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Email: suningem@gmail.com
Tim’s YouTube links: Unveiling Astrology
Unveiling Astrology Part 2)
START NOTHING (ALL TIMES ARE PACIFIC DAYLIGHT): 8:01 am to 8:25 am Mon., 3:15 am to 12:31 pm Wed., and 1:30 pm to 1:36 pm Fri.
All those films from the military showing UFOs whizzing by: all you have to observe is whether they cast a shadow on the clouds as they move. No shadow, no UFO — instead, I would suspect a hologram or something similar. If there is a shadow, it’s for real…
ALL SIGNS — The Mercury Rx period started March 15 and will last to April 7 (7:08 am PDT) — 24 days. During this time, supplies will go missing, schedules fall apart, “no shows” increase, and mistakes, delays and indecision are rife. So DON’T start new projects nor relationships, nor major purchases, before April 7. They would tend to fail.
Roughly during the same period, but lasting slightly longer, to April 12, Venus is also retrograde. This hints that social, love and friendly goals face delays and headwinds. (Children born during this Venus Rx period — March 1 to April 12 —will tend to have many lovers.)
A former love might reappear between now and mid-April, esp. for the air and fire signs (Gemini, Lira, Aquarius and Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)..
That said, this week is smooth and lucky for all signs. Hardly a cloud in the sky…!
Religion is the box PC types build to imprison spirit. In the 1970’s, 80’s and ’90’s, these kill joys were called “politically correct.” In the centuries prior, they were called “priests.” In Christ’s time, they were the rabbis who condemned Him to be tortured and killed. In the 21st century, they’re “woke,” they’re D.E.I. — which finally turned “political correctness” into a dramatic division — including firings, killings, de-banking, ruining careers, riots, crooked judges, burning ofbuildings (and now Tesla cars) etc. — a division between the “on board” and the exiled. These politically correct types, in other words the new Democrats, have recently promoted genital mutilation of children, Satanism, pedophilia and other crimes against nature. (And against humanity.) Perverts and power hungry scoundrels, all of therm. And they found a comfy home in the Democratic Party; and like squatters, they are slowly destroying the home.
If the Canadian federal election occurs before late June, Pierre will win. If after, Mark Carney looks good. (Please tell the Liberals not to read this.) (I haven’t looked at their charts, which might bend me to a different outlook. This forecast is based on Pierre being a Gemini, and Carney a Pisces.)
— Just saw the news, that Carney will call an election this Sunday, March 23. If so, his campaign will be “lots of talk,” and he might “muffle” Pierre and his message. Mars opposition Moon that day hints at an angry electorate. But more depends on the election day, which hasn’t been called yet.
ARIES: March 21-April 19
You are at the top of your game, Aries, physically, mentally, and emotionally. However, read “ALL SIGNS” above. Many things are reversing, delaying, or running in circles. You yourself are becoming a little undecided about what you want to do, where to go. An old flame might appear. The planet Neptune will enter your sign next Sunday, the first time in 164 years. Neptune will “soften” you, make you more psychic, intuitive and less decisive (partly because you will see much more, many more results of an action, for instance. Now to 2039, depend on your intuition more than logic. Be ambitious Sunday and early Monday — good results! (As long as you avoid fighting on the home front.) Wishes come true Monday morning (PDT) to midday Wed. Tuesday might be best. Happiness, flirting, popularity visit you. But retreat Wednesday pm to Friday afternoon. Meditate, do good deeds, rest, seek advice — late Thursday into Friday best. Your energy and charisma soar Friday noonish through Sat. Start nothing new, but do charge ahead — no obstacles anywhere!
TAURUS: April 20-May 20
Read “ALL SIGNS” above, Taurus. An old flame might return to haunt, rather than help you. Remember, money is fortunate, so grab all you can, until June 9. A benefactor or partner might be involved, helpfully. Preserve energy. Rest, avoid competitive situations, contemplate, liaise with gov’t or management types, and seek advice. Karma is very active now. You might realize you have neglected a duty to someone. Wisdom, a mellow mood steal over you Sunday to Monday morning (PDT). Avoid a verbal argument Sunday (and drive cautiously). Be ambitious Monday to midday Wed. — lots of good stuff here, progress is almost certain. Wishes can come true Wednesday pm to just past noon Friday (PDT). Float with the current, it will favour you, especially in love, friendship, entertainment. Retreat to a quiet place Friday eve through Sat. Ponder, rest, be charitable — but don’t bother making plans, as circumstances will change.
GEMINI: May 21-June 20
You’re in a hopeful, social, cheerful mood, Gemini. Read “ALL SIGNS” above in the preamble. A wish might come true, especially one about a former lover or mate. A former social group might embrace you once again. You’re making lots of money, but are you tired of it? Beginning this July, you’ll make even more, for about a year. Careful in the stock market, tho. Sunday and Monday morning bring temptations, lust, power plays, research, major finances and lifestyle/health concerns. This might cause a bit of friction or impulsiveness Sunday pm. A sweet, fresh, mellow mood steals over you Monday to midday Wed. Far travel, law, higher learning, gentle love — these are emphasized. Good luck and progress here. Be ambitious Wednesday pm to midday Friday — excellent results. Friday eve and Saturday highlight those wishes, and social popularity, happiness, flirting!
CANCER: June 21-July 22
This is the time to be ambitious, Cancer, to flatter the boss, to show your skills, etc. Dress “up,” not down. But read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above — don’t start anything brand new. (There might be a project from the past that you can profitably revive. A former boss might return, also.) The gov’t loves you, will issue refunds, advice, etc. You remain assertive — stay this side of aggressive. Sunday and Monday morning are for relationships. Possible friction Sunday afternoon/suppertime (PDT) — otherwise, a good interval. Spouse understands (after the fight, perhaps) and friends are happy. Life’s depths emerge Monday to midday Wed. Lifestyle and medical concerns, investments and debt, research, and strong sexual temptations visit you. Mon./Tues. best. Gentle love, profound thoughts, far travel, law, media, higher learning bless you Wednesday pm to midday Friday. This pm through Saturday brings ambitions, interaction with higher-ups, etc. Dress well, display your skills — all’s good!
LEO: July 23-Aug. 22
Hey, Leo. The weeks ahead feature international affairs, fair travel, law, higher learning, publishing, life philosophy, and gentle love. These will be highlighted Friday/Sat. in fortunate ways! However, read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above. Don’t start any new relationships, projects nor major purchases before April 7. A former love or partner might appear now, might even chase you (to early April). Continue to avoid belligerent people and risky places. Wishes — probably two, but at least one grand one — will come true between now and early June. Sunday into Monday morning is for chores. Careful Sunday with tools, disagreements. Ultimately, success. Relationships loom large Monday to just past noon Wed. (PDT). So do opportunities, public appearances, and relocation themes. Lots of success here; love might be declared — but “this one” is not meant for a long-term marriage. Sex, extra-marital temptations, major finances, research, medical and lifestyle decisions arise Wednesday pm to midday Friday. Again, good luck and progress.
VIRGO: Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The accent lies on sex, lust, major finances, research, lifestyle changes, and medical concerns, Virgo. You have invested a lot of hope in this area lately (January onward to now). Now, indecision and delay affect this zone. Read “ALL SIGNS” in the Preamble above — start no new major purchases, relationships nor projects before April 7. However, good opportunities might return from the past — investment openings, a sexy ex-lover, a former situation. Your career remains lucky, to June. A huge, 13-year trend emphasizing partnership in love and practical zones, ends next Sunday (March 30) — now to 2039, partnering will involve deep sexual and financial motives — make sure open, honest love exists, too. Sunday and early Monday feature romance, charming kids and creativity. One met Sunday daytime might challenge you — be diplomatic. Tackle chores Monday to midday Wed. Eat, dress wisely. You’ll accomplish a lot Mon./Tues. — not Wed. Wednesday pm to midday Friday (PDT) brings relationships, opportunities and relocation themes. Here, too, good luck rides with you. For Friday pm and Saturday, re-read the first sentence of this message. All goes well here.
LIBRA: Sept. 23-Oct. 22
The basic accent lies on relationships, relocation, public appearances and opportunities in general, Libra. These will be highlighted late week, Friday pm and Saturday, in a fortunate, affectionate way. However, it is this very zone in which Mercury and Venus are both retrograde, to April 7 and 12 respectively. You will be indecisive, or suffer delays, in these areas (and generally — e.g., mail goes missing). DON’T start any brand new relationships, projects or major purchases. An old flame or “ex” is almost certain to appear — you might “get in touch,” or he/she might. You are blessed in love until June. But you can be frustrated by a boss’s temper tantrums or criticisms (since January!) — this will end by mid-April, so be patient, diplomatic. Sunday and early Monday steer you toward home, family. You might meet that “ex” Sunday — be charming, not angry! Romance, creative surges, a gambling mood and charming children fill Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). Mon./Tues. could bring love again! Tackle chores Wed. pm to midday Friday — again, a successful time.
SCORPIO: Oct. 23-Nov. 21
A lot of work lies ahead, Scorpio. Guard your daily health — eat, dress sensibly. Avoid lawsuits (until mid-April) and, if not essential, also forgo far travel, and stating your opinion. This work and health zone will be highlighted Friday/Sat., in a benevolent way. Be alert for the weeks ahead, to avoid mistakes, missed appointments, etc. Read “ALL SIGNS” above — start no new relations, projects or major purchases before April 7. A former job or employer might return. You remain quite lucky in investments, debt resolution, sex (if married, pregnancy by/before June?) lifestyle choices, and research. Sunday and early Monday bring errands, calls, trips and paperwork — all easy, smooth. Life nudges you toward home and family, security and Mom Nature, Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). All good Mon./Tues., not Wed. Wednesday pm to midday Friday brings romantic notions, creative surges, risk and reward — good luck rides with you! Fri./Sat., chores and health.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Ah, sweet romance! The weeks ahead will be full of it, Sage — and of creative, speculative urges, beauty and pleasure, sports and “risks.” This week, Friday pm and Saturday are most romantic (etc.) — in a beautiful, “coming together” way. However, read “ALL SIGNS” above — don’t start any new projects, purchases or relationships before April 7. Until then (but esp. now) an old flame might (almost surely will) return — judge this potential bond’s future by its past. Remember, you are hugely fortunate in relationships until (into) June. After that, it’s all sex and money. (January just past to mid-April ahead, emphasizes your sexual and financial urges — a preview of the June/25 to June 2026 period.) Sunday and Monday morning are for money, possessions, learning and/or casual sex. Minor dispute Sun. Monday to midday Wed. (PDT) brings errands, trips, communications and paperwork — successful Mon./Tues., not Wed. Steer yourself to home, family, Wed. pm to midday Friday — another good, smooth, benevolent period. Late Friday and Sat., as mentioned above, are uber-romantic.
CAPRICORN: Dec. 22-Jan. 20
The weeks ahead emphasize your domestic situation, Cap. And your security, property ownership, garden, food, etc. These are highlighted Friday/Saturday in a lucky way. Earlier, Sunday into Monday morning your energy and charisma are “pumping.” You might face a disagreement Sunday, perhaps with your spouse. Collect money, read and learn, buy/sell, embrace casual intimacy Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). All flows well. Errands, trips, communications and paperwork succeed Wed. pm to midday Friday — these, travel, etc. seem slow but are crucial to your future. (Don’t raise a legal challenge Thursday.) Relationships remain “hot” — in love and enmity. Be careful, diplomatic. Read ‘ALL SIGNS” above — don’t start any new relations, major purchases or projects before April 7. A former home, or nostalgia about your family, might visit your thoughts. Lots of work!
AQUARIUS: Jan. 21-Feb. 18
Errands, trips, communications and paperwork are slated now into late April, Aquarius, but go at these cautiously, as mistakes, delays, indecision and second thighs abound. Double-check addresses, as well as your statements. DON’T start any brand new projects anywhere, but especially in this zone, before April 7. Meanwhile, “lost” friends could re-appear, old documents might be found, you might revisit former residences, neighbourhoods. Work continues to be intense (January to late April). Your luck in romance, creative areas and speculation continues to be high. Take a chance (but realize your own possessiveness might squelch a possible love affair). Lie low, rest and contemplate Sunday to Monday morning. Your energy and charisma soar Monday to midday Wed. (PDT) — and good luck rides with you. Assert yourself, promote your own needs, goals. Collect $ Wednesday pm to midday Fri. — embrace casual sex, read to learn, or find a flea market. Again, easy success blesses you. Friday pm and Saturday return you to errands, comms, and paperwork — again, successfully!
PISCES: Feb. 19-March 20
An easy week, Pisces. Almost every day contains benevolent aspects. You are in a “mercantile” phase — buy/sell, collect money and pay bills, hug a casual intimate partner, or read to learn. This trend will be emphasized Friday pm through Saturday — with great potential profit. Earlier, Sunday into Monday morning boosts your mood into “happiness range” — optimism, popularity, social and entertainment joys flow to you. Be careful Sunday, an emotional outburst or argument might occur. The outcome might affect your romantic interests. Retreat, lie low Monday to midday Wed. (PDT). Contemplate, seek advice, liaise with gov’t or head office. (Don’t make plans, as circumstances will change — maybe dramatically.) Your energy and pizzaz soar Wednesday pm to midday Friday — get out, be seen, ask favours, give prize projects a meaningful push. But DON’T start any brand new projects, relationships nor. Major purchases before April 7. (Read “ALL SIGNS” above, in Preamble.)
Sorry, the computer ate all the items in the Afteramble.