(You can skip the general discussion below, and
go right to your own sign’s forecast, by scrolling down.)
Neptunians (people born with Neptune rising, and PISCES natives) are “quick
learners” of psychic abilities. Some Neptunians have the ability to find
criminals or name the last city you visited; some foretell the future as readers
and diviners. Basically, psychic abilities come from a tendency to flow past
regular boundaries – one of Pisces’—and Neptune’s – main characteristics. Often,
Pisces often cannot even perceive, or believe in, regular boundaries. To the
sensitized or meditating Pisces, the boundary between corporeal life and “the
other side” is like a transparent membrane of water, or a saran wrap that one
can float through.
Neptune rules perception and deception, truth and illusion. It rules healing and
addiction, charlatans and true gurus. Christ is often thought to be a Pisces,
and Christianity is generally accepted by astrologers as a Piscean religion.
(Fish, the center of New Testament nurturing and miracles, are the modern symbol
of Pisces.)
Like GEMINI, VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS, Pisces is a “mutable” or “double-bodied”
sign. These signs tend to embrace both sides of any experience or perception –
as such, they are frequently indecisive, restless, and possess “two’s” – two
careers, two cars, two or more houses – they often marry more than once. If you
show them a card painted black, they’ll involuntarily also image the unseen,
unpainted, white side.
So Neptune rules both sides of many things: spiritual leaders, and pornography
(and sometimes in the same vessel) sympathy and sadism (more correctly, sado-masochism).
Here are some things Neptune rules, or tends to bring us: pornography, spies,
spiritualism, drugs, alcohol, meditation, yoga, perfumes, the subconscious,
dreams, sleep, fantasy, lingerie, factories (in the sense of assembly lines)
warehouses, government bureaucracies, hospitals, respite, palliative care,
seniors’ homes, recuperation, nurses, solitude, contemplation, jails, corporate
administrative departments, welfare, sympathy, secrets (partly: Pluto is the
Grand Pooh-Bah of secrets) addiction, and optics, telescopes, and eyes – those
with a poor Neptune often have eye problems.
This fascinating planet takes 164 years to orbit the Sun, so none of us who are
alive today have experienced Neptune in its home sign, Pisces. Last April to
August, 2011, this planet first put a toe into the ocean of Pisces, then pulled
back; then in February 2012 it entered with more determination, and will swim
through Pisces for 14 years, finally exiting in early 2026. During this time,
all of us will “touch base” in a new and deep way with this sign and this
Here, then, is the influence of Neptune on your Sun sign from 2011 to 2026:
- (March 21-April 19)
ARIES, from 2011 to 2026
Neptune will enhance your inner world. For decades, it might
have seemed that your private life has been an open book for
any passer-by to glance into, or that your deepest
yearnings, dreams and spiritual quests have been sloshed
back and forth by larger, stronger events: friendships,
marriage, kids’ demands, group dealings. Now, your soul
returns to its rightful, proper home: in you. You’ll grow
more familiar with what the new agers call your “inner
child,” and with your own intuition, hunches, sensations,
emotions. This is a deep, necessary step on your road to
wisdom. It’s “know thyself” (or at least “explore thyself”)
You might find, now to 2026, that you become fascinated (or
more fascinated) with spiritualism, meditation, yoga,
psychic phenomena, other-worldly things. The more earthy
among you could find that warehouses, premises, assembly
lines, factories, government agencies, institutions,
therapies, health procedures and security become more
prevalent. Home, property, career and finances become more
“comfortable,” as your intuition takes over. At the same
time, your social zone clears, and enjoyable, crisp,
eccentric people enter – laughter rises! |
back to top
- (April 20-May 20) |
TAURUS, Neptune
beautifully sculpts your friendships, popularity,
fame, your plans for the future, your hopes and
wishes, and your happiness, now to 2026. This
sculpting will not happen overnight, nor in big, clear
strokes. Instead, it will be like the surf sculpts the
sand, or the ocean sculpts pillars and hollows in the
shore. Ideas (especially hopeful, inspiring ideas for
ventures, love or friendship projects, entertainment,
etc.) will sometimes build slowly, over years, softly
hinting here now, there then, until the picture
emerges. But sometimes inspiration will come in a
moment’s insight, idea or feeling – follow your
hunches; don’t mistrust them.
Neptune will end the last 15 years of career
uncertainty or worry: that area is finally open to
straight-forward action without second-guessing
yourself. Your social life is opening now onto new
vistas. You could become a “gatherer of friends” until
you have too many to count. Fame, renown are possible.
You might also grow quite shy about friends and groups
– but your popularity will still grow, whether quickly
or slowly, over the 15 years ahead. You might befriend
psychics, counsellors, nurses, social workers, and
anyone who works to aid suffering humanity. Your own
happiness will increase if you join the ranks of
charities, aid workers, government offices or
institutions, warehouse operators, etc. |
to top |
- (May 21-June 20) |
GEMINI, Neptune in
Pisces from 2011 to 2026 will definitely enhance your
career. You might be drawn to a new career, especially
in fields of sympathy, such as social work, nursing,
charity, etc. Even if you stay in your present job,
you might experience a deepening of appreciation for
your career, and for the higher-ups, parents and VIPs
around you. (This appreciation is a great asset, for
when you understand or appreciate someone, they
subconsciously favour you.) Your reputation will grow.
Bosses will consider promoting you.
Your intuition will grow regarding ambition and
career, earnings, money, possessions, and investments
(debt, too). Your research abilities will rise, also.
In all this, don’t expect flashes of brilliance,
overnight success, or anything sudden: Neptune will
imbue this entire zone of ambition with a shifting,
flowing, poetic ocean of impressions, memories,
hunches, quiet insights, and empathic moments,
strongly boosting your ability to understand the
motives, prods and worries behind another’s actions.
One thing: you will be known for what you do, so don’t
over-imbibe, in drink, drugs, or anything “dreamy.”
Pisces people might become important figures in your
ambitious climbing. You are “set for success” if your
first name begins with T or Z. |
to top |
- (June 21-July 22) |
CANCER, Neptune in
Pisces until January 2026 brings you out of the dark
(1996-2011) into the light. For more than a decade,
you have based your values on financial, sexual,
physical and power motives. Now, a subtle but deep and
vast transference occurs: more and more, you will see
the things of earth (money, ambition, power, sex,
etc.) as less important than spiritual, idealistic
things. Not that you’ll abandon your ambitions and
your love of earthly life – but you’ll see beyond
these, to a greater social good, and a greater cosmic
design. Your mind will wander into more mellow, wise,
contemplative vistas. You’ll understand why the law
works and why it is necessary; you’ll understand other
cultures, and mankind generally. God makes more sense.
You’ll grow more interested in foreign lands and
peoples. Many of you will fly over an ocean, cruise or
undertake a major sea voyage – four of these are
promised, if you want them. The arts, especially video
and film, will draw you. This is an excellent 15 years
to join a film festival or video club. Writers and
artists (especially script writers and actors) will
expand their vision, and broadcasting or publishing
are boosted. You could taste fame.
In all intellectual pursuits, intuition will
outperform logic, or be logic’s guide. If you’re
researching something, try opening any book in the
section/area that interests you, and there on the page
you might find an answer or clue. Your inspiration
will flow more successfully if you exercise it near an
ocean, lake or pool-side. A wedding looms, if you’re
single |
to top |
Leo -
(July 23-Aug. 22) |
LEO, from 2011 to early
2026, the planet Neptune will abide in PISCES, your
sign of mystery – and of secrets revealed. Over the
previous 15 years, you might have experienced illusion
in relationships, followed by disillusionment. (Though
if you were attached, the sex wasn’t bad.) You were
ready to make a shining fantasy of almost anybody, and
when the shine wore off, you found you had bought used
shoes, not new ones. (If you were a saint and bought
nothing, then you saw people with increasing clarity
and depth.) That 15 years is over.
Now to 2026, this fascinating, elusive planet leaves
your partnership sector, and reveals a new strength –
the ability to reveal. It will pour clues upon you,
solve mysteries and pique your curiosity about new
ones. This grants you subtle new insights and
abilities in the following zones: finances,
investments, interest rates, research, investigation,
diagnosis, occultism, sex and intimacy, dreams, sleep,
and interfacing with your subconscious. Your intuition
will grow; you’ll sense the right way to turn in many
situations – nonverbally and without conscious logic.
You’ll become a human lie detector. Sex will become a
magic, dreamy joy. Some Leos will amass a fortune. All
Leos will sense the depth and power of spirit. And
you’re freed to pursue true love! |
to top |
- (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) |
VIRGO, until January
2026, Neptune travels through your partnership sector.
This zone includes marriage, relocation, contracts,
negotiations, new horizons, opportunities, dealings
with the public, possible fame, as well as challenge,
opposition, enmity and the need for diplomacy and
co-operation. During this entire 15 years, two heads
are better than one.
Neptune holds the best (true love, the magic of
bonding, great insight and perception) and the worst
(illusion, deception, worry, dissolving results).
Which of these occurs depends on you. If you’re
unselfish, compassionate, empathic, and want nothing
for yourself, you’ll find true perception – and pure
love. If you’re self-aggrandizing, have an agenda, or
fail to sympathize with others, you’ll be fooled and
disillusioned. The most spiritual, fascinating people
can appear, perfect mates who balance your logical,
detailed, analytical mind with their intuitive,
imaginative heart. Avoid anyone who over-imbibes in
alcohol or drugs, or sets him/herself up as a guru.
You might relocate across an ocean – or move closer to
one. Your indecision increases, while your intuition
does also. Don’t decide big questions on logic alone:
go with the flow of life, and the little quiet nudges
inside. Your subconscious is rising, making its
secrets available. |
to top |
- (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) |
LIBRA, Neptune in PISCES
from 2011 to 2026 will not have a huge effect on you,
but it will enhance your work efforts – you’ll become
more intuitive, more willing to “free flow” through
chores, and more capable in management,
administration, policy and committee duties. You might
display a flair for these, which can raise you to
management level, or admit you “closed door” meetings.
For this entire 15 years, be sympathetic toward others
and their problems on the work front. The prime
symptom of a lack of sympathy is worry: if you
disregard others’ needs, you can find yourself anxious
about your own job stability. (You might not connect
these dots, for they are linked on a slightly
subconscious level.) Watch your health: you might grow
more susceptible to blood sugar disorders, mold and
fungus, and tainted water.
Neptune’s 15-year stay will improve your prospects in
certain fields: nursing (though most Librans hate
gooey messes, so think this one through) social work,
coaching, agent work, therapy, natural gas and oil
pipelines, hydrology, oceanography, optics, film,
video, script writing, spiritualism, iconography,
religion (mostly in the sense of retreat, e.g., nuns
and monks) boiler work, plumbing, psi-pressure stuff,
night clubs, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, lingerie,
government, administrative and similar work. |
to top |
- (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) |
SCORPIO, now to January
2026 you will experience one of the most exciting,
creative, pleasurable, beauty-filled, poetic and
romantic periods of your life. The past decade and a
half of romance, for most of you, was rather casual.
If you did find depth in a new love, it was a puzzling
depth, filled with wrong turns and backtracking. Now
everything changes: life, instead of frustrating love,
or making you wait, welcomes you to a place of
emotional readiness and calmness, wherein you can meet
true, life-long love. This long period also boosts
your creative talents, especially in film, video, and
water colour. You’ll become more expressive, no matter
what your position or lifestyle. Married Scorpios will
feel blessed by their children (and their children’s
families, if applicable). Your intuition will flow
much more smoothly, especially in regard to love,
children, creativity and speculative ventures. This
can be a decade and a half of huge success if you are
willing to take a risk, whether in love, on the stock
market, or in creative works.
This superb trend will not fill your whole life – ups
and downs will still exist, and you will have to
contribute, too. Think of it this way: in your life’s
evolving picture, a great master has now painted the
background. You need to fill in the foreground, with
all its details, yourself. At the end of this long
period – in the 2020’s – you will begin to establish a
new, stronger foundation for your life. That new
foundation will be built upon the love you find now to
to top |
- (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) |
transit through Pisces (2011 to 2026) will bring a new
sense of depth to your domestic life for fifteen
years. There’s a good and a bad to this. On the bad
side, you can become anxious about your home and those
in your care, about your security, even about your
retirement. Legitimate but small problems can balloon
into apprehensive anxiety that in turn can prevent you
from solving difficulties. You could become passive
and indecisive. To learn how to avoid such negative
states we need to learn what causes them. The answer
is simple: pride, independence, and being selfish, or
maintaining a fearful grip on your home, children,
etc., will breed anxiety. Being unselfish, embracing
and nurturing others, will cause worries to dissipate
like morning mist in midday sunshine.
Other things can also calm you and bring confidence
during this period: 1) live on waterfront, or in view
of it, 2) have children; 3) own property (as
paradoxical as that might sound) and 4) grow older.
The fourth, of course, we do naturally.
So much for the difficult side. On the plus side,
Neptune will bring you a surprisingly strong intuition
about these domestic areas: home, real estate,
children, security, gardening, nutrition, digestion
and soul. These things will live with a new depth and
On a practical level, be alert to plumbing, ground
water, mold and foundational issues in the house –
especially if you are buying one. |
to top |
- (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) |
CAPRICORN, Neptune in
Pisces until January 2026, enhances your skills as a
communicator. You’ll be less propelled by logic, more
by intuition and feeling – in communicating, but also
in the “everyday” areas of thought, such as plans,
business systems, practical details, costs, etc.
Little nudges of impulse, small impressions, not only
move you when doing errands, lists, talking, emailing,
but also lead you correctly. If you’re a student (or
writer) you’ll meet confusion if you attempt to write
a logical piece, but will find great insights and
expressions if you simply go with the flow. You’re no
lightweight, but now (to 2026) your thinking will
become deeper, drawing you to insights and vistas
you’ve never known.
Travel over water or to water will occur – this could
be anything from flying over the ocean to another
continent, to visiting the seashore or a lake. More
Caps than usual will buy a boat, large or small.
You’ll enjoy reading articles on optics, stock rumours,
interest rate movements, oceanography and such
subjects. Spy movies will lure you. During the first
eight years of this period (2011-2018) you’ll feel
restless on the home front. So travel more: this will
relieve your restlessness and prevent home disruptions
caused by frustration; and/or travel will introduce
you to the home you’ll tend reside in from 2026
onward. |
to top |
20-Feb. 18) |
AQUARIUS, the planet
Neptune will be in your money sector from 2011 to
2026. This heralds a new trend in your earnings, but
the most important part of this phenomenon is what it
leaves behind. You are now free of the indecisiveness
of the 1998 to 2011 period. No longer will you feel
stuck between various options, especially in monetary
actions. Even more important, no longer will you give
others false impressions, or, more correctly, let them
project their fantasies onto you. (This always leads
to their disillusion in the end, especially in love
relationships.) No longer will you be a reservoir of
various – and mostly nameless – anxieties and worries.
Your confidence will return, your decisiveness too,
and with them your ability to form (whether instantly
or gradually) solid relationships that have no
“shifting shadows” around them. Your intuition
regarding money, possessions and sensual (not love)
relationships will steadily rise for the whole 15
years of this trend. You could find new sources of
income in oceans, cruise lines, sailboats, marine
life, marine food, film, video, lingerie, alcohol or
drugs, nursing, optics of any kind, sympathy trades
(e.g., social work) plumbing, basement
restoration/drying, well-digging, natural gas and oil
pipelines, and generally anything to do with liquids,
gas or “luxuriant perception.” If you don’t work in
these fields, you might invest in them (but if so,
favour dividend-producers.) Generally, Aquarius, 2012
onward should bring a huge sigh of relief. |
to top |
- (Feb. 19-March 20) |
PISCES, Neptune is your
ruling planet. For the first time in 164 years,
Neptune will travel through your own sign (2011 to
2026) bringing a new sense of self – especially, a new
self-worth, as your natural talents – intuition,
psychic awareness, “flowability” and flexibility – are
enhanced and strengthened. Generally, frustration will
ebb, as restrictions and “fate” fade to let you be
captain of your own destiny. (Since destiny is a thing
held in our unconscious, perhaps this means you will
delve deeper, naturally and easily, into your own
hidden layers, to discover more and more about who you
are, and why past behavior patterns have occurred.)
You thinking will become more fluid and accurate. You
know how sometimes you think of the perfect “come
back” an hour after you’ve left the person who teased
you? Well, in these 15 years, you’ll “have” the right
response immediately: even if that response is only a
lifted eyebrow.
I will promise you more power, influence and
“presence” in the world; but I can’t promise you more
money. You might face a mild dilemma at some point
(perhaps 2016): do you go for a bigger paycheque, or
for a more spiritual or “happily humble” life? If you
are a practising diviner, psychic, Tarot reader,
psychological or physical therapist, or counsellor in
any field, even financial ones, you will find yourself
in much demand. But the most beautiful aspect of this
Neptune change is the beauty and pure magic of life,
as it grows anew in your heart. |
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