MAY 5 – 11, 2013
by Tim Stephens
All times/dates are Pacific Daylight Time.
This column MIGHT disappear after May 12. If you want to contact Tim in
future, please use timstephens@shaw.ca, or call 604-886-4808.
I have seldom had such a stream of emails as I have in the past few weeks about
the “lunar node” articles. Many astrologers ignore the Moon’s north and south
nodes. These astrologers often use the solar and lunar eclipses (frequently in a
dire tone: “ooo, eclipses bad”) yet find themselves puzzled and frustrated in
their attempts to interpret what each eclipse means and how – and especially
when – they affect us. That’s why, since time immemorial, astrologers have
repeated that eclipse effects occur “a week to six months after the eclipse.” In
other words, they don’t know.
I suspect these astrologers don’t realize that eclipses are intimately connected
to the Moon’s nodes, and in fact are timed by the nodes. The north and south
lunar nodes take about 18 months to travel through a sign and its opposite. (The
north and south nodes are always exactly opposite: so if the north node is at 10
degrees ARIES, the south will be at exactly 10 degrees LIBRA, the sign opposite
Aries.) During that 18 months, the eclipses will occur within a few (often 3 to
5) degrees of the nodes. (There are 360 degrees in the zodiac, or the sky.)
In essence, the nodes are like an 18-month long train that carries the eclipses
on its back. While we can tell almost nothing certain from an eclipse, the nodes
give us a strong forecast for an 18-month period. They are also strong “destiny”
indicators, and great at telling us what to avoid. Trying to interpret eclipses
rather than lunar nodes is like reading a “point” versus a long line of text.
The nodes’ movements are a sentence: the eclipses are just the commas and
BTW, every New Moon eclipse – as occurs this week (May 9) is actually a birth
indicator, while every Full Moon eclipse is a climax indicator, showing the peak
of an influence or development.
But back to the new luck cycle beginning June 25, and lasting into July 2014:
GEMINI, your luck, from mid-2013 to mid-2014, lies in the area of money,
earnings, purchases, sensual relationships, memory, rote learning, and surface
indications. Your luck will come from accepting appearances, not from digging
deep. (The latter can cause delays that cause a good prospect or potential
project to wither, even disappear.) Nostalgia, antiques, kitchens, restaurants,
children, gardens, mother nature – these are lucky for you during this period.
Sensual, casual sex flows sweetly – and more successfully than “deep” or
“binding” sex.
Your money luck will soar – you might experience a financial event so
beneficial it can boost your life for at least a decade, perhaps much longer.
This event could be as simple as selling or purchasing your house or another
large item, or landing a steady, lucrative job or taking a pension. Do
everything you can to increase your income in an enduring way, rather than
accept a one-shot reward. (A promotion or raise in pay is better than temporary
overtime.) This is a superb time to start a “cash flow” business. Buying items
to further your career is also beneficial. So is spending to please a sweet
Start Nothing:
9:00 a.m. to 6:03 p.m. Sun.,
5:04 a.m. Tues. to 3:09 a.m. Wed.,
and 5:28 p.m. Thurs. to 2:21 p.m. Fri. |
- (March 21-April 19)
Chase money and make
purchases, Aries, especially Wednesday/Thursday – but keep
it small in both cases. If you want to “go large,” then
purchase appreciating assets – i.e., invest rather than
spend. (If chasing money, chase equity rather than earned
dollars.) Overall, now to next February, you’ll benefit more
(or at least stay safe) by deferring, in money matters, to a
partner or group. This is a very sensual week, but make sure
“personality compatibility” is part of the picture. Rest
Sunday. Your energy and charisma soar this night to pre-dawn
Wednesday. Friday afternoon starts a weekend of travel,
visits and calls. |
Taurus - (April 20-May 20) |
Sunday’s social and
happy, but retreat this suppertime to pre-dawn
Wednesday – rest, study, plan, contemplate, and
reconnect with your spiritual side. Be charitable –
it rebounds later. An important message – or two –
might arrive, probably concerning a relationship or
legal or scholastic matter, and/or a “secret” or
government-related matter. Your energy and charisma
surge Wednesday to midday Friday – start important
projects, ask favours, seek out others. But remember,
your most successful projects (until spring 2014)
will involve others, even be for others’ benefit.
Romantic, creative, earnings, research, spiritual,
government-related, legal, travel, and scholastic
projects are most favoured. Chase money, buy/sell
Friday/Saturday. |
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Gemini - (May 21-June 20) |
Continue to lie low,
especially Wed. to Fri. – rest, avoid competitive
situations and ones in which success depends on “a
shining personality” – for that’s what you don’t have
now (to May 19). You’re tired, and you hanker for a
bit of sweet solitude. Be ambitious Sunday. This eve
to pre-dawn Wednesday brings happiness, a bit of a
social uplift, optimism about the future, light
romance, and beneficial group involvements. Though
you’re in the middle of a low cycle (late April to
late May) two significant “nods” of approval or
consent come to you (Mon./Tues.) – one concerns
finances or sex, work or health; the other tells you
the future is brewing new fascinations. Your energy
rises somewhat Friday p.m. onward: do it your way. |
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Cancer - (June 21-July 22) |
Sunday’s mellow,
thoughtful, gentle. You grow ambitious (or someone
throws the mantle of duty on you) this evening
through Wednesday pre-dawn. This is a splendid time
to begin a practical or business project, but it
should not involve friends, groups, or a
recently-formed (since August 2012) idea that is
based on optimism, popularity or a romantic
attraction. Two significant communications or
contacts can occur, one hinting at partnership, one
at a “private link to a career group” (e.g., joining
“Linked In”) – reject the latter. Popularity, joyful
anticipation, group affairs, light romance – these
visit Wed./Thurs. – but like the breeze visits a
curtain: swelling with promise, but containing
little. Retreat, rest Fri./Sat. A happy week! |
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Leo -
(July 23-Aug. 22) |
The accent continues on
your ambitions, career, reputation, standing in the
community, and relations with higher-ups, especially
Wednesday to Friday midday. Be cautious here: don’t
push, nor yield to the temptation to cut corners or
step out of line. Just keep your head down and
maintain the status quo. (This advice lasts through
February 2014). Sunday holds mysteries, glimpses of
deep intimacy. This eve moves you to a gentle,
mellow, understanding mood that lasts to pre-dawn
Wednesday – a splendid few days to buy travel
tickets, plunge into intellectual or legal or
cultural affairs, or talk about love with someone
special. Your hopes, popularity rise to “happiness
levels” Friday p.m., Sat. |
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- (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) |
You start this week
with partnership yearnings: but soon (Sunday eve
through pre-dawn Wednesday) this will turn to an
impulse to dig deep, to access the intimate or
financial side of relationships, to make deals, to
form commitments that have strong consequences. These
are fine, UNLESS they call for a contract, your
signature on the dotted line, or a cultural binding
ritual – e.g., a wedding. If you’re in doubt, just
keep it on a talk level, while you do more digging,
research or detective work. Wednesday/Thursday bring
the dangerous part: DO NOT begin a legal,
international, publishing or higher-learning project.
Your career or rep get a boost Friday to next Sunday! |
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- (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) |
DO NOT invest this week
or anytime now to February 2014, Libra. This week,
especially Wed./Thurs., brings the peak of the urge
to do so. Besides financial investment, debt, this
influence also negatively affects sex, lust,
intimacy, research and occultism. Treat these entire
areas with a very light (uninvolved) touch for
another ten months. During this period, accept
surface appearances: digging deep will bring delays
and wrong directions. Same period, seek earnings, buy
depreciating assets, and embrace sensual or casual
sex rather than “meaningful” or “if we have sex
you’re totally mine” kind of sex. Sunday, do chores.
This night through Tuesday bring relationships,
exciting meetings – co-operate! Wisdom, gentle love
Fri./Sat. |
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Scorpio - (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) |
Sunday’s sweet, holds
beauty and romance. But not a lot happens. This night
to Wednesday pre-dawn brings chores, health concerns
and the need to care for dependents. Almost
everything goes well here, so plunge in (careful
Monday afternoon). One or two people might contact
you with a message, perhaps concerning employment or
a money (or sexual) situation – it’s probably best to
turn these “offers” (or whatever) aside, to avoid
involvement. Wed./Thurs. bring relationships, and
relocation and partnership opportunities: but they
are slow, subtle traps in disguise. Maintain an
independent stance (right into Feb. 2014). Sexy stuff
Friday p.m. into the whole weekend! (This is also a
good period for research and financial actions.) |
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Sagittarius - (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) |
Sleep Sunday. Almost
everything is occurring on the private, family side
of life now – with one huge exception: now through
June, lucky opportunities intensify, grow swiftly
(and must be grasped quickly). These opportunities
will certainly be tied to another/others, and to your
ability to be charming, eager and co-operative.
Relocation, marriage (divorce) business partnership,
dealings with the public, fame, travel, contracts,
negotiation, even litigation, form some of these
opportunities. A minor climax will occur in these
Friday afternoon to next Sunday (May 10-12). Be
ready! In general, this week emphasizes work: don’t
overload yourself, especially Wed./Thurs. Earlier,
romance, creativity and pleasure fill Mon./Tues. |
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Capricorn - (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) |
Almost all the “action”
in your life at present is private , security or
family-oriented. The exception is a significant one:
in the zone of education, intellectual activities,
religion/philosophy, international affairs or travel,
import/export, cultural rituals, and gentle love, you
not only hit a resounding, accurate note these
months, but a wise and destiny-favoured one. Sunday’s
for travel, news, errands. Home, security, Mother
Nature, kids/parents, real estate and other
foundational arenas fill Sunday eve to pre-dawn
Wednesday. All week, especially Wednesday/Thursday,
romance, speculation, pleasure, beauty and “gambles”
lure you – be cautious. Tackle chores Friday p.m.
into the weekend. All’s well! |
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Aquarius-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) |
Chase money or spend it
Sunday, Aquarius (but in buying, stick to routine
items, groceries, etc.). Errands, paperwork,
communications, travel and visits fill Sunday night
to pre-dawn Wednesday. All’s fine – but reject any
calls from others that encourage you to list/buy
property, increase your security, micro-manage your
children, etc. These are “false” messages or urges.
Wednesday/Thursday intensify these
home/garden/kids/security themes – your best stance
is to turn instead to your career and other outside
ambitions. This advice holds through February 2014.
Romance calls Friday afternoon into the weekend. So
do pleasure, joy with kids, creative surges,
speculation, pleasure. All’s good – dive in! |
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Pisces - (Feb. 19-March 20) |
Your energy and
magnetism remain high Sunday, but if you want to
accomplish something solid, start before 9 a.m.
(PDT). This week and next emphasize details, errands,
communications, paperwork, casual acquaintances,
trips and visits – you get and send messages aplenty,
but stand back a bit: are these bits and pieces of
talk, emails, facts and figures, essential, or just
time-wasters? (Or worse, invitations to a failure?)
(I vote for time-wasters.) True progress, for you,
now to next February, comes from delving into larger
ideas, profound relationships, culture and far
travel. Don’t befriend; love. All this advice applies
strongly Wed./Thurs. Earlier, chase money Mon./Tues.
Home, real estate is a bonanza waiting for you to
join: do so, Friday eve to May 12. |
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