The latest research on luck indicates that it has some connection to recognition
of patterns. People who recognize patterns quickly, or who can “find Waldo” or
quickly recognize the odd item in a hundred similar items, tend to have good
luck, also. Perhaps that’s where the four-leaf clover concept came from – anyone
who can find the four-petalled one in a field of “threes” would have to be a
pattern-viewer par excellence.
Other research points to the role of family upbringing: often families are
“”unlucky together” in the sense that if your parents were accident prone, you
will tend to be. Families often share anti-authoritarian levels (which are
linked to accident-proneness). Sexual and physical abuse tend to run in
families, from generation to generation. These conditions will tend to prevent
good, or produce bad, luck.
In astrology, luck is often connected to cheerfulness – mainly because the most
cheerful sign, Sagittarius, is also considered the luckiest. But there is big
and small, or temporary and long-term luck, too. Many Sagittarians are lucky,
win tickets, get invited to travel by friends, are liked by hiring bosses, etc.
But it’s often that dour, careful, unlucky Capricorn who ends up secure,
affluent and happy late in life. Sagittarians often need to learn to use their
natural luck, or it will always remain “small luck.”
In astrology, too, the planet that rules luck – Jupiter – also rules expansion.
In fact, often what we call “good luck” is simply expansion – luckily, my
business grew! Luckily, my pumpkin’s the biggest, and won the prize! I only had
ten dollars, now I have a thousand! But expansion works both ways: Jupiter can
increase the size of a tumour, make debts grow, etc.
And luck needs room to grow. It needs fertile ground. Luck cannot grow in
bitterness, no more than plants will root in salt soil. Luck expands most in a
field of faith, and when the heart is hopeful, eager, joyous, and expects,
anticipates good things. Ultimately, luck is a form of love. Life is like any
human (or dog!) – if you love him/her/it, he will tend to love you back. Life,
too, loves those who love it. And life often expresses its love by doling out
good luck. Not always – sometimes she returns love by conferring love, or
beauty, or spiritual peace.
The main thing is: love, and you will be “lucked” in return.
Our present luck cycle for 2010 lasts virtually the whole year – January 17,
2010 to January 22 , 2011. However, from June 6 to September 8, the lucky planet
Jupiter steps into early Aries, changing the luck picture briefly, but almost
negligibly – for most of us. If you were born at the very beginning of your
sign, however, this switch in luck could be dramatic, or at least real,
noticeable. I have tried to indicate this brief “switch” in the luck forecasts
below, in the bracketed portion at the end of each sign.)
So here goes: |
- (March 21-April 19)
ARIES, all 2010, you will
benefit from charity and charitable organizations,
government agencies, institutions, rest, rejuvenation, spas
and retreats, contemplation, spiritual involvements,
psychics and counsellors, and therapy. This is a great year
to cast out old demons and bogeymen, to fulfill old
obligations (so you’ll be free for your big luck year of
2011) and to reacquaint yourself with your soul. You should
find that security, real estate, family, investment and
similar concerns proceed with a quiet providence.
However, this is not a good year to seek attention, to be
assertive, throw your weight around, demand results, to try
to impress anyone, to leap into the romantic fray or try to
outshine a rival, or to engage in contests. Where glitz,
glamour, charisma and wooing a crowd are concerned, wait for
a better time. Your luck is uncertain in legal, educational,
far travel and cultural affairs. (If you were born March
21-23, the summer will bring a welcome surge of luck and
charisma.) |
back to top
- (April 20-May 20) |
TAURUS, 2010 will bring
wish fulfillment, especially in sexual, financial and
occult zones. You’ll benefit from joining groups of
any description. A new social circle could affect your
life for at least six years, bringing cheerful bonds,
optimism, and fresh horizons. You could meet love,
even true love, in a group. If you do find your life
mate, it will probably begin cheerfully, in a
friendly, flirtatious moment or during a discussion
about travel, a cultural event or intellectual
interest, but it won’t be long before it turns
sensual. Whether you’re married or single, 2010 brings
many opportunities (at least two, probably four) to
improve your financial picture or your lifestyle, or
both. However, don’t contract large debts; you seem
overoptimistic, and these debts could grow
surprisingly large, surprisingly fast. Best defence:
don’t start! Research into any area will yield big
results. (If you were born April 20 to 22, the summer
could bring a temporary slow-down; get your second
breath rather than push.) |
to top |
- (May 21-June 20) |
GEMINI, 2010 brings
great career luck, expansion, and opportunities.
Higher-ups, bosses, judges, VIPs, even police officers
will favour your cause. Even the corner grocer will
show you more respect. You could be promoted at work
(though not necessarily paid more – if so, be patient
– or ask for equity in lieu of a pay raise). If you’re
self-employed, clients praise you to other clients.
Your profile rises. You could be headed for fame!
You’ll tend to win appointments and elections. Be sure
to present your ideas and proposals to the powers that
be – and follow up, several times if you need to. If
after all this you aren’t making a dent, switch
targets – even bosses. This is a splendid year to
change careers, or start a new one.
Some Geminis will marry this year, as a type of status
achievement, perhaps with someone you met in 2009.
That’s fine – just be sure you’re in love, also.
(Which you could be, especially with someone of a
different generation.) On ambition fronts, beware
indecision, passivity and starting too many projects.
(If you were born May 21-23, June through August could
fulfill a major wish!) |
to top |
- (June 21-July 22) |
CANCER, your 2010 luck
can go in two seemingly opposite directions. On the
apparently negative side, a partnership or marriage
could break up, causing a huge legal involvement.
However, this is not a negative long-term, for you
would be shedding a stale shell, rising from an
emotional prison, breaking free to a horizon filled
with opportunities for true love and fascinating new
environments. This whole sequence, however, only
applies if you’re unhappily married. If your marriage
is sound, or you’re unattached, 2010 brings a flow of
intellectual interests and emotional mellowness that
makes love float on its own magic carpet!
For all Cancers, 2010 offers luck and expansion in
international affairs, far travel, higher education,
publishing, dealings with lawyers, accountants,
foreign-born people, scholars and brainy types. If
your work involves such contacts or duties, prepare
for a banner year! (If you were born June 21-23, the
summer brings sudden career/business luck – seize it
before July 23!) |
to top |
Leo -
(July 23-Aug. 22) |
LEO, 2010, especially
mid-January through June 5, and again September 9 to
January 21, 2011, will bring you luck and expansion in
jointly-held funds or resources, in investments,
finances, lifestyle changes, occultism, research,
health, sex, intimacy, and commitment. DO invest – you
could change your life to “wealthy!” In health, the
accent is on “good,” but a condition can also expand
swiftly, especially if it involves your hips, thighs,
pelvis, feet or sexual/reproductive organs. If a
problem arises in these areas, get to a doctor. You
could gain weight this year, and/or become too
attached to drugs. Although finances are lucky now,
don’t optimistically increase your debt beyond
reasonable limits. Rein yourself in! 2010 is a great
year for pregnancy, therapy, depth psychology and
understanding former emotional mysteries.
Your lifestyle could change markedly, freeing you, by
2011, to enter a fresh new world of romance,
creativity, and joy with children. You could find a
splendid new sexual partner. (If you were born July
23-25 you might experience an early, exhilarating flow
into love and creativity this summer – and again in
2011.) |
to top |
- (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) |
VIRGO, 2010 brings you
luck through relationships. I’ve repeated many times
that some of the most significant relationships of
your life will form in the years 2011 to 2024. If
you’re single, you will meet at least one, probably
four ”natural mates” during this period. 2010 is a
“ramp” to these relationship heights. It might
actually bring the first great prospect. But more
probably, it will do two things: trigger relationships
in general, bringing friendliness, cheerfulness and
optimism about mingling; and 2) it might end a “half
good” bond to free you for those more exciting
For all Virgos, 2010 brings lucky opportunities to
relocate, negotiate property (or any business) to deal
with the public (in any capacity from being a store
clerk to fame) to enter school or a research project.
Your luck will come from relationships, so a
go-it-alone approach will yield little. Diplomacy,
eagerness for another to succeed – these are keys to
success. Avoid competition, lawsuits and other
enmities – they will balloon to massive proportions,
AND your opponent will have luck (or truth!) on his
side. That said, 2010 is a supremely lucky,
break-through year. Seize new horizons! |
to top |
- (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) |
LIBRA, in 2010 (to
January 22, 2011) your luck revolves around work,
machinery, computers, office systems, co-workers,
service personnel, employees, and dependents (kids,
pets). You’ll face splendid opportunities to expand
your reach, your ownership, and your practical results
in these areas. For example, if you’re a farmer, you
might buy that big new combine or excavator. If you’re
white collar, perhaps you’re assigned to a big new
job, or obtain a great new computer system. If you own
your own business you might expand, and hire more
employees. If your business is struggling, your
employees will be cheerful and understanding – hold an
“ideas conference.” In buying equipment or expanding,
be financially realistic.
Libran parents face a flurry of extra duties. If
you’re seeking employment, you’ll find it now.
Co-workers will be cheerful and friendly. Through May,
hectic “love arrangements” – and/or a wedding, or a
residence change, could bring a pile of extra work.
Health conditions can expand very quickly, so take any
complaint to an MD. Watch your hips, thighs, bones,
teeth and “regularity.” (If you were born September
22-24, the summer might bring a lucky marriage
prospect.) |
to top |
- (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) |
SCORPI0, 2010 should be
one of the most enjoyable years in a decade! You’ll be
lucky in speculation, sports, and games. In 2011, for
the first time in 164 years, your romance planet will
enter your romance sign for a 15-year stay. That’s
next year – but 2010 prepares you for true love by
expanding your amorous luck. You’ll attract upbeat,
fun-loving people – “forerunners” of the mysterious,
fascinating types who enter 2011 onward. But these
cheerful lovers/prospects are very willing to join you
in a round of fun activities, and hold your hand while
doing it. You might (only might) discover a “fun
person” has a deep streak of sensitivity, empathy and
mystery – enough to qualify as your true love. Still,
if love is school, 2010 is kindergarten.
You’ll encounter unexpected good luck in creative
projects, education, vacation, far travel, publishing,
teaching/raising kids, beauty and pleasure. Money or
possessions are boosted in 2010. A large luxury
purchase, perhaps a boat or cruise, could be slated.
(If you were born October 22-24, the summer brings a
new chore, or a big, looming task. You don’t need to
start early on it – 2011 will be soon enough.) |
to top |
- (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) |
SAGITTARIUS, 2010’s luck
cycle blesses you in the realm of home, family, real
estate, healing, gardening/agriculture, soul,
nutrition, security and retirement. This could be the
year you really settle down. Anything you do to
improve your domestic situation will pay off for many
years to come, financially and/or emotionally. Buy
furniture, landscape, renovate – or have a baby! Even
if you’re a renter without a down payment, use this
luck to move to a more spacious, attractive place. If
you only have a bit of money, buy a rural bit of land
for vacation camping or a future retirement cottage.
2010 brings deep, sweet emotional and psychological
healing, whether within yourself, or on a broader
scale, such as family counseling. Let go of past grief
and disappointment – this leads to a rebirth of your
freshness, vitality, and optimism about life. Abandon
stale or restricting people/projects now: instead,
nurture the new. Get plenty of rest. The security and
peace you establish this year will give you a platform
of strength to meet 2011’s exciting adventures --
creative, romantic, and, perhaps, child-related. (If
you were born November 22-24, any year, the summer
might trigger a sudden romance – if it fades as
quickly, it was just a foretaste of 2011’s big one!) |
to top |
- (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) |
CAPRICORN, 2010 brings a
huge wave of details, missives and emails, short
trips, reports, meetings and casual friendships. It’s
a very busy but not especially important year. You’ll
experience a hectic pace without pressure – an odd but
pleasant combination. As your entire life (and dreams
and contacts and social circle) are changing this
decade, no year is really unimportant. Follow your
curiosity in 2010, for it can lead you to information
or insights that will be valuable in 2011. For
example, your travels during 2010 could bring you to a
place where you will live – a fortunate, healing,
secure place – in 2011. However, don’t make that big
ultimate commitment until next year. 2010’s for
exploration, fact-finding – not for investing,
undertaking serious health cures, or changing your
life/lifestyle. Your siblings or a casual acquaintance
could be a source of luck, So could telephone calls,
newspapers, magazines, the internet – anything that
brings you information. At work, though, beware of
being buried under an avalanche of details, data and
time-wasting chores.
(If you were born December 22-24, any year, this
summer might bring a glimpse of a lucky real estate
deal – or of your parenting future.) |
to top |
20-Feb. 18) |
AQUARIUS, now to late
January, 2011, your luck lies in money,
buying/selling, earned income, bond coupons or
dividends, etc. Ask for a pay raise, increase your
efforts in sales or trading areas, troll for new
clients, sell old unwanted items, etc. The income
level you climb to this year will tend to form a
plateau for the next decade. Seek a raise in pay
rather than overtime. This is a prime, lucky year to
start a business, or to undertake a major expansion,
acquisition or new product line. What you “birth”
could pay stable, solid rewards for many years. Keep
an eye on present economic conditions; they will last
until 2024. Still, in money, 2010 favors you more than
This luck cycle will give you a boost in memory, rote
and technical learning, and sensual situations.
Intimacy will come easily, without strings, but it
might also lack long-term passion. Consider this
before tying any knots. For the best luck in 2010,
trust surface appearances – suspicion or a strong
focus on research can slow down benefits, even make
you miss some good opportunities. Investments might
work out well this year, but the real luck resides in
“daily” money, earnings. (If you were born January
19-21, this summer might bring a significant trip. It
involves or creates friendships.) |
to top |
- (Feb. 19-March 20) |
PISCES, a rising
tide of new confidence, personal luck, ambition,
success, attention, cheerfulness, and favors from VIPs
swells your way all 2010! You might also travel afar
this year, marry or receive a promotion at work. The
most important of these is the new confidence and
optimism you will feel – important for a very special
reason. Since 1996 you have been pulled toward
seclusion, self-questioning and doubt. You’ve seen
your limitations and weak spots, you’ve felt a bit
ignored by the world – even more last year than usual.
But now you bounce back – not only in 2010, but for
decades ahead. In 2011, you will begin a 15-year
period of being truly yourself – of heightened
mysticism, spirit, intuition and self-realization. It
might be slightly overwhelming, as if you’re not quite
in control as an indefinable wave of awareness or
dreaminess fills you. You need to be cheerful,
confident when this occurs. So 2010 brings you that
confidence – enjoy, accomplish – start your new life!
You face the most optimistic, upbeat, and lucky year
since 1995. You are almost certain to succeed in any
area, but especially in higher education, business,
foreign travel, publishing, broadcasting,
religion/philosophy, or in any cultural venue. Expect
terrific results if you work in any intellectual field
(student, professor, priest, writer, lawyer, etc.). |
to top |