- (March 21-April 19)
ARIES, your life fills with
friends and casual acquaintances through June. As in the
second half of 2012, trips, emails, messages, paperwork and
errands will fill your days – and during these, you are very
likely to strike up conversations with compatible people.
You might one day wed one of these new contacts. (It’s very
unlikely that your future mate will come from old ranks of
friends or lovers.)
All 2013 (and into 2018) your personality contains a new
spark; you’re more unpredictable, rebellious, hyper and
friendly than usual. This will alienate some people, but it
will attract the right people. (Especially in 2014/15, when
a huge love year strikes.)
The second half, July onward, bends your efforts and luck
toward your domestic scene. Children, property, nature,
kitchen food – these draw you. If you’re already attached,
these months bring coziness, intimacy and warmth: you’ll
feel loved, nurtured.
January/February promote light romance. You attract others
in April. August/September sound big romantic notes.
December prods you with visions of marriage. |
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- (April 20-May 20) |
TAURUS, it’s likely that
an old flame or former sweet friend will appear in
2013, especially in March, July or November. Balance
this with what you know is good/not good for you. The
first half (to late June) offers many opportunities
for a sensual hook-up, as your sex planet sits in one
of your sexual sectors. July onward loses this “heavy”
trend, as a rush of travel, communication, and
paperwork buoys you up, floats you into a friendlier
realm. You might meet exciting people who could join
you for a bit of casual nesting. Usually this would
promise only brief, impermanent liaisons, but in this
2008-2024 period, even the slightest beginning can
grow to a lifelong love. My advice: reject no one on
first glance. Get to know people, and you’ll get to
know your own heart.
Love calls gently in January, but impatient bosses
reduce your time for love. February brings adventurous
friends whose escapades might impact on your workaday
life. True-blue friends come in March – light romance,
optimism, popularity and wish fulfillment make this a
splendid time. In May, your energy rises, and your
sexual magnetism impresses others. Avoid clandestine
attractions in April. A friendship can become a
romance this summer: avoid temper tantrums.
October/November might bring someone who will
accompany you for a long time! |
to top |
- (May 21-June 20) |
GEMINI, your love life
is, to a large degree, up to you from January through
June. You’ll tend to be lucky, optimistic, friendly
with everyone, and this will attract potential lovers.
It is only up to you to make the first approach.
You’ll have choices: likely more than one potential
romance will blossom in front of you. However, you
could also find that the one(s) you woo could be slow
on the sexual uptake, slow to admit you to intimacy.
This is partly because your cheerfulness is more
friendly than sexy. Even so, at least one person will
want to begin something permanent with you, and will
“tell” you so with the way they receive you. This
might go better after January.
During the second half of 2013, your own mind will be
on possessions, money and practical affairs more than
on romance. Still, these months inspire a sensual
urge, and probably bring you more intimacy than that
lucky first half. You want to possess someone now.
February could bring talk of a wedding, or far travel
with an amour. (Buy tickets for travel before July, if
you’re single: a foreign trip can trigger strong
romance.) Friends help your love cause March/April.
Your romantic courage soars in June – chase someone!
December can bring hot amour – even a marriage. |
to top |
- (June 21-July 22) |
CANCER, the first half
of 2013 is a little low on the romance meter. Much of
your luck is in background areas such as counselling,
managing, government interfacing. Still, all year (to
autumn 2015) a slow, deep current supports your
romance and pleasure sector, and quietly promotes
marriage. You are likely to fall in love and marry
over the next several years. These slow-moving but
powerful waves of love and matrimony are likely to
float you right toward a shared destination. However,
certain requirements apply: that you demonstrate
loyalty, be prepared for a possible age difference, be
willing to accept a very stubborn (but fascinating)
mate, and reject impulses to oppose others. That’s the
big picture.
January is very sexy – chase someone who’s available,
not already involved. The whole winter is gentle,
sweet – and could, by March, bring a former love or
mate. May brings social delights and light romance,
perhaps with a prestigious person.
From July onward, your solitude dissolves: energy,
cheerfulness, luck (and a huge pile of work) fill your
days. You’ll attract others simply because you’re so
optimistic. Your best romantic “run” will be September
through November, when, again, a former flame could
return. Be gentle at home in December. |
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Leo -
(July 23-Aug. 22) |
LEO, 2013’s love
developments occur in two very different areas, one
filling the first six months, another the rest. After
an autumn-winter delay, February to late June expands
your social circle again. Friends multiply, and
someone comes to offer you hope, friendship, perhaps
love. (He/she might have already arrived, any time
since last June .) The best path to romance this
spring is to enlarge your circle of acquaintances:
your best mate is likely to come from this source.
Love will be light, happy. You’re starting to see your
abode as a limitation: but where you live won’t limit
From July to December, your best luck turns toward
private zones, recuperation, rest, dealings with
government, etc. If you’re attached, these month bring
cozy reassurance. If you’re single, this interval
urges you to touch base with your inner self, with
spirituality and charity, with life’s biggest themes.
This will prepare you for the huge romance of 2014/15.
February’s sexy, but strictly observe society’s
boundaries. Someone might declare their intentions in
April. Love’s light, friendly in June. Your romantic
courage flares August to October. December is
“flirtation time.” |
to top |
- (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) |
VIRGO, your love life
gets slightly pushed aside, January to June, by more
ambitious considerations. Work calls, and you answer.
You might also be a little judgemental about the
appearance and social/economic standing of an amour.
Still, a powerful sexual attraction in January could
turn to a) open admiration of another in February; or
b) open enmity and disagreement. Whichever occurs, the
real truth about a relationship comes in late March,
after much indecision. March through May is sexy –
more lust-based than romantic – but May could turn
lust to honest love. In June, bosses call, loud and
July onward brings a year of expanding friendships and
new social circles. Jump eagerly into these, as they
will be the source of new romantic prospects,
especially in July and October/November, when your
magnetism soars. Past sexual indiscretions could
return to bother you in September.
The entire decade ahead will transform your
relationships: a more spiritual, poetic, magical
atmosphere enters, as do puzzlement and indecision.
Think this way, Virgo: a) this decade will more easily
bring you true love than any other; b) love demands
courage, not “safety;” and c) your best “method” is to
flow with circumstances and feelings: let them take
you where logic cannot follow. There, is where love’s
power lives. |
to top |
- (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) |
LIBRA, the period June
2012 to June 2013 brings at least two (potentially
four) chances to wed, or to form a relationship that
can lead to marriage. One chance might have already
occurred, in the June-to-December period of 2012. Now,
February 2013 onward, at least one more chance is
imminent. The person involved might seem to be a
casual acquaintance, or you might prefer to keep this
relationship on the intellectual or conversational
level. This person is your intellectual equal, but one
of you is the talker, swift with details; the other
seems more thoughtful, and more focused on the broader
picture. (The thoughtful one is navigating the
relationship, while the talker is steering.) January
could have brought a strong romantic, sexual draw, but
your worries over home and security might have closed
some doors to love. Late March into April (re)awaken
your mating instinct. In late April and May, sensual
intimacy can prove too strong to resist. By June,
someone presses you to form a bond. In choosing,
realize the whole 2011-2018 period features
unpredictable, unstable conditions in love: and more
July onward changes the picture: you become ambitious.
Your career and/or boss (or parent) make demands which
cut into your time and desire for romance. Still, in
September/October you can find love in a social group.
December starts a seven-month “love negotiation” –
which could end with marriage, and a status boost. |
to top |
- (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) |
SCORPIO, the first half
of 2013 continues (in fact, deepens and improves on)
the sensual urges and circumstances of 2012. These
were held back, or convoluted, from last October to
January, but now all lights are green: chase someone
new, or renew an amorous campaign. But don’t wander
from your mate, nor, if you’re single, approach
someone who’s already attached. Extra-marital
temptations are rife through late June.
An old flame might return, late February into March,
or late June into July.
From July onward your sexy side ebbs slightly, giving
way to a gentle love, understanding, and a mellow
mood. You could meet true love this July to July 2014
– but there’s no rush. The potential for meeting your
life love lasts now through 2025. So make sure you
have the right one.
Your romantic fires are lit in February – perhaps by
an unexpected call or email. By March, this could turn
to full-blown love whispers. You could be in a
marrying mood in late April and May, perhaps with a
co-worker. But think about this person’s rough or
assertive side: it’s a clue that you might not be
comfortable with him/her over a long period. June/July
could turn sex to wedding vows – or an international
voyage sparks love. Watch legalities and bosses late
summer. September increases your attractiveness. In
October/November you could be someone else’s old
flame! |
to top |
- (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) |
SAGITTARIUS, you face a
change in your relationship status between now and
July, if you have not already undergone one since
mid-2012. If you’re single, you will likely become
attached – or at least meet a prospective partner – by
mid-year. If you’re unhappily married, this period can
bring separation/divorce, or some step toward freedom
and new horizons. If you’re happily attached or aren’t
seeking love, the months before July can bring
business partnership opportunities, relocation, even
fame. The bottom line is: all your luck will come from
relationships through June. You will meet cheerful,
honorable prospects who also like you, and share many
attitudes. (Like you, these people value freedom.)
July to December (even to mid-2014) your relationship
luck moves from open candor to a more intimate, sexual
zone – and the theme of commitment and consequence
hovers strongly over your meetings. Young couples
might create a baby, and/or sign a mortgage. All Sages
face an increase in physical gratification. |
to top |
- (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) |
CAPRICORN, the first
half of 2013 emphasizes work more than romance. Still,
quietly and subtly, your social life expands. You’re
starting to see a new future for yourself. You’re
starting to rebuild your confidence and optimism.
These qualities will draw others, especially in
February/March, when a potential amour could stand out
in a group you belong to. This person, or the friends
that surround you both, might be returnees from a past
you thought was gone. Your romantic instincts rise
mid-April through May, but make sure one you follow
won’t lead you into dead ends.
By July you step into a relationship atmosphere that
will blossom right into mid-2014. Someone “within
range” is about to find true love – and you could be
the one they find. Despite this, you’re the one who
has to approach. Do so in every area – forming
contacts, merging with others, is the luckiest thing
you can do, July/13 to July/14. Early summer can bring
an old flame or “ex.” An intense link could grow very
hot in August – or heatedly break up. Your sexual,
sensual side surges September/October: strictly avoid
verboten attractions. E.g., why chase a married person
during one of your best years to meet someone
significant and available? November could bring an old
flame or flirty friend – if you keep things light,
dreams can come true. November also begins a
four-month phase in which your magnetism will soar and
a major love could begin. |
to top |
20-Feb. 18) |
AQUARIUS, your love life
probably needs little advice from me. You’ve been in
the lucky arms of Jupiter since mid-2012. This has
either brought you a romantic opportunity of large
dimensions, or it will, by June 2013. BTW, large
dimensions can literally occur: you could be attracted
to someone bigger than usual, taller or wider. You
will also be attracted to world travellers, thinkers,
scholars, lawyers....and to people you meet in a
group. You could consider someone a friend, or a
flirty friend, even a friend with benefits – but find
that this person has somehow captured your whole
heart. You might face a choice between several “light”
loves, and one major, serious affair. Romance can be
found in any group – political, entertainment, sports,
meditation – and in libraries, schools, transportation
centers, foreign countries, law, publishing or
insurance offices, religious premises, cultural venues
or social passage rituals (weddings, bar mitzvahs,
etc). March/April bring many contacts; June strongly
boosts your romantic courage – if in doubt, err on the
side of risking an approach – you’re luckier in love
than you might think!
July onward emphasizes work more than delicious
dalliances, but this second half has its moments.
Though big chores face you in August, sparks light
between you and another. By September, these sparks
could become fire, as relationships intensify and your
sexual desire rises. The overall tone has changed:
romance gives way to more mature association: marriage
themes enter and October could bring a wedding.
(That’s more probable in late 2013, though.) November,
sexy talk. December, friends multiply. |
to top |
- (Feb. 19-March 20) |
PISCES, you’ve been very
lucky in domestic and property matters since mid-2012,
and will continue so until late June. If you’re
married, this could bring the great creation of love:
a child – or simply cozy cheerfulness among your
family. If you’re single, this first half does aid
love, but indirectly: it promotes the deep physical
rest and soul rejuvenation that needs to precede any
major, successful love. And that love will come very
soon – July 2013 to July 2014 will prove to be one of
the luckiest romantic periods of your life – and
perhaps the most significant. That’s because you have,
in the larger picture, entered a huge decade of
self-empowerment, of becoming your own person. This
creates the basis for the healthiest, most compatible
love – and July onward gives you the first extended
opportunity to find it. (There will be many other love
cycles, too – most beginning in the late summer of
every odd-numbered year.)
Old flames might appear in February/March, July and
October/November. Passion – and your romantic courage
– run high July/August. Relationships intensify
October/November, when you might face an
all-or-nothing situation. All year, opt for a profound
rather than a casual link. Foreign countries,
degree-granting schools, and centers of ideas will
tend to introduce you to “marriageable love.” |
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