open yourself to spirit, be charitable and interface with civil servants. Communications and short travel grow tedious until 2017. Take elocution/toastmaster classes if you’re in sales or teaching. Your domestic situation continues to slowly transform until 2024. This can strain marriage and business partnerships, especially in January, April, July and October. Be compassionate and encouraging toward your mate – but don’t follow his/her plans. Old flames appear in February, June and October. January’s siren is a door to disaster. February’s sweetly affectionate. In June, someone turns you on mentally. Celebrate with comrades in August. In October, your charisma might draw you into a difficult moral situation. Your magnetism glows but your heart wonders, November/December.
SCORPIO October 23-November 21
2015 lays a crown of accomplishment on you, Scorpio, at least through August. Your business and career ambitions meet with approval from higher-ups, your reputation grows, you rub shoulders with influential people. This is the best year in a decade to seek a promotion, especially in April (careful, don’t expand your work, just your position) June, and August. All year, delegate tasks: avoid hands-on work. In mid-August you enter a year of celebration, good times, popularity, optimism, and light romance. You’ve been sober, serious the last three years. From 2015 to 2017 your buoyancy, you sense of humor returns. But this same interval, to 2017, counsels fiscal caution – your expenses might increase, or your actual income decrease. 2009 to 2025 marks the greatest love period of your life. Sooner or later, every Scorpio will be smitten! Romantic urges intensify mid-January through March. May brings “mate” vibes, while June nudges you into intimate situations. July brings gentle, understanding love: your amour is assertive, impatient. September’s filled with friends. Your magnetism rises November/December: someone thinks you’re everything desirable.
SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21
2015 will be one of your best years in a decade. Until mid-August, your intellectual and cultural instincts create success at school, in law, through international travel or publishing. For singles, love is almost assured. Friendly romance will sail along, even to marriage vows, while infatuation could twist down disappointing alleys. You will be more sober and serious throughout 2015, about aging, retirement, security, earnings, and all practical things. Take care of your teeth, gums, bones, knees and skin. Parents and teachers/profs will admire your new maturity. You will grow serious about money; through hard work, your earnings could start a three-year climb. This process gets a big boost from mid-August into autumn 2016, as your career swells with good luck and favour from higher-ups. Love flares in April, but a subtle trap might lurk. You might marry – or totally reject – one you meet this May/June. In August, love has the whisper of wedding bells. October brings happy, flirty friends – ditto December, when your magnetism soars. An old flame tends to appear whenever you’re romantic.
CAPRICORN December 22-January 19
Until late August, your financial and investment luck soars to a decade high. Remember the phrase, “opportunity in crisis” – especially in January, May and July. Research, look beneath surfaces – some gems lie hidden. Physical gratification is abundant these first eight months. Avoid extra-marital lures. Pregnancy blesses young couples; but births are luckier after November and in 2016. Don’t buy a home, nor start living with anyone new, before mid-November. September offers a powerful mental and sexual attraction – make sure everyone’s free to commit. November’s flirty and friendly – a sweet, ambitious person could capture your heart. Your career is blessed all year: make decisions, start projects, even change careers, if you like. From 2009 to 2024, your social circle and your life goals slowly change – a new, better future awaits! The three years ahead shelter you from bad luck. By September onward, a mellow mood brings light and understanding. You might travel afar, enter school, wed, grab an intellectual position, or win a lawsuit. (Avoid a lawsuit late September to early November, though; you’d lose it.)
AQUARIUS January 20-February 18
Other people open the door to success this year, Aquarius. Until August, you’ll deal with people openly and eagerly. Grab opportunities – many exist. All year, be profound rather than casual. Wed, rather than be friends. Get a signed contract. Travel internationally, rather than locally. Relocation, negotiations, dealings with the public, fame – all blessed! If you’re married, 2015 holds a special adventure. If unhappy, you’ll break free. If single, you’ll meet a true life mate before September, especially in February, when your charisma’s high; June, when sweet, innocent romance swells; and August. An old flame appears again and again. September onward, your luck soars in sexual, financial and research zones. In November, lust turns to love – or to reprobation .You can make one of the best investments of your life this autumn/winter. (Keyword: “cheap.”) Grow serious about your life’s goals now through 2017. You’ll succeed if these involve government, institutions, warehouses, manufacturing or management. You’ll befriend significantly older or younger people. Your popularity might ebb temporarily, but you need “quiet time” to handle all the commitments you’ve embraced.
2015 begins with major chores and minor health concerns. You are now on a three-year path to slowly and solidly achieve your biggest career and status goals. You’ll have to shoulder heavy responsibilities, and live up to them – but you will! Your efforts pay off with increased earnings in March and a possible promotion in December. By late August (onward into 2016) many opportunities arrive. These will come from others, so be personable, eager and co-operative. Chances abound to relocate, deal with the public, enter business/career doors, and to marry or co-habit. If seeking a home for your heart anytime now to 2024, join social groups, clubs, political parties, etc. January to March offers a light, flirty affair. An affectionate, casual friend appears in May. Passion glows in July. A co-worker tempts in September/October. Reject an assertive, lustful person; accept one who’s gentle, practical, helpful. (Though the two might be one.) Mating vibes are growing now. November offers weddings – maybe yours – and cultural rituals. You enter 2015 with a workday frown, you exit with a smile!
ARIES March 21-April 19 Your 2015 will begin with huge luck in romance, creativity, speculation, teaching, and pleasure projects. By late August this streak of joy and pleasure will be replaced by a swelling wave of work. The first 8 months can bring true love to singles – a marriageable true love. If you’re married, these months bring joy and play to your union, and delight in your children. It’s a splendid time for a family adventure vacation, art or dance classes, etc. The last four months of 2015 bring a great opportunity to expand your employment or find better work. The past two-plus years of “restricted” growth in your finances or investments ends now. A burdensome debt is finally paid off. Take care in January, when you might be tempted to take drastic action in social zones. Practice safety rules around electricity this month (and to a much milder degree all 2015 – well, all 2011 to early 2019). A social success, an invitation, might unexpectedly drop into your lap this month – if so, grab it, it’s good and meant to be. In any case, your optimism and friendliness buoy your mood all January and February. This time might bring light, friendly romance, or playful flirting. All year, except June to September, a new, sober note of practicality enters your intellectual sector. Now through 2017 you’ll find thinking, higher education, international travel, law, cultural events and your “fame profile” (if you have fame) to be much harder slogging. For instance, if you’re in or going to enter university, you might struggle and feel you’re progressing at a snail’s pace. In actuality, you are making solid progress and will end with something very valuable, if you don’t give up. What you learn will directly assist you on an upward career path. Your magnetism is powerful all March and April. Don’t overextend (or over-exert) yourself in March. Money will flow to you like a river of luck in April and May. Be sure to bank it or pay down debts. You’ll have an unconscious urge to overspend. You can meet a lot of nice, friendly people in May/June, some of them from your past. You’re restless and curious – so, take a trip, make friends, enjoy romance – all are available! Your home and family draw you in July, but you might also, if single, bring someone home to meet the family, or begin setting up your own home with a new love. DON’T do the last – wait until after August 8 to co-habit with anyone, or to move into a new home. August is spectacularly pleasure-filled, romantic, and creative – you’re riding a huge winning streak! Your best luck will come when you ignore your own needs, emphasize another’s. September is usually for chores, but a significant love might also be seizing your thoughts. Still, take those chores seriously – at least one of them is a doorway to success. By October, your work pile could be a lot higher. November continues the work theme, but financial actions, investments, and sexual intimacy, perhaps pregnancy, flow in…these will tend to make you commit to a person or lifestyle – that’s good. Partnerships arise October through December. December brings you and another deeply closer. 607 words – cut to 176
TAURUS, 2015 OFFERS you tremendous opportunities. Until mid-August, you sail on a wave of good luck in real estate, buying and selling a home, nurturing and raising kids, renovating and decorating, etc. There is great practical fortune here, but also great emotional and psychological benevolence. This is a splendid time to heal family wounds, and in yourself, to find a calm, secure center, a soul peace that can support you for years to come. Meditation, yoga, counselling – even simple contemplation – can help you find, know and soothe your soul and heart. If you feel like sleeping more than usual during these 8 months, do so. This is a nurturing time. From late August onward (into most of 2016) your romantic, creative and risk-taking side awakens. You might begin an affair that is both emotionally and sexually satisfying. (Intimacy, though, will come after a wait – be patient, loyal.) Express yourself, take a chance, speculate, chase adventure. You’ll ride a winning streak! The last two-three years of solid, sober, “grey quietude” in relationships lifts now. Your dealings with government and other administrations continue to be problematical through November. The best way out of any difficulty here is, believe it or not, passivity. Your social circle continues to expand for the entire decade ahead. Best times for romance: January/Feb. (with a social contact) April/May (when your magnetism surges) September (an old flame?) and late October, early November.
GEMINI, the first 8 months of 2015 keep you busy with errands, communications, details, paperwork, trips, visits, siblings and casual friends. Be curious, ask questions, explore and seek variety. A place you visit might later become your home neighbourhood. This is a great time if you’re a writer, phone worker, driver, distributor, or work with your hands. Start any major projects in these areas (e.g., buying a phone, or rearranging office systems) April onward, not before. Light, friendly romance is very available for singles. January’s sexy and mentally affectionate. (Old flame possible.) April brings social meetings, but your assertiveness takes a back seat…avoid a clandestine affair. Late May into June your magnetism soars; again, an old flame/friend might appear. This entire 8 months, a seemingly casual romance could turn to marriage. September onward brings a sluggish feeling and a cosy home – your luck in real estate, with family, in gardening, landscaping and retirement reaches a 13-year high. This is a splendid time to buy and/or sell a home, to give birth, repair the house, to plan and ensure the kids’ futures, to start a retirement investment program, and to heal any family ghosts via group discussions, even therapy. Start a renovation or construction project Oct. 9th onward. (Plan it in August if you like.) But do not buy or move into a new home from late September to mid-November. December brings intense relationships: a romantic wave could carry you into a commitment. All year, a burden of chores slowly dissolves, but in its place come relationship puzzles. The answer is (if you’re single): be with someone much older or younger.
CANCER, you’ll be financially flush in 2015, at least until August. You might experience some money slowdown January to early April, but you’ll still be flush. It’s best to start new income projects April through mid-May. Strive to put yourself on a new earnings plateau: for instance, ask for a permanent pay raise rather than accepting temporary overtime pay. You can buy great new tools and equipment now (or a vehicle) especially late February to late April. From mid-August onward, you grow restless, want to travel, visit, read, talk – your curiosity grows, and you’ll benefit from satisfying it. You might visit a neighbourhood or city that you will later (2016/17) settle down in. Friends will occupy your time, and this is a splendid period to re-organize your files, re-arrange office systems, buy a new phone or computer, car or travel tickets, especially late August, early September, and October 9th to mid-November. Romance splits in two: through August, you might experience a sensual, friendly, polite attraction. Sexual intimacy will be easy to obtain, but this person might later become a bit burdensome and boring. After August, your increased friendliness and talkativeness can attract a real “soul friend,” a compatible, light, happy love affair. You’re tempted sexually January/February – avoid triangles, be honest. A gentle love might arise in March, but it might not last long in the face of practical realities. In April/May, someone can make your romantic dreams come true – you attract affection in May. But still, this likely isn’t “the one.” Your magnetism soars in July, and your courage strengthens – you’ll pursue what and whom you want! A precise, solid, practical person could draw you this autumn – this relationship could take off like a rocket, swift conversation, swift meetings, possible distant travel. Sometime in this decade (to 2024) you will be offered true love. Late 2015 is one of the “qualifying periods.” November lights romantic fires. Your romantic outlook was sober and restricted in 2013 and 14: now this dissolves, leaving you “young at heart” again. Chase money and career goals in April and August. May brings new friends. Do not begin to co-habit with anyone from early November to the end of December. You might change jobs or “rebuild” a job in late 2015. All year, your home life is favoured over your career (be cautious and agreeable on the latter front). 393 words
LEO, you start 2015 with a sassy, confident, lucky and happy expression – you’re in the midst of a personal lucky streak! Self-expression, romance, creative surges and speculative urges visit you from January to August, and again in December. This whole arena, though, is also a bit sober, and you a bit cautious, as love seems to blend with responsibilities. Still, this is a splendid time to take risks, to launch a thrilling adventure, to stretch your boundaries. You might fall madly in love – but it’s more certain that someone will be attracted to you first. This person might be significantly older or younger than you. Who cares? Seize love. This is a superb time to teach or raise children. International travel, higher education, publishing, media and advertising, religion, philosophy, cultural venues and rituals surround you these first eight months. If something falls in your lap here, grab it; if it keeps eluding you after several attempts, reject it – thoroughly. September onward (into 2016) brings a money horn, and it keeps blowing your way. What you do before September can affect how much money you make this autumn into next year – but it will be large, in any case. (For example, if you’re an artist, what you paint before September will sell this month onward.) An old flame (or just an old friend) might return in January/February, mid-May to mid-June, or mid-September to mid-October. (The January-February flame spells “marriage material,” March too, but watch out for extra-marital temptations.) All year to mid-November, DON’T wed – love, live together, even bring a child into the world, but don’t make formal vows – nor sign anything, in business, too. Verbal, not written agreements bless you. (A December wedding promises a happy, affectionate home, princely kids, prosperity and mental acuity.) Until November, also, strictly avoid lawsuits. Gobs of money will flow swiftly to you in July, a bit of August. Bank this: your urge to spend is powerful, but you’re forgetting big bills that need paying, too. Your home life has been cold and sparse the last two years: now that’s over. 346 words
VIRGO, 2015 will be like emerging from a cave, into the sunlight. Until August, your inner world and private life are blessed, but your luck in the outside, bustling world is a bit dim. Your dealings will expand with charities, institutions and civil servants. This is a perfect time to dig up and throw out old ghosts and fears, as a cheerful light shines into every dark corner. Seek therapy, or lead your family to higher emotional ground – even if this only means a few extra loving hugs. The government will aid you if you apply. By August onward, your worldly luck and personal energy begin to climb. You’re entering one of the luckiest 13 months in over a decade. Your domestic scene, real estate, and restaurants are blessed, yet begin to grow sober and realistic. Plunge into these areas with your time – but be wary of monetary investment until late November. (December’s great if you want to buy a home. If you must invest, lean toward cash cows rather than long-term holds.) You might change jobs, particularly in October. Your romantic prowess is strong this entire decade – so is your growing fascination with a new kind of elusive, evasive yet loving person. You will present your romantic case with powerful utterances. But be careful in sexual zones until mid-November. Avoid lust, STDs. Mid-January to Feb. 19 brings attractive people (or some snarling enemies) who, in some unseen, unintentional way, open the door to bad karma. From Feb. 19 to March 30, new sexually intimate relationships, and investments and debt, do the same (open that door to difficulty). March thrills in love, not because you’re lucky (see above) but because you glimpse a new vision of love. In May a social contact might trigger profound thoughts, or you meet someone cute at an intellectual venue (school?). In September/October your sexual magnetism rises – good, but don’t let it lead you to a relationship you don’t really want. 326 words
LIBRA, your popularity and your “party side” soar for the first eight months of 2015. After this, you get four months to consider what you’ve done. All year, excepting December, make no unbreakable commitments, sign nothing, promise little, be essentially independent. This is a poor time to form business or love partnerships. Still, you’ll be excited, happy, social, flirtatious January to August – and romance will thrive! (But again, don’t marry.) Mid-August ushers in a 13-month period of quietude. Retreat softly, contemplate, plan, meditate, open yourself to spirit, be charitable and interface with civil servants. Communications and short travel will be a bit more tedious and slow than usual in 2015 (to 2017). This is a great time to take elocution classes, if you’re in sales, acting, teaching, etc. Your domestic situation continues to slowly transform – and will, until 2024. This can put a strain on marriage and other partnerships, especially in January, April, July and October. If your mate’s in a slump, be cheerful and encouraging – but don’t blindly follow his/her plans. You will meet many new and unusual people all year (and until late 2018). One arriving in January is a door to bad karma. But February’s sweetly romantic. The Spring brings a stunning meeting – and a powerful lust. In June, someone turns you on mentally. Play the field in August: you’ll celebrate! Your charisma and energy in October might draw you into a difficult situation, perhaps a triangle. Your sexual magnetism glows November/December. An old flame might appear around February, June or (especially) October. 265
SCORPIO, 2015 lays a crown of accomplishment on you, and a yoke of duties on your shoulders – at least through August. Your business and career ambitions meet with approval from higher-ups, your reputation grows, you rub shoulders with influential people. This is the best year in a decade to seek a promotion, especially in April (careful, don’t expand your work, just your position) June, and August. All year, management, closed door meetings and delegating tasks is advised: avoid increasing your hands-on work (it will not leave you free to climb the corporate ladder). Be a ruler, not a slave. Your career progress might slow January to March, but it will surge forward April onward. In mid-August you enter a year of celebration, good times, popularity, optimism, and light romance. Great career events can occur after August, but they will come through socializing, or will be a reward for earlier work. The last two, three years have been sober, serious. You looked at your life, your age. From 2015 to 2017 this personal “serious cloud” lifts and your sense of humor returns. But this same interval, to 2017, counsels fiscal caution – your expenses might increase, or your actual income decrease. Love increases in value and quantity from 2009 to 2025 – the greatest love period of your life. Sooner or later, almost every Scorpio will be smitten! Romantic urges are powerful mid-January through March. May brings “mate” vibes, while June nudges you into intimate situations – be loyal! July brings gentle, understanding love: your amour is assertive, impatient. September’s filled with friends. Your magnetism rises November/December: a Taurus might think you’re everything desirable. 270
SAGITTARIUS, 2015 will be one of your best years in a decade. Until mid-August, your intellectual, travel and cultural instincts will be superb; you’ll naturally “strike gold” in your explorations, whether the gold is success at university, a once-in-a-lifetime voyage, a publishing success, or a wedding. For singles, love is almost assured. However, if you want love to succeed, use a light touch – friendly romance will sail along, even to marriage vows, while infatuation, deep romance, could twist and turn down disappointing alleys. You will be more sober and serious in 2015 (through 2017) – about ageing, retirement, security, earnings, and all practical things. Take care of your teeth and gums, bones, knees and skin. If you’re young, parents and teachers/profs will admire your new maturity. You will grow more serious about money; through hard work, your earnings could start a three-year climb. This process gets a big boost from mid-August onward (into autumn 2016) as your career begins to swell with good luck, great ideas, and favour from higher-ups, especially in September through November. Oddly enough, they might be more optimistic about your prospects than you are. Love flares in April, but take care: a trap might lurk. June brings your “equal,” whom you’ll either embrace or fight, even run from. Many Sages will marry the one they meet this May/June. In August, love has the distinct whisper of wedding bells. October brings happy, flirty friends – ditto December, when your magnetism soars – and so does that of a good-looking “friend.” In Jan./Feb., May/June, and Sept./Oct., an old flame might return. 260
CAPRICORN, you can increase your worldly wealth this year. Until late August, your financial and investment luck sits at a decade high. Remember the phrase, “opportunity in crisis” – especially in January, May and July. Research, look beneath surfaces, for gems lie hidden. Physical gratification is also abundant these first eight months – but be honest, ethical; avoid extra-marital temptations. Pregnancy can bless young couples; but births are luckier after November and in 2016. (Do the math.) Do NOT invest in real estate, nor start living with anyone new, before mid-November. Your career is blessed all year: make decisions, start projects, even change careers, if you like. From 2009 to 2024, life’s wheel slowly turns, transforming you, your social circle, and your life goals – welcome this in January, early May, August and November – don’t flee it! The three years ahead shelter you from bad luck. From August onward, you emerge from the depths of life, into light, air, knowing. A mellow, philosophical mood overtakes you. Understanding comes. You might travel afar, enter a degree-granting school, wed, luckily grab an intellectual position, or win a lawsuit. (Avoid a lawsuit late September to early November, though, especially over real estate or children: you would inexplicably lose it.) Love is very sexual, lustful through August, especially in May and July/August. You exude a deep, subtle magnetism this whole decade; this brings responsibilities, too. September brings a powerful mental and sexual attraction – make sure everyone’s free to commit, or you could marry into a disloyal situation. November’s flirty and friendly – and a sweet, ambitious person could capture your heart. Don’t let job demands impose on you in May/June. 272 WORDS
AQUARIUS, other people are your doorway to success this year. Until August, you’ll deal with people openly and eagerly, and they’ll return the favour. All year, make your dealings profound rather than casual. Wed, rather than be friends. Get a signed contract, reject casual verbal promises. Travel a long distance, internationally, rather than running around town. Attend college or join a philosophy study group rather than burying yourself in daily news and chit-chat. Opportunities will parade by you: grab one or two! A wand of luck blesses relocation, negotiations, and dealings with the public. Almost any kind of agreement will make your wishes come true. If you’re single, you could meet your life mate before September. If happily married, seek adventure, whisk hour mate away on a special holiday. If you’re unhappily married, you have the courage and optimism to break free now. After August, your luck soars in intimate, sexual, financial and research zones. You could greet a pregnancy. You could also make one of the best investments of your life – watch the economy. As it sinks, your “entry price” declines. If you’ve already begun a love affair or wed, your love deepens. Avoid extra-marital temptations. If you’re contemplating a major lifestyle change, enact it for quality of life, not for financial gain. You will become more sober and serious about your life’s goals now through 2017. Your best or most easily-achieved goals will involve governmental or institutional help, or will take you to a management position. (This area – management, civil service, warehousing, nursing – offers career advancement for ten years ahead.) You might befriend a significantly older or younger person. Your popularity ebbs temporarily, but you need “quiet time” to handle all the financial, sexual and other commitments you’ve embraced. Tackle hard chores in July. You could meet the love of your life before September, especially in February, when your charisma’s high; June when sweet, innocent romance swells; and August. An old flame can appear in February and June – and September/October. In November lust turns to love – or to reprobation. Chase ambitions this month; avoid lawsuits. 347 WORDS
PISCES, 2015 begins with chores and health concerns. Eat and dress sensibly. Your work could expand, into August. You are now on a three-year path to slowly and solidly achieve your biggest goals in career and status (e.g., marital status, community reputation). This will take hard work – slackers beware! Now through 2017, don’t quit one job unless you have another waiting for you. Your efforts pay off with increased earnings in March and a possible promotion in December. However, don’t determinedly seek more pay, or make events revolve around income – this will erect a strong barrier in others who will consider you selfish. Instead, put as much as you can in investments or to pay down debt – especially in March, when dollars flow to you. By late August you can throw off the work yoke – suddenly you have free time, your eyes lift to the horizon, and you see how filled with opportunities life is. These opportunities, especially in career and business, will come from others: so be personable, eager to join their project. Relocation, dealings with the public (from shoe-store clerk to rock star) and a mature, adult love face you. You could co-habit or marry September onward – prospects will pop up right into autumn of next year. If you do marry during this interval, it is likely to be a status-boosting event. Make sure it’s love, also. You could meet a true life mate in a group, so join clubs, political parties, etc. You’ll find a “home for the heart” in social assemblies, now to 2024. A light, flirty affair might occur January to March, as your magnetism draws others – but keep your money, income source safe. May brings an affectionate casual friend. Passion glows in July. In September, a co-worker can tempt you. As autumn comes, so does a choice: reject an assertive, lustful person; accept a gentle, practical, helpful person. (The two might be one.) Mating vibes are growing now. November offers weddings – maybe yours – and cultural rituals. In December, grab a career opportunity. You enter 2015 with a workday frown, you exit with a smile!
2014, YEAR AHEAD: We start 2014 with bright economic skies, especially in North America. After a January/February hiccup, the world economy charges ahead – to July. New businesses or major projects begun then will succeed. From August to December, though, we’ll be running on fumes: hypnotizing fumes. Investors leave; gamblers enter. Gold appeals. Businesses started in these last five months will fail. Real estate continues to be lucky. The fight between hierarchies and the masses revives, with hierarchies winning. Harper’s misfortunes continue to late February, then stop. Obama’s unlucky, unpopular to August, then he enters a great year, with swelling polls. To July, 2014 isn’t really an artistic year. We’re all thinking about home, Mom, kids and patriotism rather than culture. But from August onward, new “culture circuses” come – big, glamorous affairs. Leo actors rise. Fashion goes bold. Games sell big. The technology juggernaut rolls on, especially in political, military and covert zones. New techno-wars erupt around April and December. Hospitals and bureaucracies continue to swell, and advances pour forth in optics, astrophysics, oceanography – all to 2025. Some notable marriages and divorces will occur, January to July. (And the first domestic argument for Will and Kate. If they come through it [truly, not artificially] smiling, their marriage has a good chance.) These seven months contain excitement in all relationships. Even armies grow restive. Nations whose names begin with A, R, P or L (and possibly M, O, S, H or Y) might engage in actual war – small skirmishes. China will assert itself angrily in military ways, and lose some face. All of us should avoid starting new projects or relationships February 6 to 28, June 7 to July 1, and October 4 to 25. ARIES March 21-April 19 March through mid-July, ARIES, is a superb time to buy or sell real estate, to set your children on a good, happy course for life, to renovate or landscape, to give birth or become pregnant. You’ll have to adjust to another’s ways, power and personality. Be patient: even one who acts like an enemy, wants a partner. If you met or meet a new lover or potential business partner last December, or April 21 to June 14 this year, the relationship will be rocky. Otherwise, love wins. If uncertain, wait. August onward brings the best romantic opportunities in a decade. Love flares in August (watch practical difficulties) October and December. It could develop into blissful marriage. If you’re married, 2014’s second half offers adventure, love, humor and family joys. It’s a splendid creative time. You’ll win in sports and games. Express yourself, try something new! Your career continues to evolve. Be flexible, embrace change – or get run over by the zeitgeist of the times. All year, you will benefit from engaging others. Lone wolves court failure. Avoid legal hassles September/October.
TAURUS April 20-May 20 TAURUS, January to July continues the brisk work pace of late 2013. Your job isn’t exactly the one you want; it holds you back from brighter, wider horizons. Still, you’re needed, and you need money. Expect a whirl of paperwork, travel and communications. A friend might become a physical lover. Until July, protect your health from acidic food, cold-hot alternations, head bumps, diabetic-inducing habits – and fights. From August 2014 to mid-2015, life will open lucky doors in food and shelter areas: real estate, family, children, retirement, gardening, agriculture, etc. Pregnancy is possible. But wait until January 2015 onward to buy property or grab a super rental – it will bless your life. Seek advice in January/February. These two months offer good luck and easy progress in legal, educational, cultural, far travel, international, and love zones. From March onward, lighten your links to institutions, government, administration, management roles. Be “hands-on,” do your work yourself. Love thrills in January/February, and fills you with hope March/April. August lights a fire – love, or war? November speaks of marriage. By the end of 2014, you’ll be very satisfied!
GEMINI May 21-June 20 GEMINI, the first half of 2014 continues your good fortune in earnings, possessions and surface interactions. Your memory remains unusually strong. Invest in January. Seek more income March to July – chase clients, ask for a pay raise, sell items, etc. You could climb onto an elevated earnings plateau that lasts many years! January through July offers a stunning run of romance, especially in February (old flame?) and June. Attractions fill every month. You’ll be amorous, courageous and unlikely to take “no” as a final answer. Hope about love expands, even though the one you chase might have many problems. Be gentle toward children. After July, your money luck ebbs. Save, be conservative. This second half is splendidly busy – you’ll be invigorated, happy, talking/writing, flirting, travelling. A new, long-term friendship could develop. Someone stunning (and perhaps unbearably challenging) saunters in, September/October. (Again, an old flame?) Your hopes soar in November, about an investment, debt reduction, or intimate link. Avoid legal hassles in December. All year, work and health remain burdensome – but you’ll quietly advance toward successes and cures.
CANCER June 21-July 22 CANCER, 2014 continues your run of personal luck. From August into 2015 your money ship will find a lucrative harbor. You could even double your present income. For the first seven months, friction might assault your cozy home. Avoid this by channeling your aggression into repairs, renovations or gardening. Be gentle with kids and spouse. Don’t move into a new home before July 27. This entire decade promises true love – but if you start a new romance before August, it might explode into a war of the sexes. Others treat you affectionately January to March. June raises love’s hopes, high. A message from the past could spark a powerful November romance. A job or career project might end before August. If so, plunge into the food or real estate fields. You might set up a home office. August onward, the money taps open wide. Do NOT start a business, but do try to increase your income – you could turn the faucet on permanently! In May, higher-ups favor you. Money finds you in August/September. Work’s lucrative in December – ask for more.
LEO July 23-Aug. 22 LEO, last year’s quietude continues to early July. This is a great time to form plans, seek the spiritual, exercise your charitable side, and interface with civil servants, large corporations or institutions. If you’re married, cozy intimacy prevails. If you’re unattached, January through July brings many casual contacts, one of which could march to marriage – but if you’re uncertain, wait. Your birthday starts one of the luckiest years of your life, filled with fortune, love, and creative success. You’ll whirl toward exciting horizons and accomplishments. You’ll attract allies, opportunities and luck. Your heart will soar with romantic fervor, especially August to October and December. Contain your temper in late summer, especially at home. Don’t move into a new home from July 27 to September 13. During January/February, your domestic scene is slow but favored and healthy. January to March brings affectionate co-workers, and from March onward your career bounces with new energy – for 17 years! All 2014, take care with higher education, international travel, publishing and legalities. Through July, don’t gossip or say/write anything that raises legal dangers.
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 VIRGO, you’ll remember 2014’s “money run” for many years. January to July, dollars will flow swiftly to you – and away. If you want to end wealthier, not poorer, refuse to overspend. Extra money might come from an inheritance, a pension, or from your own investments. If you must spend, buy investments – carefully. You’re cheerful and optimistic the first 7 months; this will attract many friends and a round of invitations. A club or group you enter now will bless you for many years. If you’re an artist, politician or otherwise seeking public favor, this is your time! You might engage in a hot sensual affair, but reject extra-marital situations. Love calls you in January (romantic) March (a challenging, fascinating person) May (gently, wedding vibes) and November (short, intense attractions). From August onward, retreat from the hectic crowd. Contemplate. Rest from recent adventures; form long-term plans. Join a group that raises your spiritual or psychological health. This is a great time to get rid of old ghosts; if you face them, they’ll dissolve. Seek employment in government, warehousing, or large corporations.
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 LIBRA, March to July continues to beneficially promote your career and worldly standing. Chase success, show higher-ups what you can do. This is a rare chance! You feel adventurous, assertive, impatient through July. But if you push too hard, what/whom you want will flee. All year, be independent – forming partnerships or marrying can bring unwanted consequences. So enjoy sexual, romantic or friendly links, but don’t build a life on them. April, June, August and December light the love lamp. Be patient if you encounter someone’s “ sexual shyness ” March to May – it gives you space to think. Don’t relocate unless you must. Be wary of investments in January/February. Keep earning quietly, paying debts or saving. Hope, happiness and light romance blast into your life August to December. Your popularity will hit a 12-year peak. A significant wish will come true. A group you join now could bless your life for a decade to come. Your home life continues to play destiny’s hand: changes of residence, income from or spending on real estate, family changes, children’s progress – these occupy you all year.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 SCORPIO, you recently began a 5-year ascension in career, worldly status and reputation. A promotion is very likely this August to summer 2015. (DON’T start a business August to December.) A wedding can also elevate your status – but don’t marry before March, and reject anyone you first met between September 2012 and February 2014. From March onward, your management duties or links to the government buoy you smoothly and pleasantly; but hands-on work can lead to frustrating dead-ends. Through July, you’ll gain (financially) from higher education, far travel, publishing, and cultural involvements. If you face a lawsuit, you’ll likely win. A sweet, gentle love might enter your life from March to July: this one holds marriage potential. Romance thrills in March. May and June lure you with sexy hints. Your magnetism surges in August/September, and November brings quiet, sweet admirers. Short trips dot your year like cookie crumbs at a day care. Your health is generally good, but January to July can bring rashes, cuts, headaches (lighten up on work) and heartburn. Avoid dark alleys, rough clubs.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 SAGITTARIUS, the first half of 2014 keeps a lucky door open to mysteries, sexual intimacy, valuable investments, debt reduction, pregnancy, lifestyle changes and research. Plunge into these areas March to early July. Commit yourself – you could stumble upon a golden opportunity in financial or lifestyle areas. The second half of the year brings everything you love: far travel, foreign cultures and contacts, higher learning, philosophy, publishing, big ideas, social rituals – and love. You might wed before mid-2015 arrives. From March onward, choose light, friendly romance over the “ heavy” kind. This will be easy yet hard – easy to find light romance, but hard because it keeps threatening to become deep. Seek romance and pleasure in a social group, not alone. An old flame might appear in February, June or October. Romance flares in April, June, September/October and December. Be gentle if someone has “performance anxiety” February to May. Protect your health in January/February: your throat and eliminative organs might need care. Don’t worry if you’re not earning much money yet – that will begin in 2015.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 CAPRICORN, 2014 offers you a treasure chest, but somebody else holds the key. So promote others’ wishes, needs and requests – in tandem, you’ll grab rewards. Alone, not so much. The first half of the year brings fortunate marriage prospects to singles. Unhappy couples face a split; happy couples receive six months of adventure, humor, and love filled with conversation. Intimate urges increase powerfully in the second half of 2014. Reject extra-marital temptations. Young couples face pregnancy. Your gentleness attracts affection January through March. Romance flares in May/June, briefly late July/early August, and November, when your magnetism surges. Until late July, bosses, VIPs, authorities and parents display impatience, even aggression. Be diplomatic. You could leave one career/job, enter another. If you work in real estate, clothing or food, you’ll reach new heights now. August onward, investments turn lucky. All year, chase career goals. Avoid retreat, hunkering down at home. A new friendship slowly develops. Relocation will turn out fortunately, if you accomplish it before mid-July. Your health remains strong, but avoid stress – it might manifest as digestive problems.
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 AQUARIUS, the first half of 2014 chains you to work – and brings financial rewards. Eat, drink and dress sensibly, keep your health up. From 2008 to 2024, you can build a castle of money. Ask for a raise in March, for a promotion in November. Until late July your intellectual, far travel, publishing, religious, legal and cultural arenas heat up, bringing many conversations and trips. You might agree to wed a casual suitor (waiting’s better). Avoid legal hassles. All year, reject the casual, flippant; embrace the profound. You are likely to do a lot of pondering about your direction, especially in love and finances. An old flame might enter in February, June or October. You can settle financial issues in September. A boss is cranky August/September: be diplomatic. Midsummer begins a year (lasting into 2015) of marriage opportunities, and splendid luck in relocation, dealing with the pubic, fame, negotiations, contracts and partnerships. To succeed, emphasize others’ needs, jump on their band wagon, for they hold the lucky cards. A December wish might come true, if it concerns the past.
PISCES Feb. 19-March 20 PISCES, a love affair or creative project, recently stalled, roars ahead March to July. Romance can boost your career or worldly standing; so can a creative project. Take reasonable risks – you’ll ride a winning streak until late July! Love is double-barrelled: romance blossoms to July, and your sensual side burns with rare intensity. Yet pushing too strongly for intimacy can make love teeter on unsteady legs. Love and friendship are filled with bright promise January/February. You attract others March/April. July is passionate, romantic, yet your amour might go “ into hiding.” Mysteries lie here. These first seven months urge you to combine passion with intellect, creativity with media or broadcasting, love with international travel or contacts. It’s a splendid time to start an import-export, insurance, teaching or publishing business. From August on, work piles up: dig in with a smile. Do NOT start a business or large practical project these last five months. Step lightly with temperamental bosses in early autumn. Avoid lawsuits, August/September. In November, someone might urge you to wed. Before accepting, think: how gentle, stable is he/she? The End